The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3293: Old Yang Lin fell down

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"This is the strategy of the Koreans. They don't want us to get that strategic point. Naturally, they don't need us to do anything." Fan Zeng was dissatisfied with his Secretary of the Army and Secretary of the Navy, said.

"However, sir, I think we really shouldn't compete with the Koreans for such things. This is not something we are good at." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Why?" Fan Zeng asked dissatisfiedly.

"Because, if we do this, we will need to spend a lot of troops, which is for the navy and the development of the army. This is definitely not a good result, so we still don't need to do this." The Secretary of the Navy said. .

"Yes, sir, this requires a lot of troops and logistical supplies, but for the time being, we have no large military port between Gard and Aiji port that belongs to us. We deploy military forces in the middle. It is also very problematic. It is impossible to achieve such a result. Therefore, from this point of view, our military strength is still very tense. This is not conducive to our external expansion." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Hmm. Do you mean to give up?" Fan Zeng looked at the two ministers and said.

"No, no. We do not think that we should give up, but that we should do our own thing, that is to say, let us expand our military power as much as possible, or affect the military deployment of the Koreans. Our financial capability is the key." The Secretary of the Navy said of his views. In their view, there is no need to fight the South Korean Navy. The officers of the Navy Department are very aware of their own strength and are actively expanding in the Kingdom of Zhao and South Korea. At the time of their own navy, the Chu Navy lags far behind them. Although they are also actively building warships, they need to expand their military expenditures. How can they compete with others without increasing military expenditures? Therefore, the Admiralty is firmly opposed to fighting with the Koreans, but Fan Zeng is not clear about this, because he thinks that the financial budget for the navy is enough, and they should do something, otherwise, they will support one. Waste navy, this is for them. It is an extremely unfair opinion thing.

"Are you really incapable of competing with the South Korean Navy?" Fan Zeng asked suspiciously.

"Yes, sir, we really don't have such ability. Besides, Zhao people are now involved. We must pay attention to the existence of Zhao people. They have strong battleships and artillery, but our situation is extremely unfavorable. We don't have that. A decent warship, the opponent’s artillery can penetrate our boilers with one shot, and our iron armor production is also seriously insufficient. This is an important factor restricting the launching of our warships, and our strength is still seriously insufficient.” The Secretary of the Navy said about their specifics. Case.

"Okay. I know about this. We can talk to the Koreans." Fan Zeng said loosely. Considering the actual situation of Chu's navy, Fan Zeng had to let go of the idea of ​​competition and talk to the Koreans. Maybe they really have such benefits, but there is no way, they can't do it. This is the sorrow of the Chu Navy.

In the face of strength. The Chu Navy was unable to expand further. This made Fan Zeng very disappointed.

However, the Chu State Navy still has its own research projects.

In the experimental site of Wuyue Naval Shipyard, this is a remote coast, where many secret weapons of Chu are tested here, such as army guns and warships of Chu army.

"Da da da da." A fast-paced engine sound came, and billowing black smoke came from a distance.

"How is it?" an older craftsman asked. They can be regarded as the first generation of engineers and technicians in Chu State.

"No, the speed is too slow. We use steam engines, no matter how we accelerate, but they are steam engines after all, and the speed is still too slow." A middle-aged man said disappointedly, shaking his head.

"It looks like the speed is 30 knots, it should be fine." Another middle-aged engineer said puzzledly at this time. In their opinion, 30 knots is a very fast speed, and it is necessary to know that the maximum speed of a warship is only 24 knots.

"Not enough. Our speedboat should reach at least 35 knots. No, the speed of 35 knots is very slow. They must be able to reach 38 or 40." A young man said.

After the engineers present heard such words. They were all shocked, but they calmed down quickly because they really need such a speed.

"Zhao people have artillery. Their caliber has been over a hundred millimeters of artillery. It won’t take long for them to be equipped with such artillery. With one shot, they can kill our speedboat. If our speedboat speeds If you can’t hurry up, you may be wiped out by the opponent. In that case, the battle will be meaningless.” A young man said. he knows. The defensive power of the speedboat is seriously insufficient. In order to speed up the speedboat as much as possible, they did not use iron armor. All they used were wooden boards. These wooden boards were also reduced in weight as much as possible. The reason for doing so was to reduce the weight. Throw off all unnecessary burdens and speed up the speedboat further. This is the only thing they can do to reduce weight. But this is still not enough. Because of their serious lack of power, coupled with the size of the speedboat itself. The power provided by the six boilers has reached its limit.

