Qin State Xianyang.

"Wheat has already broken through the new price, four and a half two each." Li Wen's assistant reported to him excitedly.

"Oh. I know. But there is no real breakthrough yet. Sell it. We need to wait some time to deal with such a thing." Li Wen said helplessly. With the announcement of some news, such as Yueshi, Tocharo once again bought a large amount of Qin's wheat. The price of wheat, which was originally relatively tight, rose from the original two and a half, two and eighty to a price of four and a half, but the price of four and a half was only a temporary breakthrough, and then returned to the era of three and a half, but this way All of a sudden shock shocked everyone's mood, because this is a price that has never risen.

"This, sir. Is this to consider, after all, there is still some possibility of rising." The assistant suggested at this time.

"He will fall to a new low and then rise again. That's it. Don't worry too much, we will recover a lot at an amazing price." Li Wen said with a smile. Then continue to look at the numbers on the quotation machine. Those numbers can make him look happily for a long, long time. This is when he is happiest, because the quotation machine will not deceive him.

The price of Qin's wheat soon rose to more than three and a half and two, and it was still at a very high price. This is for Qin people. For the first time, I felt the pressure brought about by the rise in grain, but the people of Qin people could not eat wheat or eat meat. After all, the price of meat did not rise much. The reason is that there is still a large supply of meat in the north, and the price of meat is wheat. The price rose slowly after rising, but they were obviously slower by a beat.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"According to the latest report, the nobles have a large amount of grain in their hands. They hoarded all of this grain. Then they reselled it to the north. Especially in countries like South Korea, Zhao State, and Qi State." Chen Ping said.

"It seems that they are going to make a lot of wealth. Have our food prices rise?" Fan Zeng asked. This issue is one of the issues he should be concerned about.

“It’s not going up a lot because we have too much inventory. It’s said. Those who have already planted sugarcane, decide to replant rice in the next season, or plant rice on new farmland, where rice is rising like grass. There will be soon after harvest," Chen Ping said.

"Well. Our food does not have a crisis. But the increase in food is also good. I have read a report that our colonies are reluctant to grow rice, because this food takes up too much space and we eat it ourselves. No. Although this thing can save lives, it is not worth money. In contrast, sugarcane, flax, and cotton can make money. With money, there is no need to worry about food. I really don’t know why we are so worried about so much food. "Fan Zeng said.

"Yes, Prime Minister. In some southern colonial states, I heard that the locals will not harvest the rice and burn it on fire, because if it is recovered, the cost will be higher. Now at least they can make some money. Money. But. I think that if it goes on for a long time like this, it will not be good for our economic development. Especially agricultural production will have a big blow." Chen Ping said.

"Why, let us build our own futures market like Qin Guo? In that case, our operations are difficult to handle." Fan Zeng said embarrassingly.

"Yes, Prime Minister. I think we must have such a necessity. We must proceed according to the changes in the market. Otherwise, our affairs will become difficult to handle. If there is a futures market, he can adjust himself. , And we don’t have to spend more effort to manage these complex economic issues.” Chen Ping said.

"Yeah. But it’s difficult to handle things like this. You know, many of these things involve the economic field. No, it’s the financial field. It’s difficult for us to do this. So, I think we should pay attention to some other things. The problem is better, and this problem is temporarily shelved." Fan Zeng said. The role of the futures market. Fan Zeng is very clear. However, he feels that Chu State has not yet been able to establish such a market. Moreover, what are the types of futures? He doesn't know it himself.

"No. Prime Minister, I think we should establish a corresponding futures market at this time. Qin State has wheat but no rice, and the price of rice changes arbitrarily, and there is no clear price in Chu State. In this way, it is very unfavorable to our agricultural production. I think we should establish such a system, at least for us. It is a very important point. We have tea, white sugar, raw sugar, and Rice, cotton, silk reeling, these things are all we can produce, and many things are produced here, I think that the establishment of futures markets can protect the development of these products to a large extent, so that we can and Compared with the Qin State in the north." Chen Ping could see it very far-sightedly. The State of Chu is a large agricultural planting country. In this regard, it is very different from the State of Qin. The State of Chu should use its own advantages to establish another futures market. This market has great regional characteristics, so it has great economic independence.

"Well. What is the benefit?" Fan Zeng asked at this time.

