Mengla, the House of Commons, this is the first time that local parliamentarians have held such a meeting. From the beginning of the meeting, there was no too much noise, because they needed to solve practical problems instead of making them more complicated.

"The situation in Bangla cannot continue to be so chaotic. Our trade has been severely restricted, which is a very big blow to our business development. Although Bangla Port is gradually recovering, the entire Bangla , There has been a lot of chaos in the entire Bangla market.” said a fat and dark local lawmaker. He is in the cotton cloth business, and half of the cotton cloth worn by Menglais is provided by him. His market is still relatively large, at least no one can reach his height.

"Well. This kind of market is very chaotic for us. Our plantation has been severely damaged, and now we are entering the cultivation period. If it is delayed, our losses will be further expanded. For us, It's not a good thing." said a businessman in white clothes. He didn't wear silk because he felt he should keep a low profile. Many well-known local businessmen have bought a lot of bonds and donated a lot of money, which allowed them to get a councillor, a four-year councillor, of course. During their tenure as a member of the Diet, their taxes are exempt. This is a very good thing for them. You must know that Bangla’s taxes are still quite high for them. Four years of taxation The exemption brings great benefits, and they are naturally willing to accept such things happen.

"But the war can't be ended in such a short time. We all know that the situation in Bangla is now chaotic. There are not only local soldiers in the north, but also Zhanpu people. They also participated. This is not a good thing for us. The worst thing is that they continue to harass us, and our market integrity is completely destroyed. This is not a good thing, but it is the worst thing for us.” A member of the Diet said. To. Many of them bought in, but that's how they started to consider their country from another perspective, that is, whether the country and their own interests are consistent, and now it seems that this country still needs them.

"In this way, if we continue to fight, we will need a lot of money, taxation, do not consider. The entire tax system has been destroyed. If taxes are levied at this time, we can hardly guarantee that we will pay There are enough interests to do such things. Fighting is too costly." Some lawmakers said.

The Bangla senators do have such qualifications to complain, because all the current war expenses are provided by them, and the cost of the formation of the new Bangladeshi army is provided by them. It can be said that without them, the South Korean side would not punish Bangla. The possibility of riots. But the problem is that there is currently no such a large amount of funds to do such things, because most of their funds have been invested in them first, and their economic foundation has been destroyed a lot. Although they are very dissatisfied with the riots, they are only dissatisfied. Because they know the situation too well. Many of them cannot tolerate too many military threats. They need to complete the pacification of the riot as soon as possible, so that their economy can be put on a normal track.

"It seems that the key to the problem now lies in funding. If we have sufficient funds to solve such a thing, everything will become very advantageous, but without such a fund, we will not be able to completely reverse this situation." Said the obese congressman.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

"Where does this fund come from? We have emptied our funds. Moreover, we have gone to our source of income. If this continues, it will be very bad for us. We must change this situation. Only in this way can we solve some of the current situation. This is the best thing for us. "The situation is such a situation, which is a huge disaster for them.

"I think we can find Koreans to solve such problems. Their banks have money and a lot of funds. We can borrow with them. You know, without us, we wouldn't be able to solve this kind of thing by ourselves. Moreover, Meng Pulling is also very important to them. I think it is impossible for South Korea to give up such a result." Some congressmen suggested this way. As long as they have the support of South Korea, they will definitely get more help, but now only relying on them, the riot in Bangladesh is still difficult to resolve. After all, this requires more military support, material and financial support.

The South Korean authorities in Bangla soon received such a report. That is the view of the Bangla lawmakers. In their view, Bangla must quell the riots as soon as possible, but it is impossible for them to continue to provide funds, because they have reached the limit of funding, but now they hope they can resolve this. At the very least, it is okay to give great support in terms of funds.

After some consideration. The authorities forwarded the telegram. They did not express any more reasons or solutions, because they also have their own difficulties. A large amount of fiscal and tax support has been provided to South Korea’s domestic economic construction. After the riots, it will be difficult to proceed. Related taxation activities. But it is still difficult to reverse the situation as quickly as possible.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai's prime minister's house.

"Such conditions are already very good. Prime Minister." The Secretary of the Navy said tremblingly. Received a report from the deputy chief. He gave the truthful report to Guo Kai. Regarding the conditions, he thought it was very good, and at least they could accept it.

