The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3048: Recover Zhang Yidao

"Sir, this is the latest news." A telegram of a staff officer handed it to Zheng Kai. Here is the Queen of South Korea to the naval headquarters. The command room here seems a bit rushed and rudimentary. Because the naval base on Queen’s Island is not standing for operations, their headquarters is not very large. But after the special fleet from the north arrived inside, they had to reconsider this point. Therefore, they had to temporarily convert some of the meeting rooms into the headquarters. Those tables were also seconded from the restaurant.

"Is this news true?" Zheng Kai asked the staff seriously.

"The sir is true. Our patrol ship has sent several batches to follow up. This is the latest news." The staff officer said firmly. It took them a while to get this news.

Because there is no radio, sea communications cannot be newsletters. In order to reduce the communication time as much as possible. South Korea’s patrol ships are two in a group, a medium-sized warship, which is mainly responsible for monitoring dynamics. The other is a light clipper, whose purpose is to send out messages quickly.

"Well, I see." Zheng Kai quickly told Zhang Jian the latest news.

"You said they would pass by the east of Queen Island?" Zhang Jian asked Zheng Kai after reading the telegram.

"I'm not sure. As a rule, the people of Qi are not stupid. They must also know that we will deploy heavy troops in the Queen's Strait. Although the Qi navy seems to be very tired, I don't think they will take such a risk. It’s more acceptable to go from the east and go a little farther.” Zheng Kai said.

"Not only that, but mainly safety. We have had too long reaction time. So, I think the other party will definitely be aware of this problem." Zheng Kai said.

"Yeah. What you said makes sense, but if the Qi State Navy makes a false shot, they will just go to the east tentatively. After we mobilize a large number of reserves to the east, then they suddenly change direction and move toward the east. The Queen Strait advances. What should we do?" Zhang Jian said at this time.

"This." Zheng Kai was asked. Naval warfare is much more complicated than land warfare. The main reason is to find the opponent in the south on the sea. In the case of backward technical equipment, the first to find the opponent is the first opportunity. This is the Korean navy better than the Qi navy understands this point. However, the Qi State Navy has the initiative because they have a lot of choice when communication is unable to make further contact. Judgment becomes the most critical factor.

"This may be very big. If you are the Qi State Navy, you will do the same, but we are still not sure where the Qi State Navy will go the most." Zhang Jian said.

"Sir, if the Qi State Navy goes east, we may be unable to do anything. After all, there is a vast ocean and security is very high. They only need to go around a little farther. However, we still have ships following them, but At sea, we can't keep in touch at all. Even if there is, it is very limited. Under such circumstances." Zheng Kai said.

"Well, let's not move for now and continue to monitor them." Zhang Jian nodded and thought about it.

"However, I think that the possibility of the Qi State Navy going through the Queen Strait is relatively high, and it is very high." Zhang Jian said while looking at the map.

"Why?" Zheng Kai asked curiously.

"I don't know. It's just an intuition." Zhang Jian replied. If there are any specific reasons, he himself may not be able to say it well. It may be that the Qi State Navy cannot bear the pain of supplies, after all, they have been sailing for a long time. The patience of many sailors has reached its limit. Some or their commanders felt that they should take a risk, after all, they took a vain shot. Can effectively confuse the other party.

"Okay, sir." Zheng Kai nodded. Fortunately, they are on the north side of Queen's Island. There are not many developments on the south side, mainly some patrol ships are stationed there. A large number of warships of the special fleet going north to the south are all Moored in the north of Queen's Island. In this way, they can get news from the east and west directions and launch an offensive calmly.

However, Zheng Kai began to feel that if he went to the east seas, the Qi State Navy’s hopes for a smooth departure would be greater. The reason may be simple. Because the South Korean navy wants to find each other in the vast sea, the possibility is very high, which is very safe.

The eastern edge of Queen's Island. The Qi State Navy, who had just entered here, suddenly changed direction.

"Left full rudder, left full rudder." The crew shouted loudly. They hung the flag of turning directions, and the Qi State naval fleet quickly turned directions. They were going to another direction, westward, the Queen Strait.

"Hahaha. Those **** South Korean navies would never think that this is just a vain shot. But we will move towards their Queen Strait." Li Dong said excitedly. He said with a cup of sugar and wine.

