South Korea, Xinzheng street.

"Why is our food going up? Why are our cloths not selling well, and why can't the factory increase wages for us? In the final analysis, this is because we have not expanded enough in South Korea. Many overseas markets are not open to us. These are all. It's the closed environment abroad." A Labor Party leader stood on the podium and shouted loudly. This is their slogan for running for a seat in the House of Lords. This slogan was carefully thought out. At the same time, it can also arouse the concern and interest of the people at the bottom, after all, they hold a large part of the scattered votes. Whether you can serve as a member of Parliament depends on these scattered votes.

The choice of campaign slogan requires careful consideration. For example, their slogans cannot be clearly opposed to the government. In that case, they will be pressured by the government, and the election will not be carried out. In order to get the support of the government, they cannot have clear opposition. At the same time, in order to get more The support of many lower-level people, their slogans must be in line with the vital interests of the people, can resonate with the other party, and cannot make the other party feel that they don’t care about them. This is the art of campaigning, and all this is reflected in the campaign slogan. chosen.

The slogan chosen by the Korean Labor Party mainly focused on the food issue. Because of the increase in food prices, the salaries of the Korean working class were directly affected. When food prices fell before, they were able to receive great benefits. They were able to save money for themselves. Of children’s future plans to study, they can save a sum of money every month for use in the most difficult time. But now the situation has changed a lot. Most of the funds they hit are used to buy food, and it is impossible for them to save money for emergencies. This makes the workers feel very distressed, but they hope that the factory can understand their difficulties and give them some salary increase, but the factory also has its own difficulties, because their product sales are not very extensive, many places are fighting, and the market is affected. Serious restrictions. The leaders of the Labor Party understand this. They plan to transfer domestic contradictions to foreign countries. Their thinking is correct because people can vent their dissatisfaction abroad. The domestic losses will become minimal.

"If the products sold by our factories are not sold, profits cannot be increased, and our salaries cannot be increased. We cannot increase wages. The reason why we cannot open the market is because the attitude of foreign countries is extremely prohibitive. People are annoyed that they don't open their markets. Only by opening the market can we let our products enter, and everything will become better." The leader of the Labor Party said.

"So, why is the food still going up?" The people are concerned about this issue, but they don't care about others. What they know is that only in this way can their lives become taller.

"This is because of demand. Their demand has become lower. They don’t need our food. We produce more food. This much food cannot be consumed in the end, resulting in a little bit of rot in our warehouse. This is a kind of Losses, and those who cause such losses are those from abroad. Therefore, only when we expand abroad, open up the market and let them need our things, our factories will increase profits and our salaries will be further increased." The leader of the Labour Party advertised loudly.

"We want to expand!" a leader shouted loudly.

"We want to expand." Many people also called out loudly. Although the truth sounds a little reluctant, they feel that this is the same thing. Most of the workers in Xinzheng, South Korea have to rely on their own salaries to support their families. There is no such amount. They simply can't survive the salary. If they really do what the Labor Party says, they can increase their salary. Although it sounds far away, they feel that it has a lot to do with their relationship, and they still support this kind of thing.

With the increasing voice of the people. Expansionism began to rise quietly.

Coincidentally, in Qi, such calls are also getting louder and louder.

In front of Lou Jing’s Prime Minister’s Office, the police looked at the demonstrating Qi people with ease. The spring rains kept falling, but people seemed to feel that such rains had any effect on them. They played various demonstration cards. . What's written above is more expansion.

"Continue to expand, otherwise we will not be able to survive." This is the biggest voice of the people. The price of food continues to rise, although they still have some canned seafood and related products that can offset part of the impact of rising food prices. It is definitely not a long-term solution to the problem. What they need now is to expand and solve their fundamental problems, otherwise they are unwilling to do such a thing.

"What do people mean?" Lou Jing asked the Secretary of the Navy.

"Sir, we have accepted their report. In the report, they expressed their dissatisfaction with the current situation, mainly focusing on the fact that our products cannot increase profits. The other is the price of food, because the factory owners believe that the market is narrow and Our expansion has a lot to do with it." The Secretary of the Navy said to Lou Jing. Speaking of the Secretary of the Navy, he explained to Lou Jing the impact of a series of expansions, mainly focused on. Expansion can solve huge market problems.

