Xinzheng, South Korea, after a large-scale rise in the stock exchange. The stock market has been in a period of no volatility for a long time, which has caused many people to switch to other industries, or they can go to other markets to see if there is a chance, some bold people chose to go to the Qin State market, where they are. They made a lot of money. Of course, many people came back at a loss. After all, the rules of the Qin State market were much more detailed than theirs. Some people were fined a lot of money for not following the rules.

"Hey, old man, is there any news today?" said a young man in his plump clothes. He doesn't seem to be in good spirits. The situation here makes them very bad. Many people anxiously hope that the market will come soon.

"There is no good news, it's like that." A middle-aged man shook his head and said.

"Okay. Old man, say something valuable. I heard that the government wants trading company stocks to do other things. I don't know what the news is?" the young man said.

"But there is no capital in the market. You know very well that the colonies need capital to build, and those capitals have gone to the colonies. How can there be any capital on this. There are only stocks here. A lot of worthless stocks." The young man shook his head and said pessimistically.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Well, let me talk about the news I got. I know. Qin State Bank is coming. They came here with a large amount of money." The young man said.

"Come on, we don't object to them, they have money." The middle-aged man shook his head and said. He looked at the rolling quotes. Shook his head. Obviously the market has made him very pessimistic.

"Oh. God. Don’t you know that those trading companies want to do other things. They have to have technology, and technology can have new markets. I heard that they plan to move some factories to other places. They can Produce something that has never been done before. In this case, it is good for us. Do you know what this means?" the other party asked seriously.

"I don't know." The middle-aged man shook his head and said. The stagnation of the market has severely reduced his feelings and the market's responsiveness, and he may not be able to hear the changes in the market.

"Oh. Damn. This is an opportunity, an opportunity for large-scale market mergers. Look, there will be many companies appearing, and many companies will have mergers. Their situation will completely change." The other party said so.

"Oh. My goodness. You, don't you mean it?" The other party looked at the young man and asked.

"This is absolutely true, I believe my market judgment, he can definitely do this." The young man said. The middle-aged man looked at each other, and he felt that what the other person said might believe a lot.

When the two people were discussing it, Korean trade, factories and enterprises were intensively discussing the introduction of technology and the possibility of obtaining relevant funds.

Because the South Korean government has introduced a new economic policy.

"We should see the significance of the new economic policy. Technology and capital are tied together. If we can exchange our shares for capital and introduce technology, our situation will be greatly improved. There is also the state of trade." A young manager of a trading company said solemnly. They are a new generation in the Korean trade circle. They are aggressive, innovative, bold and dare to try. This is their hallmark, because they know that only by doing so can their business get out of trouble.

"We should see that there are many places where we want to open trade, but the cost is also very high. Although the trade is still growing, the competitive situation and the production situation will command great competition. For example, the same cotton cloth, we South Korea and Chu Countries are producing, and the market is limited. In the future, our trade profits may gradually decrease. This is not good news for us. We must learn to transform. Only when the transformation is successful can we get rid of the current situation. Therefore, we have to introduce relevant technologies to solve our production problems and gradually increase our trading profits." The manager said.

"At the same time, we should also see. This regulation actually allows us to introduce relevant technology, technology and capital are tied together." The manager said.

"But. Manager, we should be aware. It is necessary to mortgage the shares. We are mortgage the shares and cannot mortgage too many shares. Unless it is a large trading company, a trading company like us. It is difficult to do this. "A supervisor shook his head and said.

"This is indeed the case. Therefore, we merged and merged with other trading companies to cross the shares. Then the remaining shares were mortgaged to form a new trading group. In this way, the problem was solved. At the same time, the risk was reduced a lot. What do you think?" said the young manager.

"This. It's too bold." The supervisors said one after another. They are shocked or stunned by such a financial solution. They have never dared to do this, because after cross-shares or mergers, they are likely to lose their independent management rights to the company. This is something they have never dared to do, nor did they dare to think about, but the manager did. Such a decision. They don't know why the manager dares to do this.

"Since there is no objection, then we will do it like this. Anyway, we still need to do a lot of things." The manager said indifferently. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with him.

