"Prime Minister, if we want to open up the situation, we must discuss with the Koreans and let us enter the West. Otherwise, our hard work will be wasted. The Koreans have controlled two throats, one is the Queen Strait and the other is Zhang Xiong. Island, these two places are too important to us. They can strangle us at any time. And if we want to develop, we must open these two places, otherwise we will have no room for development at all." The Secretary of the Navy further said to Guo. Open explained.

"Is there no room for development in the south?" Guo Kai asked at this time.

"To the south, there are all tropical rain forests. According to the reports of the Koreans, they do not seem to have found too many resources. Otherwise, they would not mobilize a large number of fleets to the West. Maybe the South China Sea really does not have that many resources. Resource advantage, so they can't develop." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Well. No matter what, let's look for it first. The Koreans gave up. We don't give up. As for the Western affairs, we must fight against them. Otherwise, we will be very passive. The reason why I keep it like this The reason for being tough is that our country, Zhao, must be this tough. Did you know?” Guo Kai said to the Secretary of the Navy.

"I understand." The Secretary of the Navy said, lowering his head.

"Well. The burden on your shoulders is very heavy. This is a very important development turning point for Zhao Guo. If you develop well, a lot of resources can be opened from us. If the development is not good, Think about it, what will happen? We Zhao will be in a difficult situation, but the Koreans can successfully organize our Zhao to develop like this." Guo Kai said in a cautious book.

Zhao's development is inseparable from resources. Although Zhao's industrial development looks a bit rough, it is such a development and has made a great contribution to Zhao's country, because he has greatly satisfied Zhao's industrial development. There is no such thing. The development of Zhao's economy is difficult to rise, and it is also difficult to achieve the achievements of Zhao's today. Zhao's development is based on a large amount of energy and resource supply. Without these, it will be difficult for Zhao's people to develop. Therefore, Zhao's next development must get a lot of resources, otherwise Zhao's development will be in a stagnant state.

In Port Seth, the thick smoke that obscures the sky makes the eyes irritating, and many people have coughs. The new South Korean army responds by making a large number of masks, but this will cause more discomfort. The hospital is everywhere. Soldiers with respiratory diseases.

A warehouse area.

"Listen, after we lift off, you all have to turn on the signal lights to deal with the **** smoke, don't lose your way, you must follow us closely, understand?" Zhang Ling said to his men .

"Sir, what should we do if we encounter bad weather? Is it a little bit apart?" a second lieutenant raised his hand and asked.

“In that case, it’s easy to lose your way. I suggest you follow along. Of course, you also need to take measures to deal with disadvantages. Our flight trajectory is east, then turn 120 degrees, and fly northwest. , Our goal is the town of Moss. Follow your longboat and don't fall behind. Good luck." Zhang Ling said simply. Everyone nodded.

"Good luck." They stood up and said one after another. This is the first time they have performed such a task, but it is definitely not the last time. They will drop a large number of aerial bombs on the heads of the Seth people. They don’t care how many people will be killed. This is the task, who Don't know what will happen in the end?

On Airship No. 1, Zhang Ling, who served as the longboat, boarded his airship, and a guide of the reconnaissance airship would give them directions. This is the first time many people have performed such a task.

"Sir, how long do we fly?" a flying sergeant asked when he entered the cockpit.

"How long do you think it will be?" Zhang Ling asked the other party back.

"I think three hours should be enough, right?" the sergeant said.

"If the time is too long, I may not be able to hold it back. I don't know what's going on recently. I always go to the bathroom." said the sergeant.

"You can pee on the heads of the Seth people, they won't mind." The guide next to him said with a smile.

"Just as it is for them to gradually rain, I think they won't mind." Zhang Ling said with a smile after listening.

"Haha. Okay." The sergeant nodded and agreed. The bombing process may be expected to be within four hours, because they have to avoid some areas first. This will undoubtedly increase the flight range, but fortunately they are controlled within the flight radius.

"Why does this guy always love the toilet?" the guide on the side asked the sir.

"Maybe it’s the women who do too much. The women here are exotic. You know, the soldiers are very fond of fooling around. These guys have already encountered such things in Bangla and on the Western Continent. These are all Illness. Fuck a woman's disease." Zhang Ling said.

"This stuff is contagious, and this has happened several times here. Soldiers often have problems like this when they are on short trips." The guide said worriedly.

