In the border area of ​​Dawan State, the Dawan army is slowly retreating, and retreating is also a technical task. Once the retreat is not good enough, it will change from a retreat to a huge retreat.

Dawan officers and soldiers were very discouraged, and their morale was generally low. They didn't understand whether the retreat was a good thing or a bad thing. In short, this kind of battle was very frustrating and made them feel that they were not interested in anything. When they received the order to retreat. Their mood is heavy, because they themselves don't know what to do.

"I feel ashamed to go back." A sergeant said while sitting in the carriage. He was a wounded soldier, and he felt a strange fight. He followed a patrol team and was ambushed. They don't know how many people there are, but the enemy always launches attacks from behind them, which makes them hard to defend. It is like this every day, if it weren't for another patrol team to show up in time, they might have been beaten to death alive. This may also be their best situation. They will be dismembered after death and become an important tool to provoke themselves.

"It's always good to be alive. There are still things you can do when you go back. Your wounds are not serious, and we disabled people. Forget it. Stay alive." said a sergeant next to him. One of his arms and half of his legs are gone. The Persians used explosive kits to launch an attack. He was knocked out of a leg at that time, and his arm was shot. The power of the flintlock bullet was too powerful, and the treatment time was too late, and he could not be rescued anymore. Therefore, the situation is even the best.

"This is already the case. Think about those who died, our situation is still very good." The sergeant said.

The sergeant nodded helplessly. Their attitudes towards this war are the same. This is an extremely **** war, and they have killed many people.

Xinshidu. The prime minister’s election campaign is in full swing.

"Election Wang Dan, he will ensure that each of you has a job with a very good salary. Believe me, they can bring a happy life. Our life will be better again." A young man exaggerated. The microphone was yelling, and even the tram just installed in Xinshidu was used. They held a grand parade. Win votes. Ribbons, banners, various promotional brochures, flyers, colorful, dazzling.

The people in Xinshidu, Dawan, are dazzled by the bombing without a large amount of vote information, and they don't know how to choose. Newspapers and leaflets were delivered one after another, and it hurts people's heads. For the prime minister’s election in Dawan, the parliamentarians made great efforts, because Xinshidu has the largest population and can best represent the interests of all parties, but time is too late. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the most important thing is that time does not allow them. Continuing this chaotic situation, there are only three days for election campaigns. According to the number of elected members, they will choose their prime minister candidates according to their second vote. In fact, this kind of ballot can be very maneuverable, but The public has been dazzled by the dazzling leaflets, and the bombing heads are dizzy with newspapers. They simply do not have independent judgment to make effective choices.

In addition to these, there is a large number of election bribery. This kind of bribery is concealed. Under the noisy propaganda, some social hooligans organized themselves. They drove a carriage, which was loaded with all kinds of daily necessities, cooking oil, flour, rice, and all kinds of things. Welfare, they all thought of it. As long as you guarantee that your vote is that person, they will give you these things. You must know that when prices rise, their living standards will not reach such a situation. It can be said that this is for them. It is not an easy choice.

Out of temptation like this. These Dawan people betrayed their votes and chose more practical materials, for them. This is nothing. Originally, what they choose does not make any sense to them, because the prime minister has a very distant relationship with them. The so-called democratic politics is just a slogan from politicians. They care about their own lives, not **** politics.

that's all. The elections of the Dawan people were openly bribery, despite their democratic political propaganda. But in this political context, they have their own plans.

Ministry of National Defense of Qin State.

"Sir, this project must not be discontinued from the steam turbine project. What I know is that the Koreans are very concerned about this project. If we sell this project, what will happen? The power of their ships will increase a lot. A big step. This will have a great impact on us." A technical officer said to Jian Wei Liao.

The steam turbine project was originally used for power generation, but Qin State put them into the power of the ship, which is much easier to use than the early steam engine, the early steam engine power is relatively low, and the amount of coal consumed is also relatively high. Large, loading more than 500 tons of coal at one time can only allow them to sail 3,000 kilometers. But if steam turbines are used, they can be increased to around 4,500 kilometers, which can be said to be of great significance. The most important thing is that they consume more fuel, but they can increase the payload. Their motivation will rise to a whole new level.

