The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3182: Short appointment

Jiaozhou, Qingcheng Port Wharf Area.

"Brothers, have an extra meal today. There are good wines. It is the two ships behind here. I have to ship quickly. Thank you." A supervisor said to the black stevedore. Workers are holding things like shovels. They look very tired. Because they have already loaded two cargo ships. They worked together with about fifty workers and spent the whole morning, and now they can’t do anything.

"We have to eat dinner, otherwise, the brothers will have no strength." said a foreman.

"Yes. Too tired. It's more tired than digging a mountain." Many people said weakly.

"Okay. Whatever you want, but this ship must be hurry up, this ship from Zhao country is going to sea in a hurry, I hope you can hurry up, even if you go to the Goguryeo woman tonight, the captain has to invite it." The supervisor laughed. Speaking of.

"With the Goguryeo women, we can't get any more energy. This waist is about to break." A thin man said while holding his waist and shaking his head.

"I said, why your kid is young, his back hurts, and the woman is not lonely to die." The foreman said with a smile.

"Hahaha, that is, it seems that you have to get more tiger whips, bear whips, etc. from the Goguryeo people. That thing can restore the glory." Many people said with a smile.

"Okay. I don't care about these things. You have to complete the loading as soon as possible before six o'clock in the afternoon. The ship over there is going to sea in a hurry. Leave at night. You hurry up." The supervisor urged.

"Okay. Just wait." The foreman said loudly.

"However, on the Goguryeo women's side, you have to leave us a place." The foreman then shouted loudly, for fear that the other party would not hear it. Speaking of. South Korea's way of loading and unloading is really a bit backward. Maybe it's because South Korea had no previous experience in loading and unloading coal. After all, the use of steam engines on warships and later a series of boilers was not until later. Most of this coal is shipped to the major ports in Southeast Asia and the West. However, the Korean terminal has no experience in loading and unloading, and the equipment has only simple manual transfer belts. Later, I thought of using steam engines to drive, but the speed still cannot meet the large-scale loading and unloading, because it requires a lot of manpower to perform loading and unloading. All of the lifting equipment is specially designed to handle large cargoes. For coal, they seem to have no choice at all. In desperation, they had no choice but to use such a dumb method. There is no way, the front lines especially need such a lot of fuel. Without this much fuel, they simply cannot conduct maritime operations.

The Goguryeo woman that the foreman and the supervisor talked about was another matter. With the economic development of coastal areas. The population is increasing, and the Goguryeo area, which is in an underdeveloped area, has become backward in economy. Goguryeo exports a large amount of mineral resources and labor. Men mainly meet the needs of minerals. However, with the development of domestic minerals, the possibility of men coming out has become very low. However, women also need to eat. Goguryeo has fought against foreign countries several times, and the number of men has decreased and the number of women has increased. Many men have lost their husbands or their own sons, and the government will not give them pensions at all, and it is difficult for them to handle mineral matters themselves.

Although in the mines of Goguryeo. Female workers are nothing new. However, after all, women have great physical and physical defects. In desperation, women workers have to go out to find part-time jobs, otherwise they will have to starve to death.

Fortunately, there are a large number of textile factories in Qingcheng, Jiaozhou, South Korea. There are more and more female workers there, and some Korean female workers also have them, but they are generally unwilling to engage in this kind of work, because this kind of work is labor intensive and takes a long time, and the wages paid by the factory are not very high. On average, it takes more than fifteen hours a day to work. South Korean women workers have some political regulations for workers. Their working hours are strictly restricted, and cannot exceed twelve hours. In this way, the factory can only seek cheap Goguryeo female workers who have no legal protection.

In terms of salary, the female workers in Goguryeo do a lot of work, but they are paid very little. Their meals are also the cheapest kind. In this way, they have to save a lot of money in remittance to their husbands or children. Under the pressure of life, some of them had to do some shameful things. In the port wharf area, there are a large number of workers in great demand in this regard.

Where the gap between the rich and the poor is, and in all ages, Qingcheng has a very high standard of living, but it is still unavoidable that such things happen. There are too many wives and concubines of the wealthy. Sometimes they don’t know how many concubines they have. They can only use numbers to show how many concubines they have. The poor still cannot get their own wives. They can only go to Goguryeo women to be satisfied. In short, Goguryeo women can only engage in such a life to satisfy their desire for money. This is a portrayal of life at the bottom.

