In Xinzheng, South Korea, the hot all morning trading on the South Korean Stock Exchange finally stopped. Many people still don't want to stop, but some exhausted people eat to replenish their energy. They only have one and a half hours, which is too rush for them.

"How about? Today's deal is very hot, right." A young man came over and said to the middle-aged man. Many of them will say a few words at the end of the transaction to show that they care about the market.

"It's very hot, why?" the middle-aged man asked curiously.

"Hehe, I don't know, but I read the newspaper and said that the situation in Bangla has stabilized. Although there will be wars there, after all, the riots have not completely ended, but the whole situation has stabilized, and the new banknotes It has been released, not only here, but also in Bangla. And other Korean colonies. This is what we need now. This does not need to be explained." The young man said.

"So, bank stocks went up?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Yes, that's it. This is a huge stimulus for the bank. This is an absolute, absolutely positive. So, I think it will definitely rise. Otherwise, there will be no such a sharp rise. We should Celebrate. Celebrating the coming of a big bull market, I have such a hunch." The young man said excitedly.

"Well, I know. But I don't care about this. What I care about is, what should we do?" the middle-aged man said. Obviously, he has not prepared a lot for the sudden rise in the stock market. Young people, these people are very impulsive. They start from looking at the stocks that have risen the most. They never know what it means to wait for the opportunity to sell. Re-enter.

The economy has begun to turn into a stage of improvement, and the bank's business has begun again. These are all good news. Especially after the use of new banknotes in Bangla, this shows that the bank's lending function will be transferred to the best place. This is the best news for them. The scale of borrowing is getting bigger and bigger, and the demand for economic development is getting stronger and stronger. For example, Seth, a country that has just experienced the war is sending representatives to South Korea to discuss a series of matters.

"Your drinks are delicious. I have always drank them. I like them very much. If you add sugar and various condiments, it is still very good. Drinking tea can make people calm." The representative of Seth is financial. The deputy minister, Xili, an old-school Seth, likes things from the Central Plains. No, he wore traditional Korean clothes. This guy didn’t know where he got a piece of jade pendant to wear on his waist. This made him It looks very magnificent. Although this analogy is not very appropriate, it is such a situation for Han Kai, the joint representative of the Bank of Korea.

"Yeah. I think so too. Drinking tea is a realm, a realm, right?" Han Kai said.

"Yes, that's right, that's it, I think so too." Xili quickly agreed. It seems that the two people are the same person, but Han Kai’s deputy next to him doesn’t think so. The Seth dispatched a sophisticated Korean Tong. Obviously, the other party is very concerned about borrowing. .

The end of the war was easy for the Koreans, but for the Seth people, their situation was not very good. Their economy became extremely fragile, or they could not withstand the further consumption of the war. In the war against the Persians, they were trapped in the quagmire of guerrilla warfare. The Persians used their tactical advantages to harass, ambush, and attack each other's logistics supply lines. The Seth were too greedy. They want to occupy the original western provinces of Rest. In their opinion, they must do this, but the Persians seem to be reluctant to let the other party succeed. The two sides continue to increase in this way. If the Seth people want to get this place, the only thing The solution is to increase their strength, but if they increase their strength, their logistical supply requirements will become greater and greater. As for the Persians, they are very aware of their weaknesses. They have a lot of troops, but their combat qualities are low. Many people have not received formal military training. Even if they do, they will not do so because their weapons are not very equipped. Complete, the Koreans tightened their assistance to the Persians because they no longer need the Persians’ military operations to meet their requirements. They hope that the other party can repay the loan as soon as possible. At the same time, they have adopted strict restrictions on the transaction. Only in this way can they solve their current situation well. They need normal trade instead of helping each other unilaterally. The Koreans don't have such kindness to let this problem develop further.

"Okay. Let's get to the point. I want to know, what kind of Seth do you need these funds to build?" Han Kai knew. The other party will definitely find a way to get to the point, they need such a situation too much.