"Our factories need a broader market, but we cannot provide such a market. Many markets are protected by the local government. They have a certain degree of popularity for our products, and they also have to collect related taxes. It’s said that in the Aiji countries, the businessmen there are expanding on their own, but their power is too weak. I am afraid it is difficult for one person to open such a market. It is said that the development of the market is closely related to our product capabilities. We The production rate is getting faster and faster, and the products are getting more and more. However, we cannot sell so many products. Naturally, profits have fallen. At the same time, our workers’ compensation has been greatly reduced, coupled with the increase in food prices. , These all make the problem worse." The Secretary of the Navy said.

Lou Jing looked at the Secretary of the Navy, then nodded. Think for yourself.

I have to admit that what the Secretary of the Navy said is the truth. The Qi government reduced taxes and provided support on many conditions. In addition, some banks’ lending was mainly concentrated in the small and medium banks of Qin State. They greatly stimulated the coastal areas of Qi State. The industrial development in the region is mainly light industry. Just like cotton textile factories, they can produce linen. In addition, there are some food factories, building materials factories, etc. These factories have introduced a lot of production equipment on a large scale, mainly boilers. . The coal from Yan State greatly stimulated the use of this kind of boiler.

With the increasing development and larger industrial scale, the production capacity has been greatly improved, but the market has not improved. Although the joint fleet has just opened a market gap, the expansion of the market is an expansion of time Neither Qi Guo nor Zhao Guo can be satisfied easily for a while. So their market is still relatively narrow, but the developed factory area can't wait any longer.

Under the domestic conflicts caused by food, the factory owners encouraged their workers to demonstrate. They tried to pressure the government to open markets in various places through force expansion and dump their goods. This is extremely for the factories. Big positive stimulus.

"The factories mean expansion?" Lou Jing thought for a while and wanted to ask his Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes, Prime Minister, many people think that this expansion is right. We have expanded our armaments. We should do something at this time. If we do nothing, our situation may become bad. Get up." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Well. It seems that we all support expansion, but are the costs of expansion and the possibility of foreign operations profitable?" Lou Jing asked.

"The Prime Minister does not need to worry about this. The expansion cost will not cost much, and many businessmen are willing to participate because they can open up the market. This is a condition for them to participate. However, we can't count on them too much. We still need some military spending. Yes." The Secretary of the Navy said. Lou Jing certainly understands what the other party means. They still need a lot of financial support. Without such support, they simply can't do such a thing.

In Zhao, the same situation happened, but the pressure came from the top, because expanding the colony could transfer their power. What Zhao needed was parliamentary power, not a large colony, and Guo Kai was willing to do the same, because If it expands, it will greatly transfer domestic contradictions and transfer domestic contradictions to foreign countries.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Zhao, South Korea, Qi, and Chu. The merchant class in their House of Commons launched a large demonstration. They submitted a series of petitions for expansion. They hope that the government can expand. In this case, they Many things can be solved." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Does Chu State still need to expand?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"Of course. They think that the market for Chu's expansion is not very large. They still need to expand the scale. As for building a colony, they don't have such thoughts. I heard that the Koreans are building their colonies, but the Chu people are very concerned about this. Indifferent. But they need the market to be real." Meng Yi reported.

"Well. It seems that all countries have entered the era of expansionism. The expansion of Qi and Zhao is a good explanation. They themselves need so many markets. Zhao's industrial products can be transferred and exported, but the situation in Qi is not like that. Alright." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, should we also encourage this?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen. After all, under the influence of expansionism, Qin must also enter the era of expansion.

"We have not completely digested the Western Regions, and the market we need is not a large colony. Countries may have confused this concept." Shang Wen said helplessly, shaking his head. In the eyes of the people of other countries, expansion is expansion. Whether it is colonial expansion or market expansion, they think it doesn't matter, as long as it is in their own country's interests.

Xianyang's futures market began to cool down. Wheat began to fall naturally, and the price fell a little, but no one bought it, because when they bought, the price would rise. Many people were very happy, but when they stopped buying, the price began to fall. After so many times, some people lose a lot of money and dare not buy it like this again. Because the risk is too great.

“The South Korean government announced that it will expand 30,000 hectares of land on Queen’s Island. In Bangla, rice will be planted in some fields to meet local food needs.” Li Wen’s assistant said.

