Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"Prince, just got news from Goguryeo." The Minister of Economy reported to the prince.

"What news?" Prince Dan lowered his head and wrote something, he was correcting some documents. It is mainly about the establishment of the Liaoning-North Railway. It is a good thing to have coal, but it is also difficult to transport the coal. In addition, the weather becomes cold and mining is more difficult. However, as long as the funds are available, all problems are not a problem. .

"Goguryeo also discovered coal resources, not only coal, but also copper and gold mines. They are importing a large number of Japanese slaves from the Qi people. These Japanese slaves will enter these minerals on a large scale. In that case, Goguryeo The economy will develop.” The Minister of Economy said.

"Haha, we are on top." Prince Dan said angrily.

"I heard that they also discovered iron ore before. The quality and quantity of iron ore surpassed ours. If they open an iron plant. Our situation." The Minister of Economy continued.

"Well. The situation is indeed unfavorable to us. We have finally developed and encountered such a thing. It is really very unfavorable to us." Prince Dan said.

"Prince, in fact, there are still some things that we did not notice. That is, our coal can be transported as long as the railway is built, but the situation of the Goguryeo people is different. Their geographical location is even more remote. , The transportation cost is extremely high, unless they go by sea, but they still need a lot of railway to go by sea.” The Minister of Economy said.

"This is our advantage, the railway, we must build it." The Minister of Economy said.

"I also know this, but, you know, where did the funds for the railway construction come from? The Koreans' funds came." Prince Dan said.

"But they have a purpose, and they won't put coal on it at all. Transporting railways is a big deal," said Prince Dan.

"This. If coal can be sold at a high price, all problems can be solved." The Minister of Economy said. Prince Dan did not speak, he was thinking about all possible solutions.

Qin Guo, Wenyang Bank.

"Director. Qi people came to us for this matter." A manager said to Xiao He excitedly. Xiao He just shook his head and refused.

"Director, this matter is easy. People in Qi are eager to find warships. They need a lot of funds, and Qi will definitely develop in the future. At that time, our income was very stable, and we could also Not only that, but the most important thing is that Qi Guo’s bonds are sold. Qi Guo is still a very good market. Koreans want to enter. But they simply can’t get in.” The manager said.

"They just fought a war with the Qi people, and the ending is still unfavorable for them. Under such a situation. Koreans cannot enter the Qi country market. This is a very good opportunity." The manager continued. When the manager heard about this happening in Qi Guo. The manager is very excited because he knows that this is the best practice to occupy the Qiguo market. But he forgot. The people of Qin have no time to look around now.

"No funds. There is not such a large amount of funds in the bank." Xiao He said with a helpless shrug.

"It's such a thing, and I also know that the Qi market is very important. However, most of the funds are in the Western Regions, and the amount of funds needed in the Western Regions far exceeds our needs." Xiao He said helplessly.

"Unless you use a lot of paper money to exchange those gold coins. Otherwise." Xiao He said helplessly.

"This. I understand." The manager said helplessly. He knew that the reason why Xiao He said this means that the amount of funds required for this is very large. Xiao He was also worrying about this matter. The Western Regions had already constrained a large amount of money from Qin State Bank. He was worried that the things that could not be resolved in the Western Regions would eventually cause a lot of trouble.

Yueshi. Li Meng bought more than two hundred black slaves from Karachi. These slaves were **** by ropes, and he and a few of his companions drove them to Yuezhi, or Tocharo, where they would make a lot of money. Because there is a need for such black slaves on the construction site.

Li Meng is a retired soldier. He used to be an infantryman. It is a pity that he didn't know the news when Indy was important. He didn't know the situation until he knew the news. But it was too late.

However, he soon found a way to make a fortune, the slave trade. This slave trade is good business.

Just one gold coin can buy several slaves, but inside the Yueshi and on the construction site, there are only two gold coins per one. In this way, you can make two or three times the profit. If you sell it to Tocharo, you may make more. I heard that the more slaves, the more you make. If you can bring in a lot of goods when you come back, you will earn more.

