Bangla Parliament.

"We need to increase military spending. Instead of what the Bangla people say, add some expenses to the **** economic construction. These are of no use to us." A South Korean congressman said in Parliament.

"Yes, we can't do anything to settle the riots. Everything is in vain, that is, money is invested in economic construction. In the end, everything is a waste of money. I think that the current fiscal funds from taxation should be Focusing on military spending, we need a stable environment." Another member of the Diet said at this time.

"You are right. There is no stable environment and no amount of investment is of any use." Other South Korean lawmakers said. However, the MP Bangla who came to the audience shook his head. They believed that these were all detrimental to the development of their Bangla.

The development of Bangla is inseparable from agriculture. However, the agricultural infrastructure is extremely weak. There are no roads and trade in many places cannot be carried out. The people of Bangla feel that they should invest part of the cost on this, because doing so will not Their economy is very favorable, but the Koreans refused to do so because they felt that it was a waste of money. You must know that the current situation in Bangla is not very optimistic. The situation in the north is still unable to stabilize. Although the army has expelled a considerable number of Bangla soldiers, the South Korean government still has not regained control of the north. This is for South Korea. That is extremely unfavorable.

The idea of ​​the Mengla people is that it is better to build some roads. These roads are on the surface for the army, but in fact, they are for their own economic construction. Because if there is a way, their situation will be better, which is the most urgent hope for them.

However, the Koreans unrelentingly rejected the other side's idea, which is extremely unrealistic. Because riots are the top priority.

"We also have the right to develop Bangla, and Bangla needs these, and these infrastructures greatly limit what we can do. Only with all this can we provide more tax revenue. We will develop more places. "A Meng La member couldn't stand it and stood up and said. He believes that Koreans are ignoring their rights and interests. This is a great challenge and insult to them. They will never allow such things to happen. Now they hope to be respected.

"I know your thoughts very well. You think that the government owes them the right to owe them, right?" a South Korean congressman asked the other party in an unfriendly tone.

"No, we are only developing for our own rights. You Koreans need to develop and build roads and other facilities. We also need them. We also need railways and roads in Bangla. These need to spend some money, but we I think we should have such rights and interests." Senator Meng La stood up and argued for reasons.

"Good. Very good." The South Korean congressman said. But he suddenly felt that what the other party said seemed to have some truth. The market developed by Bangla is not very large. Compared with the local area, Bangla can provide a lot of taxation, and these taxes support the development of South Korea. Therefore, the Korean government cannot do without these taxes. But now the people in Bangla feel that they should have the right to control these taxes. They think that they should make some contributions to their Bangla, such as turning their taxes into roads, such as roads, railways, or arranging waterways. This is also a great development for them.

"I think this plan can be submitted to the local government for consideration. After all, some of their interests need to be fully considered so that they can do something we can do, for example, to develop faster, so that Greatly stimulate their enthusiasm." A middle-aged South Korean congressman considered.

After all, most of the taxpayers now come from those Bangla deputies, and the funds they can provide are far from meeting the needs of the Korean government. This huge gap makes South Korean parliamentarians have to consider giving such ideas to them. The local government decides, after all, only they can do such a thing.

Qi State, in Lou Jing's prime minister's office.

"Why did the price of rice go up so much all of a sudden?" Lou Jing asked worriedly, looking at the market quote telegram. In the coastal areas of Qi State, relying on these ports, their food problem is not very serious, which makes Lou Jing not very worried. Qi also has agricultural grain growing areas, but the sown area is worrying. The reason is that Qin China and Chu’s low-priced food crazily hit. This led to the serious insignificance of Qi's agriculture. They can't make money from growing grain, and they simply don't have the ability to pay huge economic expenses.

"Well, I'm not sure about this, but it seems that this price comes from the quotation of the futures center. You know, Prime Minister, there will be a great possibility of speculation there. I think we should do this well. "The Minister of Economy explained. For such an explanation, he himself thinks that it is impossible to explain it because he himself does not believe it in many places.

"Okay. I see. We should have made such preparations long ago. Otherwise, we can't solve anything. This is a lot of trouble for us." Lou Jing said.

