The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3070: In front of the Palace of Qi

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The report in this newspaper was published by the people of Qi. After analysis, we believe that it is likely to come from Tian Heng's instructions." Meng Yi said to Shangwen. Shang Wen is looking at the same report.

"What do the people of Qi want to do?" Shang Wen asked.

"Our analysis believes that they are likely to abolish the king of Qi and establish a president." Meng Yi said.

"Abolish the king of Qi and establish a president. Are they going to become a republic?" Shang Wen felt very strange, so he asked.

"It may be so, reading the newspaper said that they are also planning to establish a parliamentary system. If this is the case, then the changes in Qi may be great." Meng Yi said.

"We can just take a look at this matter. Don't worry about the rest too much. At present, we still have to pay attention to things in Dawan." Shang Wen said.

Inside the railway station in a small town controlled by the military in Dawan, this was originally a mineral warehouse, but now it has become a military warehouse. A large number of military materials from the Qin State gathered here and then quickly distributed. .

"Be careful with those things. Those are fuel tanks." A lieutenant of the Qin Kingdom's Heavenly Army shouted loudly. The two Dawan soldiers took a look and carefully carried it out, because they knew that Qin State had a military type capable of fighting in the sky. They could carry huge bombs, and they could blow up people in an instant.

"Be careful, be careful." When the Dawan soldiers heard the lieutenant yelling loudly, they immediately understood that they might be carrying a bomb, but they felt that the bomb did not seem to be heavy. But thinking that the bomb could explode, they resolved the matter carefully.

"Sir, are we setting up a base here? What do we need to transport from such a distance?" a flying sergeant asked worriedly. That was Lieutenant Lu Bo's Flying Tiger Squadron, they were just a special transportation squadron.

"No, our forward base is in the north, not here." Lu Bo said.

"Sir, our flight range for this mission is far more than 1,500 miles. This is the limit of the airship. With the additional fuel tank and the unknown route, our flight situation is not very good." Said the scholar worriedly.

"I know. But this is an order issued by the Ministry of National Defense and must be implemented." Lu Bo said firmly.

"In addition, you can modify the airship to reduce the weight. If you can cancel it, you can cancel it. Mount more auxiliary fuel tanks as much as possible and carry more fuel. In this way, the problem will be solved." Lu Bo said. The task of detecting new routes was given to their Flying Tiger Squadron, which was a difficult task. A new route is very dangerous.

Qi State, the streets of Linzi.

"It seems to look at it. Come and take a look at the daily expenses of our King Qi." A Qi countryman shouted loudly. Many people gathered around. Linzi is no longer the largest city. After all, he is just an agricultural city. Laizhou and Dengzhou are coastal cities. The power of industry is draining the population of Linzi, a large city that was originally a big city, and a large number of people have been transferred to coastal cities such as Dengzhou, Laizhou.

The population of Linzi is less than 100,000.

"A woman's underwear is a **** underpants. His **** spent fifty thousand gold. The underpants are made of gold and it's not worth a lot of money." A Qi country man said crudely and loudly. .

"Hahaha." Many people laughed. A small newspaper of Qi State didn’t know where to get a list of Qi Wang’s daily expenses. When this list was taken out, it immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the people of Qi. Originally, Qi was defeated. , The people cannot vent their distress, but now, some newspapers point the finger at King Qi. King Qi’s expenditure comes from Qi’s finances, and the main source of finance is taxes. The people’s tax money is not known where it was spent. , When they saw King Qi's consumption list, everyone understood.

"His grandmother. You can buy several cannons for a woman's panties. With this cannon, his mother, if a woman can't get it off, I feel like the king is a waste." A sturdy Qi country man After hearing such words, he cursed. In the past few days, Qi’s newspapers kept pointing their fingers at King Qi. The blame for the war was on King Qi. They believed that it was King Qi’s consumption that led to this defeat. Because there were no good weapons used in naval equipment, the root cause of the defeat was King Qi.

"His mother, King Qi should have been off long ago. The grandpas are exhausted, and his grandmother took the money to buy women's pants. If there is no money to buy cannons, go to his mother." Many Qi people scolded. Tao.

"Okay. Everyone, stop scolding here. Go up to the gate of Qi Palace, there are too many talents there. Go there and scold as you want?" Some people shouted loudly. Hearing this, many people began to run to the gate of the Qi Palace.

At the gate of the Qi Palace, the infantry of the Qi State Army blocked the surrounding water. Barbed wire was everywhere. Army soldiers were armed with guns, but they did not use bayonets, but carelessly guarded the Qi Palace. Because on the periphery of the barbed wire, there are Qi people everywhere.

"Qi Wanger comes out, your lady and you need pants." Some Qi men said with a smile. Not far away, some young people from Qi country shook back and forth with a woman's **** that they didn't know where they got. And the soldiers of the Qi State Army were hahaha watching the Qi people's abuse. For them, this is a joke, they can watch as much as they want. These are all instructed by the above, as long as it is not too excessive, army soldiers must not send troops to interfere.

In fact, these army soldiers were also suffocating.

"Is this too much trouble?" an army captain asked the lieutenant next to him.

"Sir, it's okay. The order from above is that as long as these Qi people don't enter the Qi Palace, we don't have to do anything." The lieutenant said.

"But, this curse is too ugly. After all, this is the Palace of Qi, and King Qi is still the lord of the Kingdom of Qi." The captain said worriedly.

"Sir, you are wrong. Now Qi is also surnamed Tian, ​​but it is not King Qi. It is the three brothers of the Tian family. Not them," the lieutenant said.

