The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3179: Unmarketable tea

"Sir, what should I do?" a major staff officer asked his officer, Chen Muge, the commander of the 2nd Infantry Division. It's really surprising that such a big thing happened, and many people don't know how to deal with it. Their staff officer looked at his chief quietly.

"Suppression, after catching everyone, interrogation. It must be suppressed." The division commander said.

"The order has been issued. Must be resolutely executed? Do you understand?" Li Guang explained to the side.

"Yes, sir." The staff officer nodded. Then the other Dawan troops who rushed over immediately launched an attack towards the capital. This happened suddenly.

When most of the staff are away busy. Chen Muge said to Li Guang.

"I was also shocked when something like this happened, but shock is shocked, what should we do next?" Chen Muge asked.

"You know, according to the information we got, these almost killed all the MPs. The entire cabinet no longer exists. This is equivalent to the Shabbat hitting our capital. But the situation may be better. The current situation is, We don't even know what to do?" Chen Muge said at this time. Because at this time they have no superiors at all. The cabinet is gone. The parliament does not exist anymore. Under such circumstances, he didn't know what to do.

"The most important thing at the moment is that we need to stabilize the situation as soon as possible. First, we need to discuss this matter with the military chiefs of several other infantry divisions and establish a provisional government. You are here to preside over the situation." Li Guang said at this time. To.

"Second. You need to suppress these people, bring them to public trial, transfer the massacred councillors, and deal with the aftermath of related matters." Li Guang said.

"The third is to get the support of the State of Qin. What I know is that the current financial situation of Dawan is very poor. Without financial support, many things cannot be carried out. Only with sufficient funds, we have many things. This is the most beneficial place for us." Li Guang said.

"Yeah. I understand. For Qin, I think you still need to go. After all, you represent our interests, and I will grant you specific circumstances. As long as the current situation can be stabilized." Chen Muge said.

"Okay." Li Guang nodded. Then he left quickly.

Inside the Wang Ben headquarters.

"Sir, the staff means let us retreat." A staff officer said with a telegram.

"Yeah. I see." Wang Ben also said with a telegram thinking about things.

"But, sir, I think that the current situation of the Parthians is so chaotic. There is a Persian uprising in the country. They have no time to look around. The most important thing is that we can do a lot. We wiped out most of the Parthians. Our main force has basically eliminated our threat. We can launch an offensive." The staff officer said of his reasons.

"Look, this, there has been a serious military riot in Dawan." Wang Ben said and passed the telegram to the staff officer.

"This." The staff officer was obviously frightened by the news. He didn't expect things to come so suddenly.

"It was sudden? Right? I also think it was sudden, but that's how it happened. There is no way." Wang Ben said.

"The current situation is, what should we do? The staff's idea is right. We must retreat and repair. Our logistics supplies are provided by the Tocharian side. There is only one railway on the Tocharan side. Dawan There is also a railway, but from the perspective of the supply of materials, the Dawan route is far better than the Tocharo route. The terrain here is complex, the development is very difficult, and the project consumes materials. The number is amazing." Wang Ben said.

"Besides, the logistic supplies here need to travel a long mountain road. The consumption on the road is far more than what we have to replenish. If we continue like this, we will not be able to start the situation at all, even if we occupy a lot of land. There are still a lot of trophies, but your cost of war has risen a lot at once. What will happen in the end?" Wang Ben asked.

"Therefore, Tocharo will not support it either. The only most effective way is to build a railway from Dawan. Get to us quickly. In this way, our supply problem will be solved very well." Wang Ben Speaking of.

"But sir. The situation in the Parthian people is very chaotic. You can't lose this opportunity. If you lose it, we can't do anything. Sir, I think you should understand such a situation." The staff officer continued. .

"Yes, it's chaotic. It's because of chaos that we don't need to do it. If we can solve it by negotiation, it is a very favorable situation. There is no need to prepare for such a large-scale war. This is the case. Right." Wang Ben said.

Rest in peace. The temporary station of the Persian Government of the Restoration, their station changes once a month, but the Persians are not bad, they have established a small base area, the situation is still stable, they originally had more than 160,000 people The army is actually a group of mobs. This time, the Persian restoration government followed Du Fei’s suggestion. They began to reorganize and formed an elite force of 30,000 young men. Some veterans were also arranged in it. They act as sergeants, and there are some low-level officers. However, a large number of middle-level and high-level generals are still lacking. The only solution is to solve them through war.

"What do you think of this issue?" The Black Widow met Du Fei. Du Fei's job is a consultant, a consultant hired by South Korea. In fact, through some battles, most of the consultants who helped the Parthians in South Korea fell into their hands. Among. However, the South Korean government only supports a legitimate government. They must agree to South Korea’s military interests. Otherwise, the South Korean government will not order those consultants to help them do many things.

"Where is this Kans Province?" Du Fei asked at this time. He looked at the crooked Zhongyuan characters written on the paper by the other party and asked. He doesn’t know many things, such as where they are, which he doesn’t know at all, because their maps are very rough, they are simply drawn by simple lines. Looking at the map requires you to use your imagination. Only when you can see what they are drawing on the map.

