The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3198: Do not advance or retreat

Qi State, Laizhou Port, the South Korean military ordered a large number of military materials here to be transported from here to the front line. Commercial transportation orders greatly stimulated the development of the shipping industry of Zhao State and Qi State.

"Korean people are really busy this year," said a bearded captain. His ship is a new type of ship that has just been launched. It is very fast and requires relatively few people. A boat that used to require at least one hundred and twenty people can now be completed with only fifty people. The speed can reach 21 knots, of course. If the cargo is too heavy and heavy, he can only move forward at a speed of 18 knots. But this kind of advancement can be done regardless of the wind direction, and the sailing time has been shortened by more than double.

"No, I heard. They plan to order a large amount of surplus military supplies from the State of Zhao and equip them with their new troops. In this way, they can quell the riots in Menggla and the resistance of the Seth people. They are. Only then ended the fight with the Shazhou people. Otherwise, the Koreans will have to fight three wars this year, and no country has the financial capability to withstand such a big riot.” Another captain said. His beard shaved very clean, because overseas, if the beard is too long, it is easy to affect the appetite, but these are all related to personal preferences. On some ships that are not strictly managed, some crew members will shave their heads. Because traditional hair accessories are a headache. The water shortage on the ship is severe, and if the hair is very long, it is easy to feel a headache. Therefore, some people cut their own hair. In this regard, this is a personal act, and the laws of various countries do not clearly stipulate what hair accessories look like. This is a change in tradition.

"Yes, but our affairs are much better. Let's load cans here, as well as all kinds of materials, and then go to Qingcheng to load some weapons, and some have to transport some troops south. Anyway, the Koreans give money, their There are not enough boats. If we don't seize our boat, it will be fine." The captain said.

"Seizure, this is something the two countries finally agreed to. Let's not give him luck. I see if the Koreans can settle such a thing." Captain Bearded said impatiently.

"Okay. Okay. Let's quickly see if the cargo on the ship is loaded." Another captain said comfortingly. After the Koreans seized the ship once, many captains were worried about this. After all, they relied on sea transportation for food. If the ship was seized, they would have no one to eat. But South Korea is different this time.

In order to quell the riots as soon as possible, they can only hand over a large number of military orders to commercial ships for transportation. There are not many domestic commercial ships in South Korea. Most of them are concentrated in the western regions, and transportation to and from them is no longer possible. The only way is to rely on transport ships from other countries to meet the needs of quelling the riots.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside the staff.

"Even though military production is not under our control, it's dangerous." Li Mu said while looking at the report in his hand.

"If it wasn't for the Koreans to have some accidents suddenly, otherwise, these military orders would be trapped in our hands all at once, and our military industrial enterprises would cause great losses." Li Mu said.

"Yes, sir, we have produced a large number of rifles, submachine guns, and pistols. There are also a lot of various bullets. The prices of raw materials are relatively expensive now, and the prices of weapons are generally high. For Dawan and Tochar. The order for weapons of China stopped too fast. We did not expect that the Allied forces headed by the Qin Army would stop fighting. This poses a great threat to us. I mean, the factory." The staff officer said.

"The key to the problem lies here. In order to get more orders, our factory desperately carried out production and improvement. What was the result? We produced a lot of weapons, but the war suddenly stopped. People from Qin and Dawan said that they would stop the military. Orders, but what about the weapons in our hands? The factory has invested a lot of costs. In this way, the situation is very unfavorable for us." Li Mu said.

"Fortunately, the Koreans have digested part of it. Otherwise, our losses will become very severe." The staff officer said.

"Well, we can solve part of it, but what can we do after changing into so many weapons? The Prime Minister's Mansion did not support our expansion." Li Mu said.

"Sir, I got some news from the Prime Minister's Mansion." The staff officer whispered to Li Mu at this time.

"What news?" Li Mu knew that he couldn't do anything without clear news.

"That's the case. I heard that the Prime Minister's Office has recently felt a headache about the number and scale of councillors, because many councillors have united to nominate and demand an increase in the number and scale of councils," the staff officer said.

"However, the Prime Minister's Office feels that Zhao's homeland has adapted to a large-scale parliament. If the number of members is further increased, it will cause great political dissatisfaction. This is a big problem for political development. This is a big problem. The Prime Minister's Office is also very embarrassed. Members of Parliament who are not satisfied will have a great disadvantage to the Prime Minister's Office, in order to avoid such things from happening." The staff officer said.

"The Prime Minister's Office has decided to expand abroad, establish some colonies, and transfer the pressure of domestic parliamentarians, let their young people take positions there, and then enter parliament through elections." The staff officer said.

"Do you think such things are true and reliable?" Li Mu asked.

"How to say, sir, I think it is very likely to do this. Although expansion will bring about short-term financial difficulties, it can greatly solve our land demand and mineral resource demand. From the perspective of war, the State of Zhao must resolve such a crisis, otherwise, there will be great danger. Therefore, I think that expansion should be carried out." The staff officer said.

"Yeah. Then we should make relevant preparations. In addition, according to the requirements of the General Staff, military industry enterprises should make careful production plans and cannot expand blindly. Otherwise, a large amount of military weapons will be surplus, which will cause us a lot. Big trouble." Li Mu said.

