Port Seth. Guo Xiang inspected the front positions, which is not easy for a politician.

"Sir, what I read about the telegram is to let us send troops to participate in this battle. After all, our place is the closest place to the country of love, and there are a lot of troops." The assistant on the side analyzed his chief.

"But our battle here is not over. If we want to end, I really don't know when it will be delayed." Guo Xiang's anxiety about the current situation can hardly be suppressed. They need to bear a lot of pressure. This pressure comes from the reinforcements of the Seth. Although their cavalry has repeatedly reported nothing, no one knows whether the Seth will take military action.

"This, sir, I think the only way at the moment is to completely eliminate the Seth people in the encirclement." The assistant suggested at this time.

"What you said is very simple, but how to do it, they are not a group of staying lambs. Would they be so easy for us to kill?" Guo Xiang said.

"Sir, we can use rockets. The merchant ship that arrived today happens to have such a batch of weapons. We can use them on the heads of the Seth people. After our bombing has passed, we can launch an offensive appropriately. In this case, I think, We can do it like this." I want to say that I want to help.

"Yeah." Guo Xiang paused and thought for a while.

"How sure do you think such behavior is." Guo Xiang asked.

"This, I don't know, if we can fully cover, I think the Seth people will definitely not be able to withstand our offense." The assistant said.

"Try it. If we can take it down, it is also a good choice. At least it is very beneficial to us." Guo Xiang nodded and said.

"Understood. Sir." The assistant quickly agreed. The war has entered the final stage. Although this stage is a stalemate, whoever can break the stalemate at this time can take the initiative, and the initiative will be firmly controlled in their hands.

A hundred miles north of Port Seth, the Shazhou cavalry were chasing several Seth people who were running wildly. The Seth people had no horses, but they were still running wildly. They were the ones who broke through the encirclement. They Taking advantage of the night, they would dig some holes to hide during the day. Unfortunately, this is a desert, and hiding during the day is undoubtedly dangerous, because the high temperature will evaporate them and collapse, so they must find a source of water. While they were looking for water, they were unfortunately discovered by the patrolling Shazhou cavalry. The Shazhou cavalry frantically outflanked them. But the Seth people still hope they can run out one by themselves.

"Oh oh oh." The Shazhou cavalry screamed and chased their prey. In their opinion, these Seth people were poor guys.

"Puff." A running Seth was chased up, and he was caught by the ropes of the Shazhou cavalry. Then he was tripped by the rope, and the Shazhou cavalry who trapped him obviously did not stop to capture his prey, but kept dragging the opponent to run. The Seth tried to stand up several times but did not succeed. The opponent could only struggle non-stop, but his struggle was of no use, because his strength had been exhausted in the running.

"Oh oh oh." Several Shazhou cavalry surrounded the running Seth. They signaled the other party to surrender, but the other party obviously did not understand what the other party meant.

"Bang." As soon as the gunshot sounded, a Seth was killed on the ground. The others looked at the Shazhou cavalry in horror, and then they took out the ropes. Like the previous one, they dragged each other back and forth. The torment of each other, the Seth people are all scarred, and the previous one has no reaction.

"With this method of killing, people will be dragged to death alive." Lieutenant Zhang Gan said dissatisfiedly. He is the captain of the military police dispatched by the New South Korean Army. In fact, they are monitoring the Shazhou cavalry. If they retreat or fail to report the situation in time, they have the right to execute the opposing commander. This is one of the effective means for the new South Korean army to control the other side.

"Sir, we don't care about them. In the end, we calculate their credit according to the first level. If they play like this, let them play well." A sergeant on the side said.

"Well, tell them to let them solve the battle as soon as possible, leaving one or two alive, and killing all the rest." Zhang Qian ordered.

"We have to patrol. Once we escape one or two, if the Seth army comes to put pressure on us, these military operations will be all in vain." Zhang Gan said to his men.

Immediately the sergeant conveyed the order of their commander. The Shazhou cavalry still feel very dissatisfied, but they must do so. They left two dying guys, and the rest of them had their heads cut off on the spot, but their bodies were still tied behind their camels and horses because they thought it was fun.

The Shazhou cavalry didn't know why these people from overseas Central Plains countries were so interested in other people's heads, but they just complained like that, as long as they can get enough money, they don't care about whose heads are cut.

In the future, the merits of these Shazhou cavalry will be effectively calculated. The South Koreans restored the first-level system. At the same time, they referred to the Qin people’s previous calculation of credit and issued the most severe reward and punishment system to these Shazhou cavalry. This system allowed the Shazhou cavalry to obey the Korean command. After all, they themselves Doing so will not achieve such a large amount of money.