Although South Korea is a developed country and the country is developing very fast, it still cannot avoid such things from happening. In fact, similar things happened in Qin. It's just that the newspapers didn't report too much.

The Zhao Guo ships on the dock left one after another, and they were all ships that transported coal. Qi also has such ships. They are all new ships launched from the Laizhou Commercial Shipyard. The launching speed of the ships is increasing. These must rely on the technology provided by Zhao to get such a great guarantee. The new ship launched will quickly transport such goods to the South and Western Oceans. The transportation costs they earn are still not cheap. However, the merchant ships of Qi State transported some special goods of the country. For example, some of their own medicines, the Goguryeo ginseng wine transported and processed from Goguryeo, or all kinds of canned seafood, and some of their own special products.

Among these medicines, there are some special medicines. The quantity of these medicines is not very large, and they carry signs prohibited by the military. In fact, they are the drugs that were purified and processed in the early days. This is the special product of Qi.

It is said that the Qi military did not restrict the use of such drugs at the beginning. As a result, the strength of one of their formation regiments was greatly affected, and the side effects of Yapian psychotropic drugs finally showed up. The dependence is very strong. However, the anesthesia effect is still good, and the Qi military can not find other anesthetic drugs, but they just export the drugs in exchange for foreign exchange. The people of Qi are willing to do this because they really feel that they can't come up with anything good to solve their competitive advantage in trade.

Qin Guo, in a conference hall of the Bank Reserve Committee.

"We must get enough benefits. The question is, how do we get benefits in currency issuance?" A banker brought up today's topic, the Qin government's report, which all bankers read. However, there are only a few banks that can participate. The current capital expansion is very strong. There are very good projects in various countries. A large number of small and medium-sized banks are expanding very strongly. Every salesperson lives in a good country. , Because they can borrow repeatedly with a sum of money. They can lend to Zhao people to develop the electric power industry, and they can also lend to Koreans to buy electric equipment or produce some small electrical accessories. Or, they can give Qi people, Qi people need some funds to build their small factories, and their factories can produce some small products to meet export needs. In short, there are so many businesses, so many middle and lower banks simply cannot participate. Only those large enterprises with strong capital can participate.

"We all know that what the Dawan government needs now is funds. A lot of funds. If their soldiers need to improve their welfare benefits, they need a lot of funds. They need to restore their economy, they need funds, they need to expand their territory, and they also need funds. The most important thing is that the Qin government needs to build a railway connecting Qin and Dawan to the Far West. The future of this railway is of great significance and also requires a lot of funds. The problem is that Dawan and us It is impossible to provide such a large amount of funds. The only way is to issue paper money." said a banker.

"The problem is how to issue banknotes. Banknotes are not issued as soon as they want to be issued. This requires a standard to measure. As we all know, this standard is gold reserves. The gold reserves in Dawan have long been empty." Said a bank.

Yingyu sat in his place and thought about this without saying a word. All they need to do is how to allocate the quota.

"For now, we still need to involve the Dawan government to establish a unified Dawan Central Bank, and then we can control Dawan's commercial banks. Only in this way can we proceed with higher profits. Otherwise. It is difficult for us to expand the business we want." said a banker.

"Yes, only if the Dawan government is involved in the establishment, we have to give them certain benefits. However, we cannot give the other side the gold reserves. We must take advantage of this opportunity to issue banknotes, that is, according to a certain proportion. The comparison of Qin’s half and half of the Dawan banknotes with a certain proportion of Dawan banknotes attracted a large amount of funds to enter it.” said a banker.

"But we also need something else. That is, we need to send an economic adviser to assist the other party in doing this. After all, it seems that the other party still has a hard time understanding the terms we offer." Some bankers have suggested.

Yingyu knows. These bankers finally started their blood gushing. They want to eat up Dawan’s economy bit by bite. After all, Dawan’s economic performance was very eye-catching before. They have great economic development capabilities, and there are also quite a few profitable mineral projects. The bankers are eye-catching. They don't want the other party to continue like this. This is a good opportunity. A good opportunity to eat up the economy of Dawan.

With the continuous expansion of the Dawan country, military expansion will bring about excessive fiscal consumption, but Dawan simply cannot come up with such a large amount of money. The only way is to borrow money. Borrowing money is okay, but it must have good benefits. This is like drugs. The people of Qin are easy to borrow money, but it is very difficult to repay it.