Zhao Guo’s military-industrial enterprises have great contradictions. On the one hand, he can get more military orders. For example, the rapid-fire guns produced by the Koreans’ own military-industrial enterprises have certain problems, but such problems cannot be completely resolved. They I ordered a batch from Zhao Guoren, and there are also airships, but the number of orders is not very large, but the military industry enterprises of Zhao State are very crazy to produce so many military materials. If such many military materials cannot be timely If it is digested, the result will be detrimental to the company, because a large amount of liquidity becomes a product accumulation, and the company will face a great crisis.

Yan country. Liaodong Shipyard, here is very busy, but before, it was very busy, because Yan Guo did not have a lot of orders for merchant ships, most of them built some wooden sailboats, they were only responsible for the construction of the hull, and finally under the guidance of Korean skilled workers. Next, install the core equipment. but now. It's extremely busy here.

"It's very busy here?" Prince Dan inspected and said.

"Yes, Prince. We received a military order from South Korea not long ago. They are going to build more than 20 warships. They also sent drawings. Of course, they will also send related equipment." The person in charge of the shipyard. Speaking of this.

"Well. That's good, and it's good to be busy." Prince Dan said. It is a good thing for the shipyard to get busy. At least it can let everyone have their own jobs. The Liaodong Shipyard and related private shipyards have attracted a large number of Yan people to look for jobs here. There are a lot of forest resources in the north of Yan. In addition to coal resources, some people are engaged in the transportation industry. Only half of the railway in the Liaodong Peninsula has been built, and the remaining half requires horse-drawn carriages for transportation. On the other hand. Shipyards need a large number of workers. Their salaries are not very high, but they can meet their needs. In this way, there are sufficient raw materials and cheap labor, which also attracts some companies to build factories here. After all, the cost here is very low. .

"Tell me, what kind of problems do you have? Oh. Or your future development. What kind of development is there?" Prince Dan said.

"This, Prince, our development is like this. At present, we still need to accept more orders. After all, we accept a warship or a merchant ship, and there will be a certain amount of profit. After a certain amount of accumulation, we plan to Introducing some machinery factories, mainly to produce some ship-hull boilers, and propellers. This has a great demand for us. The nearby Goguryeo people also provide us with a large amount of copper mines. These are our advantages." Answered.

"Well. It's done well, very well. Look, our factory manager knows that technology is very important. We can't just produce some hulls. We must develop towards higher technology." Prince Edward Dan said.

The ministers behind nodded one after another. At present, Yan State is able to produce some simple parts, but they still do not have the ability to produce large-scale machinery, and even boilers can barely produce home-made boilers.

"Prince, if we do this, we will need a lot of technical personnel, but in this regard, we can only hire from abroad. There is no such talent in the local area. We are worried that there is no such talent." The director whispered at this time. Said. After several ministers heard it, they pretended not to hear. Prince Dan felt embarrassed. Compared with several countries, the education development of Yan is very backward. The penetration rate of basic education in Yan is not very high. There are still quite a few people in the country who are illiterate. In terms of advanced talents, Only some nobles and big businessmen can have such talents, but compared with several other countries, such talents are still lagging behind. Moreover, most of these talents are concentrated in painting and management. There are not many talents in real technology. This is caused by the backwardness in the education system of Yan State. This is because the Yan government did not encourage it a lot.

On the issue of education funding, Yan State’s financial capacity is insufficient, and naturally the funding provided is not very sufficient. As a result, it has caused great educational difficulties. All the ministers are aware of this issue, but without the money to invest in it, it is naturally empty talk. When the director raised this issue, Prince Dan felt very embarrassed.

Regarding this question, Prince Dan avoided it with no interest. After all, this is not a small problem. It requires investment and a large amount of money. Yan Guo will not be like Zhao Guoren. They let enterprises bear the education expenses, and the solution for enterprises to solve such problems is apprenticeship. On the one hand, they train them. Excellent talents, and the apprentices on the other side need to sign a long-term work agreement with the company, which can ensure that the company can provide a steady stream of talents, and the company can provide them with certain training opportunities. This has formed a good cooperative relationship. Without such a good cooperative relationship, there is no guarantee that Zhao State will have sufficient technological innovation and the improvement of technological capabilities. This is a virtuous cycle and development.

Zhao Guo, in a factory training class in Handan, they introduced new equipment, electric machine tools. This kind of machine tool is larger and faster than the machine tool that uses the steam engine, but this requires them to perform a series of operations and learning, and at the same time they have to select the most suitable workers to redistribute.

"Xiao Dunzi, what did the teacher tell you to do?" a middle-aged worker whispered to the worker in his early twenties, holding a notebook and pencil.

"Oh. I didn't use it for class tomorrow. Go to the electrician to study." The young worker explained.

"Oh. Good. Good." The middle-aged worker nodded and said. They are learning some basic knowledge of electric power. Handan, Zhao State, has built some power plants, which satisfies them to use electric machine tools, but new knowledge needs to be learned. Young people receive fast, so they are naturally given priority in training.

"We are getting old. Some knowledge is very difficult to understand. We are not as good as you." The middle-aged worker said helplessly.

"Uncle, don't be discouraged, as long as you are willing to work hard, you still have a chance." The other party said. Then it sounds seriously. But the middle-aged people don't understand, and are always distracted. Even though they listen very hard, they just don't understand what's going on. What kind of resistance, electric current, you can hear it quickly when you are young, the middle-aged man can't help shaking his head. The technology of their generation has been eliminated. If he can't learn new technology, he will be eliminated. This is fate, and they can only accept such things. After all, technology is advancing from generation to generation. If you don't accept it, you will be eliminated. This is a fact.

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