"Oh," the captain said.

"The military belongs to the three brothers of the Tian family. This will abolish the Qi king and establish a presidential system, and soon the heavens of our Qi will change. The military has long been impatient with these Qi kings' nobles. His grandmother's. A woman’s pants can buy several artillery pieces. If you buy a cannon, this Qi Wang’s woman is still uncomfortable. Grandpa will give him a shot.” ​​The lieutenant said angrily.

"Haha." The captain just chuckled when he heard such words.

"It's fighting. It's fighting." At this moment, a sentry shouted loudly. What they saw was a group of horse-drawn carriages, all of which were driven by the ministers of Qi Wang. A group of old men came down to scold the young people, perhaps because the scolding was too harsh. In addition, the people of Qi were already annoyed, and the two sides started their hands all at once. Soon the two sides fought.

"Sir, shall we take care of it?" a soldier ran over and asked.

"As long as no lives are lost, we don't care and let them go." The lieutenant said impatiently. Then they continued to chat.

"Beat, kill you old immortals, you old guys. Let the women's pants be a minister of Qi Wang, damn." Some Qi people rushed up and gave them a kick, or gave them a shot to relieve their anger. .

Laizhou. Inside Lou Jing's office.

"Sir, this is Linzi's report. Some people surrounded the Qi Palace. I heard that some opposing ministers were also beaten. The situation can be said to be very bad." The assistant said.

"Oh." Lou Jing only sighed when he heard such words. He knew that this was a gesture, and Tian Heng must be doing it behind this. Tian Heng is definitely not satisfied with this situation. After all, it is the military power that is lost. The generals are disbanded. Tian Heng's interests are the most lost. He knows that Tian Heng will definitely not wait for death. He knew that King Qi had become Qi's new target.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"Tian Heng's little trick is nothing but a trick." Fan Zeng said after reading Qi Guo's telegram.

"Prime Minister, no matter how the situation of Qi country changes, we should pay attention to the development of our own situation, not those little tricks of Qi country." Chen Ping said.

"Yes, how is our navy developing?" Fan Zeng asked.

"We have placed an order, and the same ships as the South Korean Navy will be equipped with the navy soon. However, funding is still lacking. We still need to expand abroad to solve the problem of military expenditure." Chen Ping said.

"This. It must be done immediately and completed as soon as possible. This external expansion can bring a lot of wealth and should be done." Fan Zeng said.

"Prime Minister, I think we should explore the potential of this Western continent. If we continue to entangle ourselves, I think there may not be much ability to proceed. I think the only way is to expand elsewhere. "Chen Ping said.

"Go to other places?" Fan Zeng asked.

"Yes, I heard recently that the Koreans have developed a place called Sori, where there are a large number of black slaves. From the perspective of Karachi controlled by the Koreans, there is a need for a large number of slaves, and the labor gap is quite large. , Mainly for the Yue people in the north to build railways, not only the Yue people building railways, but also the Tocharians. From the perspective of the future situation, we also need railways, and we also need a lot of labor. This gap It's still very big," Chen Ping said.

"You mean, let us go to Sori to expand?" Fan Zeng asked.

"Yes, we may have tapped enough of the potential of the Western Continent. In other words, we have no ability to tap further. We need time to digest these things. In this way, we need to solve the problems we face. The problem of new expansion goals, Sori, a large number of slaves, and the emergence of new expansion places can all bring us great profits, so we still need such a place." Chen Ping said.

"Well, I understand what you mean. We need a new expansion hotspot, right?" Fan Zeng asked.

"Yes. If we continue to expand, we can maintain our profit growth, but if we stop moving, the situation will be extremely unfavorable for us. Therefore, this is the situation." Chen Ping said .

"Okay. Just do what you want and develop Sori. We still have quite a few Yue soldiers who haven't used them. They can just develop them," Fan Zeng said.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"Our defense system is relatively complete. We have modified a large number of concealed bunkers, but we lack enough machine guns. Otherwise, we can cause a lot of casualties to the other party." A staff officer introduced.

"How long can we hold on?" Li Xin asked.

"If the offense launched by the Parthians is not very violent, I think we can still hold on for more than a month." The staff officer said.

"In addition to the current bad weather, I think we will stick to it for a longer time. After all, these are very beneficial to us." The staff officer continued.

"Is the weather good for us?" Li Xin asked. He felt that this was definitely not good news, and it might make Da Wan people even more paralyzed. The rest are good players in field offensive, and any slackness will give the opponent a great opportunity to attack. He felt that bad weather was also an important factor.

Inside the port of Karachi. More and more Korean merchant ships arrive here. As a result, the prices of goods from Korea have become more favorable, and many people have received great discounts. This will promote the further development of Karachi's commercial trade.

And increase their financial income, which is not much. In this way, Karachi people can have more funds to build railways. This is a great good thing for Karachi people, but. Karachi people are thinking about one thing, that is, their port may not be able to satisfy the growing number of Korean merchant ships. However, most Korean merchant ships gather here for only one purpose, and they are going to Seth and the more western Sori country. They heard that there were too many slaves there, so they waited for them to catch them.

Bangla Port.

"We have stayed in Mengla long enough. And everything is developing very well. Let's go to other places to see. I haven't seen those black people." Fan Kui said with a smile.

"Sori, black people. I haven't seen these black people either." Liu Ji said excitedly.

"No, so, brother, let's go and see how about it?" Fan Kui said.

"Well, let's go over there and take a look. Maybe, there are really black slaves we need." Liu Ji thought for a while and wanted to say.

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