The South Korean Navy has always been dissatisfied with their power plant, even though their boiler equipment is higher than that of Zhao Guoren. But they cannot deny that the boiler power they currently use can no longer maximize their power. And they also have their own steam turbines in the laboratory, but it will take some time to go if they want to switch to battleships.

But if the people of Qin were to introduce such technology, they would have no such troubles.

The people of Qin also had to dismount because of the great prospects of this technology, because they needed to save costs, and the Ministry of National Defense could not undertake such research projects. Instead of doing this, it is better to actively let them go and let them be delegated to various countries. Or it can get more profits, or research project funds, and the Qin State Defense Department can no longer undertake such projects. Moreover, the key technology has matured, and the patents for this technology are owned by private research institutes, and they can get a large amount of research patent fees by relying on such research patents. In this way, they can set up large and small research enterprises and continue to overcome related technical problems. This is what Shang Wen personally told Wei Liao his own ideas at the beginning. Wei Liao also thinks this idea is good, at least it sounds okay. Although this will bring countries closer to the Qin State's technological competition balance, Qin State can take the initiative, at least their research motivation will be more sufficient, in consideration of competition. Wei Liao agreed with Shang Wen's idea. However, some military officers of the Ministry of National Defense thought that this could not be done. If they did so, it would cause a lot of trouble to the State of Qin, and this trouble would bring the security of the State of Qin into disaster.

"Sir, you know, this is power. With such a power device, Korean technology will develop to a whole new stage. This has a very significant impact on us." The technical official said.

"But the Ministry of National Defense does not have the money, and we are able to grow up if we have the technology. I think you are very clear about this. Besides. If you continue to study, and if you don’t use it, Qin will invest more in this area. More funds, this is a heavy burden for us. Do you know what the Ministry of National Defense is doing now?" Wei Liao put down the pen in his hand and said to him.

"I don't know, sir, but I know. The sir must have his own consideration, or in other words, he must have his own plan for the sake of Qin." The officer said.

"Qin's Ministry of National Defense needs some profitable projects to solve the problem of military expenditure. These profitable projects are technology, of course. There are also some military units that need to be abolished. They will find a good job themselves." Wei Liao said without worrying at all.

"Sir, the Ministry of National Defense cannot do this." The other party persuaded. But Wei Liao had already signaled that the other party could leave here. After all, this is a high-level decision.

Qin State Xianyang, the 21st Engineer Battalion. They are a special engineer battalion. They are equipped with some specialized machinery, such as road rollers. They use old steam engines to provide power. They look very bulky, but they are very efficient. High, his daily workload can exceed the workload of more than 1,500 ordinary construction workers. If improved, the efficiency may be higher.

"Have you heard? Our engineering battalion may be cancelled. Some officers and engineering military personnel will be abolished." A captain said to a lieutenant next to him. The engineer battalion is a special combat unit. They are often responsible for some special places in the battle. For example, their battalion needs to build some airport runways. There are also roads and bridges, and their officers are not from professional classes, and none of them have been to a special military school. It was recruited from a local university. Most of them are studying architecture, civil engineering and so on. Their prospects are good. For soldiers, they think this is a period of time wasting their time. Although they are also actively dealing with some special situations, this is not a long-term solution. Many people are opposed to being soldiers, especially engineers.

"Is it true? If it is true, that would be great. In that case, I can retire. I can find a job as an architect or an assistant. It’s better than here. Our profession is quite right." The lieutenant said excitedly. He didn't want to stay here long ago. Not only that, many officers and soldiers have this idea. For example, some of the veterans of the engineers are quite skilled. They are also proficient in blasting, and now there are a lot of mines, and they need talents in this area too much. The salary given in the army is very low, only one-third of the salary of ordinary blasters. And this is the highest salary the army has given them. Their thinking is that if they stay here for an extra month, their losses will be much greater, and they don't want to stay here for a long time. They very much hope to leave here and find a good and reasonable job.

"So you are very excited. It seems that you are very dissatisfied with the work here." The captain tilted his head and looked at the other party and asked.