"In Seth and Anshi, that is, in our northwest direction, there were heavy soldiers stationed there before, but later they were transferred away for unknown reasons. Then the troops have always been in a vacant state, and our people plan to take It came down, but was occupied by some local armed forces. We have sent people to negotiate with them. The result." said the black widow.

"As a result, they killed the people you sent over. Then they collectively took refuge in the Seth, and the rest of the surrendered, and they also joined the Seth. Right?" Du Fei Asked.

"Yes, that's what it means. You are very smart, but we want to know, what should we do next?" the black widow asked.

"We have nothing to do." Du Fei said helplessly. He knew that this had a lot to do with the immature political skills of the Persian restoration government. When the Persian restoration government came up, it was clamoring for restoration and revenge. They took cruel measures of retaliation against the Parthians. Under such high-pressure political blows, the areas controlled by the Parthians naturally fell to other countries, such as the State of Seth. In some areas on the eastern border, some provinces would also choose to do so. After all, their lives have been greatly affected. Big blow.

"Why?" the black widow asked.

"Your blow has pushed these people to the other side. Think about it, you have to kill people and do a lot of things. Many people simply can't bear your fierce blow. Such a blow is beyond your reach. I am. Dare to say that." Du Fei said.

"If it were me, I would also fall to the other side. After all, my life is very important. From the current point of view, there may be a number of such areas, such as close to Dawan and Tocharo. They may There will be such an action." Du Fei analyzed.

"We can't do it. The rest of us killed many of us, so we let them go, we simply can't do such a thing." said the black widow.

"So, we can't help it." Du Fei whispered. The Persian restoration government was able to get the support of the Persians at once. This is their advantage. This advantage will greatly promote their development in the next step, but this advantage is also their disadvantage, because the Qin League The army defeated their main force. After losing most of the main force, the Parthian people's control over the surrounding situation was suddenly reduced. In order to seek their own safety, some provinces, especially border provinces, began to seek self-protection, and they decided to become enemy areas. In this way, they can become extremely safe.

The situation is such a situation, and they cannot do such a thing.

Qin State. Xianyang.

"The current situation is unclear, but the latest telegram shows that the Dawan 2nd Infantry Division has begun to mobilize troops to suppress it. The situation will develop steadily for the time being. However, what should we do next? This is very important." Wei Liao Speaking of.

"To expand westward, we need railways. Without railways, we can't do anything." Wei Liao said.

"This is indeed the case. If the new Dawan government still adopts tough measures and does not borrow money, then things will become unfavorable to us. Should we consider using force to solve the problems within the Dawan army." Meng Yi continued.

"It is not desirable. If we do this, we will also be dragged into the war. Moreover, many of Qin’s aviation forces are there, but there are very few ground forces. The most important thing is that a large amount of logistics supplies are available. Being in the hands of the other party, such a war is obviously detrimental to us. This is the last thing we should consider." Wei Liao said.

"Yeah. I didn't say it." Meng Yi said.

"At present, we don't know what the attitude of the people in Dawan is. According to the telegram sent by Meng Tian, ​​the situation in Dawan is very bad now. Their government no longer exists. That is, the upper command class of the army no longer exists. Parliament. The national legislative committee does not exist anymore. In this case, their situation becomes the situation of military management. We must talk to these military personnel. Maybe we can meet some of their conditions." Shangwen said.

"Yes. I agree. At present, the Dawan Parliament has reduced the welfare of many soldiers, and their treatment is very bad. They should not be hit like this. They should get the welfare they deserve, but they don't. In this way Under the circumstances, if they can plan to improve their welfare benefits, I think the situation is still more favorable to us." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, so the situation is such a situation. We are trying to open a gap from this aspect. After all, we don't want the situation in Dawan to be overly chaotic. In that case, it will be of no benefit to anyone." Shang Wen said.

"Okay. Let's start like this." Wei Liao nodded in agreement.

Inside Meng Tian's headquarters.

"Sir. The situation of the Dawan people is that, in fact, their senior generals don't know what to do?" Li Guang said to the quagmire.

"Their government no longer exists. Many government officials have been killed. There are still quite a few lawmakers massacred to death. Even if they are alive, I think it doesn't make much sense. But what we see is that of Dawan. The situation cannot continue to be chaotic. The most important thing is that the stability of Dawan will be of great help to our future development. We need Dawan Railway, and we need to make Dawanchao a logistics base for our expansion. Otherwise, we All his hard work was wasted." Li Guang said.

"You are right. I want to hear your opinion. Maybe you have a good way to solve such a problem." Meng Tian said at this time.

"Yes, sir, my thoughts are like this. If we can solve such problems, for example, we help them solve most of their military welfare benefits, such things happen, although there is no behind-the-scenes planning, etc. Military conspiracy. But, come to think of it, this is the same as what the main council has experienced in reducing the treatment of soldiers." Li Guang said.

"Yeah. You can't tell." Meng Tian said.

"Therefore, we need to lend them a sum of money to stabilize the current military situation. Only when this situation is stabilized can our situation be fundamentally improved. Then, it is the political issue." Li Guang said .