The establishment of a bank united by Dawan and Qin people means that Qin’s bankers controlled Dawan’s central bank from the beginning. The Dawan government can participate in the establishment, but how much capital they can control the central bank, The answer is no, they still need a lot of funds to meet their own military expenditures. In such a situation, they simply cannot do this. Therefore, after borrowing the money, the Qin State bankers actually controlled the issuance of banknotes. Although it was part of it, they still controlled most of the wealth of the Dawan government. The next thing is very easy to handle. This is the meeting of bankers, who made the Dawan government not consider these things.

Dawan, Xinshidu. Military representatives from various places and local representatives have arrived here one after another. They signed the government appointment letter. In fact, they also recognized Chen Muge's political status. However, Chen Muge is currently unable to fully and legally control political power. Some things need to be done, that is, get financial support from Qin State Bank. Without financial support, local representatives and military representatives are not. Will support him. The reason for his support is that he can find a lot of funds.

"I think you should understand that the reason why they can support me is because I can get a lot of money, but if I can't get such a lot of money, I will have to step down and I can't do anything." Chen Mu Ge said anxiously. Because the military must see enough funds, otherwise, Chen Muge would have to step down. There are many capable people anyway.

"I know this, sir." Li Guang suddenly became a senior adviser to the other party. There are many such advisers, ranging from economics, politics, to military diplomacy.

"The Qin State Bankers held a meeting today and they have agreed to lend you money." Li Guang said.

"This is great. When will they provide me with funds, I need the funds too much." Chen Muge said.

"This. They said that we need to pass the bill to issue banknotes so that they can provide you with sufficient funds, because you know that Qin needs a lot of metal currency. The amount of funds needed by Dawan is too large. They can't provide you with more metal currency." Li Guang said.

"Well, I understand what you mean. In other words, as long as I can accept your bank's conditions, they will give me a sum of money, and then they will handle such funds themselves, as long as I can meet their conditions, Is it all right?" the other party asked.

"That's what it means, sir, your idea is correct." The other party said so.

"Okay. I'll do this to support your idea. Just come, I entrust you to do this. As long as you can provide a large amount of funds, the sooner the better, I can do this. No matter what the conditions are." Chen Mu Speaking of Ge's sickness to go to the doctor. He has no choice now. The support of the military is very important. Without the support of the military, it would be difficult for him and an infantry division to resist the opponent and unite to attack him. This situation forced Chen Muge to accept the bank's terms, no matter what? Chen Muge knew that he was able to stabilize this situation only if the financial problem was solved. He knew this very well.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"The situation of silk sales in Aiji area is unexpectedly good. This telegram is sent from Sori. There is no sufficient telegraph line to reach the Aiji area. However, there have been Korean merchants there. This is a very In bad circumstances, we must speed up our control over there, and we need to love a few." Chen Ping said to Fan Zeng.

"But we can't reach there yet. The strength of the army stays at rest, coupled with the difficulty of logistical supplies. Aiji seems to be too far away from us." Fan Zeng said helplessly. The power of the military is far from keeping up with the expansion speed of the merchants, and the merchants can pursue their interests and expand very quickly.

"Besides, you have seen the situation now. Members of Parliament have only participated in this, and Western Trading Company has only placed an order, and they have initially completed part of the military expenditure. Many things are being done now, I think we may not be able to catch up. "Fan Zeng said worriedly.

"Prime Minister, I thought of a good way. We can solve such a thing, that is, appointment. We can issue a large number of empty appointment letters." Chen Ping said.

"We all know that our military force cannot be popularized there yet, nor can it be reached there. It takes time and some effort. However, our commercial forces cannot wait for such a time. They need to complete such things as quickly as possible. , Do this?" Chen Ping said.

"We can issue a large number of empty documents and give them the position of governor, governor, and commander-in-chief of the local militia. Anyway, they don't have a lot of real power. They need to recruit soldiers by themselves and fight the world by themselves." Chen Ping said.

"But we can get benefits, taxes, and wealth from these people. When they get down, we only need to give certain verbal rewards, and we can get a large colony." Chen Ping said.

"Ha ha ha. I understand." Fan Zeng said with a smile.

"I can sign a lot of empty documents like this. Anyway, I don't need money." Fan Zeng began to draft such documents. Anyway, it doesn't cost a lot of money. It's too easy to get a colony by sending a telegram.

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