The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3239: Rice futures market

Qin State Xianyang.

"This is a telegram just received from the Chu country. The people of Chu seem to have realized something. They have established a rice futures market on their own, mainly trading some rice, rice from the south, but stimulated directly by such news. Our wheat rose.” Meng Yi said to Shang Wen. Meng Yi was also surprised to receive such a telegram, but he immediately understood. The establishment of such a market will greatly stimulate speculation, because in this case, more people will speculate in it.

"Well. This is also a good thing. At least we know that someone can use financial methods to solve some things." Shang Wen said with a smile after reading the telegram. He is not unfamiliar with such things, or he thinks it is normal, because it has greatly stimulated the development of other futures markets. This is a trend that cannot be intercepted.

"But in this way, we need to pay attention to what we do in other markets. Because the wheat in the north and the rice in the south will jointly promote the increase in food prices, countries will definitely have great dissatisfaction. We should pay attention to this. Things." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. But the problem is that this factor needs to be solved by ourselves. We should leave the price to the market to decide. We can't decide such a thing." Shang Wen said. Shangwen feels that liberalism should be allowed to play freely, so that food production can be greatly stimulated. If it blindly depends on government subsidies and interest-free loans, this will be a burden to the Qin government. , Now the price of grain that Qin needs has risen. Otherwise, their losses will be very large.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"My lord, the current food prices in Xinzheng, South Korea, are mostly supported by rice from the south. The Chu people do this, which means they will deliberately drive up food prices. This will cause us great losses. We must find ways to suppress them. Only in this way can the price of the other party keep the price of grain down and maintain our demand for grain." After Zhang Liang heard the news from Chu State, he suddenly became nervous. He knew that the emergence of the rice futures market meant the appearance of the rice futures market. With the start of food price speculation, this will greatly cause a crazy price increase in a short period of time. This is a serious blow to South Korea. This blow is enough to cause them to suffer a great blow. Therefore, Zhang Liang He was very nervous. He didn't want such a thing to happen. It would panic everyone's food, which was not conducive to social stability.

"Rest assured, the grain is absolutely balanced. We have already conducted an investigation. The grain supply and demand should be balanced under such circumstances, but the Chu people have too many stocks. It is difficult to transport them for a while. "Han Shu said easily.

"But this will greatly stimulate the increase in food. This is not good news for us. We must consider social stability." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, I understand that we can mobilize grain from various places to put in grain, but we must increase grain production and expand the area of ​​grain farming, but since the people of Chu thought of using grain for speculation, we can do the same. , We speculate on the price all at once. Pull it up." Han Shu said.

"You said, what kind of situation will be formed?" Han Shu suddenly discovered that she had thought of a very good way, that is, she wanted to get rid of it. Since the other party wants to speculate, then participate in it, drive up the price, and disrupt the situation. .

"Well, if the price rises, a large amount of grain will be hoarded at the Wuyue Port terminal in Chu State. After all, the price there is very high. The most important thing is that speculation there will be very rampant, but this is for us. Saying. It's not a good thing." Zhang Liang said.

"No, it's not necessarily true. Think about it. How many colonies are there in the Chu Kingdom in the south? Before, they kept growing grain. The scale of grain is amazing, and the rice production cycle in the South is three crops a year. Well, what a terrible output this is, coupled with the continuous expansion of the colonies, this has created a large inventory. This inventory is squeezed but a very remarkable thing." Han Shu said.

"Once they heard the price increase, they would organize a large number of ships to put these stocks of grain on the market, because in their opinion. These grains are worthless, and the weather is getting warmer, which is conducive to production, so These grains are nothing to them. This is very suitable for speculation. If we speculate on the price in advance, it will attract a considerable amount of grain to reach there. Many farmers will put in grain as soon as possible. When there is a lot of food, doesn’t the price decrease naturally? What we have to do is to push up a few of the food and let this speculation end as soon as possible. In this way, the falling food will be bought by us quickly. Let’s go, don’t think we need to spend some money on speculation, but we can greatly stabilize prices. If we put the market bit by bit, on the contrary, we will be eaten by the other party. In that case, the price will rise to an outrageous Price, and we have nothing in our hands to restrict the other party's price. In that case, what will happen? We will be very passive." Han Shu said.