"Prime Minister, this condition is already very good. What South Korea lacks now is time. If they have enough time, our situation will face a huge disaster, and they will continue to entangle with us. Our military expenditure can be It is impossible to support such a long period of time. You must know that we only engaged in maritime trade to make money, but fighting with them all at once cost a lot of money, not to mention, it also needs to consume more troops, which will make our economy change. Very fragile.” The Secretary of the Navy considered from an economic point of view. This is also the easiest point for Guo Kai to consider, thinking that he considers many things from an economic point of view.

"Yeah. You're right, we really can't care about it like this." Guo Kai, who heard the economic view, immediately changed to continue the negotiations, threatening South Korea’s opportunities. He knew that the current situation in South Korea was in a very bad state. They In the face of two foreign wars, the war will make them extremely passive. This is a good opportunity to threaten them. However, if the persecution is greater, it will cause another consequence, that is, the Koreans and Zhao Guo desperately. Guo Kai thought about it and felt that the pressure should not continue, so he had to make some concessions.

"We can already get permission to enter the Western Ocean. In this case, we can also do maritime trade business, forget it. Our military expenditure does not support the operations of a huge country. Who knows if South Korea will go crazy." Guo Kai stepped back and said. .

"The prime minister still has one more thing, that is, do we also follow the Qin people's arrangement, we accept them to divide according to latitude and longitude, in this way, our speed of seizing the island will be faster, after all, we can't reach many places. "The Secretary of the Navy suggested.

"Oh. Do you think this method is good?" Guo Kai asked the Secretary of the Navy. This is a professional question.

"I think it's very appropriate. In this case, we can greatly avoid non-stop islands. Who knows what kind of resources are on a certain island. If we continue to build boundary markers, that way, we will give us Exhausted, after all, the sea is not land, and the sea has the rules of the sea.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yeah. You are right. The sea has the rules of the sea. We really can't interfere too much. Otherwise, it will be very detrimental to us." Guo Kai wanted to say for a while. He also felt that the Secretary of the Navy was right. After all, the situation at sea is still based on the method of the sea. Who knows what will happen. After all, there are still many differences. Thinking about this, he thinks that he should follow the other party’s ideas. .

The Prime Minister's Office of Qi State Lou Jing.

"Huh." Lou Jing let out a relaxed breath, and he finally came over with ease. Seeing the telegram that Zhao Guo had agreed to reach a maritime trade agreement with South Korea, Lou Jing was relieved a lot. He had been worried before. He was worried that Zhao Guo had an appetite. If that was the case, the gain would not be worth the loss. Therefore, he kept sending telegrams, asking the other party to relax as much as possible. In this way, the Koreans can have a step down. After all, the current situation in South Korea is not very good. South Korea will not be too entangled in diplomacy. Sensible. Because in that case, the two parties did not have a good interest in the settlement, but now, the situation has changed a lot, and Zhao Guo agreed. In this way, it would prevent Qi from falling into an entangled war.

"Prime Minister, if Zhao Guo agrees, we will have no reason. In this case, we can start maritime trade." The Secretary of the Navy said excitedly.

"Yes. Yes. In this case, we will remove the last obstacle. Now our trade has no big obstacles. This is great news for us. But it is a lot of good news." Lou Jing said. Solving the problem of maritime trade will make them easier.

When Qi and Zhao were happy, Qi businessmen were also actively opening up their market demand.

Bangla. Inside a barracks of the new Korean Army in Bangladesh.

"With this, it doesn't hurt." A sergeant of the Menggla new army said with a smoker.

"Really? Can he heal my wound?" the other party asked curiously.

"No. This can't heal your wound, but it can make you come alive." the other party said.

"This, is it okay?" the wounded soldier asked worriedly. His head was wrapped in a lot of gauze, and there was also on his arm. His head was hit by a flying monocle. The surgeon tried to perform a craniotomy on him, which was very painful. Usually the success rate of this operation is extremely low. In all likelihood, they won't escape the catastrophe in their lives, but in that case, they no longer need to think about it like that. Because everything is the result of death, they might as well fight in the final stage, as if there is still a chance to save their lives, otherwise, they will definitely not survive.

"My head still hurts, and it's better to be dizzy, but if you don't dizzy, the bone marrow that hurts will hurt." The soldier said painfully.

