"How's the weather?" Lu Bo asked a flying sergeant. He is mainly responsible for meteorological matters.

"There is no commander yet. Meteorological experts predict that there will be another severe weather. Therefore, our flight weather conditions are still very poor." The sergeant said.

"Damn it." Lu Bo cursed.

"Sir, I don't think we should be so anxious. At least things have not reached the worst point. Many places are very beneficial to us." The sergeant said.

"Damn it. It's not the time to talk about this. The above are in need of our help, you know, the Parthians launched an attack. The Dawan people can't hold on for long. If there is a big assault, what will happen?" Lu Bo asked.

"The Parthians may attack the core of our position." The sergeant said.

"Yes, our military advisory group is still in it. Our goal is to rescue them, not to continue to watch them be surrounded. National defense is very anxious about this. I can understand their reason for anxiousness. If you give it to anyone, it will be anxious. ." Lu Bo said.

"But sir, this is the situation. We can't change anything, you know, the situation here, that's it. The weather restricts our flight conditions." The other party said.

"I also know, but we can only wait like this." Lu Bo said.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"I think we must go to the Tocharo side, and let the Tocharo side think about the problem from our perspective as much as possible. This is very beneficial to us." Wei Liao said.

"According to the latest intelligence, Tocharo is inclined to fully participate in the war, because the war can bring a lot of impact, but what they consider is that they still lack a lot of funds. Our bank is actively planning this. Something, maybe they will need more silver to solve these problems." Meng Tian said.

"This is the bank's business." Shang Wen said. Regarding how banks solve financial problems. He can't manage these, but what he knows is that many aspects are actively solving such problems. For example, Qi State, it is rumored that they may get a lot of silver mines from Wadao Island. If this is true, then Qi State will bring in considerable financial revenue. In addition, there are other places that have such income.

"What we need to consider is how to win Tocharo, we can give a certain amount of capital loans for the railway, and this can be increased. Of course. We can reduce the number of troops stationed, and for the railway, we must ensure safety. "Shang Wen said.

"This is no problem. What I think is that we must give them the response they should have as soon as possible. If Tochara does not make such a determination, they will still be vacillating. Tochara's full support is very important to us. "Wei Liao said.

"Well. We can give them some loans. In addition, there are future requirements for land in peace. We can sit down and talk with the Dawan people on this point," Shang Wen said.

"The Three Kingdoms Alliance." Meng Tian looked at Shang Wen and said.

"Yes, that's what it means. With such an alliance, our interests will go further. For example, the demand for land is the most beneficial thing for us." Shang Wen said.

"Okay. I agree to do this, but I think that if you send someone, it's better to let me go, because of my special status, I can do this." Meng Yi said. He believes that he himself is a qualified person, and other people may not have such a good opportunity.

"Okay. I agree, as long as the qualification problem can be resolved as soon as possible. I can't control much of the others." Wei Liao said.

"Yeah. Okay. I agree to do this." Shang Wen agreed. At present, Qin must unite Dawan, Tochar and Qin closely. Only then will it be the greatest blow to the rest.

In the Parthian camp, the heavy snow prevented the Parthians from further increasing their troops. They had to stop temporarily or launch some small-scale operations to attack the Dawan army. Such combat effects would only make the Dawan people become scared.

"What country is in our south?" Zheng Yun asked Murdor in the warm camp. Murdor's face was flushed with drinking. In the cold weather, perhaps only alcohol can keep them warm. It would be better if there were women. They always think so dissatisfied.

"To the south, oh. To the south is the Tocharian." Murdoch said menacingly, drunk.

"The Tocharian?" Zheng Yun asked curiously.

"Yes, the Tocharians, the timid Tocharians, we bully them every day. They are all fraudulent merchants. The things they sell to us are very expensive, and their things are also from the people of Qin. What they got, these people are simply villains. In your words, that is, just villains." Murdow said with a slippery tongue.

"If that's the case, would the people of Qin find an alliance with the Tocharians, and would the Tocharians send troops?" Zheng Yun said solemnly. At this time, he realized a big strategic problem. Although he was only a small lieutenant, he was good at analysis, especially doing some detailed analysis. He always did the best.

"Well, I don’t know. The Tocharians are very timid. The Qin people might benefit them, but who knows what they will think? However, we all think that the Tocharians have no offensive power, and all of them are Very worried, timid and very powerful. Said, I think they are unlikely to attack." The other party said. Then he became drunk.

"Damn it. What if the Tocharians launch an attack?" Zheng Yun said angrily.

If that is the case. Then the Parthians should not launch an attack. But the problem is that the Parthians really attacked. Because in their way of thinking, the Tocharians are timid, they would not choose to launch offensive things like risky things to do, in their view, to do such things need to bear quite heavy consequences, and Such consequences are definitely not something they can bear. Therefore, under such circumstances, they will never launch an attack.

First of all, the Tochara people did not have such courage, and secondly, they did not have sufficient offensive force. Master Tochar was no longer willing to fight. They made a lot of money from the trade with the Parthians. The money made them lazy. They felt that if this continued, it seemed a bit risky. They have a hedging behavior that refuses to take risks. In the end, the determination of the Tocharians to participate in combat is not great, it depends on their interests.

