The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3082: Technological opportunities brought about by price increases

"Why did this coal rise so much all of a sudden?" People who came to buy coal in the civilian area outside Handan asked one after another. The price has gone from five silver coins per stone to six and a half dollars now, which makes them somewhat unacceptable. After all, this is a lot less.

"I can't help it. I also do this kind of business, but this coal business is not easy to do." The coal seller apologized helplessly.

"Is there a reason for the increase so much this time?" an old man asked helplessly.

"Oh, there are many reasons for this. Now, there are too many places where steam engines are used. I heard that there are many textile factories in South Korea, as well as printing and dyeing machines. These all require a lot of coal. This is not directly caused. The price of coal has risen. Now this ship uses steam engines. Therefore, the price will naturally rise." The boss said.

"The most helpless thing is that our government even levied taxes, saying that this is polluting the air. Only restrictions can solve this problem. Therefore, this does not limit the rise of coal prices." The boss said helplessly.

"Oh. That's the case, so let me have more. Looking at it like this, I'm afraid the price will continue to rise." The old man said.

"It's the old man who has the foresight." When he said that, he waved his hand and asked the man to load some good coal into the car for the old man.

In fact, there are multiple reasons for the rise in coal, and it is not caused by a single factor. In order to limit the taxes levied by the government of coal mining, as well as heating in winter, and a large number of steam engines, a series of factors have caused coal to rise. As a result, all costs will face the possibility of rising. And this possibility does exist.

Some steel plants in Handan, Zhao State, have already faced such a situation.

"If the price of coal rises, our costs will rise a lot at once. Moreover, this is not the most important thing. Many factories gather to discuss letting us provide them with processing capital. In this case, the labor cost plus the cost of coal raw materials. , Our income will become extremely weak, and it may be a loss. This is very unfavorable to us.” An accountant said when he met his factory director. He also has great worries about the future situation, but such worries are real, and they must face it head-on.

"Well, I know about this. I'll think of other ways." said the director. In fact, such a situation will happen long ago. Zhao's industry is built on cheap coal resources. Once coal prices rise, their low-cost advantage will no longer exist. And they will face unprecedented difficulties, unless they upgrade their technology, or use another new low-cost technology to complete the upgrade, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to solve the current difficulties.

In another machine tool factory, they mainly produce a machine tool based on boiler equipment. This machine tool is simple and easy to manufacture, mainly focusing on the processing of textiles and some hardware equipment.

"The price of coal is rising, and there may be fewer places to use steam engines in the future." The director of the factory said to the manager of his production department worriedly.

"Director, I think we should use new technology. At least the new technology will not be eliminated in the future. Moreover, it is very beneficial for us to occupy the new technical commanding heights first," the manager said.

"Then tell me, what kind of technological commanding heights we should seize, I don't know much in this area. Talk about your views, say them boldly, don't worry about my views." The director said with a wave of his arm. Instructed the other party to speak boldly.

"My opinion is that the future technology may be dominated by electricity. In contrast, the power provided by electricity is more sufficient and the efficiency is broader. The most important thing is that although electricity looks more expensive now, the initial investment It’s relatively large. However, from the perspective of future trends, he can do a lot of things. Moreover, the rise in coal prices will show the advantage of electricity prices, and electricity can be obtained from other places. The advantage is very obvious. Once the electricity is promoted, the result can be imagined." The manager said.

"You mean, the machine tools in the future may all use electricity?" the factory manager asked.

"Yes, the factory manager, the advantages of electricity are very obvious. I heard that Qin people invented the high-voltage transmission method. This kind of electricity is very cheap and consumes less electricity. Using this kind of electricity is better than using coal. It’s still cheap. Now the price of coal has only started to rise, and it may rise later. In that case, the more the increase, the factories will consider their costs. They will feel that investing in power equipment is also a good idea. The idea may meet all their requirements." The manager said.

"I have seen that many factories in Qin State have already done this. If we can do the same, obviously the advantage is very big. Moreover, there are more and more equipment for electricity, such as lighting, trams, etc. Can drive a very large new industry, this is a new thing that no one else has ever seen before. Therefore, I think we should popularize electricity and occupy a commanding height. In this way, we have a great advantage in technology. , This is very beneficial to us." said the manager.

"You are right, but, is this cost large?" the factory manager asked.

"The director is relatively large, but if you look at him as a long-term investment, he will become very cheap." The manager said.

"Well. If production continues like this, we can't make much money. Now, many machine tool factories have come out. Our costs will increase in the future, but profits will decrease. This is very detrimental to us. We should see this. In the event of a situation, we must solve this problem. Otherwise, our company will only have to go bankrupt. This method is feasible." The director said.

"The director also thinks it is feasible?" the manager asked.

"I have to consider the problem from a long-term perspective, and discuss cooperation with Qin Guoren's technology companies. We need to do this." The manager said.

