The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3276: Queen's encouragement

Dawan, Xinshidu. In front of the Dawan government, a large number of Dawan people gathered for demonstrations.

"Against war. Reduce military spending." Many people shouted loudly. Their slogans and banners were spread out in large numbers. There were a large number of police and army gathered in front of the government. It happened suddenly. This happened before everyone was at work in the morning. They don't know where these people gathered from.

"These **** people, disperse me immediately." Chen Muge said annoyingly when he saw the situation outside from the window. His glass windows are specially made to provide effective sound insulation, but he feels very annoyed when he sees such a darkened person.

"Sir, it may not be possible." The captain of his guard said worriedly.

"How did you become the captain? You can't even do this quietly?" Chen Muge scolded angrily.

"Sir, there are reporters, Qin’s news reporters, they can report on such things, and there are also people who participated in the parliament. They may have participated in it. If we really do this, the situation may be immediately detrimental to us. Therefore, it is difficult for us to complete this matter." The other party said embarrassingly.

"You really have it." Chen Muge said angrily.

"Sir, what should we do now?" The captain of the guard asked worriedly.

"What else can I do? It's really annoying to comfort them," Chen Muge said. When such a thing happens, the government will be under a lot of pressure, and the situation of foreign operations may become very pessimistic. But now this situation can only be dealt with in this way. Just when Chen Muge was thinking about how to deal with the current situation. The situation of the Dawan army is not very good. They stood by in their base. But the situation is still not optimistic for them.

"The First Cavalry Regiment has been crippled. A regiment of about 2,500 troops has only returned less than 300 people this time, and even the Qin State Advisor has been killed." The Colonel of the Seventh Regiment of the Second Infantry Division Chang Wu Tong shook his head and said. It is also difficult for him to understand such a thing, but if he thinks about it, he may figure it out.

"It's hard to prevent the first regiment from being surrounded by continuous troops. They can't escape such an offensive plan. The most terrible thing is that the reinforcements we dispatched were all kept alive. They Constant harassment. The soldiers were tortured and exhausted as they attacked us. They still need to fight for reinforcements. Such a task is difficult for them to complete. So such a thing is already very hard for us." His The staff officer He Bao said helplessly.

"Yeah. You are right. There are countless rest cavalry and Persian guerrillas outside our base. Our patrols will encounter their attacks when they go out, but we can't leave too far. If we garrison the army, they will be under siege very soon. We can reinforce the situation and we can solve the problem in the past, but the problem is that we have established a lot of points, and we are constantly attacked by them. We are repeatedly attacked by the other side. , We simply can't completely solve these damn, tricky things." Wu Tong said angrily.

Speaking of it, they felt very frustrated that they had fought in this war, because the scale of the battle was always at the rank of the company platoon. Once it reached the rank of the battalion, the battle would abruptly stop. This kind of battle is very labor intensive and energy intensive, and the fight for soldiers is done in this way.

At the beginning, they were stationed here at the base, because they cannot do without the supply line, so they need to be stationed. You must know that they are infantry. The consumables of the infantry are very amazing. They must do this. At the beginning, they also cooperated with other troops. The same patrol team was sent to ransack the opponent, but I don't know if the opponent has experience in this area, and their patrol team simply couldn't find the opponent. On the contrary, he was continuously ambushed by the opponent's guerrillas, causing certain losses. The ensuing battle was basically like this, but the rescue of the first cavalry regiment must be launched. They can only send reinforcements to this, but along the way, disasters continue to occur, sneak attacks, attacks, and various small dark night moves, and continue to attack. , Which makes it very impatient.

They also came up with some methods, such as sending a small team to garrison. Or it was a decoy, the other side seemed to be on the road, and the two sides kept fighting like this. Attack, counter attack. Ambush, the same combat as anti-ambush. The Dawan army was exhausted, finally. Their first cavalry regiment was scattered and disintegrated, almost completely annihilated.

"The worst thing is that if this news reaches the country, our situation will become extremely bad. It took the old officer a long time, energy, and funds to send us troops. If the news is known. , I think, the above will be very shocked, and passive." Wu Tong said worriedly.

