The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3234: Sum up the lesson

Qi State, Laizhou.

"This battle is just a fluke victory, but what about the next time and the situation we are facing?" Lou Jing asked his Navy Secretary very seriously.

"We should see that our situation has not changed much. On the contrary, there has been no direct change. This is a very bad thing for us. Our situation has not changed to a large extent. The Koreans We still occupy strategic points, but we have not done anything. Even if we defeated the enemy’s reinforcement fleet, the Koreans’ industrial capabilities and shipbuilding capabilities are very large. Under such circumstances, we can still What are you doing?" Lou Jing said worriedly.

"What does the prime minister mean?" the Secretary of the Navy asked worriedly.

"Let’s take it when we see it. If Zhao doesn’t agree, or if there is a lot of demand, we can talk to the Koreans in private. At the very least, we must keep in touch. After all, we don’t want to offend such a country, they Our ability is far more than ours, we don't have to go against them like this." Lou Jing said.

"Well, I see." The Secretary of the Navy nodded. Compromise, they need a compromise. The advantages of the Koreans are still there, but what they need is time. Coupled with the riots and battles in the colonies, a large part of South Korea’s military power has been constrained. This has prevented South Korea from investing in considerable military power. Come from strength. Otherwise, South Korea would have resolved these issues a long time ago.

"Well, but we still have to pay attention to being consistent with the people of Qin. The attitude of the people of Qin is very important. They can help us solve many things, understand?" Lou Jing thought for a while to remind. He knew that the people of Qin were to play an intermediate adjustment role.

This time, Qi Guo and Zhao Guosheng are on time, because South Korea cannot devote a large amount of time to Southeast Asia, and they can do nothing about the expansion of Nanyang. Qi is very clear about this, but as long as the opponent is given a certain amount of time, the strength of the Koreans will quickly recover. He knows how terrifying the situation in the Korean shipyard is, and they can quickly build a large number of warships. Come.

The Secretary of the Navy thought for a while. He left Lou Jing's office immediately, and the negotiations were left to the Prime Minister's Office. They just made contact in advance.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Look, this navy newspaper has said. This can be false, but we also taught Zhao and Qi Xiaoren a lesson this time." The result of the naval battle in the southern part of the Queen's Strait came and South Korea lost five new ships. Battleship, this loss is relatively large. Because the South Korean Navy has never suffered such a loss since its establishment, such a loss suddenly made it difficult for many Koreans to accept.

"Oh, that is, how did we fight such a defeat well. Didn't we win one before?" some people who don't know why asked. After all, this is their own country that has suffered a serious loss, otherwise, they would not have done such a thing.

"No, we don't know why we did such a thing." Some people didn't understand. They felt that the South Korean navy was invincible, so why did it lose so much all at once.

The South Korean Admiralty announced this result frankly, of course. They also announced what kind of force they were facing.

"Oh, you still don’t know, this navy newspaper is the Admiralty’s own newspaper, they said. This time the fight was only because the Zhao State Navy used a new type of warship. This new type of warship is equipped with artillery larger than a fist. This kind of artillery is much more powerful than our rapid-fire guns. It also hits farther, and this gun can sink our warships when it goes down. How can we fight this kind of battle." A worker who read a newspaper Explained.

"Oh, that is, our artillery is okay against those wooden boats. This, such a big artillery. The threat to us is too great." Others nodded in agreement.

"I heard that our navy is still very brave. Do you know?" The worker was sold out.

"Say it quickly, we can't listen anymore." Many people urged.

"I heard that the battleships of the Zhao State Navy, especially the new-style battleships, were welded with iron armor, and in some places they were riveted with rivets like thick fingers. Think about how hard this ship is." The worker said.

"Oh, this, this can't be opened even with a hammer." Many people were surprised.

"No, our navy is facing an iron-clad battleship, and the artillery shells hit them all. That's it. We still severely damaged one of the other ships. Even though we sunk several ships, we caused them to the other side. A lot of trouble, this has played out the mighty power of our South Korean navy." The worker said proudly.

"That's right, this iron armor, this thing. Cannonballs can fly. I really don't want to know what else can sink the opponent. I didn't expect that the navy is a good one, and it used the impact one at once. The way, this is for us. But it's an unbelievable thing." Many people around praised it.

Although the South Korean Navy was helplessly defeated. But their prestige has not declined. The reason is that at the last moment, the South Korean Navy used the collision method to inflict heavy damage on the other side. This is for the South Korean Navy. It is the biggest improvement. This has further increased the praise of the South Korean Navy from the people.