Rest in peace. The situation of the Dawan No. 1 Cavalry Regiment was getting worse and worse. All their cavalry were scattered to attack the Parthians, and the Persians went. As a result, they were attacked by the other side instead. Under such circumstances, their forces are greatly dispersed. A reorganized cavalry regiment was scattered alive, and now their camp is in a bad situation.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." In the camp of the 2nd Battalion of the Dawan First Cavalry Regiment, there are only two cavalry companies in the camp, but they are now compressing their defense area as much as possible. Because they don't know when they will rest in peace, the Persians are surrounded.

"Get closer and shoot again. Don't waste ammunition." Qin Ying frowned and looked at her front. They were surrounded the night before. At first they thought it was just a small-scale harassment, but gradually the situation changed, because if it was a small-scale harassment, after testing the offense, they would retreat, but the opponent launched an offensive immediately. , Their offensive almost collapsed the Dawan cavalry's defense line. If Qin Ying hadn't organized manpower to shoot and suppress, they might have been breached by the opponent, and everyone would have been killed.

"Save ammunition, we can't get more support. They don't dare to launch a large-scale attack during the day, and the most feared is at night." Qin Ying said to a Lieutenant Dawan who was aside worried.

"Sir, do you think we are surrounded by Persians or resters. I can't see the difference between them?" the other party asked. He is loading a rifle. The rifle is the best weapon for long-range shooting. The pistol is only used for defense.

"I think there are both." Qin Ying filled a rifle and put it on hand. Their defensive strategy is passive, because at first the opponent just approached suddenly, then fired for a while and then quickly withdrew. This tactic consumed a lot of their ammunition at the beginning, after realizing the whole problem. He strictly forbids ordering soldiers to shoot at will. Only very few people with high shooting skills can shoot. Their purpose is to drive the opponent away, not to kill the opponent on a large scale.

"Both? Aren't the Peacekeepers and the Persians two rivals?" the other party asked puzzledly. It is difficult for him to understand why two mortal enemies would mix together to launch an attack on them.

"Because you are here. You have killed a lot of Restorans, Persians, so they have to act on you. That's why." Qin Ying explained. Because of the killing of the Dawan people, they indiscriminately kill when they come up. How can this kind of killing be not annoying? It can be understood how two different ethnic groups, the Persians and the Shah people, can give up on themselves. The hatred of the two sides, and the two sides formed an alliance to deal with the Dawan people together. Because the situation of the Dawan people is too threatening to them. Therefore, the huge threat made the two hateful nations temporarily give up fighting, and they faced a common enemy, the Dawan people.

"Look over there, those with long beards are Persians, and their hair accessories are also very weird. And when you look at them, there is a clear dividing line between the two groups. So, they are two different groups. The nation." Qin Ying said.

"I see." The lieutenant nodded. Show that you understand. Qin Ying also looked at the offensives of two different teams that were always out of sync before he concluded that it was the fact that two different nationalities cooperated in attacking Dawan. But their situation is really bad. Because they encountered a lot of siege from their opponents. But Qin Ying knew his situation, their forces were dispersed, and it was difficult to have supporting forces to rescue them. At the same time, they were besieged, ammunition and supplies were not replenished. Once they lacked ammunition, their The situation will enter the most dangerous point. In that case, their situation may be the worst. Thinking of this, Qin Ying was very worried.

"Sir." At this moment, a sergeant came here quickly with a communicator.

"What happened?" Qin Ying felt that the situation seemed very bad for them. Because the messenger's clothes are very torn. Only after fierce battles and intense marches can such a situation be created.

"Sir, commander him, he was killed by the besieged Parthian." The communicator told Qin Ying in a weeping tone of such depressing news.

"Damn it. It's really annoying news." Qin Ying said. The commander of the 1st Cavalry Regiment learned that one of his cavalry companies was under siege. Immediately led a cavalry battalion to support. As a result, disasters began to occur one after another, and the cavalry battalion was ambushed and attacked. As well as a variety of insidious tactics, the first cavalry regiment can usually deal with large-scale charges and outflank tactics, but for such tactics and frequent ambushes, they are tired of coping. As a result, in a battle, they The group leader was also killed. And the entire first cavalry regiment was completely scattered. If the organizational system is not complete, they may all have the possibility of annihilation.

