The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3164: Capital expansion

"How is the offense?" Zhong Limei leaned on the stove, he cut the canned meat into pieces. It’s better to bake it like this. Perhaps because of the people of Chu, the officials of Chu are very picky about delicious food. However, the Golden City has been surrounded and their material reserves are very limited. However, the officers of Chu are still under such circumstances. They can make it all right. They combine the baked canned meat with their wheat biscuits. In this case, they will do better.

"No, the attack failed. The Parthians can still withstand our attack." The second battalion commander shook his head with a telescope and said. Long Qi organized a death squad. They planned to attack the peacekeepers' position. In this way, they could test the strength of the opponent, but. The death squad's sneak attack was discovered by the opponent. A sneak attack became an offensive operation. The death squad launched a frontal attack, but such an attack met the tenacious resistance of the rest of the people, and it was impossible to further open the situation.

"I know, that Longqi, that's how it is, the offensive has become very reckless." Zhong Limei looked down on Longqi and said.

"Well, anyway? I don't think we can continue to launch an offensive at this time. The Parthians still have great combat capabilities." The second battalion commander said.

"And our supply situation is also very unfavorable. We can't launch an attack at all. The rest of the people outside the Golden City can only rely on reinforcements to carry out the results." The second battalion commander said.

Zhong Limei nodded in agreement with the other side's point of view. The two infantry divisions have exhausted their offensive and defensive capabilities. Many companies’ casualties have exceeded 60%. What’s more, some companies have only 30 people. Under such circumstances, they cannot launch at all. Decent offense to disintegrate the frontal part of the rest of the defensive circle. Although they had surrounded each other, they were unable to eat each other.

Qin State Staff.

"Wang Ben's telegram said that they have completed the encirclement, but they still don't know whether the Parthians still have the ability to send reinforcements to meet the respondent." Yang Duanhe said.

"Well, now we can't send more reinforcements. The troops in Dawan have been exhausted, and the only way is to use our troops." Wang Jian said.

"Meng Tian's method was to use psychological warfare to disintegrate the opponent. His plan was to use a large number of airships for bombing. But in this particular bombing, he mentioned Zhao Guo's gunboat." Yang Duanhe said.

"They said that Zhao's gunboat caused a lot of damage to them." Yang Duanhe continued.

"But in the end, the end of the war still needs ground troops to end it." Wang Jian said. They need to dissolve the opponent's will to fight.

In Wang Jian's view, relying solely on air power to solve battles seems to be immature. After all, most ground wars still need ground forces to complete. If there is no increase in ground force reinforcements, it seems that this possibility is unlikely.

"We must find a way to increase the military strength of the Dawan people again, otherwise, the war will not end." Wang Jian said after thinking about it. But Yang Duanhe thinks this move is unlikely.

Dawan, inside Meng Tian's headquarters.

"Impossible. We don’t have enough troops to recruit. We have formed a lot of defensive battle groups. They are equivalent to the strength of two infantry divisions. They dragged the southern part of the Parthian troops. In the north, we will Put in more troops. If this goes on, it will also be detrimental to us. Therefore, we are unlikely, and there is absolutely no reason to continue this way." Dawan Defense Minister shook his head and said.

"We have enlisted most of our troops." Dawan Defense Minister said. It turned out that Dawan had already dispatched most of their mobilized troops. At this time, Qin hoped to increase reinforcements again, but Dawan felt that he could no longer meet this demand.

"I know this too, but this time, the war has reached the final stage." Meng Tian persuaded the other party to arrive.

"It's not the limit of the war, but we have reached the limit. If we recruit again, we need to use a slave army. The elderly and the children must also go to the battlefield." Dawan Defense Minister said worriedly. He could only refuse the request of the people of Qin, and could no longer recruit troops. The Dawan army can no longer consume such war losses.

"Sir." The staff officer on the side reminded carefully. He also believes that Dawan's national defense mobilization force has reached its limit. But the war is coming to an end, and the offensive is stopped at this time. seem.

"Okay." In desperation, Meng Tian could only find other ways to solve this problem. But without reinforcements, I want to eat the opponent. It seems too difficult.

State of Zhao, Handan. Stock market.

"Boom boom boom boom." The opening drum sounded, and people entered the trading state nervously, but this time, people's focus was on a new stock.

"Laizhou Shipbuilding." A Zhao Guo stock trader looked at the new stocks on the board.

