The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3058: New Weights and Measures Promotion

Sori. The name of the Koreans, which is today's Somalia region, which is not far from the country of Seth, and it was the first place where the Korean slave boats arrived.

"How is the result today?" Captain Zhang Chu said with two bottles of sugar and wine. The water on the ship is difficult to drink. After all, it has to be stored for a long time, and the equipment for purifying the water is more expensive. In fact, the main cost is the cost of activated carbon, and the cheaper one is charcoal. The price is not very expensive, but these merchant ships just cannot be equipped because they are far away and it takes too much time to ship. In desperation, they took the simplest method, adding alcohol to the water, or drinking with alcohol, using alcohol. To cover up changes in water quality. This is the most helpless method, but it is also the most commonly used method.

"The water on the boat is really awful, but fortunately there is water to drink here. It's very good," said Chen You, a South Korean businessman.

"You haven't told me how it turned out?" Captain Zhang Chu asked curiously. The biggest gain from coming here is slaves. If there are enough slaves, they will have sufficient financial resources to do more things. This is the best opportunity to make a fortune.

"Haha. Five." Chen You said with a smile.

"Puff." Zhang Chu, who had just taken a sip of wine, vomited all of a sudden. He really didn't expect that when they came here, they only got five slaves at the beginning.

"Just kidding, there are too few slaves. It's not enough for our money." Zhang Chu said angrily. He felt too little. The few are pitiful.

"I can't help it. We have just arrived here. It would be nice to get five slaves." Chen You said after a drink.

"But don't worry. Sometimes, we just arrived at a place where we didn't even have a slave, which is already very good. Think about it, five slaves, this is already a good start. This Sori Tribe." Chen You said. Sori comes from the local language. Chen You and others don't know what it means. After all, they don't understand many things. They have no language communication with the local people, so naturally they can't understand what the other party means. Because the first sentence after the other party saw him, and the transliteration of the repeated shouting was Sori, the Koreans called this place Sori, perhaps Sori meant a god. The Koreans think so.

"How did you exchange it?" Zhang Chu asked such a question, after all, he was very curious. What is the exchange price between the two parties.

"Haha, it's very simple, one musket and five slaves. We can rent them fifty muskets. They may have to fight a nearby tribe. When we get slaves, eight slaves will exchange for a rifle." Chen You said with a smile.

"Can they catch so many slaves? Forget it. I won't ask this question. These slaves don't have much combat power at all, I know. For them, the musket is the most powerful weapon sent by the gods in the sky. "Zhang Chu said.

"Haha, yes. That's right, the muskets are not worth money. These slaves, if they are shipped back to China, they will be rich. When they are full of slaves, we can quickly become rich. Then you change a boat and come here. Transport, rest assured, I will support you in all business." Chen You said with a smile.

"Well, it's pretty much the same, but these slaves are pretty good, and they look silly, but they are too dark. When I saw them for the first time, I thought they were mining coal. Who knows, they It's so dark by nature, you say, why are they so dark?" Zhang Chu asked curiously.

"I don't know, this is a scientist's business, let's not study it. Make a good profit. When you make enough money. All problems can be solved by the scientist." Chen You said.

Just after the Koreans came here, they discovered that the local tribes were engaged in a war. It was a tribe that lived by the sea. They mainly used a small boat to fish for survival, while in the interior, some of them depended on hunting Surviving tribe. The two tribes have a certain degree of conflict in the inland and coastal areas, which is actually caused by their larger population. Immediately they broke out a war. The war is a matter between several tribes. Although the Koreans don’t know this, they know that this is an opportunity. Because there is a war, there is a need for weapons. The way they capture slaves is through these wars. To carry on. If there is no war, it will be difficult for them to proceed.

This is the law of survival of the Koreans. If you want to expand the slave trade, you must start a war between the tribes. Only war will produce captives, and captives are slaves.

Seth country. In Guo Xiang’s office, Port Seth developed rapidly. A large number of Korean merchant ships arrived here. They unloaded their cargo and returned with loads. A lot of wealth gathered in Port Seth, even though the Seth people called the Korean port the new Basra. port. But the Koreans themselves call Port Seth, but this does not hinder the development of trade here. The products from South Korea greatly stimulate the appetite of Seth merchants, and they buy all kinds of resources almost at all costs.

Port Seth has also established some paper mills, furniture factories, and some copper and pottery processing factories. These have greatly attracted the desire of local people to buy.

Because the demand from the north strongly stimulates the supply here, in addition to a large number of daily necessities, there are also quite a lot of commodities. For example, the arms trade occupies a considerable part of the massive trade. The Koreans don’t know what the north is. They have never been to those places. They just know that some countries in the north need some new weapons. Guns have become their best choice, and artillery has become the sharpest weapon. Many northerners who come here are going south through Baghdad, and they will arrive here soon.

"This is a telegram from Karachi. The Yue people need to build railways and need a lot of labor. The demand for labor has become extremely large. You know, this demand is very, very large. But we don't have much labor supply here. "Guo Xiang looked at the telegram in his hand suspiciously. The needs of the Korean businessmen were quickly forwarded here. They thought there would be more slaves here. You know, the black slaves came from here.

