"It's miserable." Wang Er said while looking at the crushed corpse. Intestines and pieces of meat are everywhere, and there is no complete body to be found. Some injured people can be found in the explosion zone, but most of them are seriously injured. He saw with his own eyes that there was only one person in the upper body. , He himself said that he was brought here by a bomb, and he was far away from where he was, and his lower body was blown away. Then he said something ambiguous in pain, no one knew what he was talking about, because he vomited blood at the mouth and died.

"If it weren't for you, I, I might also be a part of this." Chen Heng said to Wang Er, and Wang Er didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this time. He didn't know how to say it himself, he was glad that he had escaped a huge disaster, but when he saw such a miserable situation, he couldn't laugh.

"If that's the case, don't talk about it, I now have a dead heart." The other party said so. Wang Er's heart was also very heavy. After all, if such a thing happened, it is impossible to have no relationship with him. Such a thing can only make him very depressed.

The next move of the Korean new army was affected to a certain extent. At least their attack was delayed by two hours from the original plan, and the Seth people seemed to be frightened by the bombing. Facing the offensive launched by the Koreans, they did not have any response, which greatly exceeded the expectations of both sides. Because the Seth people believed that the Koreans could use airships to bomb them, they would inevitably do so repeatedly, so they did not respond effectively to the intentions taken by the Koreans.

The Koreans now have to bear the huge losses caused by their own accidental injury. After all, when such a thing has happened, their chiefs have to bear certain responsibilities.

Rest in peace, Qin Ying is writing her report. Although his report was just read and no further instructions were given, he still hopes to attract the attention of the other party, and at least to make his chief realize that these Dawanese are ruining his own establishment. cause.

"Wow." Just when Qin Ying was writing a report. The curtain of the camp opened.

"Look, this is all the latest information I found." A captain said to him. He is a staff officer of the First Regiment of the Dawan Cavalry. He is just a staff officer, but he is also very worried about the current situation of the Dawan army, because such things have made the Dawan army very passive.

"The number of ambushes in the attacks we encountered suddenly increased. I think this is rest in peace. The Persians united in military action against us. They are revenge on us. Our situation is extremely bad." The captain said. To.

Qin Ying quickly looked at the information in her hand. It is true that after the crazy killing by the Dawan army, the ambush, the attack began to enter a small-scale low tide, but as time passed, it seems that the other side also reacted, and they actively took action to stop the crazy action of the Dawan people. , They began to attack gradually according to their style of play. Although the cost of casualties was relatively high, in general, the losses of the Dawan people were also relatively large, and they may no longer be able to withstand such a big blow. For them, this is simply a huge disaster. Now the consequences of the killing have been revealed.

"Do we have any way to solve such a thing?" the captain asked Qin Ying, and he hoped that the other party would have a clear answer.

"No. There is no possibility, our situation is already like this. It is impossible to make such a decision. The impact of the killing is very big, and there is no way we can do things." Qin Ying was helpless. Putting the information aside, such things are beyond his ability. The captain couldn't say anything after hearing such a reply. After all, such things have made him feel very helpless.

The rear of Huber's battle group.

"Let them go back, go back. Going further, there will be food and drink. Go, keep walking." An officer said to the rest soldier. It took a great price for the pacifiers to persuade these pacifiers. They decided to move to the rear concentration camp. Only in this way could they fight further, of course. There are also a small number of militias participating in their ranks, many of them have issued weapons, and they want to participate in the military operations of the Qin army. Their targets are the Persians, and the Persians are the most hateful people.

The slow-moving Parthians are far away from their hometown. This is a kind of protection for them by the people of Qin. This kind of protection allows them to avoid the invasion of war. Otherwise, they may have the same killing as the Dawan people. This situation is What they don’t want to see. In this way, they are really hard to support.

Zhao Guo, Ministry of the Navy.

"Our ship is anchored on an island in the South Ocean and cannot move forward." The Secretary of the Navy reluctantly said to his Navy Deputy Commander.

"Sir, how is it possible? Why stop." The undersecretary of the navy asked his sir in a puzzled way.

"Because of logistics, our warships are fast, but they are all coal-burning. How could they move forward without coal, and coal-carrying ships need to detour or wait for the guidance of the Koreans to pass." The Secretary of the Navy was annoyed. Speaking of. When it comes to this, he feels very angry.