"Sir. This." The first officer felt that his officer's decision was too risky. Because everyone didn't know this decision beforehand, they thought their chief was for safety considerations. Let them go to the sea to the east. In that case, the safety will be greatly improved, but now they suddenly changed their directions and headed to the Queen's Strait. All the crew looked at their chief in surprise. They felt that this decision was very stupid, or that they did not care about their life or death at all.

"Is it wise? I think the Koreans definitely don't know our intentions. They will be transferred and retrieved by our vain shot. We will soon cross the Queen Strait freely. Don't worry. . Don't worry." The other party said easily at this time. The navy officer still wanted to persuade, but Li Dong's attitude had decided everything, and they could only obey such orders.

"Sir, the Qi navy suddenly changed its direction and headed west," the South Korean navy patrol ship under surveillance reported.

"Damn, the patrol ship in charge of the replacement hasn't arrived yet. Find an opportunity to report this matter immediately." The captain took the binoculars and looked at the Qi State Navy who suddenly turned around. He felt that the Qi State Navy’s behavior was extremely strange, and Behind this weird is a **** conspiracy, this conspiracy will cost them quite heavy losses.

Dawan, inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"Let's talk about it." Li Xin asked his weather officer, Captain Zhu Sheng.

"Sir, according to our temperature observations in the last few days, there are also barometric data." Zhu Sheng said.

"The temperature has been rising in the last few days, although the rate is not large, but it does rise again." Zhu Sheng said solemnly.

"Really? I may not feel it. Okay. What do you want to say?" Li Xin asked.

"Sir, if the temperature rises, it means the air pressure decreases. If the air pressure is low, there will be high pressure squeezed. That is to say, in the next few days, there may be bad weather. I mean, snow will fall in the sky. . This possibility exceeds 60%." Zhu Sheng said.

"This. Are you sure?" Li Xin asked.

"This. We still need a wide range of data, but we still lack such data. I can only provide 60% of the possibilities, and 40% of the impossible, so." Zhu Sheng said. To.

"Okay. I understand what you mean. You mean, there may be snow in the future?" Li Xin asked.

"Yes, sir, this is the result of the data," Zhu Sheng said. This winter is a very abnormal year for them. Because the weather suddenly rises a bit, the weather doesn't feel as cold as before, which is for them. It's not normal.

"Okay. I understand. I know what to do, and report the situation here to the country. It's best to let them analyze it." Li Xin nodded and said.

"It's the sir." Zhu Sheng nodded. This is his personal experience. The air pressure here was relatively high before. However, in the last few days, the air pressure has begun to decrease slowly. If this trend develops, the cold air will quickly go south. In that case, once it encounters the effect of warm and humid air from the east or from other places, it will Will produce a lot of snow.

Meteorologists in Qin have mastered some rules of precipitation. For example, warm and humid air will form precipitation. They now understand the direction of warm and humid air, which is the southeast direction. The cold current has two directions, one is from the north and the other is from the Western Regions. Because of such meteorological observation data, Qin’s weather forecast is relatively accurate. This has been of great help to agricultural production, but for the army and combat, these are still not enough. The measurement that they require a large amount of real-time data has ended.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's personal office.

"Since they have left Zhang Yi Island, they ordered the navy on Zhang Xiong Island to send ships to recover Zhang Yi Island, expel and arrest those Qi people. There is our island, they have occupied it. It is an aggression, and we want to recover Zhang Yi Island. Island." Han Shu said firmly and decisively.

After receiving definite news, especially after the Qi Kingdom’s naval fleet has reached the vicinity of Queen’s Island, Han Shu finally broke out. He ordered the South Korean Navy to regain the islands he once occupied. Regaining Zhang Yidao is only one of the goals, the most important thing. Yes, she wanted to see what exactly was on Zhang Yi Island that attracted the attention of the Qi people, and they even risked the preparation of a war with the South Korean navy to forcefully occupy it. This shows that the people of Qi must have found something enough to make their heart beat. Thinking of this, he decided to let his naval forces retake Zhang Yi Island. The most important thing is to see what kind of resources there are on the island that make Qi people so concerned. These are Han Shu's own questions, of course. Regaining lost ground is also beneficial to South Korea.

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