"Sir, the needs of slaves are very simple. As long as we release such needs or news, those businessmen will be very sensitive to the opportunity to make money. They will not miss such opportunities. Therefore, I I believe they will definitely do this. Sir, believe me, it won’t take long for them to quickly gather a large amount of money here.” His assistant said.

"In other words, slaves will arrive here quickly. You must know that it is also very impressive to transport these things quickly to the country." Guo Xiang said.

"But the trade in it is very large. I think they will do the same, or our area is not the best slave trading area, but this problem will definitely be solved very well." The assistant persuaded.

"Okay. Just do it." Guo Xiang, who lacks management experience, nodded and agreed.

"In addition, I also encourage those who come from Karachi, and recruit troops from the local area to do things there. In this way, we can greatly expand the size of our mercenaries, so that there will be more slaves." Guo Xiang thought. Want to talk about it.

"The sir is right." The other party said with a smile.

"Haha. Little things, little things." Guo Xiang felt that his management level was getting higher and higher.

South Korea, Ministry of the Navy.

"New problems have arisen. Our navy needs rapid development, and the intensity of development must be innovated in military technology. However, there are still quite a few warships in South Korea. How to deal with these warships? You know, among them There are also quite a few new warships. According to the combat effectiveness of the South Korean Navy, the new steam warships probably don't have much room for survival." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, sir, the navy needs a new type of warship. Our laboratory has tested a new type of propeller technology. They have extracted a new type of sealing material from oil. The use of this material can greatly solve the problem. The sealing effect of the armored propulsion device." A naval officer said.

"In other words, the propulsion device has been greatly resolved. As long as we need, we can build larger warships. Maybe, the future warships are not called warships. They are called warships." The navy Said the officer.

"Battleship?" Hearing this word, the Secretary of the Navy felt very excited. Although there is only one word difference between warships and warships, the difference is very large. Warships mean that they have larger payloads, faster speeds, and stronger firepower. Ships can only show that they are still civilian standards, or in other words. The ship also shows that Qi, Zhao, Chu, including the South Korean navy are not very advanced. Only when they have warships can they be regarded as a navy in the true sense.

"Warships, warships. We have warships, and the combat effectiveness of the South Korean Navy will increase. No, it's not right, it took several times." The Secretary of the Navy said excitedly.

"However, we have a problem, that is, we need to face the elimination of a large number of warships. Those are old style sailboats. Not only that, some of these sailboats have just been launched. It takes time and costs to build new warships. More funds. This, even if the Navy Department gets sufficient financial funds, I am afraid it is not enough." Another officer said worriedly.

"Sir, I don't think this is a problem. We can sell, or modify and upgrade these warships. In this way, these warships can also bring us a lot of income." At this time, a naval officer. Suggested.

"According to what we know is that a large number of armed merchant ships are actively expanding abroad. Many of them need to participate in the slave trade. These slave trades will incur a lot of costs. They need to buy new-style ships. This will cost a lot of money. If we can deal with these warships, although these warships still exist, they are of no use to us, but for those merchants, it is the most powerful weapon. They will I am very happy to accept this. So, I think they will like to accept these warships. In this way, we have dealt with some old warships, and at the same time we can get a good fee, which is very cost-effective. Yes." said the navy official.

"Not only that, sir, another advantage is that we can modify and get some experimental data through modification. In this way, we can also accumulate experience." The navy officer suggested.

"This is a very good suggestion. Very good. Very good, just follow your method. In this case, our navy warships, no, the number of warships will rapidly expand a lot." The Secretary of the Navy said excitedly .

Qin State, Xianyang Palace.

"We Qin State has been making efforts to unify weights and measures, but the result is that we have finally implemented it, and the result is suddenly returned. The six countries of Shandong have repeatedly recovered, and they themselves have caused themselves a lot of chaos." King Qin was somewhat Speaking unhappy.

"But now, let's take a look. The situation is suddenly not good for us. The prime minister actually wants to use a new unit of measurement, meter, ton, and jin. It's still kilograms." King Qin said dissatisfied.

"My lord, the new weights and measures can be more adapted to the needs of current scientific research, and every country needs such precise units. The weights and measures of the previous countries can no longer meet the scientific research. Moreover, the rounding system is different, some are octal, and some are quintal. It’s very messy, and no one owns the new weights and measures. This is one ten-millionth of the meridian distance from the equator to the north pole. The new decimal system is adopted. This new weights and measures can effectively reduce The troubles in scientific research. And a lot of confusion are very advanced." Shangwen explained.

"Well. The widow still knows this. The new weights and measures don't have to stimulate the self-esteem of all countries, right?" King Qin said to Shangwen.

"Yes." Shang Wen quickly replied. King Qin was a little unhappy that he could not promote Qin’s own weights and measures to become the first choice of various countries. But in fact, Qin’s own weights and measures may not be able to adapt to new scientific research, because the conversion is more troublesome and the military field is okay. In other fields, such as mathematics, they have long formed a new conversion unit by themselves, using the decimal system. If the conversion is also based on Qin's unit, the trouble will be very big. In fact, the needs of new weights and measures are universal needs of all countries, and it is meaningless for Qin to resist.

"Okay. Few people are accurate. But the new weights and measures must be promoted in various countries, no matter what the cost. It cannot be promoted by the Qin family." King Qin emphasized.

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