"Yeah." Zhang Liang nodded, then he started to react. He knows that this is Han Shu's use of financial methods to solve such problems. Since the other party uses financial methods to drive up prices, they must also use financial methods to suppress the increase in food prices. It can be said that this is a kind of countermeasures. For South Korea, such a measure is a very new measure.

"At present, our development in South Korea has entered a bottleneck area, haven't you noticed it?" Han Shu said to Zhang Liang at this time.

"Qin Guoren’s development is divided into two types, which I learned by reading books. Qin Guoren’s development is divided into three types, one is finance, their banking, futures, bonds, stock speculation, investment is very developed, and their investment projects are also There are a lot of them. In this way, they can continue to provide financial support. In contrast, the futures are also the same. They have this kind of thing and can solve many things." Han Shu said.

"The second is their technological strength, which is based on their advanced education system. Their technology can be transformed into wealth and into a kind of strength. This kind of strength prevents us from catching up." Han Shu said.

"The third is their production capacity, not only their domestic production, but also their transfer to other regions to cooperate with their production, such as our South Korea, our South Korea can process parts, and Zhao Guo can process other parts. , And finally assembled in Qin. These are the development paths of Qin people. In contrast, the characteristics of our South Korea are more obvious. Trade and shipbuilding, but these are inseparable from finance. Therefore, South Korea wants to develop. We must have our own path. For example, we can develop finance. Without financial support, it is difficult for us to develop. You should be very clear about this. Therefore, this time the food rise, I think, we should actively participate in it for our Financial development, accumulation of experience, this matter is handled in this way." Han Shu told Zhang Liang of his ideas. Zhang Liang only solved the food crisis from a political perspective. I have to say that this can be solved, but it is the most important thing. An unscientific approach, and the food put in may eventually cause a lot of chaos. Although it can suppress the increase in the price of the food market, it will eventually rise. This is an unstoppable trend because the balance of supply and demand in the market has been broken. Only by restoring balance can such a problem be solved. Zhang Liang quickly understood what Han Shu meant. He felt that this was a brand-new way to solve the problem, but it was necessary to solve this kind of problem when it was effective.

Chu State, Wu Yue Port. Chu's rice futures market was established here.

"This food is so cheap, can this thing really be bought and sold?" Some speculative businessmen were full of doubt when seeing the listed futures market.

"Oh, I said, man, this is to make you rich. I told you to do this. If you don’t do this, what will happen? We can’t make any money. What a good thing this futures market speculation is, we There is no need to ship one ship by one ship. In that case, it would be too much trouble to buy directly here. If the price rises, we will buy more, hold it directly, and wait until we make money. Then sell it, which is great." Said a young bold speculator.

"This, is this really possible?" the businessman asked suspiciously.

"Oh, can you do it? Go in and have a look. It's fair. If you don't make money, you will come out and give it a try. We merchants don't give it a try. Now there are so many opportunities to make a fortune. Food prices in the north are rising. I'm going crazy. This is something that I will never lose." When he said that, he pushed the other party into the market.

The trading market is extremely hot. There is a big blackboard on the desk with some numbers written on it. The businessman doesn't know what it means, but he sees that the people who write on it are very busy, and many numbers are non-stop. Erased and erased, many people kept selling with transaction slips, and there were a lot of telegraph lines at the easternmost position. The telegrams were slapped out one by one, and there were obviously more orders.

"Haha. I made a profit." As soon as the businessman came in, he saw a thin Chu country man leaving excitedly with two wads of money.

"This, is this making money?" The businessman asked the other party with a puzzled look. He thought it was incredible.

"Of course. This is the case. Now the food is very expensive, the increase is very strong, and the demand is great, but the food we arrive at Wuyue Port is not much, the supply and demand are contradictory, the supply is small, and the demand is high. In this situation Naturally, the one with the higher price will get it." The other party said disapprovingly.

"Oh. So it's the same as doing business." The businessman suddenly realized. Suddenly it was the same as their business, but there were some differences. He decided to buy less and try, so that they could make money.

With the intensification of food supply contradictions, more and more businessmen are involved here, and they begin to analyze various situations. Many people begin to fiercely discuss the situations they encounter and how to analyze and how to solve them. These are situations they have never encountered before.

Chen Ping's office.

