The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3090: Open a power plant

"Sure enough, you can't be too anxious to develop a new cannon." Li Mu said, looking at the report of the test site. In the end, the engineer believed that the problem still appeared in the old problem. The specific situation of gun steel still needs further investigation. If black powder is used, this problem will not occur, but the problem is that they use smokeless powder. . The power is much greater than before. Zhao Guo's technical researchers can solve small and medium-sized artillery with a three-inch caliber, but they have no technology to solve the powerful artillery. Although the index indicators have been released, it seems that there is still some difficulty in achieving such a goal.

"Sir, do we reduce the difficulty of the indicators so that they can achieve this goal temporarily, otherwise, it may be a kind of damage to them." A staff officer said worriedly. He was worried that the technology would not achieve Heyang's goals.

"No. Still do it. Only when they have suffered a certain loss, they will know the difficulty of their next challenge. Challenges can bring motivation. Blindly avoiding may never be a thing. What should be done, just so. "Li Mu said.

"Yes. Sir." The staff nodded. Even if they have reduced the standards to achieve their current goals, they still exist in the face of future threats, even though the technical department needs a transitional product. But the military has no plans to lower their standards. In desperation, the technical department can only find a way to solve their problems.

The Prime Minister's Mansion, a large conference room specially built. This is the conference room that Guo Kai built quickly after he was elected prime minister. Because he felt that Zhao’s affairs would definitely increase, and there would definitely be more and more people discussing, so he built such a conference room, but at that time it was no longer able to break ground on a large scale. In desperation, he found a good way. That is, using traditional wood craftsmanship to build such a meeting room, let alone, in this way, it makes people feel a sense of returning to the basics. The decoration of the conference room looks simple, but everything is missing. The glass made by Zhao Guo himself used paper in the windows before, but later changed to glass, which suddenly became much brighter. The house was specially installed with wires and lights. The tables and chairs are made of pine. It looks very sturdy. These all come from the country of Yan, which has become the largest furniture exporter in the north. It's not just furniture. Even the paper used in the meeting room is provided by them, and there are wooden floors. Of course. And from rest, Tochar. Or the carpets imported from the Yueshi area. This kind of blanket is soft to step on. It makes people feel very comfortable. The price of this kind of blanket is quite expensive. However, rich people, especially some big businessmen, have such blankets in the middle age. Guo Kai also has them, but they are all sent by others.

"This coal meeting is for everyone." Guo Kai said after taking a sip of tea. His tea is a special lemon tea. This kind of tea can be added with sugar or honey. It tastes refreshing and helps digestion. Guo Kai recently ate a dish that said it came from the country of Seth. Roast camel. His mother, he himself found a double-humped camel from the Western Regions and roasted it. The taste was not bad, but it was too oily. He can't eat anything for the past few days. That's why I ate this lemon tea. The tea is still not brewing tea, but brewing tea, but the people of Chu in the south seem to have invented the technique of fried tea, but that is mainly for overseas markets, because of the long-distance transportation process, they need to remove the water in the tea. This is easy to save. The roasted tea leaves can be made into tea bricks for easy transportation. However, the Central Plains countries are unwilling to drink such tea water. Their tea water is still boiled and drunk, because some Chinese herbal medicines and some precious spices can be added in this way. They don't lack such things anyway. Things like lemons come from the Western Regions or overseas. In short, this kind of fruit has also become a necessity for the upper class, and they can be dried and shipped. For example, they also added some special things, coconuts in the south, bananas and other fruits. These things have become people’s new fruit needs. Except for some of them can be made into canned fruits, the rest need to be made into Dried fruit. For example, Queen’s Island has become the producing area of ​​the special fruit for the Korean royal family, of course. Some products are also exported to the mainland.

"The prime minister told us. Said." The coal mine owners looked at Guo Kai worriedly.

"I know your situation. The price of this coal has risen. It was a good thing, but sales have gone down. Because many people can't use coal, but this coal still needs to be used. Your income is not the best, nor can it be counted. The worst." Guo Kai said.

"But if this continues, what about your development path?" Guo Kai said solemnly.

