"Take off your clothes, hurry up." The soldiers of the New Army of Bangladesh shouted with their rifles in their hands. The surrendered person on the opposite side slowly took off his clothes.

Before there were native soldiers who surrendered in the city, pretending to surrender, and then launched an offensive. They caused a lot of losses to the new Bangladeshi Army. After that, the New Bangladeshi Army had to be careful.

"There are more and more soldiers surrendering in the city. It seems that they will surrender without us launching a large-scale attack." Han Ying said.

"Yes, sir. I think the main reason is their food. We cut off their food sources. Without food, we don't have to attack, and they will be killed by us." Zhang Ji said. After reaching the encirclement. The South Korean New Army and the Bangla New Army were not eager to launch an offensive, because doing so would consume more troops. And the sacrifice will be greater in order to solve such problems. They adopted the strategy of encircling but not fighting, because they knew that the whole of Bangla and the northern Zhanpu country lacked food. Only the port area could get enough food in time. Without sufficient food, their resistance would soon be Lost the purpose.

In fact, the reason why the Bangla New Army and the South Korean New Army did not launch an offensive was largely because they needed to solve one thing, that is, they did not want the city of Bangla to lose too much to be destroyed.

"Such encirclement will take a long time. I think the above may not agree with such a thing." Han Ying said worriedly. He looks at the whole issue from a holistic perspective.

"But sir, this is our best strategy at the moment. By doing so, we can prevent the entire Bangla from being destroyed." Zhang Ji said.

"But if we do this, we need to spend a long time, in this case, will the above really give us a long time? I think it's impossible." Han Ying said.

"Sir, we can't solve such a thing. After we have eliminated the native soldiers in the Bangla riots, there will also be the northern Champa country, and there will be more native riots. Although their forces cannot be concentrated, we The war is definitely indispensable. If we consume more troops here, it will be difficult for us to solve all the problems." Zhang Ji calmly analyzed.

"Well, you are right, we are focusing on the whole situation. Solving the Mengla issue is not a problem that can be solved soon." Han Ying nodded and said.

On Zhang Xiong Island. South Korea's Nanyang Fleet Headquarters.

"Sir, the admiralty's order is for us to prevent Qi and Zhao from occupying the island as much as possible." A staff officer told Zhang He.

"Damn the Admiralty." Zhang He scolded angrily.

"Our ships only have sailboats. How do we launch an attack? It's a joke to stop the other party." Zhang He complained.

"Sir, the current situation is very unfavorable to us, but the Admiralty said that their reinforcements will go south to help us in time. There will be about 20 new warships. This is enough for us to prevent the enemy from launching an attack." Speaking of.

"It takes time." Zhang He said.

"Yes, sir, but this is the best thing we have done so far," the staff officer said.

"Okay. Let's solve the matter like this." Zhang He nodded and said. The power of the Nanyang Fleet has been weakened a lot, and the Nanyang Fleet cannot stop the joint occupation of the islands by Qi and Zhao.

It can be said that the situation of the Nanyang Fleet is very passive.

North of Bangla, Pingpu, where the Sixty-one Step Corps of the Korean New Army is stationed. This fortress is a large fortress, garrisoned with a regiment of troops, which is enough to protect the safety of all Koreans.

At the time of the riot. A large number of Koreans scattered around gathered inside. In the following days, more and more Koreans gathered here. Their purpose of coming here is simple, to ensure their own safety.

"Life here is very boring. Although the Mongolian soldiers will harass us from time to time, we are not worried about our safety because the defense here is very tight. The number of refugees here exceeds more than two thousand. , This is caused by the expulsion of some people. Otherwise, adding more Menglais, this number will easily exceed tens of thousands. In that case, our safety is not a problem, but our food problem is very serious. Outstanding.” The businessman Zhang Ding wrote in his diary.

"Food is in a state of food shortage everywhere. Almost all the land in Bangla is planted with cash crops such as cotton, sugar cane, and flax. There is very little rice. Therefore, it is not uncommon for such a large food crisis to occur. The economic policy the Koreans gave them is very simple. At the beginning, after all, we were also involved in it." Zhang Ding continued.