"Buy it?" The trader took the phone and asked on the other end of the phone. Zhao Guo's financial industry has been formalized. They have established their own trading center. Telegraph, telephone, and long-distance calls are all used in their hands. They are every second. Bells will produce great wealth.

"Wait," said loudly on the other end of the phone. There are many wealthy people in Zhao State, and their funds are not a few. They want to make money, so they open factories or look for resources to develop. But after all, the money is limited, so they think of finance, because finance can enter the battle every day. Jin, they were very satisfied with this, so they organized special personnel to help them buy stocks and manipulate stocks to rise.

Laizhou Shipbuilding is the first stock that Qi has landed on the Zhaoguo stock market. This stock quickly completed capital liberalization. The people of Qi lost control of Laizhou Shipbuilding, and their shares were only more than 21%. Obviously it is impossible to control such a huge enterprise at this scale, but they have no way. After all, Zhao Guoren has a great advantage. He has skills and skilled skilled workers. In addition, their bank can provide part of the loan. After Zhao Guo himself expanded his share capital, they reached 40% of the shares. After adding a certain amount of capital and other conditions, they quickly occupied most of the shares, and the share quota absolutely exceeded 5%. Eleven, this almost completed the acquisition. As for Qi, they don't have much funds. In this way, they naturally went to the holding of the company, especially after the expansion of equity, their situation is very bad. But at this time, some shareholders want to understand something, that is, they can sell the shares in their hands to become wealthy, and fixed assets become their source of wealth.

Laizhou Shipbuilding has attracted most people's attention a few days ago. Many people started buying new stocks frantically. They believed that they were new stocks after all and they would definitely rise.

However, within the first few minutes of the opening, there was a rapid decline, which made many investors feel a little panic, because many of them shrank about one-fifth of their funds, which made them feel very painful.

"Buy, buy a lot. Quickly, just this time." At this time, there was a loud shout from the other end of the phone. After the trader heard the call. I immediately threw away the phone in my hand, got busy, and suddenly there were more paying orders in the market. No matter what the price, they would buy frantically. This is for them. But a crazy thing.

The buying continued, but in the end, after the first few minutes of rapid decline, the rise began. There was no response at first, but gradually and quickly changed direction, they soon surpassed the previous high point, rose quickly, faster and faster, and they could no longer control the situation. Soon, the decline turned into a rise. Some investors who were too late to process their trading orders immediately threw their trading orders in the air after seeing this situation. Now they don't need it. This is the best thing for them. Rising, this is a situation that everyone wants to see.

At the same time, it also illustrates the arrival of a new era, which is very important for the development of Qiguo and Zhaoguo, because they have entered the era of capital.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Master Wang, the shares of a shipyard owned by Qi people have landed on the Zhao State market. Judging from today's performance, it is not bad." Zhang Liang reported what he had learned to Han Shu.

"I know this." Han Shu said.

"I'm thinking about a question, did Zhao Guoren go ahead of us." Han Shu said.

"Their expansion in Qi country is very smooth, and their performance is very good. In contrast, our situation is not so good. We are also expanding in Yan country, but what is the result?" Han Shu said.

"Yan Guo has only become part of our market, but he has not entered our capital market. At this point, I think we should learn from Zhao Guo and boldly open the door to our market. Let the funds go out and expand. , Go to Yan Country to expand." Han Shu said of his own thoughts.

"My lord, this is good, but our situation is different." Zhang Liang analyzed at this time.

"The people of Zhao Guoren have not expanded in recent years, but have continued to develop. In contrast, our South Korea is also developing, but it is an expansionary development. A large amount of funds are continuously expanding outside, and they are basically There is no intention to come back, so we still lack a lot of funds to expand." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. You are right." Han Shu nodded.

"There is another point. The situation in the country of Yan is different. The currency of the country of Yan is Qin country banknotes. To circulate, we need to disguise a large amount of gold into circulating funds. This is more troublesome for transportation and exchange. Therefore, this The situation still didn't happen." Zhang Liang explained. In fact, this involves a currency exchange business, that is, foreign exchange. The current foreign exchange is mainly gold and silver, but most of these funds are in the colonies, and some of them are transported back. The way to attract them is to get gold and silver. Prices have risen, but it may be that there is too much gold available. Dawan has it. They are breaking out of war, and a large amount of gold is flowing out of Dawan. They have become bonds, materials, and weapons of war. There is also Goguryeo, which is also a huge gold-producing country. They mainly buy a large amount of equipment, luxury goods, and all kinds of food and daily necessities from various countries. Their purchase stimulates the production of Qi, South Korea, and Chu. There is more and more gold, so that it is impossible to attract a large amount of gold back to the country.