"But in this way, our speedboat has reached its limit. Moreover, if we want to increase the boiler, the size will increase, which will increase the weight of the speedboat. If the weight is increased, in this case, it will have an impact on the speed of the speedboat. Great influence. This is the result of a preliminary calculation." said a middle-aged man.

"The only way is to replace the power unit. I heard that Koreans have internal combustion engines. It is said that they are small. As long as the number is large enough, they can provide more power. In this way, the weight reduction and the speed increase are great. Help." The young man suggested. They are very interested in new things.

"But that kind of machine is extremely unstable, and it's easy to get things wrong, and the speed can be improved very quickly, but there are also many problems and it is very unstable. Don't stop before you invest. In that case, it will become a living target. We This is a joke with the life of the navy and sailor again. Such a thing must not be done." A middle-aged engineer stood up and objected.

"But the limit of the speedboat has been reached. It is impossible for us to upgrade to a larger space." The other party said so.

"Talk about the torpedo situation, how are you doing?" The old craftsman turned off the subject at this time and said. For the speedboat project, the old craftsman has no choice. This is a project created by the old and new generations. Young people hope to use new things more. This is a very bold idea, but the problem is that there are many uncertainties in new things, such as stability. War is a combination of humans and weapons. If the weapons are unstable, the soldiers will be miserable. In the eyes of the old craftsman, new things will definitely bring such disasters. He tries to avoid such things as much as possible, but he still cannot avoid such things. This is for him. However, his task is to complete the project and use new things, which requires a lot of money, and their research funding is insufficient. This is for them. This is the worst place. But he wanted to solve this problem from other places as much as possible. These are things that others cannot appreciate. The chief engineer is responsible for a project, not only balancing problems, but also solving practical problems and actual conditions. It takes a lot of wisdom to satisfy the completion of a project.

"The power of the torpedo is very powerful, very good, and the speed is also very powerful." A middle-aged man introduced.

"Torpedoes can produce large explosions. Such explosions can penetrate underwater iron armor. Iron-clad warships simply cannot withstand such a large explosion. Of course, we need to build more powerful torpedoes." A middle-aged man said. .

"I want to know the specific situation, size, speed, and manufacturing cost." The old craftsman said.

"Yeah. The size is about ten inches. It is relatively large. The torpedo uses all-copper casting technology, because our technology can only be processed to such a point. If we use steel, we cannot do this. The airtightness. The explosives use imported high explosives. Oxygen is required for propelling." The middle-aged man looked at everyone and said.

"However, the shortcomings of the torpedo are still great. First of all, his maximum range is only four miles. In fact, it can only be guaranteed to shoot in a straight line within a range of two miles. For the rest, we can't guarantee it." Speaking of.

Hear here. Everyone gasped. All copper casting. In this case, the cost of a torpedo is very large. The most terrible thing is that many are imported, such as high explosives, in order to achieve torpedo blasting. In this case, the cost of torpedoes soared. It is obviously impossible to put torpedoes into production on a large scale.

"It's terrible. Bad range, only two miles of effective range. In this case, our torpedo boats need to be close and close. In that case, the other side's light artillery can focus on us, plus ours. If the speed is not fast enough, our torpedo boat will become a target." A young man said worriedly.

"It is true. And the cost is very high. The above will not make such a large-scale project. It is very costly and costly." Other young people said.

"Okay. Think of a way to reduce all the shortcomings. In this way, our situation will be much better." The old craftsman heard many people arguing and signaled helplessly to be quiet, and then left here. He needs Consider all options carefully.

Manufacturing and using a weapon is not an easy matter of opinion, because it is subject to domestic processing, manufacturing level, military requirements, and various technical indicators. The integration of these complex data will test the overall coordination ability of an engineer. Obviously, the old craftsman feels that he is not yet competent for such a thing.

The first is the requirements of the military. The military will not give them more money. What they need is a cheap weapon that can be manufactured on a large scale and can be obtained at a very high speed. It is powerful and deterrent. However, such requirements of the military have made engineers very difficult. They need to consider various factors to do such a thing.

Dawan Country. Various undertakings are in progress. The parliamentarians and the ministers of the government have launched various bribery and wealth-making projects. This is a time of peace. As long as they have enough money, they can do this.