"Okay. Damn, don't cry. If you cry again, I will shoot you." Qin Ying gestured to the opponent's head with a pistol. The signalman dared not cry. Can only sob non-stop.

"Go on. No one can know this news." Qin Ying said to the sergeant. The sergeant nodded and left here. Their condition is very bad. Everyone knows the crisis they are encountering. They are surrounded by a lot of ammunition. Whether they can withstand two large-scale attacks from the enemy is still unknown. The situation of the reinforcements is also unknown.

Qin Ying is thinking of various methods. At this time, he really hopes that there will be communication methods to tell his reinforcements as much as possible. He can only hope that Dawan can get accurate information and increase reinforcements.

Qingcheng. The business of the major shipping companies is very hot. Because many governments are chartering their ships. Because there is going to be a war. Instead, the business made them hot.

"You have seen it too. We can't do anything about it. Look over there, representatives of the Yan government are negotiating with them about the price. What we can do here is too limited." A manager of a shipping company. Helplessly explained.

Representative Wei looked at the representative of the Yan government helplessly. The news that the Wei government sent troops caused an uproar in Wei. The various differences were very large, but in general, they reluctantly sent troops. Who makes their land very expensive? They hope to transfer part of the population pressure through expansion, and then make their situation greatly improved, but the problem is that they must solve the problem of ships. You must know that they sent troops. The place is thousands of miles away. Many people in Wei state don’t know where this place is.

However, countries like Yan and Wei have no such transportation capacity at all. They can only put the transportation capacity on the Koreans, and they hope to get some ship transportation possibilities through lease. In this case, their troop dispatch problem can be considered partly resolved. However, all countries sent troops, and Qi also lacked some ships. The same was true for Zhao. They could only borrow some South Korean ships to meet their own needs. Otherwise, their logistical supplies would have big problems. They only Can send troops on the way. As a result, the price of ship transportation has risen a lot. These are caused by these troops.

Wei Guo, Daliang, and the people talked about sending troops.

"We are all militiamen in the Wei state, and I don't know how the militia is dispatched?" Wei's women are concerned about this issue, and the Wei state implements a militia system. Usually only maintain a small number of garrison troops, the scale is very small, less than 3,000 people, this is because in the Zhang Er period, in order to save a lot of financial expenses, the Wei government had to disarm and disbanded the militia. The army only maintains a limited amount of vigilance and law and order, and there is no more. This is the key to why the law and order situation in Wei State cannot be improved. Fortunately, the government has money now. They have established a series of police station systems, and the police force has grown to 30,000 people. Only then can they barely maintain the public order in the main beam, but the size of the army is really too small. Because they are also responsible for some government departments to maintain the peace and order in normal times, if they are dispatched, the problem will be very serious. Therefore, the Wei State Council decided to recruit troops, but they did not know how to recruit troops. Because this is the first time that Wei has faced the situation of sending troops overseas, many people don't know what to do.

"I heard that someone proposed to draw lots based on the last few digits of the registered household registration numbers. Who knows, how much will be drawn in this case," some women said worriedly.

"It's **** it. I don't know where this country is. I heard that it takes months to get there by boat. This has hurt our children." The women are worried about this problem, and they don't care about it. What is the meaning of this event.

The city center, the palace of the Premier of Wei. Inside Chen Yu's office.

"Has the numbers been drawn?" Chen Yu asked his assistant. The task of extracting numbers was handed over to the parliament, because only the parliament had the right to recruit militias.

"The numbers have been drawn, it is number seven, area number one." The assistant explained. The two numbers represent different regions and the sampling situation. Wei Guo divides the conscription areas equally according to the total population. They divide a total of twelve districts. According to their calculations, each area can recruit 10,000 people. Militia. The age of the militia ranges from sixteen to forty-five. The weapons are issued by the state, but their combat effectiveness is difficult to guarantee.

"The number 7 is drawn. In this case, we can at least guarantee that there are more than 700 soldiers available for us to choose." The assistant assured. In theory, about a thousand soldiers can guarantee them, but Chen Yu himself is not clear about how many people are behind the specific numbers.

"Yeah. Choose well. We only need three hundred people. No, about three hundred to five hundred people are enough. Not too many. We just fight in a symbolic sense to reassure our women, their husbands, and men. , The child is fine." Chen Yu said to the assistant. Although the government has issued many such explanations, the sudden fight still makes the Wei people in a comfortable state feel very uneasy. The battle is still far away. If it fails, what should be done? After all, the Wei people are extremely tired of war. They hate war.

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