In a small town of Tocharian people, the people here are very busy. Most of them are merchants and some craftsmen. They seem to be very busy. Even when it's time for the meal, there are still many people who are too busy to take care of the meal.

"The Tocharians are really busy?" Wang Ben said to his staff with a smile. He came out with several staff members. He was not wearing a Qin army uniform. Although that would be a lot of convenience, he felt that he should stand up and look at the situation here. After all, he wanted to come here as a consultant. The consultant is nothing, but he wants to experience a war more, after all, they have been away from the war for a while. In this regard, the staff have long been itching.

"Sir, the shopkeeper, are we going to eat?" said a staff officer on the side. They wear the clothes of merchants, and they look more like businessmen.

"Yeah. Go and take a look." Wang Ben nodded and said that they entered a tavern. This is a tavern opened by a Qin country. The food is very local, but there are still some measures to cater to Tocharo. For example, chopsticks. Tocharians don’t like to use chopsticks. They use spoons, but spoons are inconvenient for special occasions, and they can’t grab them with their hands. Spoons can solve some problems, but spoons cannot be used for everything, but they came here and found some small inventions, forks, and wooden forks.

Forks are mainly used when eating some hot food, such as noodles and dumplings. They can't use their hands. In that case, they must be burned. Even if it is not burned, the food after cooling will not be delicious. Forks can avoid the embarrassment of using chopsticks, of course. Some Tocharas started to learn to use chopsticks, but most still couldn't.

"Drink. Drink. Anyway, we are all people who are about to go to the battlefield. Drink." Several Tocharo officers gathered together, they kept drinking with their glasses, and there was a table of good dishes on their table.

"These people." When ordering, Wang Ben curiously asked the Tocharo officers.

"Oh. The guest officer is asking those Tocharo officers?" the guy in the shop asked.

"Yeah, do they all eat and drink like this? I think they eat and drink more." Wang Ben listened, and there was still the peculiar shouting of soldiers from upstairs. Only soldiers would shout like this. In the hall, there are still many such people. There are very few merchants in the past.

"Hey, I can't blame them." The guy said.

"They are about to go to war. They come here, just to eat a good meal. Then they go to the front to fight." The guy said.

"Fighting?" Wang Ben knew that they were fighting against the rest, and asked deliberately. After all, he needs to know something.

"Well, yeah, fight against the Parthians, don't you know?" the dude asked.

"Well, I don't know. We just came over from the Western Regions of Qin State. I really don't know what happened here." Wang Ben explained.

"Oh. This is also normal. After all, Qin State cares about our own affairs. We don't care about other things." The other party said.

"These Tocharian troops have to be organized. I heard that their four infantry divisions, as well as some other combat units, cavalry regiments, artillery regiments, have been formed. They will start fighting in the next few days. My restaurant makes several tables of good food every day. They all know that they will be on the battlefield. They don’t know if they can come back on this battlefield. Therefore, they plan to do a good meal.” The guy said.

"Oh. This, the war should be very confidential. Why, this, everyone seems to know it." Wang Ben asked curiously. In fact, he was very upset about this kind of thing. Up. Because he knew that this was definitely a de facto mistake. Qin would usually keep things like wars secret. For example, some military supplies were supplemented in advance, and the hoarding would not be known to civilians, but In Tocharo's aspect, it seemed that everyone who was involved didn't know that he was going to fight.

"This. This is what the Tocharian government said. The army purchases a lot of things. I heard that up to now, there is still a division in the Tocharian army that does not have good weapons and equipment. They can only use some of their own manufactures. Musketeers, but they are in great demand." The guy said. It seems that this has opened his chatterbox.

"The Tocharian soldiers have very good requirements. For example, their uniforms. The tailors here have distributed a lot of people. The military uniforms of the officers are all made by themselves. They are better-looking than the uniforms of our Qin officers. Let's All of the uniforms are uniform numbers. They can be made according to the approximate number. However, the clothes of the Tocharo officers are not like that. Most of their uniforms are modified. Some feel unsatisfied, so they make their own. , I got the cloth from military logistics and made it. It looks very stiff, and it looks good, but it feels like a fancy.” The other party said.

"Well. In addition to these, there are more." At this time the guy said.

"There's more?" Wang Ben asked curiously, an army officer could actually spend a lot of trouble on his uniform. This really makes Wang Ben feel a lot better.

"You can take a look at their army boots, how about it?" The guy said and pointed to a Tuhoro officer. As Wang Ben said, he looked at the boots of an officer in the past. The boots are unusually stiff and they look very stylish. Not only that, the leather boots are very bright, as if they have just been polished.

"It seems, it's different." Wang Ben said.

"It's right to be different," the guy said.

"These military boots are also ordered by themselves, and they are better than our Qin Army officers. There is no way. The Tocharo officers pay attention to this, but the soldiers can't compare with the officers. No way, most of the officers are born nobles, and Soldiers are civilians, so it’s good if they have their own uniforms.” The guy said.

"Oh. So that's it." Wang Ben nodded, indicating that he understood such a special situation.

"It's just that, how is the combat effectiveness of the Tocharian army?" Wang Ben was more concerned about this issue.

"Well, I don’t know, but depending on their posture, they won’t be able to go there. I think this war will have to rely on the barbaric northerners, that is, the Huns to fight. Otherwise, let them fight, I think , Are very embarrassing." The other party said.