While the people praised the South Korean Navy, the Ministry of the Navy was holding a related meeting. They had to learn such a lesson, because they couldn't let this matter continue to change.

At the high-level meeting of the Admiralty.

"Let's talk about it. What kind of lesson do we have to face this failure? We should learn from such a lesson to make our navy stronger." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Minister, I think this is a sneak attack by the Zhao State and Qi State Navy, and we are still very powerful." A naval officer preempted to speak.

"This is bullshit." The Secretary of the Navy said angrily when he heard such words.

"You want to say, our strategic deployment is wrong? You want to say. Shouldn't our South Korean Navy deploy like this?" The Secretary of the Navy immediately accused. For this kind of military deployment, it actually came from Han Shu. Although there are indeed reasons for strategic deployment errors, otherwise, the strength of the Nanyang Fleet would not decline so drastically. However, the Secretary of the Navy does not plan to investigate this issue deeply because of this. It's not time. They need to sum up this lesson from another angle, which is the tradition of the Navy.

"Minister, I think our current naval technology may be far behind." Seeing this situation, the Navy Deputy Commander immediately stood up and said.

"Yeah. I agree with that. Let's talk about it." said the Secretary of the Navy. Regarding strategic matters, the Secretary of the Navy kept silent. It was not that South Korea did not have such a strategic goal, but that their plan was not as reasonable as Qin’s people. Qin Guoshangwen is recent, because their strategic direction is in the Western Regions, and it has been preliminary. Reach their goals. Their goal is oil, but Shang Wen didn't tell anyone. He knew that if the State of Qin wanted to develop rapidly, it must have sufficient oil resources. Without such resources, it would be difficult for the State of Qin to say that it would develop. But South Korea is different. They do not have such a person, nor do they have such a vision. Although Zhang Liang’s view is correct, it is difficult to achieve this. You must know that South Korea does not have such a famous player, so naturally it is impossible to do it. At this point, the South Koreans have their own way to supplement this. Their supplement is to enhance their own strength from the technical aspect, and rely on strong strength to supplement their shortcomings. This is the development strategy of the South Korean Navy. They took the same path as Zhao's navy, that is, relying on technology to arm themselves.

"Zhao people have built iron-clad battleships. Although their naval training is seriously inadequate, they have made up for this technically. This is a big hidden danger for us. So we still need to take good care of it. To solve such a thing, if necessary, we still need to do enough such a thing.” said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"In this way, we need to build ironclad ships. Um. This is one." The Secretary of the Navy hesitated and recorded it. He knew that under such circumstances, the development of the Navy was a bit bad. Because military expenditures have increased dramatically, the cost of building naval iron-clad warships at this time will become even greater. This is a huge burden for South Korea’s finances. Faced with such a burden, they themselves dare not say anything. what.

"The other thing is the artillery of battleships. Although the power of rapid-fire guns is great and the rate of fire is very fast, large-caliber artillery has become a trend. In this battle, the Zhao State Navy used the advantages of their large-caliber artillery to launch against us. In order to attack, and our artillery has a short range, we can’t take advantage of it at all. This is like we are holding a knife and the other party is holding a crossbow. We need to advance a long distance, but the other party can calmly at a long distance. Shooting us is too bad for us." An officer complained. South Korea is also stepping up the development of their large-caliber artillery. This type of artillery is mainly equipped on new-style warships, but the development of such artillery is not very smooth, and the requirements for steel are very high. If such requirements are not met, artillery will be difficult to popularize.

"Another point is that coal-fired. We don’t have a lot of coal in South Korea. Zhao people have a lot of coal. They can replenish it in time, but we can’t. Under the demand for coal, we can’t stop staying at us. In our naval base, we should pay attention to this situation." A navy lieutenant colonel said. Everyone nodded.

The significance of coal burning is great, but coal burning has a very bad point, that is, it is too large and occupies a lot of vital places. It takes a long time for ships to replenish, and it also occupies a lot of places. This limits the space for ship transformation, because they need to make a lot of space for coal.

"There are many problems with coal burning, low efficiency, and it is difficult to develop further. The worst part is that there are many unsatisfactory places. For example, its replenishment speed, loading coal is too time-consuming, and it takes up a lot of space. It's much better to use liquid fuel," said the navy lieutenant colonel.

"Just kidding. If you use liquid fuel, you will be blown up immediately. In that case, only one cannonball can solve our battleship." A naval officer retorted.

