The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3281: Development opportunities

Port Seth, with the end of the war, the trade here gradually prospered. In order to increase the trade volume, it is mainly to restore the fiscal and taxation capacity as soon as possible. The South Korean government encourages merchant ships from various countries to dock here. In order to make a fortune as soon as possible, and to reduce their own costs as soon as possible, some merchant ships quickly moved closer. To know. Under normal circumstances, the South Korean government levies a lot of taxes on their merchant ships from other countries. This kind of tax will greatly increase their trade costs, but now, in order to encourage them to arrive, their taxes have been reduced a lot, which is naturally welcomed by business people from all over the world. So a large number of ships began to turn the island into Port Seth, and the demand here will increase a lot.

"Sir, as the number of merchant ships increases, the facilities in our port are beginning to be expanded." The assistant on the side said to his officer.

"In the past, our port was able to berth 500 merchant ships, but it is estimated that we will need to berth more merchant ships in the future. The previous merchant ships were small wooden ships, and the berthing requirements of this type of ship were not very high. We can all arrange it. "The assistant then introduced to Guo Xiang.

"But it's different now. The number of our merchant ships has begun to increase rapidly. Not only does it increase, but it can also be further expanded. For example, there have been armored battleships and steam engines. They are faster and more bulky. The throughput capacity of our port may not be able to keep up." The assistant said with some worry.

"Oh." Guo Xiang said oh. In fact, the local South Korean government in Port Seth already had such a planned budget, but such a budget was eaten up by military spending. Now they have to recover first before they can carry out effective infrastructure construction. If they were to build it now, they would not have such a fund.

"Sir, shall we start planning? After all, there are more and more ships nowadays. Many places have been unable to moor." The assistant said.

"I know this. But we don't have money. This money has to build railways and expand ports. There are such simple things, and the above does not plan to give us a penny. How about this port and those railways? Build?" Guo Xiang waved helplessly and said. Obviously this is a clever woman who cannot cook without rice. This is a difficult thing to solve.

"We can issue more bonds. As long as the bank can buy so many bonds, we can still do so, and there are war reparations from Seth." The assistant suggested at this time.

"It's useless." Guo Xiang said, shaking his head.

"The war indemnities have already paid for the war expenses. In this war, they didn’t make much, only less than 50,000 gold coins. It’s okay to maintain normal expenses. It’s not okay to do such a big move, and the bank also lacks funds to build. A railway in the north requires at least two million gold coins. This number is very large. Although there are some budgets that can be reduced. The cost may be further reduced, but the expenses are still very large, and the bank cannot provide such a With a lot of money, they are thinking of ways to divide the project into many small pieces, so that they can do a lot of things." Guo Xiang said.

"But in this way, the financial funds still cannot be resolved." The assistant said.

"Yes, there is a lack of funds, and the project is there, and the bank will naturally make a lot of money. Infrastructure, the government's financial funds are not available. The war has all of a sudden setbacks our financial funds for several years. This is really true. There is no alternative." Guo Xiang said, shaking his head. This is the aftermath of the war. The local government's funds were repelled for a large period of time. This caused a lot of headaches for many governments. If this problem is not solved, it will be difficult for them to boost their economy.

"Well, let's report it to the local people. Maybe they have a way to solve this problem. Maybe they have come up with a good solution. Let's not worry too much." At this time, the other party said. Guo Xiang could only nod his head. He had no way to solve this problem. After all, everything had just recovered after the war. Even Seth, they were cautiously accepting all this, it seemed that the war had not been completely resolved.

Bangla Port. A large amount of trade has developed, but silk, grain, arms, and various daily necessities are still getting hot. Because these things are sold to the north, you can get a lot of profits. For example, silk is here. Five gold coins can get a piece of silk, and when it is sold to the north, Loma, Macedonia and other places, it can rise to fifteen gold coins. Such a price is definitely a profit they never dared to imagine. Although the road looks difficult, it is enough for them to take risks.

Most importantly, during the blockade of Port Seth, the price of silk here has risen to 20 hardware coins, which greatly stimulated the trade between Chu and South Korea, and tea is still not very good. The main promotion effort is still not good enough. But things like paper, printed matter, and books are being promoted very quickly, because Seth is actively learning the Central Plains civilization. They seem to think that only by accepting these civilizations can they truly develop.