"What I'm saying is, I am also worried about this happening, but it's already like this. We don't have any other way." He Bao also said helplessly. They can no longer control the development of the situation. They wanted to kill all these Persians and rest in peace, but the other party hid, and they were not free to move. When they came here, they were like blind and deaf people. They were naturally unable to do what they wanted in combat, which made them feel very aggrieved. This is guerrilla warfare, which consumes time and energy.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"This is the latest telegram we just got from the front line in Dawan. Their first cavalry regiment has been wiped out." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen. Qin has sent consultants there, and they can naturally get such news as soon as possible. This kind of news is still shocking to them. After all, it is the Qin army officer who has lost, which makes them very embarrassed. After all, they are officers sent out, and they are responsible for their lives.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Shang Wen also felt a little tricky to say.

"Yes, we did not expect this, but it has already happened. We have no way to conceal it. The worst thing is that the situation in Dawan is moving towards the most uncontrollable stage, according to the frontline. The report sent. They have completely fallen into the area of ​​guerrilla operations. The Dawan army is a regular army and they are good at fighting regular operations, but this time their opponent is a guerrilla. The regular combat method consumes the Dawan regular army. This is how their first cavalry regiment was dispersed. After a large-scale dispersion of troops, coupled with poor intelligence, they were quickly wiped out. Such things have happened many times. Now." Wei Liao said.

"The purpose of guerrilla warfare is to greatly consume the opponent's materials and personnel. If the war continues, the economy of the Dawan people must collapse." Wei Liao said.

"But the Dawan government refused to cooperate with us. The most terrible thing is that they refused to withdraw. They believed that withdrawing would completely give up their interests. They didn't want to lose such interests, so they insisted not to withdraw." Shang Wen is very Speaking helplessly.

"Their government is wrong. If this continues, not only will the government collapse, but their country will collapse. Their economy has shown signs of recession, but they still have to do so. We should prevent this from happening. ." Shang Wen said.

"Look at this." At this moment, Meng Yi handed a telegram to Shangwen. Shang Wen quickly browses.

"It seems that relevant actions have already been launched in their country. The lawmakers in Dawan have opposed them." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Yes, but I think this is not enough. After all, their strength is still very weak. Under such a situation, how can they fight the army, so I think that under the current situation, we can What we do is to help them and help them solve this problem quickly. In this way, we can be in a favorable situation. For us, there is not much loss." Meng Yi said.

"What do you think?" Shang Wen handed the telegram to Wei Liao. Wei Liao looked around.

"I think the Meng Xiang is right. We must proceed like this. This is the only way to speed up. The most important thing is that the military lacks funds, their strength is out, and the strength of the parliamentarians is too weak. If you don't get enough If there is more support, or if the government is legally changed, it is still difficult for us to achieve this kind of confrontation." Wei Liao suggested.

"Then get involved." Shang Wen thought for a while and wanted to say. The two nodded. Dawan is an important step in Qin's marginalization. Once the chess pieces are lost, this may affect Qin's strategic deployment in the Western Regions. This will greatly affect their strategic plan.

Port Seth. Some soldiers of the Korean New Army are carrying their rucksacks on board, and many of them are speculating about their next goal.

"Have you heard? Our next goal is to love several countries. I heard that the women there are good. We should go there." A corporal said in the team with his backpack on his back.

"I heard that the women there are good, but can you still use it?" a sergeant said with a smile. Hearing such words, the other soldiers laughed. That corporal was just promoted. Although there has been accumulation of combat experience, there has only been a certain accumulation. When they were completely relaxed, they played with women collectively, and as a result, a wide range of infections appeared. Their chief also knows this situation. Perhaps some officers were among them, but the military order was so, they had to recruit some mildly ill soldiers to be among them, because they needed such soldiers.

"Damn it. Can you not mention these things?" the corporal said dissatisfiedly. He did not expect to be infected. But thinking about the terrible consequences, he felt that he still obeyed the doctor's treatment plan. With the continuous expansion of South Korea, the soldiers were unsuspecting indulgence. As a result, related women’s diseases have spread on a large scale. Only veterans who have experienced such things will find some clean women to start, and some unscrupulous recruits will do this, while the Korean New Army has nothing to do. The propaganda and related systems have caused a large number of soldiers to be innocently infected. This has greatly affected the combat effectiveness of the new South Korean army. The number of soldiers infected this time exceeded 3,000, and more than 2,000 needed to be treated by the rear members. The number of casualties this time was only more than 500, and the number of casualties was even higher, and the hospital at the rear couldn't stand it anymore. He wrote a report and handed it to the War Department. They hope that the other party can draw such attention, after all, if this goes on, the entire barracks will be moved to the rear hospital.