"We need to buy some grain from the Chu country. Once our grain goes up wildly, we will have a big mess here. Find a way to get some grain from the sea. As for other places, I really don't know." Jing said. Food is related to social stability. Most of the people of Qi are concentrated in coastal areas and major cities and towns, because it is easier to find a job there, and their annual income from work exceeds their previous work in the fields. They are very willing to find a job. Working here, but once the cost of living in the city is higher than their cost in the countryside, it will be impossible for them to stay.

"Well, Prime Minister, we are currently solving a large number of food problems. Some are not possible. However, I think we can still do this. That is, let a large number of factories increase their wages. In this case, their burdens are even It's part of the solution." The Minister of Economy thought of the same solution as Zhao Guo. Hear here. Lou Jing just shook his head. Obviously, this approach is a bit undesirable because it would cause a lot of trouble.

"Do you know? If we do this, we are equivalent to shifting the pressure of rising food prices to the factory. In that case, the pressure on the factory will be very high. We finally attract them to our place. If we continue to do so If you do, the result will become very unfavorable. I think such a thing must not be done. This will seriously affect our plan to attract investment, and we must not do this." Lou Jing refused. Lou Jing knows why those factories come to Qi State. It is because these factories can provide low-cost labor and other labor production costs. If they rashly increase, what will happen, they simply can't do that.

"We still think of ways to buy some food to solve these problems. Once we can't solve it, our situation will become very passive. This is my plan. Buying food." Lou Jing said.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside the investment office of a Korean commercial bank.

"I'm sorry, sir, we don't really need your project." A manager shook his head and said. For such a project, they feel very unbearable. Because the other party didn't even have a collateral, it was just a joke just by relying on an agreement.

"Why? You have seen it. There is oil there. What is oil? It is an important chemical material. This thing can quickly play a major role. There is also fuel. Without fuel, we can't do anything. Do you know? "" Zhang You said rudely. This is the ninth bank he was rejected today.

"But, sir, there is a war going on there, and this is an underground resource. Who knows if there is oil? If there is no oil, we will have to bear a lot of economic pressure. This is a big risk for us. We simply can’t bear such a risk, so we still ask the husband to go to other places to see, we really can’t bear such a big risk pressure. I’m very sorry.” The manager waved impatiently and asked the other party. go out.

"You." Zhang You couldn't say anything excited. He thought of investment banks. He felt that only they could do such a thing in this project. However, these banks ruthlessly rejected the other party after hearing about the plan, because the other party's project was very bad for them. The risks are great, and of course they have reasons to be so decisive. But this is for Zhang You. It is a big trouble.

"You will regret it." Walking out of the bank's door, he said fiercely. They can't see the role of oil in the future. He thinks this is their short-sightedness.

Qin State Xianyang.

"Our wheat prices have also increased a bit, which is not a good thing for all countries." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"A rice futures trading center appeared in Chu State. Once such a thing happened, it would not be possible to prevent such and similar things from happening. This is absolutely impossible to avoid. Therefore, the current situation is like this, and we have no solution. There seems to be no way other than speeding up the process of speculation." Shangwen told Meng Yi.

"I think we can solve this solution from another angle. We can expand the planting area of ​​wheat and rice. In this way, the situation can control the food price problem to a large extent." Meng Yi thinks that some are beneficial to production. The occurrence of the incident can also stimulate the fall in food prices.

"This kind of idea is very good, but it requires a large degree of grain transportation, and the most important thing is time. From grain planting to harvesting, there are several months. If we cannot solve such problems in time, it may produce A lot of trouble. I suggest that we better not do this. Let it go, everything will be solved by itself." Shangwen said.

"This. Okay. We can only do this." Meng Yi knew that Shang Wen could no longer stop food prices from rising. After this rise, it may be in a high price range.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Is this the suggestion of those Meng La members?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang.

"Yes, King, this is their suggestion. They believe that they should also enjoy this right. Bangla provides a lot of tax and financial support for the local area, and South Korea should also consider their situation and give them some funds. With the support of the government and building some infrastructure, their economy can recover quickly." Zhang Liang said.

"What do you think?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang at this time.