"We can increase our trade quota, and at the same time we can make our economy develop quickly. With this kind of guidance, our market will be more scaled, and at the same time large-scale transactions, we can collect stamp duty, Qin’s financial industry development, That is, stamp duty can be increased, which is of great help to the fiscal revenue of various countries. The most important thing is that this market is dominated by us, not Qin. This is very important to the Chu state." Chen Ping decided Establishing a financial futures market that can get rid of the control of the State of Qin, such a market can greatly promote the economy of the State of Chu.

"Yeah. Yes, I agree with this. You can give it a try. It really doesn't work, you can stop, but don't force it." Fan Zeng said. He thinks that Chen Ping is reluctant to build a futures trading center. He thinks that such things should be the patent of the people of Qin, not the patent of Chu. Chen Ping nodded. In his opinion, this is what he must do.

With the development of trade and the expansion of a large number of colonies, Chu’s colonial economy is single, and they are the plantation economy. For example, Yuezhou is the place where rice and sugar cane are grown, and Myanmar, where cotton can be grown, but cotton is sold. For Koreans, there is rice. This kind of food can only be used to make wine. You can eat it yourself, and you can't finish it. In addition, there are a large number of sugarcane production areas. Each region has its own independent economic characteristics, but most of them are plantation economies. Although the trade is developed, the Chu people do not have the dominant power in the market, and the right to price is still controlled. In the hands of the Koreans in the north, because the Koreans control the dominant power, they have their own market. Qingcheng is the largest port market in the north, and the throughput is amazing. They naturally control the pricing power. In order to win such pricing power, and To change the passive state of Chu State, Chen Ping wants to take this opportunity to completely reverse the unfavorable situation and allow Chu State to enter an era of dominating the market. This is a very important point for the development of Chu State. There is no such point. Chu Kingdom will be difficult to develop.

Rest in peace.

"Suddenly." A burst of submachine gun shooting sounded. A line of Persians were executed. There were also a few who were convulsing constantly, and their throats made uh uh noises, as if they were still unwilling to die like this.

"Puff." A metal sound penetrated into the opponent's body.

"Puff puff." A few consecutive shots. The other party died slowly.

"Why do we do this? Isn't it good to execute them directly?" A Huns sergeant came over and said in a puzzled way. Because the body of a second-class soldier was full of blood, after the opponent died, he had to dig out the opponent's stomach and mutilate the opponent's body. It seemed that only a lot of hatred could do such a thing.

"They killed many of us. We must treat them like this. They are all humble beasts. They should be killed." The other party said with an extremely hateful look.

"Oh. You continue." The sergeant walked up feeling very cold. He took out a bottle of liquor from his horse, and he took a sip. The killing atmosphere here made him feel very depressed. There were a large number of rest soldiers in the team. After all, the Huns cavalry division suddenly expanded to form a legion. Many, one Huns soldier has more than three rest soldiers, and the proportion is still very large.

"Sir, continue to kill like this, our mission." The sergeant saw the ensign platoon leader approaching, and said worriedly. The platoon leader's face turned pale, and he seemed to feel very disgusted with the killing.

"Let them continue, we still need them. They killed the Persians and they performed well in combat. There is no need for us to do this." The ensign shook his head and said. Obviously, they also acquiesced in the killing of the Persians.

"Okay. Sir. I can't handle this kind of thing. But if they continue to kill like this, our mission is difficult to complete." The sergeant complained. The second lieutenant looked at the Restoration in the distance, only shook his head.

"Let them go," the ensign said. Regarding the Parthians' revenge against the Persians, they could only turn one eye and close one eye.

"Tutututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututu." In a large pit not far away, local Persian old people and children were forcibly deported to the pit. In order to solve these burdens as soon as possible, the Anxi people used their submachine guns, which were equipped by the people of Qin. The standard weapon for the cavalry. They used submachine guns to shoot frantically. There are already a lot of corpses in the big pit, layered on top of each other, and they have to fill up such big pits, or until the Persians are killed. The eyes of the rest soldiers were blood red, because they saw the Persians' revenge on the rest. Their elderly, children, and women were either skinned, buried alive, or had their heads chopped off when they saw such a scene. It is difficult for the rest soldier to stabilize. They immediately retaliated against the Persians. They attacked the Persian women who were unable to leave quickly. The children became victims. They were the victims. They were innocent. But the Parthians are also innocent. Under such circumstances, they naturally become the first targets to be dealt with. This is the situation they face.