"There is a risk in this. I think the manager should understand this." A supervisor stood up and said worriedly.

"But there is no way. Only by expanding equity can we introduce more funds. If we fail to meet this requirement, we will lose such a development opportunity. Although dangerous, opportunities and risks exist at the same time. We should See this point." Think of it here. A supervisor left here, and they can only accept such things. The others cannot be masters.

Dawan Country. Xinshidu. Yang Lin gave a simple inaugural speech and quickly took office.

"This is the financial plan." An assistant of the Ministry of Finance held a report in front of Yang Lin's desk. This country has gone through too much chaos. What they need now is stability. Yang Lin looked at the report with his reading glasses.

"This schedule can help us build railways, bring in many jobs, and at the same time promote our economic development, which is a good thing." The assistant said on the side. Because the other party is dim-eyed and sees things very slowly, and this report comes from the parliament. The plan of the report is that Dawan will build a railway to Rest, and there will be many branch railways along the line, and a large amount of Qin capital will be introduced for business Expansion, and the resources within 20 miles along the railway belong to the railway authority. Of course. The transportation volume can also be contracted to other transportation companies by the railway company after successful construction. In this case, mining, construction, and all related interest chains are closely related to railways.

"Oh. Okay, I'll sign it." Yang Lin didn't have time to read the plan at all, and then signed his name, and the plan came into effect. And this officially started the corruption of everyone, he was just an old bureaucrat, an old man, and he couldn't control many things.

The country uses not fiscal funds to build railways, but land. A large amount of vacant land will be sold as an asset to merchants and contractors. With these things, contractors can get loans from Qin State Bank and get sufficient funds to develop their railway projects. The engineering contractor comes from the military, and they have a large number of soldiers who can do such things.

The Dawan army is retreating, but when they come back, they will find that their situation will change greatly. Because the Dawan Ministry of Defense has already signed the order. They will abolish two integrated infantry divisions. This situation has never been possible.

In the rear hospital of the Dawan First Infantry Division.

"They are here. They are here. They are here. Get up, we want to fight, we want to fight. We want to fight." A wounded Dawan soldier yelled in excitement.

"Calm down. Calm down." The ambulance soldier and the doctor hurried over. Some wounded soldiers looked at the wounded soldier strangely.

"Get up quickly. Brothers get up quickly, we are going to kill and kill." The wounded soldier was pushed to the doctor all at once. The military police came quickly.

"Bang." With a blow of the army stick, it hit the opponent's head all of a sudden, and the opponent fainted all of a sudden.

"This is the right way to deal with them." An veteran said while lying on his camp bed. He was shot in the abdomen. Fortunately, he was rescued in time. He was in good condition. They were all in good condition. At least they were able to recover and leave a reasonable distance. And in a tent farther away, they were all there. It is because of the lack of arms and legs, or it is very serious. Whether they can leave the tent is still unknown. Maybe they can all leave because of the high mortality there. Those who are dead will be cleaned up. In order to avoid rest, the Persians have to retaliate, they have to cremate their remains and take them away. This is the only thing they can do.

"The one I had surgery just came here for a while, but fortunately they gave me some wine and got me drunk." said a sergeant next to him. His arm is gone. But somehow he got his life back.

"Tell me, what happened?" the sergeant asked.

"Well, scary, you know what kind of **** enemy we are facing. They only attack us by sneak attacks and constantly use some despicable means to attack us. Many soldiers cannot withstand such pressure, and they become insane. , I saw a recruit who couldn’t bear such pressure at all. Explosions and gunfire would make the opponent’s urine flow out. Fortunately, that guy died on the battlefield. Because the enemy rushed in. He was still squatting on the ground. I didn't move, I saw that guy. The guy's head was slammed by the opponent's rifle butt, and his head was smashed to pieces. The brains flew out." The veteran said.

"It's sad," the sergeant said.

"Yes, this is no way. War is a matter of a group of natural warriors, and the army has screened many such people to participate. It is simply looking for something to do, this kind of coward. There is no way." The veteran said. The sergeant looked and shook his head. For such a person, they have also seen that such a coward would be executed by the gendarmerie behind during a large-scale attack. Because they were deserters, and during the assault, many people lost their lives in this way. They were too nervous and worried that there were enemies around them. They looked around, and it was difficult to give full play to what they had trained. , Which makes their situation worse.