"After borrowing the money, they have to repay the money. After all, such a debt still exists. In order to repay the money, it is necessary to develop the economy. However, the soldiers have a large military scale. Abolition, there must be a great risk. After all, now It is the soldiers who control the situation, so their only way is to build railways or launch more military expansion. This is the business of the bank. Next, it depends on how the bank has done it." Meng Tian said.

"Yes, sir, we don’t know the specifics either. After all, we are soldiers, but we soldiers must ensure that we can stabilize the situation. Only in this way can they develop into our most favorable situation. The next thing is still It depends on what the bank does." Li Guang said.

"I understand what you mean. I will write a report and send it to Qin State Bank. They may consider such a thing." Meng Tian said.

In Wenyang Building, Wenyang Bank built a building over twenty-four stories high. This is the new office building of Wenyang Bank. This building has been completed a long time ago, but the interior decoration has not been completed. Until now, there are still some floors that have not been completed. However, this building has become a standard for Qin's office buildings.

"There is a military riot in Dawan. This kind of thing sounds like a serious thing." Yingyu said after reading the telegram.

"Yes. Chairman, we were also a little surprised that this happened, but after thinking about it, such a thing is not surprising. The war is nothing but a large amount of financial funds. At present, the financial situation of Dawan people It’s not very good, and the parliament with financial funds decided to cut government expenditures. For example, after the war, they could not wait to disband the army and let some soldiers go home, but they were too anxious to do so. They lacked financial funds. , The military benefits that were originally given to soldiers are gone. As a result, only such things can happen.” Xiao He explained.

"I'm really looking for the crime myself." Yingyu didn't know how tragically these congressmen paid for their stupid decision, and many people were massacred. But Yingyu didn't know that this kind of news could let them know that it was a very good situation for the first time.

"What are your thoughts?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"Chairman, my idea is that maybe we still need to pay attention to some of the situation here, that is, we need to provide a part of the funds to the military in Dawan. I think that if such a thing happens, it should be the military that will benefit in the end. In order to appease the military, the Dawan government must provide sufficient funds to the military. We can cooperate with the military to provide loans and then open the situation." Xiao He said.

"At present, the State of Qin has always been thinking about expanding toward the West. However, our expansion in the West has not been very smooth. Of course, this small amount of funds also requires railways. However, the Dawan government has done this. They obviously did not have sufficient resources. Funds do such things, if we borrow, they build railways, our affairs become very easy to handle." Xiao He said.

"You mean, we can borrow money for them to build the railway?" Yingyu asked.

"Yes, but we still need to do specific measures. We don’t necessarily have to borrow money, cooperate, and cooperate with the party with the greatest interest. The development of railways may have great benefits. We only have to build so many railways. In order to solve all the problems." Xiao He said.

"Well, you are right. I decided to cooperate on such a thing." Yingyu nodded. The more chaotic the situation, the better for the businessmen, and Qin Guo's banking business is doing well. Because many places lack funds. The lack of funds directly causes the bank’s business to be easy to do. As long as you have a sum of money, you can borrow repeatedly, whether you cooperate or borrow, as long as there are many projects, there is a lack of funds. Without funds, it is difficult to start a project. of. Everyone wants to make money. No one would even consider losing money.

Love several countries. There are more and more merchant ships from various countries, including South Korea, Chu, and more of the silk ships of Chu. Their silks are sold quickly here, and the merchants are also very excited. Aijiguo suddenly became their favorite place.

"Silk is coming out very quickly. They don't like these teas. If I bought a lot, if I knew it, I would buy silk instead of these **** teas." A tea merchant said angrily.

The silk merchants who came here are all rich. Because their silk sales are very good, mainly in some northern countries, they are very satisfied with this kind of lightweight clothes, especially the upper class of Aiji, they like such luxurious clothes. So it sells quickly. For tea, they think this kind of bitter leaf water, they are not interested, they don't like the taste. Although Korean Chu people continue to sell, they are still unwilling to accept such things.

"Brother, don't worry, maybe the tea situation has just begun, they just don't accept it. It doesn't matter. We can enjoy them if they don't drink it," a silk merchant persuaded.

"Hey, what can I do? If this goes on, my business will not be good. I can borrow a large sum of money. I originally planned to make a good profit for this tea. I will lose two ships when I go back. Damn tea. Tea." The tea merchant said annoyed. He transports all tea, because compared to silk, he feels that tea is more stable and can make a fortune. After all, things like tea can make a lot of profits in other regions. However, In the Aegean countries, people are not interested in tea at all. The reason is that most of their food is grains, not meat. They are not too short of tea. Only the barbarians in the north can know the benefits of tea. And there is Seth, rest in peace, such a nomadic country, they know the benefits of tea. Although their taste is not good, they can add a lot of sugar. But this businessman simply delivered the tea, but didn't sell it with sugar, so naturally his tea could not be sold. Unless he can bring great economic benefits. Especially by stimulating the addition of sugar, his situation may be better.

Doing business sometimes requires some skills. Not many good things can bring great profits in other regions. Some suitable things are needed, such as silk. Love a few people need something like this because of the heat.

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