The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3011: Antifreeze measures

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Damn, there are so many companies that master power technology?" said a coal mine owner looking at the Qin State listed company in his hand.

"This is good. This is good." A coal mine owner's assistant handed it over with a report.

"This. What is this? This power company is too small. What we want is a large company or a small company that can master a lot of advanced technology." The coal mine owner shook his head and said. In their view, they should control some large companies. They have no interest in small companies. In their view, if they have money, they can buy a lot of shares of listed companies. Qin Guo Prosper its own market and allow funds from various countries to enter the State of Qin to buy shares of some companies. In this way, Qin enterprises have funds to finance and carry out technological innovations, and countries also have the intention of controlling enterprises and further cooperation. Of course, Qin cannot prevent some enterprises from being merged or directly using a large number of technology patents. Such things cannot be avoided. Besides, Qin State is willing to do the same. Therefore, Zhao's coal mine owners thought of a good way to invest in electricity, that is, to acquire the other party's shares in order to achieve the purpose of merger.

"I think this is the Shengtang Power Transportation Company. This company is small and we can easily acquire it. At the same time, we can also purchase a large amount of funds to purchase other technical equipment. As for the Wenyang Power Plant, which has large-scale power generation equipment, we Forget it." said a middle-aged coal mine owner. Wenyang Group also has a power plant, and it is also the only power plant that has mastered large-scale power generation technology. They have manufactured the largest steam turbines. Steam turbines are mainly used for power generation, the reason why Qin Guo was able to manufacture such a large steam turbine. Yu Wenyang Group has broken through a technical limitation. This limitation is the limitation of a kind of lightweight material. Aluminum-magnesium alloy is the latest technology used by Qin Guo Wenyang Group. This technology greatly reduces the weight of the blade. As a result, steam turbines can be made larger and more realistic. If this material were not present, it is very likely that Qin Guo would not be able to install and use such a large steam turbine to generate electricity.

"This is the Tang Dynasty, it's too young," said the coal mine owner.

"Sheng Tang, Xiao, tell you, this company is not simple. They have mastered high-voltage transmission technology and are the only company that can manufacture high-voltage transmission lines. We don’t buy such technology, buy their shares, and we simply complete it. No purchase. You know?" said the middle-aged coal mine owner.

"Oh. That's the way it is, this. This small business is very simple. We can acquire it soon. It's simple. What we have is money." said the coal mine owner.

"It's not easy, let's buy them quickly when they are cheap." said the middle-aged man.

"Oh." The mine owner nodded. The Coal Association has transferred a large amount of funds to the State of Qin. Their purpose is simple, that is, they hope to obtain part of the technical requirements they want through acquisition.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"This is the telegram that I just received from this place in Shazhou." Zhang Liang said to Han Shu. He almost ran here.

"Shazhou. Where is this place?" Han Shu asked. Because of the rapid expansion, Han Shu didn't know some places, such as many islands.

"This is probably west of the country of Seth, which is close to the coast." Zhang Liang didn't know the exact location of Shazhou either. He thought this place was not clearly marked at all. People only knew that the latitude and longitude were marked with numbers, and the others. It's not clear at all.

"Well, what happened to them?" Han Shu asked.

"They have had a lot of conflicts with the locals. There is a sign of war between the two sides. The location of Shazhou is very important. The telegram said that it is an important turning point in our slave trade line. If it is lost, our situation It may become unfavorable." Zhang Liang said.

"It's not said. Fight, teach them a lesson, tell them to defend well. Don't worry, we must actively defend at the beginning, consume all their forces under our solid defense, and wait until they can't attack. , We will inflict great destruction on them. Let the merchant ships near us support them. And to which place the new warships and warships of the Western Fleet will be transferred to.” Han Shu said.

"My lord, shall we wait for a while? Don't be too anxious." Zhang Liang thought for a while. He thinks it is inappropriate to concentrate a large number of naval forces on this place in Shazhou.

"Wait, why wait, you know, what we need at the moment is such an opportunity. We still don't know the specific location of this Shazhou, but I think this is a good opportunity for expansion, no matter what? It must be shot down." Han Shu said.

