The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3050: Pay attention to the encircling circle

"We are very surprised by the Qin people's armored train this time." Murdor said to Zheng Yun. At the beginning, Zheng Yun strongly suggested that the Parthians should destroy the railway and repeatedly destroy it. As a result, the Parthians only destroyed some limited passages. Although they caused some great troubles to the Qin army, the impact was very limited. After the railway was repaired, they launched a fierce blow to the Parthians. , And it was a key blow. This was almost at the most critical moment, giving the rester's waist and eyes suddenly came. The rest person was beaten and unable to move in an instant.

"If we were able to completely destroy the railway and monitor the railway, I think this kind of situation would not happen." Zheng Yun said with a pity. They were about to fight down. As a result, the Qin people broke out at a critical time.

"Yeah. It's a pity that although we occupied Huangshi Town, most of the materials inside were burned. And those damned Dawan people, they all escaped smoothly. Our loss is not small. But. We didn't get anything in the end. It was really hateful," said Murdor.

"Okay. If that's the case, let's say less. If this is the case, it won't help much at all." Zheng Yun said helplessly. Such a situation also made him feel very helpless, which cast a shadow over the development of the future situation of the Parthians. Many Sabbath soldiers expressed some dissatisfaction. First, they felt that this incident was a great disadvantage, and secondly, many of them felt that they should rob some good places and then withdrew. But the upper class in Dawan felt that they should go deeper. After all, there were still many rich towns they had not robbed.

"Next, what kind of plan do you have?" Zheng Yun asked curiously. He also wanted to know the plan of the rest of the people.

"Well. The differences are quite big. How to say. There are many different places." Murdow said with a narrow mouth. Obviously he also has his own opinions.

"Talk about it." Zheng Yun said. He has his own military coat, but the Parthians do not. Many of them wear thick felt military uniforms. Of course. Some people wore the military coats of the captured Dawan people, but that kind of military coat didn't seem to suit them.

"There are a lot of different opinions among the army. There are basically three types. One is that they plan to go deep into Dawan territory so that they can get more spoils. I personally prefer this approach. After all, we are here. In order to make a fortune and solve one's own problems." Murdo said. Hearing this thought, Zheng Yun felt that the Peace Army was not an army at all. They were actually a group of bandits gathered on a large scale.

"The second type is that they plan to go to other places, that is, to spread out and choose places that they are interested in. In this case, everyone has some efficiency in robbery." Murdor said.

"Are there many people like this?" Zheng Yun asked.

"Yes, very many. Many tribes have this idea. But that's good. Everyone has their own goals and gathers together. Sometimes it is difficult to tell who won the battle. This is a very troublesome thing. Things." Murdo said.

"What is the last category?" Zheng Yun asked.

"The last category is divided into pieces and several tribes unite to act together. This is a very good idea, and many tribes have already done this." said Murdor.

"You just focus on looting, and it is scattered looting. If you do this, your forces will become more and more scattered." Zheng Yun said worriedly.

"Yeah, we also have such concerns, but the Dawan people retreat again, and their defensive strength is also very weak. Besides, everyone has bought rockets. As long as they attack wildly with the rockets, all problems will be fine. Solved. So, the problem is not very big." Murdor said easily.

"Okay. This issue will not be discussed." Zheng Yun felt that at the beginning, he had such a foreboding that the rest of the peace army entering Dawan would definitely divide their forces. In this case, they would make a mistake, and their troops would not be concentrated. dispersion. This is a great problem for them.

"Before you divide the forces, you should solve the problems behind you. You have formed a very strong encirclement of the regular army of the Dawan Army. What I want to say is that you should solve the Dawan Army in the encirclement. Only In this way, you can concentrate your forces more and then disperse your forces. The materials you **** need to be transported out. This is how you will ensure the passage." Zheng Yun expressed his opinion, and he hoped that the other party could understand himself. Painstakingly.

The Parthians had surrounded the main force of the Dawan Army from both wings, but it was only a siege. It seemed that the Parthians were not very caring about eating the Dawan army in the encirclement.