"At the same time, in Myanmar, Huangzhou and other places in the Chu State, some regions have stated that they will not grow more sugarcane, but instead produce some food. The area may not be less than 120,000 hectares. This way. Wait until the summer. Food prices will drop rapidly because the rice production there will be very fast." The assistant reported with the report.

Affected by the above news, rice futures prices fell rapidly. It fell by one yuan, and the intraday price broke through a large margin of 1.5 yuan. This caused many people to lose heavily. Some people panic selling their long orders. People worried that the price would not rise again. For a while, panic was compared. If some people turn short, the situation will definitely become very chaotic.

Affected by the fall in rice prices in the south, Qin's wheat also fell, but the largest drop was only 80%. Not big in comparison. But in terms of quantity, the wheat market is huge. It is very difficult to control the market.

"Is that all?" Li Wen asked his assistant.

"Yes, that's all, sir. These have already posed a great threat to us. Are we releasing some now?" his assistant asked worriedly.

"No. No, no. We should follow the original plan and wait until they have risen to half of the price and buy again, regardless of the price. Only by constantly eating, we can make more money. . This is our strategy. Don't worry about that much." Li Wen said, waving his arm. The assistant quickly recorded. He knew that Li Wen had already made his own decision.

Li Wen believes that the market is not over, because whether it is rice or wheat, it will take three months to suppress it at the earliest. The previous rise has greatly consumed inventory and rice on the market. Already eaten almost. There should be a lot less goods on the market. Under such circumstances, there is only a wave of fluctuations in the market that should have occurred. Li Wen believes that the market will continue to rise in the next period of time, because the total population is so large. They are unlikely to resolve the contradiction between population and food at once, so prices will continue to rise. This is Li Wen's judgment.

The current situation is that Qin suddenly sold the extra wheat to various countries in the Western Regions of Qin, and South Korea also needs a lot of food to quell the riots in Bangla and other regions, and quelling the riots requires a lot of food. Obviously, the demand for food cannot be solved by inventory. What he needs to do is to do such a thing well and let it calm down. But this process takes a time, and this process is his process of making money. Thought of this. Li Wencai boldly bought, no matter how much grain he had, he would buy it. Because these are nothing to him.

Seth Port, Seth South Korea Dispatching Army Headquarters, South Korean Army Lieutenant General Zhang Gong sat in the middle to make this combat request report.

"The order of the Supreme Command is for us to form a huge encirclement and eat up the Seth army with more than 30,000 people in front of us. In this way, we can occupy a favorable position on the negotiating table and thus end the war here. It has taken us a long time and energy. It's time to end." Zhang Gong said.

"We currently have this kind of strength. We have five infantry regiments in our hands. The strength is completely sufficient. In addition, there are some artillery units and artillery units provided to us from battleships. We have more than 120 rapid-fire guns. , This is unprecedented firepower, we can directly knock out all the firepower points of the opposite Seth." Zhang Gong easily introduced.

"In addition, the Shazhou cavalry detours to the back. They have seven cavalry battalions. It is more advantageous to block the opponent’s retreat path. When we attack on both wings, the Shazhou cavalry will detour to the rear to block and shoot, and we only have to The encirclement is formed, and the rest is done by artillery." Zhang Gong said with a smile. His plan can be said to be perfect and simple. The simpler the task, the easier it is to execute, he thinks so.

"Okay. Any other comments?" Zhang Gong waved his hand at this time, letting his hand come down to explain some problems.

"Sir, I think there are still some issues that need our attention. That is, what if the Seth people are reinforced? We all know that they have this kind of force. They also have this kind of ability. The Shazhou cavalry is okay to robbery, let them It may not be possible to complete such a task by resisting the opponent's attack. We are very worried about this happening." A colonel stood up and expressed this concern.

"Yes, sir, once the Seth people learn about our military operations, they will take action. Even if there is no rescue, they will retreat. In this way, our siege will form a debacle. The results may not be as good as we thought." The colonel expressed his concern.

For the Shazhou cavalry, especially when the Shazhou cavalry is taking on the task of blocking the rear, South Korean officers have expressed concern because the Shazhou cavalry are mercenaries and they are only responsible for money and their own lives. Will not take the initiative to take on such tasks. Therefore, the officers were very worried about entrusting such a task to them.

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