"Did we come forward to buy some gold so that the gold can return to our homeland in large quantities and quickly? After all, with such a large amount of gold, it will be of great benefit for us to issue more banknotes in the future." Han After Sook heard about this, she thought of using a lot of banknotes. After all, the issuance of banknotes also requires a large amount of gold reserves.

"This. The question is, after we have so much gold, how do we issue a large amount of paper money?" Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"I've already thought about this question. We can ignore the local banknotes, we can consider the economy of the colonies we have established. They can afford to issue a large number of banknotes." Han Shu thought for a while and said.

"You can take a look at our situation. We have a large number of colonies in the surrounding area, but our control of these colonies is not very good. There are also a lot of bad conditions in many places. For us, it is A very unfavorable situation, that is, our control of the colony has not yet reached the requirements we need." Han Shu said.

What Han Shu said is indeed such a situation. South Korea has only initially established its own strongholds in various colonies, coupled with the expansion of the Far West, which directly caused them to abandon the idea of ​​some colonies to expand inland. In this way Under the circumstances, how to solve such problems and stabilize the local colonial economy has become an important issue. But South Korea has not been like this for a long time.

"The only way is to use banknotes. Banknotes are related to our supply of materials and a large amount of trade. If we can link these gold to banknotes, for example, the gold can be exchanged for more banknotes, and banknotes can be purchased. A lot of materials, think about it, don't a lot of materials go to the colony?" But gold can quickly return to the mainland. Han Shu thought so.

"But what I worry about is, King, the more banknotes are issued, the worse our situation will be." Zhang Liang is worried about inflation, while Han Shu is thinking about capital expansion.

"I think this should be no problem. You can think about it, in such a situation, how long it will take us to complete such a thing, this is a matter of opinion for us, this is no problem." Han Shu said.

"We have a lot of colonies, and there are many places to develop. The economy of the colony is a big concept, and if we only consider the development of the local area, these currencies are sufficient for us. But for the entire colony But it is still not enough. This may be one of the important reasons why we cannot develop economically in the colonies. We need to develop and we need to open up such a situation. Naturally, we need a lot of paper money, and paper money means that the merchants have more money in their hands. More funds can do more things, and they can use more funds to do more things." Han Shu encouraged.

"You can look at the situation in Bangla. After using a lot of banknotes, Bangla has developed very rapidly. The area of ​​cotton plantation in the area has risen rapidly, and the volume of trade has also increased a lot. A lot of land has been covered. We merged, and they have become our important cotton plantation, and we can't do without Bangla." Han Shu said.

Zhang Liang felt that what he said was reasonable, so he nodded in agreement.

"Relax, I think we should do it boldly when we encounter such a thing, otherwise, how we develop, this is one of our benefits." Han Shu said with a smile.

For such a result, they feel satisfied with you, after all, they are in a good opportunity for rapid expansion.

Qin State, Xianyang, Wenyang Bank.

"Chairman, I think that the opportunity to issue banknotes should come. The war has caused great changes in the financial situation of the two countries. This change is the same as Yue's." Xiao He said to Yingyu with a report.

"Well. I have also noticed this situation. They have gradually turned into losses from their initial surplus. This situation has changed a lot." Yingyu said.

The war greatly consumed the financial funds of Dawan and Tocharo. The consumption of funds in both countries is very alarming, and it is astonishing to a point where it is difficult to solve. But the war is still going on, and they need a lot of money to buy all kinds of war materials. From weapons to logistical supplies, there is no need for money, but their money has been exhausted. Most importantly, because of the issuance of bonds and the purchase of materials, there is not much currency in circulation in the market. At this time, the two countries urgently need a currency that can circulate and bring convenience, which obviously has met the development needs of paper money.

"We can obtain part of the right to issue banknotes through borrowing, as long as they allow us to issue such a large amount of funds in their domestic construction bank, of course. I suggest that we cooperate with their banks. In this way, we can reduce a lot. With the help of the local people, this is of great help to our paper currency issuance. In addition, we also need more gold reserves. Now the gold on the market is very cheap. This is very important for our development. Effective." Xiao He said at this time. After reading the report quickly, Yingyu approved the content of the other party's report.

"Just do it, we need these gold and paper money." Yingyu said.

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