The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3121: Far West Expansion Plan

"Hey. Yes, yes, we encountered an offense, a small attack by the Parthians, but they are now repelled by us. There is no big problem." Newly-edited Dawan First Infantry Division, 503 Regiment Colonel Li Fu said lightly while holding the phone.

"There is really no big problem. Listen, our machine guns don’t sound. Under our fierce attack, they can’t withstand our attack at all. They want to withstand our attack. Wishful thinking." Colonel Li Fu said.

"Okay, I will report the specific situation to you later." Li Fu hung up and said.

"I'm worried that we can't move forward." Li Fu said lightly.

"However, we should clearly understand the future military developments of the Parthians, or in other words, will they stick to the current position and block us from advancing, or will they further interfere in our military operations and undermine our military operations. "Qin Jun military adviser major Bai Yin said.

"Don't worry about this." Li Fu said easily.

"You have seen it too. The rest of the people said they were ambushing us, but in front of our powerful offensive. They suffered heavy losses, and they were basically a threat to us. We don't have to worry." Li Fu said easily.

The Dawan Infantry First Division advanced to a place 30 miles away from the Golden City, and they encountered an attack by the Parthians. All the Parthians used light cavalry to carry out assaults on them, but the alert 503 Infantry Regiment quickly Enter a state of combat. They set up machine guns. A large number of infantry fired, in addition to the bombardment of the mortar company directly under the regiment. Under such a powerful fire attack, the light cavalry attack of the Parthians was quickly dismantled. After attacking once, they never dared to attack again. Their bodies are everywhere on the snow, which is very bad for their offense. They also felt the difference between this group of Dawan troops. First of all, their firearms, rate of fire, range, and power far exceeded their imagination. The most terrifying thing is the sound of da da da, that is the sound of machine guns, unprecedented fear, they can chase people, even if there are horses, it is difficult to escape such a fierce attack. In addition to these, it was their soldiers. Their soldiers seemed not afraid at all. Under the command of their officers, they quickly entered a state of combat, and they did not panic at all. Before, the Dawan people never went to the field. Yes, even in the field, they will choose advantageous places to fight, and will never choose such a situation. The situation still seems to be very unfavorable for them.

"We can't be too happy, we should be more cautious." Bai Yin said cautiously.

"Well, don't worry, but we are only thirty miles away from the Golden City. The telegram said. They were under a powerful attack, and we must support them as soon as possible, otherwise, they will be attacked greatly. "Li Fu said worriedly.

"I think we are still advancing a bit fast now. Tomorrow we should advance slowly, absolutely not any faster." Bai Yin said. In his opinion, if the Dawan army attacked too fast, especially if they advanced too fast, their danger would be greater. The only feasible way is to reduce the distance of advancement. The Golden City can hold on for many days. , This is for them. not a problem.

Xindu Shicheng. This is the capital of Dawan, but it is not far from the front line. There are only about a hundred miles away, but people are not very worried. The people support this war. They hope that this war can bring great results. They need the victory of this war.

"We have sent the 1st Infantry Division to support. The latest situation shows that they have only encountered small-scale harassment by the Parths, and they will continue to move forward." The Minister of Defense said to Li Mo.

"Well. Very good, they need our support, and we also need them to make some huge contributions, especially at this special time." Li Mo said.

"Prime Minister, we are still worried about our logistics supply line. Moreover, the Parthians may increase their troops, and some towns in the south have discovered the movement of the Parthian cavalry. Are they going to attack us from the south? In that case, we still need to send troops. Support them." The Secretary of Defense said worriedly.

"This question should be left to the people of Qin, the people of Qin know how we do it." Li Mo said.

"Don't forget. Our command has been handed over to the people of Qin. Only the people of Qin are the combat commanders. They know how to do something." Li Mo said solemnly. The Dawan people handed over the command. The Qin people were the direct command of the Dawan army. If they fight, it is the Qin people's business.

Dawan Country, a small town in the north. Li Xin's temporary headquarters was established here.

"The battle for the Golden City has already started. Sir." A staff officer looked at Li Xin and said. Li Xin hasn't eaten well these days, and escaping from the dead is already a torture for Li Xin. They were very embarrassed when they escaped, because the last airship that took off threw away a lot of documents. During the flight, in order to reduce the flying weight of the airship as much as possible, the pilots strongly asked them to throw away their excess clothes because the snow accumulated. The airship cannot rise, and if their height drops again, they may not be able to survive. In desperation, many people took off their heavy military coats and military boots. Li Xin also took off his military coats and military boots. It was really a cold trip. After coming back. Li Xin suffered from the wind chill, as did his staff, his body was a lot thinner, because of the wind chill, he simply couldn't eat well. The moment of escaping is still in his mind.

"The battle has already started. We are still here, the northern cluster. My commander has become a nominal commander." Li Xin said with a wry smile.

"Sir, we still have a chance. As long as we repel the other party, what we lost will return." The staff member persuaded.

"Well, I know this, but based on the current situation, we still can't enter the Golden City. Forget it. Wait a minute, maybe we are not the main battlefield here." Li Xin said with a smile.

"Sir." The staff officer was worried that Li Xin was discouraged and wanted to encourage him. But Li Xin waved his head and said.