"My lord, I think we shouldn't be too anxious. We should start defensively. There are still many places where we are not doing well enough." Zhang Liang persuaded.

"You mean, I'm a little worried?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, Lord, we don’t need to be so anxious. There are still many things we are doing right. For example, we can gather more materials to build a few ports near us. Hoard there. Gather a lot. In addition, there are quite a lot of Mongolian soldiers that can be deployed and used. After they get there, they may not be able to fight all at once. Therefore, we still need to accumulate strength in many places." Zhang Liang said.

In contrast, South Korea’s ports in various places are not far away from South Korea. And the place in Sazhou is farther away from South Korea.

"Many of our colonies are too far away from us. This is extremely detrimental to us. And Shazhou is too far away, and our logistics supplies are difficult. Therefore, at the beginning, we should focus on consumption first. It is possible to consolidate the situation in our surrounding colonies, or to extract our army to form an expeditionary force. Only in this way can we ensure that we are in an advantageous position in future operations." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded, think about it, the main principle of war is to concentrate troops. South Korea's current military strength is too scattered, which is not good for South Korea. Only by concentrating a large number of troops can an advantage be formed. If not, In doing so, the situation in South Korea will become unfavorable, and the hasty war will only make the war even more cruel.

"This matter is handed over to the Department of the Army and the Department of the Navy, and let them do this matter well." Han Shu said.

Zhang Liang nodded. South Korea must make strategic adjustments. Only in this way can South Korea ensure the dispatch of their main force.

Qin State, the General Staff.

"Has the negotiation with the Tocharians not been settled yet?" Wang Jian asked.

"This is not clear. This is what the Prime Minister's Mansion did. I heard that Meng Yi has already gone to Tocharo. I don't think there will be a big problem with this matter. What we should consider is the logistics supply of our army. Only then can we solve our problems.” Yang Duanhe said.

"I just know that most of our operations are still in the winter combat area." Yang Duanhe said.

"Don't we have our own fabrics and cotton clothes?" Wang Jian asked such a question. When Yang Duanhe heard such a question, he just shook his head.

"According to the report sent by the frontline officers. Most of them solve it by themselves. Our standard uniforms do not keep warm at all, but are a cumbersome." Yang Duanhe said.

"Oh. How did they solve this matter for themselves?" Wang Jian asked.

"They bought it themselves. That's how to solve this problem." Yang Duanhe said.

In the station of the First Mobilized Infantry Division of the State of Qin, they have reached southern Xinjiang. They are in a military train station of the State of Qin. The weather here is colder, and it seems colder than the north. The sheepskin jackets they brought allow them to Having survived such cold weather, but it was still not enough. They learned that the weather in Dawan in the north would be even colder.

"Do you know? In the northern part of the country, their weather is even colder than we thought." A sergeant of the Huns said.

"Can't our sheepskin coat survive the winter there?" a corporal asked.

"No, we still have to buy more jackets. Otherwise, we won't be able to hold it at all." The other party said.

"Yeah. I see." The corporal nodded.

Although Qin Jun’s military uniforms are diverse, they also provide a complete range, such as a large number of blended coats, and down jackets, which are also worn in cotton or sweaters. It can be said that the heat preservation measures are very good. Boots have also undergone special processing, for example, there are still a lot of dog fur inside, but that's it, it is still unable to stop the invasion of cold air in cold weather.

The soldiers of the Qin State did not defend against the cold in the north, and even colder conditions occurred. The Huns were prepared for this, for example, they would take some foot wraps to wrap their feet firmly. Then put on the boots. In this way, their situation will be better, because in this way, some gaps in the boots can be plugged up, which is very beneficial to them and can keep warm. However, most of these are personal actions, and Qin Jun has not made such preparations. Although the Ministry of National Defense has thought of a lot of the logistics material list, it still needs some specific things to do to do it. For example, antifreeze oil. The Huns can carry them by themselves, while the people of Qin and Dawan can only buy them on their own. Their logistics materials may miss such materials.

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