The gunshots of the slaughter still kept ringing. The Xiongnu soldiers felt that they couldn't stand it anymore. Although they killed like this before. But when they saw one nation be violent against another nation, it made them feel a little pity on the sidelines. They feel sorry for the Persians who were slaughtered, which may be a kind of irony.

The Qin Army launched a military operation from Tocharo. They sent four battalions, two light artillery companies, and a logistics transport battalion to fight. Most of the main force consisted of resters, because they were very familiar with this place. Of course. Regarding the act of revenge, the officer could not stop it at all. The revenge went on like this.

At the forefront of the entire battle group is the Huber battle group, their number is not very large, only more than 300 people. Two companies, but they are well equipped and kill a lot of people. They are the forwards of the entire battle group. At the same time they also have radio equipment. So that they can complete military liaison. It can be said that the people of Qin are very considerate.

Seth, Zhang Ke’s camel cavalry, they hide behind a dune, and in front of them is a small town. There is no defense in this town, and there are many people in Seth. There are many horse teams and camel teams. Zhang Ke took a telescope to check the situation.

"Sir, the Seth people seem to be normal, they don't seem to realize what?" Asai said next to him. He could see the situation in the town clearly with his naked eyes. In fact, they had already surveyed the town. This small town seems to be small before and the population is not very large, but now this small town is very lively, because there are a lot of military supplies, caravans stay here, a lot of supplies can not be put into the warehouse, they can only pile up outside , The number seems to be a lot, very large. This small town was temporarily turned into a military logistic material supply center for the Seth people due to military operations in the South against the Koreans. In order to solve their logistic problems, the caravan was also involved in the army's logistic transportation support. Therefore, this was not originally. The famous town suddenly became very lively.

"Sir, are we a vote of the wife." Asai said excitedly. Many camel cavalry members were very excited, because the defense of this town was not very perfect, it can be said that the defense point is very low.

"Fuck." Zhang Ke decided after looking at the situation. At first he thought the other party was in ambush, so he was very worried, but now it seems that his worry is unnecessary. Because the opponent's defense itself does not have that many armed forces, and the opponent's vigilance is not very high, Zhang Ke decided to vote for the opponent. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense to come out by yourself.

"The soldiers split up from the flanks in two ways and surrounded me with everyone. Don't run away." Zhang Ke decided to do it immediately.

There was no suspense in the battle. The camel cavalry went up from the two wings separately, and the unsuspecting Seth was caught off guard. In addition, the opposing team fought extremely quickly, and many Seths were surrounded. They looked at the camel cavalry from Shazhou tremblingly.

"Part of it is for me to control the peripheral situation and be on guard. The other part is to **** all of your things from me. If you can't take it, you will burn it for me, and you must never leave it to the Seth people." Zhang Ke immediately after the shock came. Order. However, one thing Zhang Ke was dissatisfied with was the random killing by the Shazhou cavalry. But considering that none of these captives can be taken away. Because taking it away would be a great trouble, and letting it go would cause a lot of leaks, after all, his military personnel are very small. And it was in the rear, once his situation was detected by the opponent. It will be very troublesome.

"Sir. What about those captives?" Assai asked Zhang Ke's own sir, his fingers were already covered with gold rings, which were sent by others.

"I don’t want anyone to know that you will solve the problem according to your own wishes. Remember, I don’t want more people to know where we are, because we still need to grab more places. If we know where we are, the situation It will become very bad for us. I think you understand this." Zhang Ke said to the other party like this.

In fact, his attitude towards the prisoners is to kill them as much as possible, but killing them too much will have a very bad effect. He could not directly issue such an order. Therefore, he let the Shazhou people handle such things themselves.

"This. I understand. Sir." Asai understood that it would be a great evil to leave these prisoners, because they would expose their tracks. They came to robbery, what would happen if they knew where they were? The only way is to kill people. After Zhang Ke gave such a vague order, the Shazhou people raised the butcher knife in their hands. For them, killing these people was trivial.

Port Seth.

"How was the result of the bombing?" Guo Xiang asked very concerned.

"Sir, from the current point of view, it seems that there is no effect?" Zhang Ling said.

"Can't see the effect? ​​What do you mean?" Guo Xiang asked the other party.

"We just bombed a small logistics town on the other side, and did not pose a big threat to the other side's large cities. Therefore, I think we need to find the other side's large cities to bomb them, but we have not yet done so. Strength." Zhang Ling said.

"In other words, there is no effect?" Guo Xiang asked.

"This, we still need some time." Zhang Ling said.

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