"Our task here is to attract a large number of Parthians here. If we can send troops directly from Tochar in the south, the main force of the entire Parthian army will be captured by us. In that case, we can eat a lot. Army." Li Xin said, looking at the map. In fact, this idea is the idea of ​​the staff and has been implemented. But out of the need for confidentiality. Li Xin didn't know, because the staff was worried that relevant information would be stolen, and that would be very detrimental to them.

"Sir. This." The staff officer looked at Li Xin, he thought it was unlikely, and they couldn't manage that much.

"So, our task may be to attract the attention of the rest." Li Xin said.

Among the marching ranks of the Sabbath army. This is the rear guard of the Parthians. Most of them are militiamen. In Zheng Yun's view, the Parthians' war potential has been tapped very cleanly. What he saw was a large number of old people, women, and teenagers in the rear guard. Some entered the army before the wheels were high. They looked at the horse rifles and escorted the prisoners of war Dawan. They looked like soldiers. The same, but in fact, they are still children, teenagers, and they come to fight at such a young age, which makes him worry about the war potential of the Parthians.

"The war potential of the Parthian nation has been tapped." Zheng Yun said to Murdor.

"Are you talking about those children? They are born soldiers. Participating in this kind of battle is just a kind of tempering for them. For them, the war is just a life they should experience. The other party said it easily.

"Let the children come to fight, what about your future?" Zheng Yun asked. But the other party obviously does not want to continue answering this question.

"Have you read these reports? They are all intelligence collected by our businessmen. I don't know how you look at them?" Murdor said. The rest merchants also have their own spy networks, and they rely on the collection of rest merchants, because the rest merchants also have some connections with merchants in other countries, and those connections are the main sources of intelligence in various countries.

"I'm particularly interested in the news from Tocharo." Zheng Yun said.

"Tochara? What's the matter with them? They can't do anything. You know, those **** Tocharians, they don't know how to do something." The other party said.

"No, you didn't notice it. The Tocharians are expanding their armaments and preparing for war. They have begun to gather a large number of troops in their country. And they have imported a large number of weapons from Qin." Zheng Yun said.

"Impossible, impossible, we launched an offensive against Tocharo. They did not dare to fight back, and their country is very weak, and they are unlikely to pose a big threat to us. I think your analysis may be wrong. "Moldo said.

"No, the situation of Tocharians is too abnormal. You think Tocharians don’t usually maintain too much armaments, but now they have a lot of armaments, which is very abnormal. I think, You may have done something wrong. Therefore, we should pay attention to this abnormal situation. Otherwise, it will be very unfavorable to us." Zheng Yun said.

"You also know that the Tocharians are just behind us. If the Qin army or the Dawan people send troops from there, plus the Tocharians, we will fall into a huge passivity, a huge circle of encirclement. It will completely encircle all our troops. In that case, we will become very critical." Zheng Yun said nervously.

"No, not at all. I think you are still very worried. You know, the Tocharians don’t have that ability, and their army’s combat effectiveness is very poor. They have this opportunity, I think They won't do such a thing, I think you are too worried. Too worried. "Moldo said disapprovingly. He thinks Zheng Yun just thinks too much.

"However, we should send some troops to station at the border to prevent the Tocharians from making greater movements. Once there is such a response, we should also take some measures to suppress the Tocharians' military actions." Zheng Yun Speaking of.

"Okay. I will tell our chief such a thing." The other party reluctantly agreed. From the perspective of rest, Zheng Yun's worries are purely redundant, and the rest has considered the possibility of the Tocharians sending troops. But they think that with their knowledge of the Tocharians, they think this is an extremely unlikely matter of opinion. First of all, the Tocharians are courageous, and their army is fighting. These are all possibilities that restrict the Tocharians from sending troops. One resting soldier can fight three Tocharian soldiers, and the Tocharian can't have that many soldiers. This is an absolutely impossible thing. Therefore, the Parthians disapproved of the threat from the Tocharians. This is for them. Tocharians are not a threat.

Chu State, Wuyue Port, are in Fan Zeng's temporary office inspected in Wuyue Port.

"We should formulate a development plan for the Far West. Otherwise, we will be at a disadvantage in trade. The slow-sale of silk in Bangla has already affected our silk reeling production." Chen Ping said worriedly.

"If we continue to let things go in this way, it will cause our situation to become bad. It is only silk. If we are also affected in tea, what will happen? Our fiscal and taxation capacity will be affected. It will decline rapidly." Chen Ping said worriedly.

"Yeah. However, our naval capabilities can't reach there yet, and the distance there is too far away." Fan Zeng said worriedly. You know, a western continent has already reached beyond the scope of the Chu Navy's maximum supply capability. If you proceed further, the situation they may encounter will be more complicated.

"Prime Minister, no matter how difficult it is, we can't do things that are not far-sighted, otherwise, it will be very unfavorable to us. I heard that some Qi country businessmen are ready to do this. We absolutely cannot do such things. Once behind, the whole situation will fall into a huge disaster, which is a disaster for us. We will lose most of our business profits, and we cannot watch this happen." Chen Ping said.

"Yeah. Okay, if you draw up a plan, follow your ideas, and you must do something." Fan Zeng nodded and agreed.

"Well. I will work out this plan as soon as possible." Chen Ping said. It is to encourage Chu State to expand to the Far West.

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