Tocharo, inside Wang Ben's headquarters,

"The above has agreed to our plan. It's just that we still need some people to implement such a combat plan." Wang Ben said to his staff. Wang Ben handed over a telegram to his staff, and the staff would handle such a matter by itself.

"Well, I don't know how many troops the chief plans to dispatch?" the staff officer asked from the side.

"I think it can’t be too much. Otherwise, we don’t know if our logistics can withstand such an offensive. At the same time, I don’t want too few troops. You know, if the troops are too few, it is an armed reconnaissance. Not very large, I think. The strength of the two regiments should be enough. After all, the army has not been deployed on a large scale. When our military operations are mature, the military operations in the rear will become very easy, but, at the beginning It's difficult." Wang Ben said.

"You know. We need to produce some results, not nothing." Wang Ben said to the staff.

"Sir, we understand. We will start to make a combat plan. I think it won't be long before we have the opportunity to launch this military operation." The staff officer said to Wang Ben.

"Well, as soon as possible." Wang Ben said. For such a military operation, Wang Ben personally is very much looking forward to it. After all, such a military operation is a prelude to the entire second stage of offensive operations. Once it is opened well, the march will be very smooth.

In the garrison of the Third Cavalry Division of the Qin Army, a colonel officer was sitting on the playground. He did not look like a soldier because his hat was not properly worn, but his military rank was very enviable, the rank of colonel.

"Sir. The person you're looking for has brought it," a sergeant chief said to the colonel.

"Well, I see." The colonel nodded.

"Are you Wang Ke?" the colonel asked while looking at each other.

"Yes, sir." A sergeant who brought him nodded and agreed. He looks very old, in fact only in his thirties, but he has a beard and he hasn't shaved for a long time. It seems that the vicissitudes of life, the Qin Army has strict military discipline requirements, if you do so, you may be severely punished.

"Why didn't your beard shaved?" the colonel asked such a question.

"Skin disease, sir." Sergeant Wang Ke said. He is a pacifier, and the situation over there is the sergeant. Their beards always grow so fast, which makes them look very vicissitudes.

"Well, my name is Huber. Colonel Huber." The colonel introduced himself.

"I don't have any special soldiers, but my soldiers are all good soldiers selected from the bottom. I think you have such potential." Colonel Huber said.

"I don't know sir, what do you want me to do?" the other party asked puzzledly. Wang Ke looked at each other and asked. He looks a little impatient, and his temper has been a bit irritable lately, the reason is that their home has been destroyed. Was ruined by the damn, humble Persia. He wants to go back, but now he can't go back at all. Sometimes, he wanted to steal some weapons and went back quietly. However, the Qin army’s military police checked very strictly and he was not easy to walk away. In fact, he felt that one person could not do anything, and he wanted to take some people away. , A person, he knew that many rest soldiers had this idea, but they couldn't do it.

"I know, your home is resting in peace. I heard that you want to take a few people out of here. Right?" Colonel Huber looked at the other person and asked.

"Yes, sir, my house is over there, I want to know how it is. If it is destroyed, I will kill those **** Persians. No one will bypass them." Wang Ke didn't hide his hatred at all, and he didn't know when his plan was known by the other party. But he thinks it is better to be more honest, because he sees that this officer is different, and the difference lies in the other party, he seems to be very confident to do something he dare not do.

"Very well, I like soldiers like you. I like capable soldiers, especially soldiers who understand what they can do. Therefore, I hope my soldiers can do something. They know their goals well." Said the colonel.

"I will promise you your wish. Now, if you follow me, I will let you go to the Persians and kill them happily. But I need you to bring more people there. You can't do it alone. Revenge, of course. I hope your family is still alive and safe." Colonel Huber said.

"Great. Sir, I will follow you. I will do whatever you ask me to do." Wang Ke said excitedly. Although he is a rest person, he is a fast learner. He can use pistols, submachine guns, rifles, and blast. Such soldiers seem to be all-powerful. Most importantly, his language, Hu Uncle noticed such things. The situation needs to be opened up. Naturally, some soldiers are needed to do some things. For example, they need to do some reconnaissance. They don’t know much about Persia and Rest in peace. Only these rest soldiers can do this. One point, this is the purpose of Qin people using them. For them, these rest soldiers are very easy to control, because they have a strong sense of purpose. As long as they control their goals, they can solve everything.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Trash. A bunch of trash." Han Shu scolded looking at the telegram in his hand. There is not much good news. Bad news one after another. The Koreans still need to increase their forces towards Bangla, because they need to further restore the old territory of Bangla. In that case, they will inevitably fight against the Occupy Prussian nation going south. Although the combat of the native soldiers is very scattered. However, Occupy Prussia is a planned army. South Korea needs at least an additional 20,000 new South Korean troops to stabilize the situation there. However, South Korea has only 8,000 soldiers that can be deployed. Their combat capabilities are uneven and bad. The thing is, time, it will take them three months or so to gather such troops, the situation is still not good for Bangla.

But at this moment, the joint fleet of Qi and Zhao suddenly attacked Zhang Xiong Island, an important transportation hub connecting Southeast Asia and the West. This has dealt a big blow to South Korea's status as a maritime power. It can be said that such a challenge has never been encountered before, which makes Han Shu very annoyed.