"How?" Chen Ping handled some affairs and saw his assistant come in. He was in charge of the futures market. The situation on the first day made Chen Ping very happy, because the trading market provided them with a certain amount of taxation. , Stamp duty, which has a great guarantee for the government to increase fiscal revenue.

"Still very popular. More and more businessmen are participating, even ordinary people are participating." The assistant reported excitedly.

"Well, it seems that the situation is similar to what we expected. It's okay. Now that they do, let's do it. We can't take care of them anymore." Chen Ping said with a smile. For this matter, he does not want to care too much, this is the market's choice.

Rest in peace, the forward position of Huber's battle group.

"They said they could deal with the Persians in the same way, because they are also familiar with the terrain here. But they need weapons." A sabbath soldier translated. The major on the side nodded. Qin Jun encountered a big problem. This problem came from themselves. Although they knew some of the conditions of the Parthians and Persians, they still had difficulty opening up the situation. There were several times if the Parthians had not given them a warning, Perhaps they will encounter an ambush, which makes it difficult for the Huber battle group to advance further, and their chief is worried that their camp will be harassed. In that case, the situation will be even worse.

"Sir, they said, as long as we provide them with weapons and food, they have the opportunity to help us fight the Persians. Of course, they are willing to do it themselves, but they lack weapons. If they have enough weapons, they will do better. , They will provide information, provide guides, and most importantly, they can participate in the battle." The rest soldier then translated. The rest person showed pleading eyes.

"Well, what happens to come to me. Anyway, we are better than staying here and can do nothing. If they can fight and bring a lot of spoils, we can join hands with them. Tell them that we can send troops to fight. Persian warfare," said the major. The recent situation is very bad for him. Because many situations are extremely unfavorable to him. This puts him in a very bad state. He desperately hopes to solve such difficulties, and he needs to find a breakthrough. He felt that those who rest in peace might be a good breakthrough. Because they can bring a great sense of security, because the Persians and the Parthians fight each other, and if the Qin people participate in it, they will become very passive, which is not conducive to the actions of the Qin army, so he decided to let those The coming of the rest can at least reduce their casualties. This is the purpose of the major.

Inside Huber's command camp.

"Sir, such things have happened a lot. We have to do this." A captain explained to Colonel Huber.

"But you can't mess around at will. Do you know the consequences of doing this? There will be a lot of people turning to us. In that case, the situation will become very chaotic. This is the worst point for us." Colonel Huber took out a telegram from the staff and said.

"But sir, we are extremely unfamiliar with the terrain here. We cannot have a guide. We have no intelligence source or intelligence support. Although our reconnaissance is very effective, we cannot predict the change of the situation after all, and the local Persians are fighting. Very flexible, it is difficult for us to catch them." The captain said.

"So, we recruited those rest in peace, let them carry out reconnaissance?" Huber said.

"Who knows if there are spies inside, if they reveal our situation, we will be very passive." Huber said.

"Sir, I mean, we might not do this," the captain said.

"Yes, I don't want the other party to probe our intelligence. This is very sensitive to us." Huber said.

"But sir, we are using them. Our current situation is very passive. We are just using them to let them do something, to put them into a state of combat readiness, and let them use guerrilla tactics against the Persians on the opposite side. I think This is very useful to us. Guerrilla is against guerrilla, and we can participate in the battle, but the premise must be independent, and the Shah and Persians are incompatible with each other. This is a point that can be used for us." Said the captain.

"Besides, we already have such independence protection. I don't think the problem is big. Sir, the situation is very disadvantageous for us. If this continues, we can only retreat." The captain said.

"Yeah." Hu Bo hummed, he also felt that they couldn't do anything when they came here. Despite their strong combat effectiveness, they are blind and deaf here. Their combat effectiveness is very strong and there is no way to solve such a problem. This is a very complicated issue. Facing such a situation, he can only compromise like this. Perhaps this is the problem they should solve.

In desperation, Huber could only agree to this situation, and they had to do so. At the same time, Huber also sent a telegram to Wang Ben. He hoped that the telegram could attract the attention of the chief officer, or could provide an effective battle plan instead. He felt that it was very unsafe to do so. After all, they met. Right is tricky guerrilla warfare, unless they are all killed by the locals. But this is absolutely impossible. In that case, it will make the Qin army unprecedentedly isolated. It seems that the only way is to use it to take advantage of the contradiction between the local Shah people and the Persians.

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