"Hurry up, take a bite. This may be able to relieve the pain of your wound. This is a very good thing. Come on, you will relieve your pain. Trust me." The sergeant said. They bought it from Qi merchants. They said that it can greatly reduce the pain. If you eat it, you will be in a hurry. In fact, they also have this effect, but the result is not very good, because the effect is very limited. In fact, they are all the same thing, Yapian, but these drugs from Qi are more highly purified. Some, but the people of Qi are still slightly diluted, because such needs are becoming more and more, and they simply can't meet the needs of some people.

Originally, the demand for elegant movies was not very large, but because of the war, this demand has risen a lot. First of all, this kind of thing is really useful, and it has a very good pain relief effect on the wounded. Because of the power of the musket, especially the flintlock, the damage caused is very large, and the limbs will be amputated at every turn. This makes many soldiers unbearable to bear the pain, and shoot a gun to their forehead in order to end the pain.

The second is the relationship of war pressure. In many cases, the pressure on soldiers is very high. They cannot bear the pressure brought by war. They need to release the pressure. In this regard, the Korean New Army only needs to use women, while Meng Laxin There are not so many women in the military to meet such needs, because their military expenditures cannot support them, and they do not enjoy such privileges. Faced with such a situation, Yapian may be the only way for them to decompress.

The third is that this may be a fashion, because in the colonial areas controlled by Chu, there are quite a few people who smoked Yapian. If they do not smoke, it may not be a good fashion trend. Faced with such a kind of situation. The Bangladeshi new army is also actively absorbing, but in their opinion, this stuff brings more excitement than fashion.

Drugs spread like this. And the merchant ships of Qi people are spreading towards Karachi, Seth, and beyond, or this is the best commodity.

Zhao Country, Handan, Zhao Jun Staff Headquarters.

"With such an agreement, we can directly and boldly expand." Li Mu said.

"Just, where is our direction? We can't expand blindly. In that case, once the expansion is wrong, it will be too blind." Li Zuoche said worriedly.

"Well, what you said is not wrong, but I want to know which direction you choose, is it Nanyang or Western?" Li Mu asked. For such a choice, he did not make a good decision. After all, he still doesn't know whether Nanyang is good or Western.

"From the perspective of economic value, the Western Ocean can promote the growth of our trade, but according to what I know, many countries are developing the Western Ocean, slave trade, a large number of commodity dumping, and there are quite a lot of other trades. Trade can greatly complete our trade expansion." The other side said.

"At the same time, it can also meet the expansion of other countries. Facing such a situation, we have to face a lot of competitive pressure. But the situation in Nanyang is different. It is almost a forbidden place in other countries. It has become our own back garden, but the label is not very clear. Even so, we can still get some islands, or some large islands. For us, these are strategic points. We can use these strategic points. , Which greatly satisfies our requirement to attack each other." Li Zuoche said.

"Rule by small?" Li Mu said.

"Yes, sir, this is what I think. If we can accomplish this kind of thing, it will definitely be a very good point for us," Li Zuoche said.

"Your idea is right. I think this can greatly help us. Many people have put a lot of attention on the West. This is a very bad signal for us. We need to know where The competition is very exaggerated for us. And the distance between the West is too far, I think that distance is very suitable. With such a distance, it is more suitable for us. I think the Navy focuses on development The region lies in Nanyang." Li Mu said.

"However, for Western regions, we also try our best to make layouts." Li Mu said.

Zhao Guo’s choice is quite helpless, because the combat radius and expansion radius of steamships are limited. They cannot be moored in ports of other countries like merchant ships. On the distance from the Western Ocean to Sori, Zhao China and Qi have no ports of their own at all, that is, they lack sufficient port bases as a springboard, while South Korea and Chu have such a situation, unless they resort to military alliances to resolve such matters, it will be difficult for them to have such a situation. The springboard exists.

Faced with such a situation, Zhao Guo can only develop the Western Ocean as much as possible, and regard Nanyang as their development goal, because unlike the Western Ocean, there are many islands in the South Ocean, and there are many undeveloped areas among them. This is mainly It is the South Korean development effort that is not very important. As a result, Nanyang gave Zhao a big gap. Without such a gap, it seems that it would be difficult for Zhao to develop their sailing career. It is quite difficult to do such a thing. This is a helpless choice.

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