"This." The Undersecretary of the Navy was puzzled, and the Secretary of the Navy was too lazy to explain, and directly gave a telegram to the other party to see. The content of the telegram surprised him.

The South Korean side conducted naval exercises in the waters that must pass through the South Ocean. In fact, this is just another pronoun of a kind of maritime blockade, but for this reason, Zhao Guo can't think of a way to answer it. I can only watch my own transport ship anchored in a Korean port. South Korea has let the other side stop to a great extent. But their battleship could not wait any longer.

In order to obtain more South Sea islands, Zhao sent his own fast warships to the south. These warships are very fast. They can quickly complete many tasks, such as surveying, marking the location of the islands, exploring, and other things. In terms of nothing, but they need logistical supplies and a lot of materials, especially the demand for coal, which makes them extremely urgent, because they consume most of the coal when they can’t move forward much, and South Korea People seem to see this. They dispatched sailboats. Of course, there are some fast warships going south, but they can't keep up with the speed, but they blocked the other side's back. After all, they can't do without the support of coal resources. , Without such a thing, they can't do anything.

This is the most embarrassing moment for Zhao Guohai. But at this time, the diplomatic relationship between the two sides has not been further upgraded. This time, it is difficult for their naval warships to return.

"Sir, the most important thing for us at the moment is to let them leave here as soon as possible, even if they come back?" said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"I know this, but the problem is, we can't do this at all. How do we go, we need to detour, who knows how long the South Korean navy's exercise will be held, these **** South Koreans have come up with more ideas than one. Unscrupulous." The Secretary of the Navy said angrily.

"Sir, what we can do at present can only do this. Let the prime minister take care of the rest. This is far beyond our scope. If the prime minister can't do anything about it, we have no choice but to do this. . "The Navy Deputy Commander couldn't think of a good way, so he nodded like this. The most important thing now is to get those naval warships back. Otherwise, they would all stop there and could do nothing.

Chu State, Wuyue Port, on the rice futures market. Although there are many news that are not conducive to the rise, for example, Chu State and South Korea have announced the increase of rice production, but such news made the businessmen who responded to realize that there is no rice in the market now. How could rice be this way? Will not rise, so a lot of buying, leading to a further rise in prices, the demand of various countries began to enter an unprecedented stage of rising.

However, some people are worried that, after all, as time goes by, they will enter rice cultivation and mature areas. You must know that the climatic conditions in Yuezhou are three crops a year. Their rice grows like grass, and at the same time the price of rice has risen to an absolute high level, and they think it can't be higher. No matter how high it is, it will make them feel very worried, and they think it can't go on like this. It would be too dangerous if this continues. Thinking of this, they couldn't help shivering, feeling that the cold was overwhelming at heights.

Just when some businessmen think so. Li Wen, who was far away in Xianyang, Qin State, seemed a little nervous.

"How many of us have we harvested. And rice?" Li Wen asked his assistant nervously, because the market quotation machine reported him an unbelievable price of six and a half taels, which was definitely a price he didn't dare to think. This price will be unacceptable to everyone. He knew that after such a price broke out. What will happen.

"We have about 170,000 wheat, and 50,000 rice. It’s just that we don’t have enough funds. Bank borrowing funds are a bit tight. They think we hold too much positions. Banks said they have to bear a lot of responsibility. Big risk." The assistant reminded carefully from the side. He hopes that such a reminder can arouse the other's alertness.

"Sell them all, the market is too hot. We have to clear them all out. Quickly, if it is late, it will be too late. Quickly." Li Wen suddenly jumped up and shouted. This frightened the assistant greatly. He didn't know what happened to make Mr. Li Wen so nervous.

"Hurry up, otherwise, it will be too late." Li Wen called. He knows that the market is getting hotter and hotter. The bigger the market changes, what they have to do at this time is to sell, sell all their positions, otherwise, they will not be able to sell such a large position all the way. This is the result he wants most.

There are a lot of busy scenes in Li Wen's office. Many people don't know what they think, but they must process these orders as soon as possible. Otherwise, their jobs will not be kept.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"We must take some measures. Otherwise, if food prices continue to rise in this way, the impact on us and the impact on countries will be extremely unfavorable. The turbulent situation will plunge countries into large-scale wars, and we Most of the bank's funds are outside. In that case, we will be greatly impacted." Meng Yi took into account the safety of funds.

