Dawan Country, Xinshidu.

"To build such a railway, we need a lot of capital, labor, and more raw materials. This is difficult for us to do, and I think it is also difficult for Qin to accomplish such a thing." Chen Muge Speaking to Li Guang on the side.

"Yes, most of this railway passes through plains and should be well built. But the problem is that it takes a relatively short time and must be completed within a year. In this way, a lot of money and manpower will be required. From a long-term perspective, the economic benefits obtained are still relatively good. After all, there is great economic potential there." Li Guang considered from the military and economic perspectives.

"I know that your Qin Kingdom is constantly expanding. For the Western Regions, your definition is a broad concept of the Western Regions. In this concept, the Siberian Kingdom is in it. I don’t know what you are for. However, the cost of building a railway is still relatively high. Big." Chen Muge said worriedly.

"This point, we are naturally very clear, but it is absolutely impossible to have no railway. Railway is an important infrastructure." Li Guang led the topic.

"I know this." Chen Muge said.

"However, you also know the current situation in Dawan. We simply don’t have that much money. I don’t think it is possible for Qin to come up with more funds. At the same time, the parliament and all parties in Dawan It is unlikely that Qin's funds will be involved. As you know, the influence of Qin's people is a bit too great." Chen Muge said worriedly.

With the support of the people of Qin, a large amount of things from Qin entered Dawan, and the influence of Qin on Dawan became greater and greater. They don't know who spread the news. They believe that Dawan is a new local state of Qin in the West. Among the people, the people in Dawan are a little worried, and some are disgusted. Therefore, in this project, Chen Muge did not dare to allow Qin people's funds to enter too much, otherwise it would cause even greater trouble.

"However, without railways, our military logistics cannot be carried out. You must know that the military's demand for logistics supplies has become very large. It is absolutely impossible to do such a thing without sufficient logistics supplies." Speaking of embarrassment.

"The only way is to adopt a shareholding system. The government participates partly, Qin people partly participates, and Dawan private capital participates partly. This is the best way. In this way, the balance of all problems can be solved." Li Guang Speaking at this time.

"I understand what you said, but it is very difficult to operate in practice. After all, we need to further expand our profits." Chen Muge knew that the key to the problem lies in funds. Of the three parties, only Dawan Rich has no money. But he has fixed assets that can be counted as shares.

"Don't worry about this. We adopt a shareholding system, which can be achieved through stock trading. As long as competition, through competitive purchases, profits can be maximized." Li Guang suggested.

"Yeah. Your suggestion is good. I will adopt it. I have heard of this method before. It is a very good method." Chen Muge nodded. In fact, Chen Muge himself prefers this approach, because it can largely solve the funding problem of the Dawan government. The Dawan government does not want to put a large backlog of funds on the issue of railway construction.

While Chen Muge was considering specific issues, the Dawan people in the outskirts were shouting frantically.

"Look, I said, Qin people are good people. They used airships to bring us a lot of food, you see." A young man shouted happily and loudly, as if only such a shout can release his heart. Depression, because of the increase in food and the use of paper money, the price of food has risen several times. This makes many people in Dawan feel dissatisfied with the new government. Of course, these dissatisfaction is concentrated on the civilians, because their income is not because of The issuance of banknotes has increased. On the contrary, the military’s interests have not been lost. They use gold coins. Gold coins can be exchanged for more banknotes. The people can only use cheap banknotes for circulation. Therefore, the military maintains stability. But the people have to endure the trouble of rising prices. But this situation has been greatly resolved today.

"Look. The Qin national airship is here." Many people excitedly ran towards the place where the supplies were dropped, and they robbed them to show their support. Meng Tian used a large amount of food that the airship really dropped from their base. This food temporarily met the needs of the Dawan people, and at least they would not say anything to the Dawan government. after all. These grains were sent by the Qin government. But their price is not without. A large number of resting prisoners were transferred to the territory of Qin. But the people in Dawan care about food. It's food. It's their standard of living, and for others, they haven't considered too much for the time being. This is not something they can consider. They only care about their own prices.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Dawan plans to use financial methods to solve their problems in building railways. However, in this case, a large number of railway stocks will be concentrated on our side. Will we build a financial center in Dawan or other On the one hand, do we build a corresponding stock trading platform?" Meng Yi asked.

"This question is very important. You know, Tocharo and Yueshi in the south, they also have related things to do, and they are also building railways. We can attribute them to one problem." Meng Yi said.

"If you build a financial center in Dawan, how important the platform is, do you think about the feelings of Tocharo? After all, they are not willing to place their own stock trading in another country." Shang Wen said.

"You know. These are two different ethnic groups, and they have their own considerations. They are unlikely to accept the concentration of a stock trading center in another country." Shang Wen said.

"However, if we do not do this, there will not be a large stock market, we know. The stocks of these two countries are still relatively scattered. This is very difficult for us to accept. Decentralized Orders are very difficult to accept, especially for Qin State Bank. It seems unlikely that they will accept a scattered order. That would not be of special benefit." Meng Yi further said.

Regarding the establishment of a specific financial center, Qin State has a worry. Tochar and Dawan are two different ethnic groups. In fact, the Yue people also have such needs, but they only use violence to solve such problems. problem. However, it is undeniable that they need such a financial platform. Without such a financial platform, it will be difficult for them to expand further.

However, on the issue of specific establishment, each country has its own plan, and they hope to establish such a platform, which can greatly reduce the restrictive effect. But the problem is that all countries do not have great ability to guarantee that they can support such a stock platform. If they do not have such strength, they will naturally not be able to do a good business in stocks. Because the number of stocks simply does not meet the needs of establishing a financial center, the only way is to pool them. But there is a problem with centralization. The three countries will not agree to put their financial centers on other countries.

"If we don't solve such problems, it will be difficult for us to solve such problems. You know. No country is willing to put its financial center on other countries, but they need it themselves." Meng Yi said .

"Therefore, we need a common place. This problem can only be solved by us, that is, we Qin State will set up a sub-center here. In this case, the problem will be solved better." Shang Wen proposed.

"Qin's influence can indeed achieve this, but we don't have a common place." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"At present, countries need to solve the financial difficulties as soon as possible. This problem does not seem to affect this." Meng Yi said.

"We can put it aside for a while. We need to solve the diplomatic problem, and we must wait for the three countries to have such a demand before we can take such an action." Shang Wen said after thinking about it.

Shangwen is not good at solving such problems. After all, he feels that setting up a financial center at this time seems a bit too fast. Although countries have such needs, they can still solve them internally. Only when the problem cannot be further solved will they need to do this. In that case, Qin will completely solve such problems. Shang Wen feels that the time is not up to date.

Qin Guo, the stock center.

Li Wen feels a very headache.

"Why steel stocks have not fallen yet." Li Wen plans to short steel stocks, because the market is developing in this way, he suddenly felt that the market seems to have fallen. Because of electricity. Steel and stocks such as banks are rising too fast. They have risen to a great extent. Under such circumstances, the market cannot withstand such great pressure, and then stock prices will fall vertically, facing such a situation. Naturally it will make a lot of money. However, steel stocks have not fallen, and he does not know why this is the case.

"Is my analysis wrong? Shouldn't it." Li Wen said to himself. He didn't know what exactly happened and caused such a result. He himself didn't know why such a thing happened. Could it be an accident.

Li Wen overlooked one point. The demand from abroad is stronger than that of Qin's own construction, such as the railway.

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