The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3041: political purpose

Inside Li Xin's headquarters. Li Xin looked at the telegram in his hand. Shook his head. Obviously, he felt very bad about the situation in Huangshi Town. Because the situation is completely beyond his expectations.

"What kind of weapon was used by the Parthians that was able to occupy Beishantou all at once. We lost the commanding heights, the situation is very bad." Li Qi said worriedly.

"It's true, but we don't have artillery, and even occupying the commanding heights has no effect. Because this requires long-range strike power, we simply don't have decent artillery power to suppress each other. Therefore, the situation is very important to us. Unfavorable." A staff officer on the side explained.

"Oh. It turned out to be so, but what should we do next?" Li Qi looked at Li Xin and said.

"If the Parthians occupy Huangshi Town, we will be completely surrounded, Chief Li, hurry up and send reinforcements." Li Qi looked at Li Xin pleadingly.

"Wait, calm down. Don't worry." Li Xin said. In fact, he was more anxious than anyone else, and the reason he knew it was because a large number of troops gathered here and their logistics supply lines were all suppressed in the hands of the Shamans. But the mobile force in Li Xin's hands has been dispatched, and his trump card, the armored train is already on the way. Now he can only hope that the armored train can get there as fast as possible. In this case, the situation can be reversed.

But another situation also needs to be changed. He needs support from the country, even with extremely limited air support. At least it can bring confidence. Since the start of the war, the morale of the Dawan people is terribly low, and it is difficult for him to gather the courage of the Dawan people again.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's office.

"According to our latest intelligence, the Qi State Navy's naval fleet going south was gathered on Zhangyi Island. We have initially drawn up a combat plan." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yeah." Han Shu looked at the report in his hand and nodded, motioning the Secretary of the Navy to continue.

"The supplies that the Qi State Navy received on Zhangyi Island are very limited, and their target whereabouts have been known to us. The only thing we can prevent is that they fled eastward, and after entering the deep sea area, they fled northward. Finally, they entered the Laizhou waters. In that case, we need to fight a battle with the Qi State Navy in the Laizhou waters. In that case, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to us, because we have to face a joint operation between the Qi State Navy’s support forces and the northern warships, so, The best way is to let them go through the Queen Strait again, and we will annihilate each other in the Queen Strait." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"If I were the Qi State Navy, I would attack Zhang Xiong Island. After all, there are facilities there, and there are still a lot of warships. The results are great, and they can get enough supplies." Han Shu said.

"My lord, Zhang Xiongdao is heavily guarded. There are a large number of naval warships there. It is almost impossible to break through there. Unless the people of Qi are crazy. It will be difficult for them to break through the defensive line there." The Secretary of the Navy said. .

"To the north, there are two roads, one is to go directly through the Queen's Strait, and that road is less traveled. And the people of Qi are familiar with it, but with our blockade, the risk is higher. But I think the people of Qi will think of their warships. The defensive performance is good. There are heavy iron armor, and most importantly, their artillery is also sharp, they must think so. Therefore, it should be safe to take the Queen Strait. In contrast, it is very difficult to take the ocean route. The Qi State Navy is not clear about the situation there. The most important thing is that their supplies may not be able to support such a long voyage, and there are any accidents during the voyage. They really don’t want such an accident. The only way is Break through the Queen's Strait." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yeah. What you said makes sense." Han Shu looked at the report. There is also a map on the report that analyzes the pros and cons between the two. But Han Shu was still a little worried.

"Do you have any way, or is it that the Qi state warship must go through the Queen Strait?" Han Shu asked.

"I mean, do you have any way to surely let the Qi State Navy go through the Queen Strait?" Han Shu asked after changing the questioning method.

"Yeah. It's very simple. Lord, we just have to pester each other, keep pestering each other, and monitor each other. In this case, their weapons, ammunition, fresh water, and food will be quickly consumed. Under such consumption, they will I have to choose Queen Strait." The Secretary of the Navy thought about it and said.

"Yeah. It's a good way." Han Shu nodded after hearing it.

"Very good. Let Songdao, Queen Island, and Zhang Xiongdao's navy dispatch part of the mobile force to entangle the opponent, and must not let the opponent enter the deep sea. pester them, so that their material consumption cannot be supplied, and they must go. Queen Strait." Han Shu issued an order.