"My opinion is that we must do the same. Senator Bangla is very important to us and we also need their support. Under such circumstances, we are unlikely to do more to solve such problems. If If we blindly ask for it, and if we don’t give it, the consequences will arouse their disgust. In that case, even if we lose a group of Mengla who support us in the end, the situation will become more and more unfavorable for us. With the support of such people This is a very beneficial thing for us." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, what you said is correct. I think that it is indeed time for them to solve such problems and develop. If they don't have a channel for development, we can't do such a thing. This is indeed what we should do." Han Shu said.

"But this is not enough. The people in Mengla say that they have solved their road problems. This is a good point. Think about it. After solving their road problems, our affairs have become much better. In such a situation. Next, this is the most beneficial result for us. I think such a thing is the best." Han Shu said.

"Fighting and controlling us in the northern region, you have also seen it. The reason why the Zhanpu people dare to go south is because our passage is difficult to control and cannot use the fast passage in the mountainous area, which has caused a great adverse effect on us. Now We have this opportunity, and it is naturally beneficial to us." Han Shu said.

"At the same time, I also think that these economic construction projects can also greatly divert the attention of the people of Bangla. Those who are dissatisfied give them a job. It is better for them to solve their own problems by themselves. War damages Many people’s families, many people cannot survive, everything is the result of this, and what we have to do is to restore their economic order and let the economy enter a new track. Give them this The support of this will also stimulate our production projects to move there. The factory may be the best way to quickly quell the riots.” Han Shu said.

"I. Understood. King." Zhang Liang nodded. He suddenly understood what Han Shu meant. Han Shu may have already understood that in Bangla, the economy has entered a state of decay. The war has destroyed many rules, and many people have lost their land and property. What's worse, they have nothing. Economic sources, this is the worst thing. If it goes on for a long time, they will become another wave of unstable factors for social stability, and Han Shu needs to solve such problems in advance. However, Zhang Liang was quickly troubled by another problem. That is, to build so many projects, the Korean government itself needs to indicate its own support, but how to support them, and where does the funding come from? This is the most difficult thing.

North Laizhou. Inside the Zhao State Naval Base.

A large number of soldiers of the Zhao State Marine Corps are slowly boarding the ship. This is a merchant ship for hire. The main force of the Zhao State Navy Fleet is escorting them. They will be divided into two groups. One wave will go to the West, where they will occupy some of them. People’s islands, regions, expansion of Zhao’s naval career, and another wave of them going back to Nanyang, their number is relatively small, but they must act fast, because Nanyang is the back garden of the Koreans, and the Koreans have already marked the big Part of the nautical coordinates. And they didn't start anything.

"It will take us more than a year to go here. Let's take a look." A sergeant said with emotion. This is the purpose behind their crazy training. They should have thought of this when they had a carnival last night.

"How long can we live outside?" a second-class soldier asked. Everyone glanced at each other and did not answer such a question.

"Oh." The privates got on the ship. For Zhao's naval expansion, they must make some sacrifices.

In Qingcheng, South Korea, the Secretary of the Navy inspected the South Korean Nanyang Squadron that had just returned to the Qingcheng Naval Base. Their warships were repaired, and traces of the battle can be seen in many places.

"Sir, such ships are no longer usable. And we need to build new warships. These warships have been eliminated." An officer in the base said.

"Well, I know this situation. These wooden shell ships can no longer withstand the fierce attack of artillery. In the future, we will build large iron armored ships instead of these wooden shell warships. They will withdraw from the stage of history." The Secretary of the Navy nodded. Said the head.

"But, sir, these ships? What should we do?" the other party asked. In his opinion, he doesn't know how to solve this problem anymore.

"Fix it, or modify it. We sold these ships to Yueshi, Karachi, or the Indians according to the original plan. They need these warships. Don't worry, they will buy them." The Secretary of the Navy saw that the other party had them. Some worries, change to say so.

"Yes, sir, I understand. But if we do this, do we mean to deceive them a little?" said the navy officer.

"No, this is the best warship. It is now and it will be in the future." The Secretary of the Navy said unhappily. The last batch of warships was given to them.

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