"Haha. It's been like this a long time ago. Our engineering battalion was established later, and we are still doing some technical work. I heard that some technical researchers in the Ministry of Defense did not want to do it a long time ago. Because there is no place to study. The amount given is high, and the funding for their research projects is very sufficient. If they are researched, they will have great results. A medium-sized invention can make them rich. They are not willing to come here to live in the army. It's too rigid after all," the lieutenant said. For these technical officers from non-disciplinary backgrounds. They are more willing to choose private research institutes to work. Because in that case they can get more. And the life of the army is for them. It's too suppressed.

"Well, I also have this idea. My idea is to improve those machines. I think the power of the machines in the future may be greater. Haven't you read those science fiction novels? The future is the era of robot wars. I think, I can Improve those machines, so that my invention can be made," said the captain officer.

"Your idea is very good. But those machines are very troublesome to improve. And it also costs money. I think you should find a job and have a stable source to solve such an invention problem. This is for us In other words, it was a major invention." The lieutenant officer said his thoughts.

"Yeah. That's right. Maybe they can become more portable. I know that there is an internal combustion engine that can provide such power. What we are the military needs is mature technology, but not the latest technology, because the latest Technology is always wrong, but we can use such a machine, you are right, we can give it a try." The other party said easily. Having a goal naturally has the value of striving.

In the Qin Army, some military technical unit personnel very much agree with this idea. After all, this is not in conflict with their interests.

Qin State Northern Aviation Aircraft Manufacturing Plant. At higher-level meetings.

"The manufacturing cost of airships may be further reduced in the future, because the prices of raw materials continue to fall, coupled with the technological advancement of various countries, their personnel costs are extremely low, in this respect, we have no such advantage at all." The manager stood up and organized the meeting.

"This is a very unfavorable point for us. It usually means that our profits are eaten up by a large number of low-cost companies and other countries that can also manufacture related technologies. This is very detrimental to the survival of our companies. Yes, so we need to change some ways of thinking and choose projects that are easier to make money. For example, we do not manufacture airships, but we can provide related technologies. We can provide them with professional engines, and we can also Design other things, such as rudder, and other professional materials." The manager said.

"Aren't we building airships?" a supervisor asked worriedly. He is responsible for the production of airships. Their recent orders are getting fewer and fewer, which makes him worry about his work, because once the amount is not produced, his work will also end, which is for him. Not a very good news.

"Yes. We won't make it." The manager nodded and said. The supervisor paled when he heard the news, and he was ready. He was prepared to accept this fact, but when it really came, he still couldn't accept it.

"But we will produce another kind of aircraft. Our airship workshop will switch to that kind of aircraft. Your burden will be heavier." The manager looked at each other and said. The supervisor's face turned ruddy, and he was still very surprised when he heard such news. He felt that his ears might have misheard. But then he reacted and their industry was upgraded.

"We want to produce faster airplanes, not airships. Compared to airships, the situation is very bad for us. The transportation speed of airships is relatively slow. Although they have the advantage of air transportation, they are dependent on the weather. It's even bigger. Once the wind direction is slightly wrong, it will cause a lot of losses." The manager said.

"This is very bad and bad for us. We don't want such a thing to happen. So, for such a result, my opinion is that we need to abandon such a project, upgrade, what we need It is an upgrade. The aircraft is an important requirement for our future development. Although it is still very unstable and has many problems, for example, his engine will catch fire. There are many problems when landing, and the flight and crew training time is very long." The other party said .

"But if we become popular, his speed will rise. In the future, what we need is a high-speed aircraft. Not a slow, tortoise-like airship. With the advantage in speed, our aircraft can survive. Therefore, in the next step, our aircraft will mainly be produced as airplanes, not airships. Airships have become a thing of the past.” The manager made such a decision. The senior staff at the meeting were a little surprised, but after discussing with each other, they felt that because of this, after all, it is the requirement of future development trends.

The process of airship production is not difficult. With the maturity of some technologies, such as the use of steel for drilling, this technology was originally used in shipbuilding. Now they can also be used in airships. Steel replaces wood. Airships can be manufactured. It is bigger, but the speed is also much slower. Although the load capacity has risen a lot, the significance of his existence is not great. Because in terms of speed, he is at an absolute disadvantage.

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