The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3075: Chuanjian Cannon

In the office of the chairman of the Li's Armory.

"Wenyang Arsenal is too hateful. They sold all of their mass-produced and tested weapons to the Dawan people, which caused our weapons to fail to sell. Although our weapons are of good quality. But that's it, we still Cannot compete with each other, the Wenyang factory's approach is really irritating." A sales executive said to his chairman.

"Did the people of Dawan want those weapons?" Li You asked.

"A large number of orders have been placed, and the number of orders we have received is still very small, but depending on the appearance of the Wenyang Arsenal, they need to process a long time. Maybe they will adopt other methods to reduce production costs and time. But this kind of competition is very detrimental to us." The sales executive said worriedly.

The Wenyang Arsenal is indeed very inauthentic. They directly sell weapons that are still in the experimental stage to the Dawan people. The Dawan people simply don’t refuse to come. They buy everything in large quantities. Wenyang Arsenal thinks that there is a connection with Wenyang Bank and they can provide a large amount of capital loans, but Li’s Arsenal cannot do so, so it is straightforward. As a result, the good products of the Li's Arsenal could not be sold to the Dawan people. Instead, a large number of sub-products from the Wenyang Arsenal were sold to the Dawan people.

"Did they also buy some of our weapons?" Li You asked.

"I bought it. But the quantity is still very small in comparison." The sales executive said unhappily.

"Okay. Now that we can start work, it's not bad. Of course. We can also produce some other products to sell to each other. We have already made this business." Li You said. He knew that although the quality of the weapons in the Li’s Armory was very good, they could not compete with the Wenyang arsenal, and there might be problems in the way of sales. In fact, he didn’t know the weight of the financial power in the arms orders. I think that the quality of their weapons is still not good enough, which has caused the Li Armory to continuously improve the quality of their products and the performance of their weapons.

The Wenyang Arsenal is in the production workshop office. The outside environment is very noisy. The sound of a large number of metal percussions is distracting. Many staff members still find the sound unbearable while wearing earplugs.

But the office is much quieter. This is because they use sound-proof glass, which is not only as simple as thickening, but also contains a lot of other technologies.

"Tell me, why is the production so slow? Do you know that the frontline needs a lot of weapons, the Dawan army is being reorganized, and the number is terrible, but your production speed is too slow." A manager said impatiently. To. He also felt very anxious. Because of the urging of several telegrams from the Ministry of National Defense of Dawan every day, a large number of military units have been formed, but they have no weapons. Qin has already dealt with some obsolete weapons, but that is only a temporary relief. Solve the problem fundamentally. For them, this is a disaster of losing a huge order.

"You have seen it too. Our production is already at full capacity, and we are producing around the clock. This is already the maximum production. I have nothing to do." The factory manager shook his head and said.

"What? The production is running at full power. But why is the output still not up? There can be an urgent request for the goods, and the people in Dawan are anxious to cancel the order. We must give them a batch of orders, otherwise, we The loss is very large. You must complete this production task." The manager said strongly.

"Well, okay. I want to find a way." The director also knows that if the order is not delivered in time, the order is likely to be lost, but the problem is that the production capacity of Wenyang Arsenal is so large, that of Wenyang Arsenal. There are many technical equipment, but it is difficult to recruit skilled craftsmen. The weapons sold by the arsenal are not many, but they only meet the usual needs at once. But I did not expect that there will be more orders at once, and it is difficult to find skilled craftsmen. turn up. This is very difficult for him, because many craftsmen have already been trained. But it takes time.

"Director. Brothers come to talk to me." A workshop supervisor said while looking at his factory director.

"What are you talking about?" the director asked at this time. He looked around and the manager had left here. He didn't know when he left, he was thinking about how to solve this problem.

"Director, we have been working for several days in a row. And the intensity is very strong, brothers are a little overwhelmed. If we continue to do this, there may be problems. In that case, our losses will be greater. Now," the supervisor said.