"Okay. Don't mention it. Should we discuss where we are going? It is very likely that we will go back to Bangla and heard that the riots there have been going on for a long time. And we have never had an army to solve this problem. Maybe we go back there. Put down the riot," the sergeant said.

"Damn, I don't like that humid environment, especially their food, which is extremely disgusting and annoying. It makes people feel very disgusting." The corporal said.

"In this case, it depends on our own destiny. If we allocate it well, we can't blame others." A second lieutenant walked over and said.

"But before, you'd better control yourself. I don't want many of us to be planted on women. The woman you have used had better tell us." The ensign walked over and said with a smile. Such a joke suddenly made the soldiers a lot easier.

The matter of Seth was finally settled. With the cooperation of Shazhou and the betrayed Seth spies, they ransacked many Seth towns and villages. Under such pressure, Seth had to cease the war. They ceded land within a radius of two hundred miles. At the same time, they also gave the other party preferential tariffs. Seth was not allowed to impose tariffs on Korean goods, except In addition to these, there is another point that is extremely beneficial to the Seth people, that is, they can get a large amount of bank loans, part of which is used to repay war reparations, although the final reparations totaled two million gold coins. But it also puts them under a lot of pressure, in addition to these. There is also that they can cooperate with the Koreans to build a railway to Basra. This railway is of great significance because it can increase the volume of trade. Railway throughput within the territory of Seth can be compensated for certain tariffs. This is also a necessary condition for the final agreement of the Seth country, otherwise, they would never agree to such a thing.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

Department of War. "These **** guys, they have done such a big thing. I really don't know what to say about them." The Secretary of War looked angrily at the report in his hand. This report comes from the rear hospital, and the hospital is very worried about it.

"Sir, we have to deal with this matter. We have received such reports before. Not only our War Department, but also the Navy Department. There are too many such things. There are too many." Annoyed. But he can only suppress his inner anger to solve such problems. After all, if something like this happened, their War Department could not be separated from it.

"Does the Navy Department have such a thing?" The War Department asked immediately after hearing such a report. They are asking about the widespread infection of soldiers. Because the soldiers will not be temperate at all. On the contrary, because of the great pressure of war, they will become unscrupulous, and officers can only indulge them in order to boost morale. In this case, it has caused a range of infections, so to speak. This kind of widespread infection is inseparable from the encouragement of military officers. Because their officers did just that.

"They are just too messy." The Secretary of the Army is still more conservative, but if something like this happens, he is not good at interfering. If he doesn't do this, his officers will oppose him, and his soldiers will oppose him. Because he greatly affected the morale of the soldiers.

"But we must solve this problem. If we don't solve it, the situation will still happen." The Army Deputy Chief said helplessly.

"How to solve it? You know. The king encourages childbirth. In overseas, as long as there are a large number of troops stationed, there will be many such problems. In colonial areas, the government has to support more than hundreds of thousands of babies every year. These are these. It was caused by us soldiers. The government could not allow them to continue to support them. This caused some of the women to come out and do such things. As a result, the entire army was destroyed." The Secretary of the Army said dissatisfiedly. The Secretary of the Army suddenly got to the roots. Because Han Shu encouraged the army to do this.

South Korea’s population is dense, but compared with the huge imperial colonies, their population is still insufficient. Qin has always encouraged population reproduction. Their newborn babies have exceeded any period in history, and millions of newborns have appeared. Give great convenience to support these babies. Once such a policy continues for several years, this situation will change greatly. South Korea will do the same, but their financial situation cannot completely solve this problem, but Han Shu is still willing to do it, after all, he hopes to see more people control his empire.

Therefore, the local army has become a seeding machine without restraint. As long as the colonies ruled by Koreans, there will be a large number of newborn babies. They are a mixture of Koreans and local women. A large number of mixed-race children appeared. But the government will not take this burden excessively. Their mothers become a burden. Fortunately, they have certain privileges, such as tax exemption, but this still cannot avoid chaos. After all, there are still some women who specialize in special things, coupled with the soldier's curiosity. That's how it happened. The disease spreads uncontrollably, and no one can do anything about it, because basically. This is what their queen encourages. Behind the encouragement is the occurrence of crazy behavior. This is uncontrollable.

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