"Drugs, these are all drugs that can treat gunshot wounds." A drug dealer from Qi State actively promotes his own drugs, and the other party is also an old-fashioned Seth businessman. The war, the war in the North made their situation very bad. Attacks, counterattacks, and various guerrilla operations have brought more casualties, and Seth has been entangled in it. For this flexible and changeable guerrilla warfare method, they feel very headache. This is also the reason why their casualties are gradually increasing. Seth was forced to negotiate peace under such pressure. But now they can finally concentrate their forces to solve such a problem.

However, their logistics will depend on these merchants from the Central Plains countries. What they have is a way to solve their problems.

In addition to importing silk, Seth also imported arms and weapons, and some weapons equipped by the Korean New Army were sold to them. For example, pistols and submachine guns are very suitable for them. Machine guns cannot be sold to them, but some fast-fire weapons are also given to them, such as the rear-pull rotary rifle. This rifle has a long range and a fast rate of fire. This greatly attracted the attention of the Seth people. They are actively negotiating with South Korea, hoping to buy more such weapons, of course. The price is extremely expensive, and the demand for logistical ammunition also comes from South Korea. Once South Korea does not provide ammunition, they have nothing to do. But such a weapon is too good. They can only buy in large quantities.

Except for munitions, weapons and ammunition, it is medicine. Especially the surgeons, Seth will spend a lot of money to invite them to Seth. The salary offered is three hundred times that in China. In addition, there are more benefits, which are not available in China. It can be seen how much the number of wounded in Seth has increased.

"Drugs?" Seth’s official procurement staff looked at Qi State’s drug dealers. The drug dealers peddled Yapian extracts in disguise. In fact, it was **** or morphine with a purity of only ten percent, because the two substances were Qi Guo. The aspect is still not well extracted. They can only mix two things together. Moreover, the source of Yapian can only be provided in a limited number of areas. The raw materials are still relatively small. I heard that Qi has already started to think of a solution. In Yueshi, Karachi, they are trying to solve this problem.

"Yes, pills, after being shot. I know you guys who treat gunshot wounds can alleviate the pain. Pain, understand?" The drug dealer gestured. Using your hand as a pistol, then hitting yourself, and then taking such a product can reduce pain, and you can solve this problem.

After hearing this, Seth’s procurement staff were very excited, they needed such medicines too much. It seems that the medicine dealers of Qi State have packaged their medicines well, and they smell very good, with a fragrant sensation. After inhaling, they can immediately feel a flow of heat rushing into the body. They feel that such medicines are worth buying.

Because there are too many such wounded in their country. The Seth people have not yet resolved the gunshot wounds. This kind of wound is difficult to treat. They have no mature surgical operations, only brutal, primary wound treatments, but such treatments can easily cause further wound infections. The worst thing is that every wound treatment is like a slaughterhouse, and surgery is the cutting board of slaughter. The blood remained to make people shudder, especially the screams of the wounded soldiers, which scared many wounded soldiers to death. They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of entering the rescue center, because that is the most terrifying place.

Seth also thought of many ways. For example, he imported a lot of spirits from South Koreans. This kind of spirits is a sugar liquor made from sugar cane. After special fermentation technology. The alcohol content is still relatively high. Can make people drunk quickly. Before the operation, they are usually given a lot of alcohol, but the cost is too high. The anesthesia effect is not very good, only noble officers can use it, and the side effects are very big, because in order to reduce the pain, many noble officers will drink a lot of alcohol after the war, especially after being injured. Because only alcohol can numb them. This is the result that Seth is most reluctant to see, so they need such a drug that can be anesthetized as quickly as possible. And Qi State drug dealers introduced such drugs. The efficacy of the medicine has attracted the attention of these Seth people.

"We need. But we don't know the effect of the medicine. We want a lot, a lot." The Seth person gestured. Qi State drug dealers understand what they say as much as possible, because it is related to the quality of their business. If he can get some funds, he is still willing to accept such a thing.

"We need, but we need to try, and then contact you, hope, hope you can give us the way to contact." The other party pleaded.

"Oh. You try it first, there is no problem, you buy one as soon as possible, so, I will write you an address, you can come to me, don't worry, the effect is guaranteed, there is absolutely no problem." The other party promised carelessly. And finally gave some to the other party, which made the goodwill of the Seth people suddenly rise a lot. In their view, such business talents are good businessmen.