"Okay." As the manager left here excitedly, the increase in coal prices is not all bad. For example, they will use new technologies to replace them, and this substitution can solve many of their problems.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"When the promotion of steam engines was very strong, there was a sudden increase in coal prices. Do we have a place for coal production?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang. If coal prices increase, it will not be a good thing for South Korea. .

"This, there is currently one place on Queen's Island, but the quality produced is not so good that it can't compare with Zhao Guo's high-quality coal." Zhang Liang said.

"In this case, the restrictions on us are too great. We must, extensively search to find out where there is coal." Han Shu said.

"It's just that many islands may not have such resources, and it is still relatively difficult to find them." Han Shu said.

"Regardless of this. We must not be restricted by such a large amount of coal. The Navy is now in a critical period. As a result, it is not good for us." Han Shu said.

South Korean Navy Department. The Navy Department is discussing the issue of the allocation of new combat fleets among the three major fleets, the Secretary of the Navy clearly stated. Their future combat direction is Seth, the Parthian nation, that is, the Western Ocean. The resources and population advantages there are obvious areas that South Korea needs to develop. Therefore, South Korea must put a large number of new warships there, but it will be soon. The naval officers representing the local fleet objected and put forward their own opinions. In their opinion, they also need new warships, such as Qingcheng and Queen’s Island. These are important bases for the Korean Navy. A large number of shipyards are located here. In addition, there are quite a lot of military research and development departments here, if there is no such, what should we do? This is a disaster for us. Therefore, the local area still needs to be protected, and it is strictly protected. Therefore, they still need to do a lot. In other words, the new type of warship must appear in their hands.

On the other hand, the development of Nanyang is also more important. Intelligence has shown that Zhao is stepping up efforts to build more warships. The quality of their warships may exceed that of South Korea, and the target area for their development is Nanyang. Under such a situation, South Korea has no warships to protect their interests in Southeast Asia. This is what they have to do. The new warship is the only advantageous weapon to check and balance the Zhao State Navy.

All naval officers have a point. They all think that their direction is the most important, but they only have these resources. Once these resources are used on this, they will naturally not be able to do many things. This is an inevitable connection.

While the navy officers are clamoring to get more new-style warships for their fleet, the navy's technical department is considering another matter.

"The price increase of coal is not a good thing for our technical department." said a middle-aged engineer.

"Steam engines require a lot of coal, but we know that there are few places where we can provide coal in South Korea. For us, without coal, steam engines cannot be driven, of course. We can use boilers that can burn other things, wood. "The middle-aged engineer said so. Hearing such a sentence, everyone else laughed. They think their boss is joking.

"Obviously this is impossible, we still need new energy, so the next research direction is the new fuel for the boiler. Of course. The problems we are currently facing are also relatively large, such as insufficient power provided by the steam engine. Some plans have been proposed. That is to use more boilers, but in that case, the load capacity of our ships will be reduced a lot, which is very unfavorable for sailing, which means that we have to install a lot less The number of materials, artillery shells, artillery, and personnel will be reduced. At the same time, we also need a lot of coal. These coals are all mentioned as expensive hulls. We have to consider this issue.” said the middle-aged engineer. .

"Well, I have an idea. Our boiler can be a lot of coal, can burn gasoline, or oil. Anyway, those things can be ignited. Although we haven't made a test, I think the method of burning oil or gasoline. It should be more cost-effective than burning coal," the other party said.

"No, oil and gasoline are too dangerous. Our hull is made of wood. If it leaks, especially a warship, a single shell will bring fatal results. Gasoline will bring the entire ship and the people on board alive. Burned to death. In that case, the threat to our navy would be even greater. No.” Other engineers have already objected.

"But we can already weld iron armor. The future warship is iron armor." The engineer emphasized.

"That's not too dangerous. The degree of danger is very high." The other party said.

Then a series of technical problems loomed over the face. First of all, where did the oil come from? Although the Seth country can have a certain area for the Koreans, mining is still a problem. Secondly, they don’t have such technology. There is such a boiler to burn these fuel oil. Finally, their warships are currently mostly troublesome wooden shells. If they use fuel, they may seem to go too fast. This is the situation they face.

A series of problems caused by rising prices followed, but many places are actively responding to such a situation.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The price of coal will rise." Shang Wen put it aside after reading the telegram.

"It's true. There are fewer people digging coal. The Zhao government seems to be very annoyed by environmental pollution. They want to solve this problem. That's why they have to do this. But for us, this has caused a lot of trouble. A series of questions." Meng Yi said.

"Maybe other technologies can solve this problem." Shang Wen said.

"I think that Zhao Guo will soon face a huge selection problem. This problem may be because of their coal industry. Their coal simply produces raw coal, and they simply sell raw coal. This is a kind of Waste, waste of resources, but they have never wanted to upgrade their industry, they just think that this is the right way to do so, of course. Therefore, for them, this is not a good thing that can be recognized. I think. What they should do must be something else." Shang Wen said.

"I don't know what you mean?" Meng Yi asked puzzledly.

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