"For those Dawan troops, we should adopt persecution tactics. To tell the truth, our troops are made up of tribes. Many tribes think that eating the Dawan troops is a bit of a disadvantage, because those Dawan troops don’t have much oil and water, and a lot of wealth is gathered. In a town, it takes a lot of effort to eat the opponent's army. I think you should understand the truth." Murdor said.

"Only by getting rid of those Dawan troops, can you concentrate your forces and guarantee your retreat. In that case, your retreat will be passively controlled by the Dawan people. If you don't want to lose your spoils, you must solve it. Drop those Dawan people." Zheng Yun reminded. He believes that the Parthians can only attack the Dawan people in the encirclement.

"However, our tribal army is unlikely to choose to attack the Dawan army. After all, they are very defensive. We are cavalry. Attacking them will suffer a lot. Besides, not many tribes are willing to do such a thing. "Moldo said embarrassingly.

Although the Parthians were strengthened by the firepower of the rockets, they were still robbers thinking. They thought they came to rob. Looting was naturally to **** good things. And those Dawan people with weapons didn’t have much oil and water. They don't want to touch such a group of people. They think that they can surround and monitor each other. For the rest, they will focus on the towns of the Dawan people. In their opinion, that is the main point they should pay attention to.

"It would be very dangerous to do so. I hope you can pay attention to this problem. The Dawan people in the encircled circle are very dangerous." Zheng Yun is very dissatisfied with this answer. He believes that the Anxi people have no strategic vision. They are just a group of thieves, robbing horse thieves. The greatest threat is the Dawan army in the encirclement. They must be resolved as soon as possible, and then concentrate their forces on the Dawan towns. They have rockets to attack those Dawan troops. They should launch an offense before they have established an extremely solid line of defense.

"Well, your opinion, I will put it forward, but someone must do such a thing, I don't know if there is such a person to do it." The other party said. Zheng Yun felt helpless when he heard this.

Inside Meng Tian's headquarters.

"The Parthians are also nomadic tribes, and nomadic tribes have the shortcomings of nomadic tribes." Meng Tian obviously has great experience in dealing with nomadic tribes. After all, he established the two Mengzhou states in the north.

"Sir, how to solve these rest persons?" a staff officer asked Meng Tian.

"Yeah. There are many ways, but we must first let the Dawan people go deep and spread their forces. Then we must find a way to keep them. The question is how to stay? This is a big problem." Meng Tian Speaking of.

Meng Tian knew that the purpose of these nomadic tribes was to rob. In fact, they were still a group of horse thieves. Their habits can never be changed. However, the Qin Army had its own difficulties in defeating them, that is, if they quickly interspersed to the rear of the Shamans, cutting off their retreat, and at the same time, ensuring that the Shamans and their reinforcements cannot attack them. This is the biggest problem that Meng Tian considers.

"Sir, do we arrange a lot of landmines? I heard that the role of landmines is very obvious. At the same time, a lot of barbed wire is built to coordinate with the minefields, plus the arrangement of machine guns and artillery. I think, those **** rest in peace. People will definitely suffer a great loss." A staff adviser suggested. For defense, the Qin people have done a lot of research. They believe that the use of machine guns, landmines, barbed wire, plus fixed bunkers, and artillery have made the defending party a great preparation, and the advantages are quite obvious. Obviously, breakthroughs must be made. More powerful firepower can be used, but in that case, the dependence on logistical supplies becomes even stronger.

"Logistics, how can we transport these things, you know, we don't have that many supplies, and the worst thing is that this requires a large number of troops to block them. It's difficult." Meng Tian said while looking at the map.

"We must find a way to solve this problem, intersperse behind the enemy, and block the enemy's retreat at the same time, but the area is a plain, and it is impossible for the opponent to form an effective retreat restriction." Meng Tian said while looking at the map. The way out for the rest is the plain. Unless the Qin people find a way to keep the situation in which the Dawan people are, it will be difficult for them to carry out further military operations. Meng Tian looked at the map and felt that he could not solve such a problem, because the key to all battles was that the special terrain and the unobstructed plains could not stop the Parthians. The Parthians could safely withdraw back to their country, from that direction. can. Meng Tian thinks this problem is very big.

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