"The price cannot be kept so cheap. Not only will you not be able to make money, but it will pose a great pollution threat to Zhao Guo. I received a report from the Ministry of Health. It is said that we Zhao Guo, Handan, because of the air pollution. In the situation, more than 300 people have died. This is still recorded, and there are even more unrecorded. Wang Shang has looked for me." Guo Kai said.

"Oh. It turned out to be like this." Hearing this, the coal mine owner knew why Guo had directly increased the price of coal at the meeting. The reason is the pollution, but they can't help it. This coal is like this, and they can't help it either.

"Moreover, our coal price is too cheap. If this continues, we will not be able to create a large profit project. On the contrary, it may still be the biggest loss project in the future. I ask you, when have you heard about this cheap thing? , Can still make money. Isn’t that a truth? This cheap thing is impossible for them to make money for a long time. I am also very worried about this." Guo Kai said, drinking tea water. He felt that after having said so many things, these coal mine owners should have learned something.

"It's just, I don't know, does the Prime Minister have any ideas next? You know, this, if the coal mine is opened, it has to be sold. This is something that can't be sold. What should we do." They still asked anxiously. Their losses will only become bigger and bigger, not less and less. After all, it was not Guo Kai who drove the coal mine. He naturally doesn't have to worry about this problem.

"So, I thought of a way." Guo Kai said at this time.

"That's it." Guo Kai pointed to the light bulb on his finger. The coal mine owners looked at Guo Kai and pointed to the sky in a puzzled way. They thought that Guo Kai meant to watch the sky and eat.

"Look at the sky for food, isn't this farming? Don't let us not mine coal to grow the land. This. This land is worthless, and there is also this grain. I heard that the people of Qin are losing money. We can't do it." We blasted the pot all at once and talked about it. They misunderstood what Guo Kai meant. They believed that Guo Kai asked them to give up coal and return to agriculture. Because farming is to watch the sky and eat.

"Oh, these stupid coal-diggers." Guo Kai cursed in a low voice.

"It's electricity, do you see clearly what I mean?" Guo Kai said angrily.

"Electricity." When the coal mine owners heard this, they suddenly realized that they thought that what Guo Kai said was relying on the sky to eat.

"This electricity came out long ago. The people of Qin can produce motors and generators. There are many places where electricity is needed. Ironmaking also needs electricity, and steel rolling also needs electricity. Electric trains have a lot of electricity. Yes, This lighting also needs electricity. But where does this electricity come from?" Guo Kai asked.

The mine owners looked at Guo Kai and shook their heads. Guo Xinli scolded, these stupid coal diggers are all stupid. They don't know anything. I don’t even know how to read more newspapers, read more books, and don’t even know how the electricity came.

"It came from this power plant. This power plant needs a lot of coal. Got it." Guo Kai explained to these stupid coal diggers.

"Oh. That's the case. Our prime minister has a vision. This power plant needs coal. We can't sell this coal. At this time, the prime minister will find a good way for them." The coal mine owners all smiled and said To. Guo Kai was angry, but after hearing these good words, he thought it was okay. After all, these few words are not hard to hear.

"Okay. I won’t say much about other things. This coal. It’s about developing to the power plant. You can discuss it yourself. This power generation is a very big project. We can build high-voltage transmission lines and sell them to People from Qin, Korea, Qi, Yan, and Chu all need electricity. Without electricity, they can't develop anything." Guo Kai said.

"Moreover, this electricity requires a lot of cables and wires, and this electrical rack requires a lot of steel. We can develop it again. Therefore, it is still beneficial to generate electricity. The most important thing is that this coal does not need to be transported by rail. You guys. It can be sold directly to nearby power plants. They generate electricity and send it out with high voltage. Then, the profitable thing can be accomplished. Think about it, is it very good?" Guo Kai said.

"Good. Great." The coal mine owners didn't understand what Guo Kai said, because they still couldn't understand many technologies, such as how the electricity was sent out with high voltage. They couldn't understand what that high-pressure transmission method was. In their opinion, it was simply a wonderful spell. In the eyes of coal mine owners. Guo Kai has become a god-like existence, because they feel that their prime minister knows everything, but they can't control that much. As long as they can make money, they don't care about it. So other people agreed with Guo Kai's idea and started the power plant.

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