"That's why we need to use iron armor, and at the same time provide great protection for fuel. This time our warship is too problematic. One shot of the shell knocked out our boiler, and the protection was too low. The low offset offset us. The advantage of speed and maneuverability is that our tactics are relatively conservative. We should use tortuous tactics during forward impact. In this way, the probability of our being hit can be greatly reduced.” Other navies have proposed. In my own opinion, for a time, the South Korean Navy's requirements for technology development have become stronger and stronger. At the meeting, the South Korean Navy also emphasized the importance of communications because they suspected that the Zhao State Navy had spies among them, but they did not know why the Zhao State Navy could accurately seize the fighter plane every time, because they knew that the submarine cable It needs to be docked on the shore to make replenishment, but now they are not clear at all. After some investigations, they finally understood that the Zhao State Navy is equipped with radio equipment. Although the radio has great technical limitations, such as stability and fragility, the radio equipment is easy to destroy. Usually Zhao State needs to be equipped. More than three sets of equipment, and the price is expensive, which greatly limits the use of radio, but radio does have more advantages than submarine cables because it is very fast.

Just as the South Korean Admiralty held a meeting to discuss the reasons for their failure, Zhao Guo was also conducting a review in this regard.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Li Mu's staff.

"We only fought a small victory, only a tactical victory. We should clearly see that what kind of battle we are facing, our enemy still has a great advantage, for example, in front of us. The South Korean Navy still has a great strategic advantage, here, here. And here.” Li Mu pointed to the Queen Strait, Zhang Xiong Island, and their Qingcheng Port naval base with the long stick in his hand.

"The Koreans’ naval shipbuilding capabilities far exceed ours. They also have related technologies, but they don’t use a lot. Once they notice. Of course. They will definitely notice. They will chase us crazy. Technical advantages, in that case, we would not have technical advantages." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"Second, the Koreans controlled several important points, Zhang Xiong Island, Queen Strait, and the entire South China Sea, all under their siege. We need to develop maritime trade, because only maritime trade can greatly help us solve the problem. Our current predicament is that the navy is very costly and it is difficult for us to maintain without maritime trade. But the Koreans control the way to the West. In this case, our maritime trade is difficult to develop. This is for us, but It is extremely unfavorable. In the face of such a situation, what we can do is wait, or in other words, what we can do is very limited." Li Mu said helplessly. Without the support of maritime trade, it is economically difficult to sustain huge naval expenses. This is a great burden for Zhao Guo.

"The last is our navy. The training is severely inadequate. The tactical arrangements and the use of related technologies are not very reasonable. Although the South Korean fleet does not have many warships, their tactical arrangements are extremely reasonable, plus their navy. The training is sufficient, and our navy, rapid-fire guns, they can shoot continuously, but we can’t do that because it’s difficult for us to fire related shots. This is the gap. In the face of such a gap, we can’t do anything. Besides, as long as the Koreans have enough time, they can definitely recover. In that case, it will be very unfavorable to us." Li Mu said.

"Yeah. The chief is right, but I think that in terms of naval development, we also need to find another way, such as using new technologies and equipment to maximize our naval power. Let our naval advantage become greater, and this is us. Things to do." Li Zuoche said. In fact, Li Zuoche hopes to introduce air power into the development of the Zhao State Navy. In this way, they can occupy a great advantage. Unfortunately, Zhao State’s military expenditure is tight and it is impossible to further develop the naval aviation force. . As a result, some of Li Zuoche's thoughts were put on hold. Li Zuoche felt very sorry for this, but there was no way. This is the situation.

"Your idea is very good, but we still need a lot of economic support. After all, it is difficult to fight a war without economic support." Li Mu said. Li Zuoche nodded, he also knew this, otherwise the war would not start.

South Korea, Xinzheng. At the joint bank meeting.

"The current government is nervously resolving the problem of financial shortage, and we have to make some contributions." A Korean banker stood up and said.

"It is very simple to solve, but the problem is difficult to solve, because there are few investment projects, especially overseas, and there is a danger of riots developing at any time. You must know that the riots in Bangladesh have not subsided." From the perspective of risk aversion, they believe that investment does not seem to be very reasonable now. After all, this requires a lot of risk.

"No, now the opportunity is ripe. We all know that local business people will become parliamentarians. They have their own rights and want to do more. This timely project is a good opportunity. We should take note. This is right," said a middle-aged banker.

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