Qi State, in Lou Jing's prime minister's office. Everything is going on intensely.

"The main problem of Qi's economy is funding. We must bring in more funds." Lou Jing said to his economic minister.

"What does the prime minister mean?" the Minister of Economy asked.

"Attracting the entry of Qin and Korean capital, only the entry of these capitals can promote our development. This is an inevitable choice." Lou Jing said.

"But if you do this, many companies will be controlled by the people of Qin and the Koreans. In this case, we won't have any advantage at all." The Minister of Economy said.

"At present, what advantages does Qi have?" Lou Jing asked.

"This. I don't know." The Minister of Economy paused for a moment and shook his head. He said he didn't know. That's right. We ourselves don't know what will happen. Therefore, it is impossible for us to know more about our situation. "Lou Jing said.

"At present, we lack such and so many economic advantages. First, we do not have technology, and second, businessmen do not have capital injection. Third, our market breadth is not very high, none of these advantages. How do we develop? We have abandoned our capital, but if we develop well, these lost things may be reclaimed in the future." Lou Jing said.

"Yeah. That's the only way." The Minister of Economy nodded helplessly.

"Good news. Good news." The Secretary of the Navy came in and said excitedly. He has been busy rebuilding the navy recently, and all the naval shipbuilding has been handed over to the people of Zhao Guo, who are doing their best to deal with such difficulties.

"What good news? Our armored battleship was built?" Lou Jing asked.

"No, no. No, Prime Minister, one of our merchant ships has brought an amazing news." The Secretary of the Navy said excitedly.

"Prime Minister, do you know Wajima?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Yes, that is one of the islands we are developing. What's wrong?" Lou Jing asked.

"We accidentally found a large amount of silver on an island. You know, the people of Qin are casting silver coins, and the people of Zhao are the same. If we have a large amount of silver, we can sell them to people of Qin and Zhao, so If we do, our funds will be there." The Secretary of the Navy said excitedly.

"That's really a good place, and this news is also very good news." Lou Jing said.

"Yes. Mr. Prime Minister, we must complete such a thing as soon as possible. However, our current warships have some small wooden hull ships, and their combat effectiveness is low. I am afraid it will be difficult to further control those areas. If the Koreans knew this According to the news, the situation may be detrimental to us." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"After all, the businessmen still know a little bit about this news. What will happen if they are targeted by the Koreans?" The Secretary of the Navy said embarrassingly.

"They will definitely take action. In that case, our situation will become very unfavorable." The other party said.

"Well. Are you worried that Koreans will participate in this matter?" Lou Jing asked.

"Yes, Prime Minister, this is silver after all, and they also need silver." The Secretary of the Navy said embarrassingly.

"I think they are unlikely to do this." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"Why?" Lou Jing asked the Minister of Economy very strangely. He also felt that perhaps the Koreans had taken some drastic actions in order to interfere with the Qi people. In that case, their losses might be even greater.

"There are two reasons. The first is that the Korean naval forces are too scattered, and they cannot concentrate their forces to solve such problems. In Southeast Asia, the Western Ocean, and their surroundings, there are great forces. In both the South and Western Oceans, they It also needs rapid development. In this way, the power of the South Korean navy is too dispersed. Under such circumstances, what power does the Koreans have to deal with our situation." The Minister of Economy analyzed.

The Secretary of the Navy nodded and thought so, but he felt that in an intervention, the South Korean Navy would launch some offensives that would pose a threat to them.

"The second point is the recent diplomatic strategy of South Korea. They do not seem to suppress us further. If this is the case, we should also respond positively. For example, we can hand over some naval warships to the other side to build, and The condition is that we can let Korean merchant ships and commodities enter our country. In this case, it can be regarded as a temptation for them. If the other party can respond positively, I think South Korea will not embarrass us excessively." Speaking of.

"What do you think?" Lou Jing asked the Secretary of the Navy.

"This. I don't think I know." The Secretary of the Navy shook his head and said.

"Okay. After I take office, I need to visit various countries, so I will go to South Korea to see what their attitude is? If their situation is beneficial to us, we will be all set." Lou Jing said. He decided to go to South Korea to see, after all, some things still have to go.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"We can’t respond more to the things on the island. You should be very clear about the distribution of our Korean navy’s power to the island. Let the Qi people do it. The problem is, we have to open our doors. As long as we enter the gate, Qi can provide us with more markets. Therefore, in this matter, we all let go and let the people of Qi." Han Shu said.

Zhang Liang nodded. The Secretary of the Navy was a little puzzled because he felt that they should be involved in this matter, but there is no way for this matter. The navy's power cannot be expanded there, because most of the South Korean navy's power has been transferred to the West. went. If something happens here again, it will become very unfavorable to them. The Koreans decided to give up such opportunities in order to reduce the occurrence of such incidents, thereby avoiding bigger things from happening. South Korea is very wise to do so. Regarding this, although the navy feels it is a pity, from a strategic point of view, the Koreans are doing the right thing. Because doing so is the most beneficial to them.

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