"I know too. But there is no way. The order is here. If we can't complete the production task, we can't stop production." The factory manager said embarrassingly.

"But if things go on like this, if there are some accidents, it will be difficult to say. The loss will be quite large. If the production is stopped, it will cause great danger. This kind of danger is quite terrible. I am worried that the loss will be further. Increase." The supervisor said.

"I also understand this. However, there are so many orders and we must complete them. Unless you have any good methods, I will not be able to complete such production tasks." The factory manager also said embarrassingly.

"Hmm. This." Seeing the factory director's determination, the supervisor knew that this matter was difficult to handle. Because the production task is very urgent. This is not a good thing for him.

"Director, I have a way to reduce our costs and complete production tasks quickly." The supervisor said at this time.

"Talk about it." The other party asked curiously at this time.

"We can transfer these orders to Zhao Guoren, or Koreans to produce. They have a lot of manpower and cost advantages in raw materials. Their prices can be lower, and human resources can be lower. These are all Their advantage, the most important thing is that they can also make such weapons, but we need to hand over the blueprints of the weapons to the other party. In this way, they can produce a large number of weapons orders. Maybe, they still have some Inventory, as long as these stocks and bullets arrive, we can greatly provide them to Dawan people." The supervisor said at this time.

"Well. Can this cost really be reduced?" the factory manager asked.

"Director, these weapons are not difficult, but the number of workers handed over is too much, we have few people, and we are doing repetitive things. Everyone is very tired." said the supervisor.

"And Zhao Guo has an advantage. They have far more technicians than us. They also have a cost advantage. Where can I find such a thing. Therefore, we must give them these orders. To do it, we only need to unify the size, caliber, and standard. It can also save a lot of time and cost advantages." The supervisor said.

"Yeah. This is a way. You can try it. In this way, you can contact Zhao Guo and the Koreans and let them produce them quickly. In this way, we can quickly hand over a batch of orders. "The director agreed.

State of Zhao, Handan. Qin Guoren's order attracted Li Mu's attention at once.

"I heard that the people in Dawan are rushing in a hurry, and the people of Qin people can't raise the production at all. There is no way. They have only then handed over a large number of military orders to our factory for production." A staff officer told Li Mu.

"Can we produce these weapons?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes. Qin people provided a large number of drawings. These drawings are very useful to us. We can produce these weapons quickly. However, we still need to study and constantly ponder. Although the price is low, there are still some. Profit is more than that. We have the production data and drawings of rapid-fire artillery and related other weapons. For us, it is a huge victory." The staff officer said.

"Well, it is indeed a huge victory." Li Mu said. He knew that as long as he mastered such technology, he could solve many problems.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"These orders are great. Qin people return the technical drawings, and they will send technical consultants. Such a thing is really a good thing." Han Shu saw.

"My lord, what I am worried about is that the people of Qin may not have such good things." Zhang Liang said.

"Don't worry about these things. There are some things that we can't do? For example, this rapid-fire artillery, and larger caliber artillery. Qin Guoren has it in the order, so we can produce it. There is also this mechanism. Cannon." Han Shu said.

"We need such a weapon. Qin people give us drawings. This is an opportunity for research. We can't lose such an opportunity, even if we lose it. We can't make any mistakes." Han Shu said.

"It's just that if we do this, our situation may change a bit." Zhang Liangshu arrived.

"You are too worried. It doesn't matter. Our navy can't still equip old artillery. If some problems are not solved, it will be difficult to solve all problems. Therefore, these things must be done." Han Shu said .

"Yeah. Okay." Zhang Liang had no choice but to agree.

In fact, the South Korean Navy needs a lot of new artillery. Especially the impact brought by the rapid-fire breech gun. If the artillery has a larger caliber and greater power, they will be equipped with a large number of such weapons and have such weapons. Their situation will become even more favorable. This is occupying the commanding heights of science and technology. With such a commanding height, they will quickly take the initiative. This kind of initiative is for them. It's too advantageous.

This is a new era for the South Korean navy, the era of ships and cannons.

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