"Yes, Lord." After the Secretary of the Navy received the order, he went to draft the order. This tactical power is very huge. Because this will cause a lot of losses to the other party, this kind of loss will be very serious.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The situation is very bad. According to the telegram sent by the officers of our advisory group, the offensive momentum of the Parthians is more fierce than we thought. Under such circumstances, I am very worried, Dawan people, can they persist. The arrival of our reinforcements is actually. Our views are relatively pessimistic." Wei Liao said helplessly.

The situation is quite clear. In the telegram. They got such a situation for the first time. The Shaman possessed a large number of rockets. This kind of rocket is made of paper shell and part of iron sheet. The black gunpowder used has some bamboo guide pieces behind it. Or wood chips to correct the direction. Although the destruction effect of this kind of rocket is not very good. But it can effectively kill infantry, but the greatest power of this kind of rocket is not here, but the immense power generated after they are launched instantly. Especially the kind of visual shock, because it is difficult for you to imagine that in an instant, there are a large number of rockets falling around you and exploding. It is a kind of crushing feeling. The Dawan army was defeated by such a collapse. of. They immediately lost the courage they didn't have much.

"The situation is not just that. Because of the existence of these rockets, the Parthians get rid of an important factor. That is, they can easily get a large amount of fire support, although this fire support is not replicable." Wei Liao said. Because the rocket can only be launched for an instant and then the fire support can only be all of a sudden, in a relatively short period of time, but it can create a very powerful appearance, but its influence is very huge.

"But they have been greatly strengthened in terms of firepower. Not only that, but another important situation is that the fire support of the Parthians is more convenient. If this is the case, they have already occupied the commanding heights and launched an offensive again. I am worried that they will soon collapse, even street fighting. It is also very difficult to resist." Wei Liao said solemnly. For street fighting, this requires the Dawan people to retain great courage to ensure that it will continue. But in this case. It is difficult for Dawan people to conduct street fighting.

"In other words, the Dawan people urgently need our support?" Shang Wen said helplessly. There is a bad feeling that he thinks Huangshi Town might be lost. It's really lost. Because they cannot accept this fact.

"Yes, but in fact, none of our troops can provide timely support, and the Dawan army can't do this, and it's even more difficult for us to do this." "Wei Liao said helplessly about such a thing.

"It seems, what if we mobilize an elite force and parachute in from the air?" Meng Yi put forward such a bold idea.

"I don't recommend this. The first situation is not clear, and the second elite troops enter. That is a dead end. We don't want such elite troops to die in vain. This is an extremely irresponsible matter for the officer." Wei Liao objected. Speaking of.

Meng Yi has nothing to say. The military opposes such an approach because it is fruitless.

"Well, let's wait for a response from the Dawan government, and then mobilize the army, but we can expect to mobilize air power to participate in it. We have to do a good job of the possibility of losing Huangshi Town. And, regain it there." Shang Wen said To.

"Okay." Wei Liao nodded. he knows. In doing this, Shangwen may want to achieve the political goals of Qin State through the abandonment of Huangshi Town. This purpose may be closely related to the internal politics of the Dawan people.

What Wei Liao knew was that there were always two factions in Dawan, one faction was Dawan national independence. They believe that the people of Dawan are very rich and they have received God’s favor. They develop minerals together with the people of Qin people to make a fortune, but the people of Qin people can’t do anything to them. The Bank of Qin country lends them money, but they can repay them by selling minerals. Debt, not only that, they also have a considerable amount of surplus, so much surplus, so that they have the capital to say, independence.

On the other hand, they are the pro-Qin sect. They believe that the Dawan people are only rich on the surface. In fact, many things depend on the Qin State, such as security, because there is a robber country around them, the Siberian State, this The country will pose a great threat to Dawan. The only thing Dawan could do was to rely on Qin. Rely on the strength of Qin people to protect yourself. In order to achieve their goals, it can be said that their ideas are more reliable and predictable. In doing so, they will lose the independence of the Dawan people. This is the price they paid for doing this. At present, the parliament is the former one. Representatives, they don’t want to lose such independence. But the price is very high.

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