Wang Ben thinks the same way. After all, military officers should pay attention to the situation of the officers and soldiers, not their own clothes, boots, and uniforms. Such things are, after all, this kind of thing is very bad in his opinion. It’s not long since the establishment of the Tocharian army. Their officers didn’t have much experience. Under such circumstances, the officers only cared about their uniforms and boots. This made Wang Ben suddenly not have much good impression. Yes, with such a big fanfare, the Parthians must be defensive. If the Parthians set up an ambush, the situation of the Tocharians will become very bad.

These situations are Wang Ben's biggest concerns. But what Wang Ben didn’t know was that it was with such a fanfare that Tocharo’s economy developed, and the army’s needs are diverse, from food, transportation, and logistical clothing, all of which require a large number of workshops. There are also factories for processing. The carriage factory in the Western Regions has moved here. Because the demand here is more vigorous, the Tocharian government followed the example of Qin State and contracted a large number of military materials to merchants, and the demand for carriage transportation became greater and greater. Many people are involved in the transportation work. These are important signs of Tocharo's economic development. But Wang Ben is not concerned about these things.

Tocharo did a little bit badly, because they did not do a good job of military secrecy. This is also the case, the rest side has already received a report from Tochar. But they just didn't attract very strong attention.

Rest in peace, in a small port, the retreat of the Koreans has stopped. But these days it seems that Koreans have changed.

Some Korean merchant ships arrived here one after another, and a series of native soldiers got off the ship. They got their own muskets and fully allocated their arms with the Korean armed forces, mainly merchant forces. They began to build their own fortifications. On the surface, diplomatic relations between South Korea and Ansip are broken.

"These days, our troops are arriving one after another." An assistant said to Han Wen. He is the president of the banking association here. Not long ago, he sent a long telegram to the country. He hoped that the country would pay attention to the changes here and evacuate Koreans as much as possible. Regarding the rest, he felt that the South Korean government's blind accommodation led to such a situation as rest.

"Very good. That's good. It seems that the government has promised us." Hang Wen said lightly. He has no good feelings about the Shabbats because they owe a lot of debts to the bank. There is only one way to get these debts quickly, and that is to fight the Shabbats and force the Shabbats to agree to the requirements of the Bank of Korea. .

The South Korean government only quickly dismantled some native soldiers and assigned them here. They just took the first step and strengthened their defenses. After all, the two sides have not really broken their skins. The South Korean side has been making serious negotiations and strongly protesting. This barbaric act of the Parthians is kidnapping and extortion, but the Parthians have always asked South Korea to make a statement first, otherwise, they will take a series of measures. Outsiders don’t know what these measures are, but they definitely mean threats.

These are not things that Hangeul cares about anymore. What he cares about is, after the war is over, or after achieving their goals, to teach the rest of the peace, then, what to do after the lesson? The Bank of Korea has borrowed a lot of debts from the other party, and these debts must be settled. Otherwise, there will be a huge debt crisis, and the Bank of Korea is unwilling to incur such a large debt. How to repay, this makes Han Wen feel very anxious. After all, the numbers are too big.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The reason for the Koreans is very simple. Their borrowing has caused a series of problems. The Koreans want money, but the Parthians have no money to repay the debt. The two sides have conflicts. The Koreans decided to teach each other a lesson and let each other know how good they are , It's nothing." Shang Wen said easily. In his opinion, all this seems to be nothing. What the Koreans need is debt. As long as the Shabbat pays off the debt, nothing is left. But the problem is that the Shabbats do not repay their debts. This is where the Koreans help.

"This is their business. How to clean up those **** rest is the Koreans' own business. What I care about is how they support us in the fight." Meng Yi said.

"You know, the Koreans can fight at sea. They can be called hegemons. However, on the land, the Korean cavalry forces are very limited. They need to suppress the rebellion on the western continent. Once something happens, their The cavalry troops will appear there, and they don't seem to know the rest people very well. In many cases, their troops simply cannot make it possible to advance quickly." Meng Yi said.

"The Ministry of War also studied the possibility of the Koreans fighting. They believe that the Koreans can advance less than 100 miles at most, because most of them are infantry and the number of cavalry is very small. In addition, they are not strong enough to go deep The inland of the Shah people, and there are a large number of tribes in the inland of the Shah people. Under such circumstances, it is unlikely that there will be too much support for us." Meng Yi said.

"What you mean is that when we start the fight, the harassment initiated by the Koreans is actually meaningless? Right?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes." Meng Yi nodded.

"Let's take a look at the telegram from the Korean. This news really surprised us." Wei Liao hurried in and said to Shang Wen.

"What news?" Shang Wen asked curiously. Speaking of Wei Liao, he handed the telegram to Shang Wen, and Meng Yi leaned over and read it quickly.

"Persians? This. Who are Persians? Why have we never heard of such a thing?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen curiously.

"There is such a thing unexpectedly." Shang Wen said. It turns out that the South Korean government decided to cooperate with Qin, but they did not tell the Persians at first, but considering the needs of cooperation between the two sides, the South Korean government decided to tell the Qin government about the Persian Restoration Organization. They described it in detail. The conflicts between the Persians and the Parths, and their determination, and the way for the Koreans to do is to support the restoration of the Persians, only in this way can they harass the interior of the Parths.

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