But Qi Guo drug dealers don’t care about this at all. He hopes that the other party will use these things quickly, because these drug dealers have found the problem, because this thing, some are very excited to eat, although it can be quiet, but it can be addictive, and finally It is impossible to quit, because it is very uncomfortable if you don't smoke. Therefore, they are very willing to provide them with such products because they are heavily dependent. The more people they smoke, the more they make money. The Qi people rely on such commodities to open the door of the Seth people's trade, but they need trade too much to make a huge contribution to their country. Moreover, there is still no medical evidence to prove that this Yapian extract is a kind of poison, and there are no laws and regulations in various countries. Therefore, it is legal to sell such things. It's just that the people of Qi people urgently want to open the other side's trade door and adopt some special methods.

Dawan, Xinshidu. In the lounge in the council. The councillors were quietly communicating their thoughts.

"What Dawan needs now is stability, not riots, nor sex. It is not good for anyone to get up. This is an obvious result." A middle-aged congressman said by taking Yapian. Yapian is a tool for high-level social interactions, because only the highest-level people can smoke such things, which is something that no one else can accept.

"Well, I have no objection to this." said a stout man. He is a military congressman, and it seems that he is a good fit for a barracks, not an intriguing parliament.

"However, we also have our own ideas. We must guarantee our own interests. We still have a lot of people. They need to eat, dress, and have a stable job. What can we do if we can't meet these requirements? Can't do it. This is a disaster for us. Therefore, we must accept this kind of thing very well. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to proceed." The other party said helplessly.

"Don't worry about this, and you don't have to worry about it. We should look forward and look into the distance. Don't you understand what kind of society the future will be? The stable Dawan has many opportunities for development. Dawan has only experienced a war, and simply can’t endure it once. The people of Dawan need to recover their blood and need to resume their daily lives. Only in this way can we live well and return to a former Dawan.” Middle-aged The councillor said.

"Yes, I admit that there are many opportunities after peace, but the soldiers, what about those soldiers? They are in large numbers, and they have paid too much for the country. This is the reason for our opposition." The military congressman said. The parliament’s proposals are very divided, because the military firmly opposes them, and they fear that these members will harm their interests.

"Well, I have to say. Your thoughts are right, and worry is also right, but opportunities are always reserved for a few people. They can seize such opportunities and develop quickly. Think about it, you This is the current situation. What you need is an opportunity. The officers have a large number of people. After the society is stable, stable construction will begin. Qin’s capital will come and we will get more loans. We need to build railways. , We need to build highways, we need to build high-rise buildings, we need to rebuild our towns, but who will do these tasks, those slaves? They can only mine, they can't do such things at all. You have a lot of work, of course You can divide your labor like a pyramid. The top one will naturally take a lot of money, and the bottom will also have a lot of money. Could it be that the big-head soldiers will take a lot more than the officers. You can think of those big-head soldiers, it’s already very difficult." Mr. Nian said.

How could the military congressman fail to hear the other party's implicit meaning, as the situation in Dawan stabilized, this situation has been confirmed again. People in Dawan who have experienced a war are no longer willing to face a war. They desperately hope for peace. For example, the situation of the people in Dawan is very bad for this time they sent troops to fight. The domestic opposition is very big, but they have no way out. They are still worried about this, because the people in Dawan need a stable situation too much.

They originally thought that their external expansion could transfer part of the domestic pressure, but they forgot. Foreign warfare is to expand fiscal expenditures, and in the period when fiscal funds are further consumed, they simply cannot do the least. Now they have to give up such an idea and return to how to stabilize the country.

"Such an opportunity is rare, and once it is missed, it is difficult to seize it again." said the middle-aged congressman.

"But first, the government must stop the war. Although the government has already issued an order to stop it. But who knows if they will do it again, all of the funds will be transferred abroad. It is better to give the money to us, we Being able to build this country and fight abroad is simply throwing money out. This is the most difficult thing for others to accept." The congressman further persuaded.

"Well. I understand what you mean. I will persuade others to do the same, but it will take some time. Don't worry, we will grasp this opportunity. After all, we are also for ourselves." The councillor nodded and said.

"Well, in this case, I'm relieved. This is for the good of our country." The middle-aged congressman emphasized. Soldiers are like this. They have a certain sense of responsibility. In fact, they are very selfish in the end. Of course, Members will not say anything. After all, stability and peaceful development are a general trend. Without such a trend, they are very selfish. It's hard to accept such a situation. Businessmen are very concerned about this. The parliamentarians also care about this, because it can bring a lot of profits.

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