"So, if you have money, it's better to get a few girls by yourself, don't mess around, it's easy to go wrong." Zhang Ling said. The New South Korean Army does not prohibit soldiers from looking for women, of course. Local women also mess around. As a result, there was a problem, and there were so many such things. There will be one or two unlucky people in a company, but the doctor repeatedly emphasized it. This will cause big problems. In desperation, the new South Korean army's handling method is simple but very effective. Isolation, they will find a way to isolate these people and let these people have a good rest. After all, they are alone, and sometimes they will kill a company. This is a very scary thing.

In this discussion, airships took off and flew towards their target. The bombing officially began.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"This is a proposal of the War Department. What do you think? Qin also sent a letter from the Indian side. If we abandon some of the occupied land in exchange for the support of the Indians, it will be good for us. The situation in Bangla is of great significance. As you know, our situation in Bangla is very bad. The War Department responded that they can’t transfer troops. If they transfer troops from other regions, we will definitely be weakened. The situation in other colonies." Han Shu said.

"The only solution is to conscript, but conscription does not solve this dilemma all at once. We rely on the local Bangladeshi new army in Bangladesh. In other words, we still need a large number of indigenous people to help us. Put down the riot. If the Indians can give the Zhanpu people a knife from behind at this time, I personally have no objection to it." Han Shu said.

Regarding the proposal of the War Department, Han Shu believes that such an idea is feasible, after all, the army cannot carry out a large-scale expansion. In that case, the high military expenditure will crush the entire South Korean economy, and she must be responsible for the South Korean economy.

"And our economy is not very good at the moment. You know, the price of food has just risen, and many people are reluctant to accept such things. Therefore, at this time, we must think of a diplomatic solution." Han Shu said To.

"But my lord, if this is the case, we may give up the entire Occupy Putrajaya, and we must also note that the Indians may also choose to go south again, and our interests are difficult to guarantee." Zhang Liang said worriedly. . He believes that under such circumstances, Koreans should also consider from a long-term perspective, as far as possible to keep the current interests of Koreans from being violated in any way.

"We are powerless to resolve the situation in Bangla. Bangla needs us to provide a lot of financial support. Without this, our economy will stagnate. At present, our finances are already in excess. The war must end as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will not be able to bear such pressure." Han Shu said. This is the reason why Han Shu chose to resolve the war diplomatically, because she could not bear greater pressure, which made her unbearable.

"Okay. Your lord, we can only give them half of the land occupied by Prussia. In addition, we also need each other. In the border areas, we should not garrison troops as much as possible. This is our bottom line. It is difficult for us to guarantee Indi. People don't cross the border. This is the worst result for us." Zhang Liang said.

"It's already like this. Do your best." Han Shu said. Both Han Shu and Zhang Liang felt very tired due to the huge demand for financial funds. In order to solve the financial pressure, South Koreans issued three bonds to solve the financial problem. First, the second phase is mainly used for naval construction and the Seth War, but the third phase may have reached the pressure of the Korean people to bear bonds. Many people no longer buy more Treasury bonds. Because of rising prices, people do not have extra money to buy too many bonds. The three-phase bonds have accumulated more than 50 million won. The bank still has 30 million won not to be sold.

The pressure on the Bank of Korea is also very high. After all, most of the tasks of national debt were underwritten.

Xinzheng, in the meeting of the Banking Union.

"The government needs a lot of funds, and driven by food prices, prices have risen to a certain extent. This is not a good thing for everyone." said a middle-aged banker. With the development of the Bank of Korea, the organization of the Banking Union has also appeared in the Korean banking industry. However, their organization is relatively loose compared with Qin Guo. They only face a national crisis and the national government has a lot of business. Gather together.

"The people's ability to buy treasury bonds is becoming weaker and weaker, and we still have a large number of bonds in our hands that have not been promoted. Not only that, but the government also plans to promote several bonds. This puts a lot of pressure on us." The middle-aged banker said anxiously. He also felt very helpless about this, but this kind of thing still had to be done by someone, how to do it, which made them and bankers feel very headache.

"How is the situation in Jiaozhou? There is also Qingcheng, which is the fastest growing place in South Korea, and the continued vitality of the economy is very good. We should pay attention to the situation there." A banker said.

"The situation there is not very good. Although the impact of rising prices there is relatively small. However, they have been affected to a certain extent, and there are already some insufficient funds. They are a special area with rapid economic development. It is impossible to have a large amount of funds, there is only one way. Colonies." said a younger banker.