"The Koreans told them that as long as they plant a large amount of cash crops, they will bring wealth. In fact, it is true. A large amount of cotton is planted and a considerable amount of profit is generated. We buy cotton here at a high price, and then the Bangladeshi people take it. I used the money I got to buy more grains. The grains came from Chu, but I don’t know when. Chu's grains will not come. Then the price of grains began to rise, which finally led to this happening." Zhang Ding After writing this point, he touched his stomach.

Since a few days ago, only soldiers in combat can eat two dry meals. People like him can only provide one meal of porridge a day, and the porridge is getting more and more scarce. This situation makes him very worried. Pingbao. It is a large military fortress. The fortress usually stores a large amount of food, but as the refugees enter here, most of them are Koreans, and even the servants of Bangla have been expelled. The Koreans don't care about their life or death. He has seen with his own eyes how the servants were treated after being driven out of here, the women were taken away, and their fate, no one knew. However, men will be brought to execution in front of Koreans, which is a kind of revenge, but Koreans don't care about it at all, because if they are not expelled, they will have nothing to eat.

"A large amount of food is stored as military supplies. We must guarantee the supply of food for the soldiers. If their supply cannot be guaranteed, our situation will not be too good. This is our current situation. All food can only be provided. To the soldiers." Zhang Ding recorded helplessly.

"Writing here, I feel so hungry. The rice before, there are various dishes, and all kinds of food. Thinking about it now, it was really a waste at the beginning." Zhang Ding unknowingly wrote in his diary. It reads like this.

With the solution of the food problem, in fact, the entire Central Plains countries have got rid of the food hunger problem. The massive expansion of the colonies has brought about a rapid increase in food reserves, and a large amount of food needs have been met. This was unimaginable before. With the addition of Qin’s farms, pasture meat is no longer the most desired food. It can be said that after the Central Plains countries solved the food problem, they began to ignore the food problem. They seem. Food is negligible, after all, it is not worth much, but when they encounter such a situation, they know how precious food is.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside Li Wen's private office.

"Okay. Put down those **** steel stocks, I don't want to know the situation of those steel stocks anymore." Li Wen drew a huge cross on the steel stocks with chalk in his hand on the blackboard. In steel stocks, he suffered heavy losses, steel stocks continued to rise, but Li Wen was short because he thought it should fall, but what he did not expect was that steel stocks continued to rise. After the analysis, it was Dawan who vomited. Fire Luo, and Yueshi are in strong demand. In addition, the northern mining areas also need to build several railways. In this case, the demand for steel has become very large, which directly stimulated the increase in steel prices, which made Li Wen very annoyed, because he lost millions of dollars. He felt that he should choose the right time, or in other words. He shouldn't be so anxious, at least he won't lose so much. Now Li Wen needs a right time. Only in this way can he find an opportunity.

"Is there a newspaper? I need to see the situation." Li Wen said to his assistant.

"Sir, all the materials you need have been sorted out for you. Just put them there." the assistant said to Li Wen. Li Wen nodded. He picked up the information and it seemed that when others read newspapers, they all read some news events. Li Wen only looked at the economic page, or the important financial page. His perspective was narrow, but it was conducive to focus on solving the problem of stock finance. For him, everything has become very simple.

"Damn it. Food prices have gone up?" Li Wen asked his assistant, who made tea for him. Li Wen shook his head. He continued to pay attention to the reports in the news papers. The price of wheat in Qin has been at a low price for a long time, and the price has always been below the cost price. If it were not for the subsidy of the Qin government, Qin’s agricultural production might have caused a great catastrophe, but now the situation is somewhat reversed. The price of wheat in Qin State first exceeds the cost price, which usually means that wheat is no longer at a loss.

Li Wen didn't know what happened. He quickly checked the price of rice in the south, and the price of rice in the south had risen significantly ahead of the price of wheat in the north.

"This is abnormal. Very abnormal." Li Wen said while looking at the newspaper in his hand. This is a very strange behavior. It should be said that this is an incomprehensible state. He really doesn't know why such a thing happened all of a sudden.

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