"These **** are awkward to look at. But as long as they can make money, we can do other things." A companion told Li Meng.

"Let's just do this slave business. And we can do it forever. Didn't you see it in the port area?" Li Meng said.

"There are more slaves there. Thousands of them. There are many slave traders like us. We only need to do such a thing. We will not be able to do other businesses, so we Don't pay too much attention to it too much." Li Meng said.

"You are right. We can do this one thing." The companion nodded in agreement. In fact, more and more Yueshi people have participated in the slave trade. The Karachi people imported a large number of slaves. They were responsible for cleaning up and numbering the slaves. The Yue people bought slaves there and then transported them to the north. Some built slaves, some went to mines. In short, they could do very much. And the demand for the slave market has become very large. The people of the Yue family can do many things, but for such things, such as building railways and digging and mining ore, the people of the Yue family cannot do it by themselves. The only way is for them to solve such things by themselves. The solution for yourself is slaves. A large number of slaves, black slaves from Karachi gave them a lot of profit. At the same time, it stimulated the further development of the slave trade of the Yuezhi people. This is the time when the unprecedented slave trade was on the rise.

Bangla Port. The silk ships from Chu State are anchored here, but few people unload the cargo. Some ships have been anchored here for a long time.

"What's wrong with this silk ship? A ship came before and it was unloaded at once. How come some ships have been here for several days. These days, they have been unable to unload the ship continuously." said a local unloading supervisor . There are dozens of Mengla people under his staff as stevedores, stevedores have a very hard life, and they cannot do such things without much physical strength. On the wharf, unloading workers are the busiest type of work. It is said that dozens of people were exhausted due to continuous work before, but it is different now. They seem to lose a lot of work all of a sudden, mainly because of silk.

A large number of silk boats will not be unloaded if they do not know why they are parked here. This is Chu people's side. And on the Korean side. But the dockers over there are very busy, they are busy from morning till night. Busy from night to morning.

"You said, what are you busy over there?" the supervisor asked.

"Over there, I heard that the unloaded cotton cloth over there is in great demand, and there are also flowers, more colors, more wear-resistant than silk, many people buy it, and it's cheaper." said a local unloading worker.

"Damn it. Too busy with them." The supervisor said angrily. Silk and cotton originally had a great conflict. The silk of Chu people was mainly aimed at the noble market, but as the quantity increased, a large amount of silk began to flow into the civilian market. Some merchants also began to buy silk clothes, but the demand for silk was very limited after all, and soon their movement stopped. On the other side, the demand of the civilian market has become very large. Cotton cloth produced in South Korea began to be dumped here. Cotton cloth has a greater advantage than silk. It is cheap and in great demand. It is aimed at civilians and is easy to manufacture on a large scale. Therefore, from the beginning, cotton cloth has There is a big market. Therefore, in Bangla, cotton is expanding rapidly, and the expansion of cotton means the shrinkage of the silk market, which is also caused. The silk from Chu State is stagnant here and cannot be sold, and even the unloaded goods cannot be unloaded. However, South Korea's cloth market quickly opened up. And demand can expand rapidly.

"You can see it, Koreans have more and more cotton cloth, but our silk is not." A merchant from the silk city of Chu State helplessly looked at the Korean cloth boat and said.

"The shopkeeper, sometimes there is no way, but with such a large amount of silk, we can't backlog here. Are we looking for other ways to sell it." A guy said.

"Other methods, what other methods are there." The shopkeeper shook his head and said.

"The shopkeeper, yes, there is one place. I heard that Koreans are actively developing the Kingdom of Seth, and there are other places where they want silk, mainly sold to Seth merchants. Such things are rare. Things, so, I think we should sell such things to Seth, where the profit will be higher." At this time. The other party said so.

"Oh. But, we are not familiar with it there, and it takes a long time to develop the market. This is not something we can do." The shopkeeper shook his head and said. It takes a long time to develop a new market. Not only that, they will be unprofitable during this period of time, which is not something they can afford.

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