But Qin's field surgeons didn't think so.

"Those are all cowards, they are just scaring themselves." A tired Qin Guo doctor said impatiently. He has been working for two consecutive days. Do a few operations, which made him very tired. The Qin foreign doctor who just finished his duty didn't think so.

"This is definitely not to scare myself, nor are they cowards. This may be an excessive mental reaction. This situation is not only in the Dawan army. It is also in the Qin army." Said the surgeon. . But the other doctor was already asleep.

The Qin Army's combat has become less, which makes this situation rare. It is difficult for them to notice this situation, but the Dawan army has such a situation. Guerrilla operations are prone to large attacks at night, and the attackers become good at offensive. And defending needs to bear a lot of pressure, because some soldiers are often killed in their sleep, which puts their nerves under considerable pressure in a stressful environment, and the external stimulation on the internal nerves becomes extremely strong. . The surgeon has his own independent judgment. He believes that they are not a coward, but a disease, an excessive neurological reaction, and external stimuli have become extremely cruel to them. That's it. But no one treats them that way, because their behavior would be seen as a coward in the army. coward. No one will have sympathy for such a person. The army is a machine and a cold-blooded place. Surgeons have such a view, but after all, there is still no effective evidence. And this is just a simple Dawan army, there are a large number of recruits in the Dawan army, and the recruits are prone to such problems.

Therefore, many military officers think that this is unrealistic for surgeons, or that they will not regard it as a post-war mental illness. This is a very sad point.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's office.

"Oil, we have a lot of oil, why don't we deliver it?" Han Shu looked at the report in his hand and asked the Minister of Transportation strangely.

"Well, cost. King, the cost issue. Our current merchant ships use some coal, but the price of coal there is very expensive. If this is the case, our transportation costs will become extremely uneconomical. This is a very unfavorable matter for us.” The Minister of Transport explained in this way. He hoped that such an explanation would be greatly recognized.

"It's the **** coal problem again." Han Shu shook his head and said.

"What if our ships burn fuel? How about? In this case, the demand for fuel will become very large, and the demand for coal will be much reduced. Do you think so?" Han Shu asked his Minister of Transportation.

"Fuel?" The Minister of Transportation looked at his king curiously.

"Yes, yes, that's it. I think that if we do this, we can increase our demand for fuel, and the price of this fuel is still very cheap. It is said that our internal combustion engine also needs this much fuel. At the same time, we The speed of refining will also increase. As for coal." Han Shu stood up and put down the report in his hand.

"The advantage of coal lies in the people of Zhao, who can quickly develop their warships, but we can’t. This is extremely disadvantageous for us, and it’s very bad for us. "Han Shu said.

"Do we have such a plan?" Han Shu then asked.

"Speaking of fuel. King, our engine seems to have such a project. In contrast, using a large amount of coal will occupy a lot of space for transportation, and the combustion value is much lower than that of fuel. With fuel, our situation will be greatly changed, but the situation is still very different for what kind of fuel we use." The Minister of Transportation said.

"Well, find a way to solve this problem. In addition, let them make special merchant ships for transportation. I have seen. Although the transportation method of iron barrels is very good, it can complete scattered transportation, but for them, It is to increase a lot of costs. This is not a good thing for those businessmen. I think we will give them some time to build a special transport vessel to solve this problem." Han Shu said.

"Yes, King, but if this batch of oil does not solve the sales problem, we will still find it difficult to solve this problem. I wonder if we can sell it and find a buyer." The Minister of Transportation suggested.

"Yeah. You're right, I almost forgot about this matter. Qin people, Qin people need a lot of crude oil, we can sell it to Qin people, so that all of our shipping merchant ships can transport that oil, look at Qin people's bid and let them I think there is a profit to be made." Han Shu thought about it for a while.

The Minister of Transportation nodded, thinking that his king was right. The people of Qin had reached a high demand for oil. Although the people of Qin had two oil producing areas, their oil reserves were still very small and could not be satisfied. Their further production needs. They have a great demand for oil.

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