"These **** food speculations really make us feel extremely crazy." Meng Yi complained.

"Do we still have reserves?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi's question.

"Yes. Not much. At most, it can only be maintained until wheat has just come on the market. The fundamental solution to the problem lies in the improvement of grain production areas. Although there is a certain price advantage for growing grain, it is not cost-effective to grow grain in the long run." The other party said helplessly.

"This is enough. The problem I want to solve is the current food. As for other things, countries have already done such things. We have a lot of land, and we can maintain a certain height in other fields." Shang Wen said To.

"Put in our grain reserves and hit the price of grain." Shang Wen said. Meng Yi nodded, the matter has reached such a point that if the government does nothing, they will be scolded alive by the people.

The next day, the news came out. While the futures market has not yet opened, the Chu State Rice Market has already opened. Because they use the Chu time zone, their time zone is one hour earlier than Qin. The price of rice hit a very high position as soon as the market opened, eight yuan. The position that was not reached yesterday was easily broken today. This makes many Chu businessmen feel very relaxed. They think that today they will make a lot of money easily. Some Chu businessmen who don’t know the truth are still madly eating the long list. They think they will make a fortune today. . However, it didn't take long for them to become melancholy.

Because the number of the market quotation machine quickly fell below eight yuan, and then remained at the position of 7.99, many businessmen watched that number nervously.

"Go and see if the quotation machine is broken. It's really his grandmother. At this time, something happened. I really don't know how this rice futures market came from." Chu State businessman shouted. But the market quotation machine did not report such a number, nervousness and anxiety made everyone's nerves tense.

"Moved." A Chu businessman said excitedly. The number suddenly jumped to more than eight yuan. Such a number made him happy, which meant that the other party had chosen the direction to move forward, but then the number fell down like it fell into the abyss. Soon the price dropped to the 7.33 position, which caused everyone to panic.

"Damn it." Many businessmen realized it was bad. They began to panic, changed from shock to panic, and then sublimated into an unprecedented tension and anxiety. They picked up the phone and sent out various telegrams, asking what happened, and at the same time they wanted Know what happened at the first time. The worst thing is that a large number of sell orders rushed out. For a while, the trading counter was full of orders for transactions, and a price was immediately discarded as soon as it came out. Because the market quotation machine was like a huge stimulus, he kept sending out neurological numbers, which greatly stimulated speculators to sell their trading orders madly, and many people still sold them at high positions.

The rice futures trading market was flooded with a very crazy move for a while, and such a move made them unbearable.

"Sell it quickly. If you don't sell it, it will be too late." Many people shouted loudly. At this moment they didn't seem to be interested in the cause at all.

Inside Chen Ping's office. Chen Ping was shocked by his assistant. The assistant looked very flustered.

"What happened? I was so flustered that I didn't even knock on the door." Chen Ping said angrily.

"Minister, something has happened. Qin people released their grain reserves, and the futures market is now in chaos." The other party said anxiously.

"What?" Chen Ping suddenly jumped up when he heard such a thing, which made him feel very worried. He quickly took the telegram and looked like it. Then he stayed in place as if he had been struck by electricity.

"Minister, the situation must be controlled, otherwise, our situation will suddenly get out of control." The other party said.

"Quickly, go, go to the futures market and take a look." Chen Ping immediately reacted. Then quickly ran to the futures trading market and passed. The assistant hasn't reacted yet.

The entire trading market is in an atmosphere of great panic and tension. Many people are anxiously waiting for the results of the transaction. If they don't sell it now, they will probably never be able to sell it again in the future. People don’t know why they do this today, but they know that if they don’t, their property will suffer a lot. When Chen Ping saw such a scene, he suddenly felt that disaster was imminent.

"What to do? The sold list simply can't stop." The assistant said to Chen Ping worriedly.

"What else can I do? Quickly, stop trading and send a notice." Chen Ping said.

"But, we have no reason to stop trading all at once." The assistant said at this time. Because no one has a proper reason to stop the transaction at this time, once the transaction is stopped, the result will be very troublesome.

"It's not possible for human reasons. For natural reasons, there was a power outage and it was impossible to accept foreign orders, so it was said that it was out of power. Hurry, it was out of power." Chen Ping shouted anxiously. Go and cut off the power immediately. Chen Ping collapsed on the ground in excitement, he didn't know how to deal with this matter.

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