"This." He suddenly heard such a straightforward question from South Korea, which caught him off guard, because he had known the Central Plains civilization, which was a shy civilization. He viewed it this way. The Central Plains civilization likes elegance and refinement. That's why he wore a jade pendant, but now, he found that this jade pendant did not exert such an effect. On the contrary, the other party was very nervous and asked such a practical question, which caught him off guard. In fact, the Seth people do not really understand the Koreans. Although the Koreans are a Central Plains country, they have become more pragmatic in foreign negotiations. This may be affected by the negotiations with the Qin people. The Qin people like to go straight, and They like to finalize on some details. The people of Qin are like this, so are the Koreans, because if the Koreans don't do this, they will suffer. In order not to make themselves suffer, they had to make others suffer.

"This." Hiri couldn't answer at all.

"We need a lot of funds, and it's scary. First of all, we need to end the war against the Persians and we need to fight. This is a lot of funds." His deputy said at this time. He was very upset that his chief official was misfired by the other party all at once, but he was still more painful, because he had long been unfamiliar with the other party’s practice. On the surface, he seemed very close to the Koreans, but the Koreans weren’t. If you can drink tea, bring Yupei and talk to the gentleman. On the contrary, Koreans will not make concessions or compromise on the issue of interests.

Hearing this, the Koreans shook their heads. Obviously they were not interested in it. It was because the Seth’s own war had nothing to do with the Koreans, and the Koreans were unwilling to lend a large amount of funds to the other side to deal with the Persians. The war, in that case, would be profitless. This is their own calculation.

"Secondly, it is the construction of railways. We hope to mortgage some years of use rights to solve this problem. I think we should be able to complete a large part of the capital investment in this part." The other party continued.

"We agree with this point." Han Kai said. The Bank of Korea is very interested in the control of this railway, but the Seth people insist on their own investment. In South Korea, the Koreans have their own control rights. In Seth, the Seth people have their own control. Kwon, the Koreans are very dissatisfied with this, because in this case, the Seth people still control their economic lifeline, railway transportation, although a lot of tariffs have been opened, and many places of trade have been opened, but without railways, everything Everything is in vain. Therefore, when the Seth people make this request, the Koreans are naturally willing to talk to them on this issue. After all, this is one of their most interesting places.

"The last point is that we hope to be able to develop some economic industries. We hope to cooperate with your South Korean side to bring profit. We will introduce related technology industries from your hands to solve our economic problems." This is The content modified by Siri’s deputy personally caused a great shock in Seth. Some people believe that the Koreans’ military strength did not exceed 10,000, and their military strength reached 30,000 at one time. But this is the comparison. They suffered heavy losses and also lost a large piece of land, where the Koreans are establishing a colonial state. Therefore, some people with lofty ideals in the country believe that they should carry out real reforms in the Seth country. Reform is to introduce relevant technology to let Their army also has such equipment and capabilities, so that their economic capabilities can be restored to the state before the war. This is the representative of Seth.

"Except for the first question, we can talk about the next two, Persia, and your border war. These are not of our interest. If a lot of funds are used in this area, we don’t think, there is no Necessary to talk about it." Han Kai said.

"In addition, we also provide a suggestion that you use paper money and issue paper money to solve their economic dilemma. After all, your economy is largely related to currency. Under such circumstances, the two countries’ Trade is still very difficult. Therefore, we hope that you can consider this factor as soon as possible." Han Kai said.

This is the idea of ​​the Koreans. They hope that the other party can issue as soon as possible and use their own banknotes. In this way, the South Korean side can control the other party's central bank to achieve control of the other party's economy. However, Seth did not immediately agree, only that he would consider it. Obviously, the actions of the Koreans made Seth extremely nervous.

The Parthian legion, inside Libert's camp.

"Financial problems must be properly resolved. I still don't know this problem. Why did the people of Qin keep avoiding us? Can we just do nothing?" Libert said. He has become the first prime minister of the Republic of Shah and also serves as the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Shah. In fact, the Shah has only an army. Compared with the land, navy and air force of the Qin State, their army is a single walk, but this does not hinder The Shabbats set up their own cabinet to manage their own affairs.

Lieutenant Zhao Xi resigned from the army. He became the first Minister of Finance and Minister of Economy in the Cabinet of the Republic of Peace. Because of his cautious temperament, the people of Qin State highly regarded him as a very suitable staff member. Reasonable suggestion. Libert, who knew this well, immediately promoted the other party to become his own Minister of Finance and Minister of Banking. He hoped that his cautious character would solve the financial and economic problems of the Sabbath nation. Zhao Xi felt a lot of pressure when he received such an appointment.