"My lord, there is no way for such a thing to happen. Our defense there is extremely empty, and the entire Nanyang fleet is scattered and patrolled. In this case, our defense is empty." Zhang Liang explained at this time. . He hoped that such an explanation could relieve Han Shu's sense of pressure. After all, the Koreans have encountered too many wars. The recent increase in food has also caused some instability in the domestic situation in Korea.

The people generally feel the pressure brought about by the rise in food. They feel that since South Korea has expanded so many colonies overseas, why their food prices have risen? They really couldn't explain this reason, so they kept reacting to such a thing, and the newspapers also took the opportunity to write relevant reports indiscriminately. In this regard, the South Korean government can only mobilize more grain, but the general rise in grain prices, coupled with speculative factors, has made the situation more chaotic. This is the first time Han Shu has encountered such a big crisis. She felt a little difficult to calm down such a thing, which made him very annoyed.

"We must attack the joint fleet of Qi and Zhao. Only by attacking them once can we gain the initiative to negotiate. In addition, let everything be set aside for the past few days. First of all, we will solve the problem of food prices. Question. We must get a batch of grain to suppress speculation. For those who speculate, we should send them to Sori." Han Shu said angrily. She put all the anger in her heart on the speculative businessmen.

"Your Majesty, you can't do this. If you do, it will cause panic among the businessmen. In that case, it will be the most detrimental to us." Zhang Liang said worriedly at this time.

"Well, I know. But I have no way to control such things. At this time, I can only do this." Han Shu said helplessly. She is now very flustered, but Zhang Liang is very clear that if she does this, it will cause a lot of trouble, because the Koreans are discovered by businessmen, and without the support of businessmen, they will completely cut off South Korea’s finances. The source of funds, in that case, is the greatest danger for South Korea. Zhang Liang cannot see this happening. In other words, South Korea must protect the existence of speculative merchants for merchants. Otherwise, Han Shu will also be right. This is down.

"My lord, even if this is the case, we can't be so reckless. The only way is to increase our agricultural planting and encourage businessmen and plantation investors to invest in agricultural production. We can provide free of charge like the Qin people. Interest-free loans, government subsidies, in order to solve our food crisis, we can provide so much food in more colonies." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. Okay, just do this. Anyway, we don't have so much food in our hands. The cunning Chu people have food in their hands, but they are good at speculation and even said that they don't have food in their hands." Han Shu is annoyed. Speaking of. The response of the Chu government to the South Korean government is that they do not have such a large amount of food, and the food is in the hands of the nobles, and the nobles are engaged in speculative activities. They buy food from the colonial plantation owners at a low price, as long as they have a slightly higher price. Those planters would sell them a large amount of grain, thinking that the grain was really worthless. The price of food is far inferior to sugarcane, and their plantations have already begun to grow sugarcane.

The city of Bangla, after fierce fighting. The rioting soldiers were finally caught, and they were all taken to the outskirts to be executed. Of course there are still some that have not been caught, but most of them fled the city, because the Mengla people who returned to this city tilted their sense of hatred of destroying their homes on the native soldiers, from the perspective of the Mengla people. From a point of view, they should be heroes because they dare to rebel against the colonial rule of the Korean government. However, to the ignorant Mengla people, they are a group of bandits and bandits, and they are lunatics who destroy wealth.

"The Menggla people poured their fists and saliva on these rioting soldiers with great anger. They have already endured a lot of torture. When they caught them, some of them still hoped to survive. , But the South Korean government would never give them such an opportunity. They were beaten by soldiers of the New South Korean Army and the soldiers of the New Bangladesh Army. Many people suffered various tortures on their ribs, faces, and their limbs. , But they couldn't avoid death in the end. This is their result." A South Korean reporter recorded everything he said he saw.

"It's hard for me to understand that the Mengla people I imagine should sympathize with these people, or at least they should feel restrained, a restraint of admiration. This is self-restraint under the high pressure of the South Korean government, but this is the situation. I didn’t see it. On the contrary, what I saw was stupid, or silent, and some excessively extreme behavior. They insulted these heroes with insulting language. They spit on the native soldiers who were about to be executed, because Their property was destroyed by these thugs. He could not get his property. In order to retaliate against them, the only way is to retaliate, of course. The soldiers of the Korean New Army will not stop the opponent because this is normal behavior. And also encourage, the government wants us to record every moment, to show that in the long river of history, the Korean government is civilized, and the rioting soldiers are just a group of thugs, and they should be punished as they should." The reporter just recorded this paragraph of his own words in his diary, because such words must not be written in the newspaper.

"The execution of these native soldiers is an extremely cruel punishment. The executed native soldiers will be **** under the muzzle of the gun. They only need one shot. Their internal organs, perhaps their heads are missing, and the **** scene. It’s extremely tragic, and people who have seen it are hard to eat the food these days. But the Korean New Army really likes this kind of punishment, because it can show their superiority. It is said that this kind of punishment is not. They invented it themselves, but came from the northern kingdom of Champa. This is how they executed stubborn enemies. For them, these enemies are enemies with a strong sense of hatred. Only by killing them thoroughly can the Korean government feel it. Pleasure. So they did it. The killing was extremely bloody, and the **** result was a riot. It was an extremely unwise choice. The people of Mengla feel that death is only a moment of time, but before death The fear of the people is shrouded in the hearts of all Mengla people. They are extremely afraid. This is something they have never encountered before.” The reporter wrote.

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