"Good job, in this case, we can make a fortune." The Minister of Transportation said to a contractor who came by looking at the documents in his hand. He will contract a section of railway project. The engineering project comes from the approval of the Minister of Transportation, and he can get the project as long as he pays enough bribe funds, and many projects are natural.

"Yes. Mr. Minister, I just don't know where Mr. Minister can get the loan. After all, we still lack funds." The contractor said.

"This, no problem. There is a bank minister over there who manages this project. As long as you have this project in your hands, rest assured, a bank will find you. You don't need to find them." The Minister of Transportation said to the other party easily.

Dawan's large amount of financial funds has been concentrated on construction because they have no military burden. There is only one infantry division and one cavalry brigade in Dawan. A large number of soldiers and reserve military units have been abolished. They become the most important existence of the labor force.

Many mid-level and high-level military officers came out of the barracks and became the largest contractors or labor providers as soon as they turned around. They took orders from the barracks. Sign a series of labor contracts, and then use these contracts to cooperate with the construction contractor. Everything is constructed with a purpose. There is no way, anyone needs railways at this time. Without railways, no economic project will benefit. Moreover, if you have a construction project, you will have funds and pull power. As long as you get the project, you can make big money. For a time, Dawan was full of bureaucrats. Bribery, and corruption, but such things are getting worse. Because they have an old prime minister who doesn't care about anything and governs by doing nothing. For this, everyone is grateful to this old gentleman, it is heartfelt gratitude. Because he gave them opportunities. Who told him to do nothing.

And Old Yang Lin doesn't care about anything. He is managing one thing, which may be the only thing he is willing to manage, that is, trading. He believes that Dawan people should have their own educational engineering project, which is responsible for Dawan people in the future. He believes that Dawan people should have their own education system. This system should be available from the preliminary education system to the advanced education system, including elementary school, middle school, and university education. Such education is for them. It must be done, because it is related to the future of Dawan people. Therefore, Old Yang Lin was very mindful. It can be said that his mindfulness has reached a point that makes him feel very strange.

However, the Ministry of Finance could not come up with such a sum of money, because military expenditures were borrowed for economic construction, and economic construction requires a lot of investment. Only in this way can the people of Dawan restore their credit rating because their economic prospects are very good. In this way, they can borrow money from Qin people, lend more bonds, and then have more bonds to do better things. This is the situation. After a series of complicated explanations by the Ministry of Finance, Lao Yang Lin finally got no money. But Lao Yang Lin is a really old scholar. In his opinion, he must accomplish such a thing, which is a good thing, for the Dawan people. Is a very critical and important thing, so he began to actively speak, because he believes that by virtue of his identity and the results of the speech, he can get wide support. With such support, he can get more financial support, and the funds come from For fundraising, he believed that the people of Dawan would understand his feelings.

"We need a lot, a lot of funds, and these funds are invested in our future. Our economy in Dawan is not just about discovering minerals and digging for minerals. We also need to do a lot of things. For example, we need educators to be responsible for us. For the next generation, we need architects, and we need to build beautiful houses and buildings. We also need to build more transportation facilities, railways, and highways. These will make Vaughan more convenient and faster, and the development speed of Dawan people will be faster. It will be even more expensive. We also need bankers, painters, poets, and all kinds of talents. These are very important to us. With these talents, Dawan can develop better." Old Yang Lin did. The speech arrives. But the people below are very impatient to listen. In their opinion, they are here purely to give the other side a face, but the other side uses a step-by-step method to induce speeches. This kind of speech is extremely lengthy and makes people very long. Annoying, drowsy. Some congressmen are already impatient. They still talked about their recent achievements in private, such as how much commissions they got, bribes, or what else is needed for project funds. In short, what they need is these, not they are fooling around here with Old Yang Lin.

In the end, they will look at the other side's face and give each other a little money. Such money is like charity, and Old Yang Lin actually talked about it very much. This makes many people feel very impatient.

Just when everyone is drowsy. In other words, they are very interested in their own projects, and when the old Yang Lin speaks, the more energetic they are. A crisp gunshot broke the situation.

"Bang." Everyone was shocked. Many people did not react. They don't know what happened.

"Bang." There was another gunshot, followed by surprise. Because old Yang Lin fell.

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