"This issue needs to be treated cautiously with Qin State Bank. Only in this way can we completely solve it." Zhao Xi still said cautiously. In his view, borrowing money can only solve the temporary problem, but the fundamental problem lies in the restful economy. What kind of industries can be developed to meet their financial needs. Wool and other problems cannot solve this problem.

"Well, this problem is left to you, I don’t know how to solve this problem. You can talk to Qin’s bank. Or they can provide very good suggestions to solve our economic problems. ." Libert arranged immediately. He also needs to appease the old leaders, because they need to absorb some Parthian tribes from the north. In this way, it can reduce the difficulty for them to attack the Persians. The Parthians will unite the Parthians and deal with the Persians. This is formulated by the Qin people. Strategy. At the same time, he needs to unite and use more situations to deal with the Persians. It can be said that their main opponents are the Persians, not the traditional surrounding countries such as Dawan and Tochar.

Libert left in a hurry. The Qin people told them that they must join the Dawan people to participate in the war against the Persians. The Dawan people stupidly united the two types of people. Although it is difficult for them to stay together in terms of national sentiment, especially the Parthians, they think that the Dawan people are humble, but they must deal with this problem properly in order to face another fierce enemy, the Persians.

"How is the situation?" After Zhao Xi came back, a businessman from Qin State came to say hello. The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy both have their own staff. In Qin, they call them consultants. Zhao Xi was just a soldier before, and let him be in charge of economic and financial affairs at once, which made him feel a little strenuous, so he hoped to find more consultants to provide more effective advice, so he recruited some The businessman of Qin State came to serve as his staff. The businessman had the brain and thinking of the businessman, which was something that the soldiers did not possess.

The Qin merchant was called Li Dao. He was an arms smuggler who couldn't get on the table. Because the Parthian Army had a great demand for arms after the assistance from the Qin people, the first thing he made friends with was the arms dealers because they could provide more. The demand for munitions in the war has become enormous.

"It's not good. We are in big trouble, and the economic problem is difficult to solve. The war is not only about arms, but also a lot of financial problems. How can I get these funds. Just kidding." Zhao Xi said, shaking his head.

"It is not difficult to solve economic problems. In my opinion, there are other resources on the barren resting land." Said Li Dao, the businessman walking over with a map.

"Do you know this place?" Li Dao said to the other party.

"Knowing, of course, knowing, this place is a major lake in the north of us. You call it the Caspian Sea. Actually, his name is not the Caspian Sea. It's called ??????". Zhao Xi wanted to explain it, because the people of Qin State thought that they had translated the Caspian Sea wrongly.

"No matter what it is called, he can solve the financial problem of rest. As long as there is a large amount of oil resources, all problems can be solved." Li Dao said at this time.

"Oil? What is that?" Zhao Xi never knew this.

"A very important resource that the people of Qin need, and they need many, many such resources. And you found such a thing in that place, which is why the people of Qin desperately let you fight against the Persians and drive them away. There are people in Dawan who are desperately building railways and starting to march wildly. Everything is for oil. This thing is not a lot of price per barrel, but the demand is great. This thing is very valuable, understand? If you can extract it, All problems can be solved. It's like digging a well, and the water you get can satisfy your drinking." Li Dao said. In fact, he is unwilling to be an arms dealer, because arms dealers can’t do it for long. Although they have a lot of money, it is easy to get money, especially where they are fighting. Once they are involved with the military, as long as the war If they continue to fight, they will be able to make a lot of money. But this kind of money is extremely unstable. In Qin, arms smuggling is inherently an illegal business. In some remote states, Qin’s management is not difficult, but it is difficult for them to become their own wealth. What Li Dao is most reluctant to face is that they need to launder money, launder their money, and become a new kind of legal businessman, what kind of business can be done, oil businessman, he saw this project, as he said. Oil, like well water, people will be thirsty. Those machines need a lot of oil resources, and their consumption is amazing. Under such conditions, investing in oil business is very profitable. This is his goal. But he needs an opportunity. God seems to love him so much that he got such an opportunity.

Therefore, he will tell the Shabbat about oil. Zhao Xi was very surprised when he heard such a thing, because the people of Qin State had never told him about it. He didn't know if he told Libert what they would do if they heard such a thing.

"How do you deal with this matter?" Zhao Xi asked at this time.

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