"Only when we promote a large number of bonds to the colonies can there be a bigger market. Otherwise, the government will not promote so many banknotes at all, and we can get a lot of the benefits we need from the government's promotion of banknotes." The banker said so.

Many bankers nodded their heads to agree with this approach. After all, the local potential has been tapped. Can't dig anymore. In the colonies, there are still forces attached to the people of Qin.

"We all know that Bangla businessmen, their interests are interconnected with ours. Without them, it would be difficult for us to achieve such a thing. During the military operations in Bangla to quell the riots. They provided us with the support for military operations. A lot of support is very helpful to us. Therefore, if we extend a large number of bonds to Bangla. If we extend it to more colonies, I think this problem will be easily solved. This is a very easy matter for us to solve. I think everyone should have no opinion on such a thing.” The banker said. Everyone nodded.

"The colonies should be allowed to play some role for us. They can't be allowed to stay behind us all the time. If this is the case, it will have too much influence on us. We must guide them to make them further contribute to us. Yes." Many bankers communicated privately.

The Bangla businessmen entered the parliament and provided a large amount of financial support, as well as the use of the Bangla people to establish a new Bangla army, and support these people to become the upstarts of Bangla, which gave the Koreans a lot of inspiration. If taxes continue to increase, it will increase the burden on the local people, which is for Koreans and others. They are all unacceptable. Under such circumstances, the only way they can think of is to pass this burden on to the colony, because the colony is not their land and it is difficult for the locals to deal with it. Moreover, it is more troublesome to develop. In that case, why can't the colony make some contribution to the native land? In this way of thinking, the Koreans decided to let their colonies play a greater role in this economic development. They decided to sell a large number of bonds to the colonies, where they would gladly accept this brand new bond. of. This is the interest of the Korean bankers. In their view, the colonial economy can be sacrificed. They are not part of the Koreans. They are just a part of the victims that can be sacrificed and nothing more.

On the second airship, Xu Fu was opening a can of food and eating their lunch. They were flying towards the small town of Moss. They had been flying for two hours. Logically speaking, they are already close to their goal. Before reaching the sky above the target, they decided to fill their stomachs.

South Korea’s flying meals are not very good. Most of them come from the army’s military food and canned beef with a lot of starch. The calories are very high and can supplement the salt needed by the human body, but it is too salty. There is orange juice. But during the flight, it is cold drink, which is difficult for people to drink properly. There is also tea, which is very cold. No one wants to drink it, because if it is drunk, it makes the teeth tremble constantly. If it’s more serious, it’s that they have stomach troubles. It’s not a very good thing to have stomach troubles on the airship. Their only way is to run into the bomb bay, squat on the bomb, and pull the stool on the bomb. Throw the bomb on the enemy's head. As for what will be on the bomb, they simply cannot think about it.

The gentler ones will pee on the bomb, and only the most unlucky and disgusting people will pull on the bomb. South Koreans have no experience in this area. In fact, the people of Qin are not very good at handling this matter. Many things will happen in a long-range bombing mission. The most terrible thing is to solve the personal hygiene problem. It is said that a Qin pilot was in He peeed on the airship and wiped it off to freeze his bird. That guy was also greatly affected in terms of women. Therefore, the pilots are very worried about this.

Therefore, they don’t want to touch the beverages. They will drink when there is no other way. Unfortunately, canned food occupies a large part of their food, and many foods are cold. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to eat a warm meal.

"I still like to eat sweets. This is at least much more delicious than canned food. This kind of garbage can only be eaten by the Army." Xu Fu looked at the canned food and said with no interest.

"I really don't know what our people think about giving us such junk food." A sergeant on the side said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay. This kind of food is already very good." Xu Fu said helplessly. After all, their bombing airship has just started, and many things cannot be done in detail. For example, from the food prepared this time, many pilots would rather be hungry than eat, because it is very tasty and unpalatable.

"Sir. Arrived. Airship No. 1 has drawn our attention." At this moment, the guide saw the signal and said to Xu Fu.

"Send a signal, everyone pays attention." Xu Fu ordered. Everyone stopped eating, and they entered a state of tense combat readiness, which is a state for everyone. They are all extremely tense. After all, this is a war, a bombing war that makes people feel very tense. On this day, they will enter the long river of history. Some people can't wait to drop the bomb.

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