The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3352: A scene on the experimental field

Perhaps Han Shu also has a certain interest in planting Yapian. After all, Yapian can be planted, and it will have a certain economic value like cotton and sugarcane. As for what the economic value is, he personally doesn't know much about it. . Now that the Yueshi people can plant it, Korea can naturally also plant it.

Bangla Parliament.

"I think Zheng Ju’s plan is okay. According to our statistics, so far, more than 300,000 prisoners of war have appeared in our records. And there will be a large number of anonymous and non-statistical prisoners every day. The emergence of prisoners of war, they are all local Zhanpu people, Zhanpu people are experiencing a wide range of starvation, which is also the cause of the emergence of prisoners of war in large numbers. It is not enough to rely on the help of our Bangladeshi government, just give them Providing food, this will cause our financial burden to be very large, and very serious. We are providing a lot of money to these Zhanpu people free of charge, and they are also causing us trouble. They want to eat this food, Or to get better food, they have to pay some price. Only in this way can they become beneficial to us." A member of the Diet stood up and said.

"I also agree to do this. After all, we are not a charity, and we don't have that much money for them. The most important thing is that we have no ability to continue to maintain this situation, and Zheng Ju's plan is very in line with our requirements. , Such a chaotic, complicated organization method, inefficient, difficult to spread out, if we use a large number of prisoners of war, such unorganized construction, it will pose a great threat to us, this threat will make us enter a game In the midst of a huge disaster. Therefore, such an organization can solve a lot of problems." Another member of the Diet stood up and said.

It is true that the prisoners of the North and the Prudential did play a certain role. For example, they were in an extremely favorable situation for certain road construction. They solved part of the traffic supply problem, but this was only a temporary solution. In fact, the road conditions of Zhanpu people are still very poor, and it is very poor. Therefore, if you want to change, you must use a well-organized engineering team for construction.

And Zheng Ju’s plan meets this demand. It can be said that this demand is very marketable. If there is no such a large market, Korean parliamentarians and Bangla parliamentarians will not discuss this issue. At the same time, all parliamentarians will I think there are great advantages to building the Zhanpu people into a constructive corps. This is much better than giving them a large number of rifles and various weapons. For them, this is what they should do the most. . Zhanpu talents with **** and shovel are safe.

"In that case, everyone agrees that this is the best result. I myself am willing to accept such a plan." Zhang Shi relaxed. At least such a plan has received great agreement. Such agreement will allow them Become extremely relaxed.

Liberty is checking Zhao Xi’s report.

"We have incorporated independent combat groups. Their combat capabilities are still worth considering. Their attacks and sneak attacks are very suitable for this situation. They attacked more than 50 Persian gathering points and tribes from the beginning. At this point, they caused a lot of casualties." Zhao Xi said. Li Bo nodded his head in praise.

What Liebert saw was only a report, but the figures in the report were real, and cruel things happened. The Parthians provided a large number of weapons to the Parthian troops collected in the North. They had limited access in order to compete. The position of the parliament, they had to attack the Persians with all their strength.

At the same time, the air reconnaissance report of the Dawan people also played a very important role. Although some of the Persian settlements are mobile, not fixed, and the fixed points are extremely limited, they have also undergone a large-scale defensive reinforcement, which makes it very difficult to attack. It takes considerable firepower to achieve this. the goal of. But most of the settlements are weakly defensive. This is because the Persians are not completely united. They are just divided into their own small tribes, which gives the Parthians a chance.

Aerial photography provided a large amount of intelligence support. Such intelligence support allowed the Parthians to make an offensive decision, and they decided to launch such a large-scale offensive. Attacking the vitals of the opponent, they decided to go in. As a result, a large number of Anxi tribes attacked the Persian tribes.

The killing is cruel. Although they are just a few simple statistics, behind this is that thousands of Persians disappeared from this world. They were shot and killed by bullets, or burned to death by fire, or Just being hacked and killed, all kinds of tragedies make people elusive. Under such circumstances, no one can remember such a situation.

"They did a very good job. I want to know how far we have advanced and how far are we from the Caspian Sea?" Libert is concerned about this issue, because he heard that there is oil there. If it weren't for them, the Dawanese If the army's combat capability is not enough, they may also control a little bit, and the Qin people in the north occupy a certain amount of the northern Caspian Sea area, and the southern area is still no man's land. They have to get there before the opponent arrives.

"Thirty kilometers. Sir, this distance is not too far for us." Zhao Xi said after looking at the report.

"No, it's far enough. We must be fast, we must be fast, and get there as fast as possible. It is very important to us. We can't wait for them to get there and lose us poses a big threat. This is a big threat to us. It's not safe." Liebert said. According to the frontline report. A large number of Persians have been expelled from their original areas. Although many people have been killed, there are still quite a few Persians leaving here. They want to leave here as much as possible and then reach other places. In their opinion, This is a very fruitful performance for them.

"However, this is the closest distance to us." Zhao Xi said.

"Then make our army a commando team and let them participate, so that they can fight quickly. This is a very good result for them. It also allows our troops to exert their combat effectiveness. Come." Libert decided to arrive. In fact, the Sabbath government forces did not participate in the battle at all. They only achieved their goals through a series of weapon aid, diplomacy, and political promises, but this was not enough. He hoped that the speed could be faster and faster. The stability it brings is poor. A large number of Persians are entrenched there, they are unwilling to leave there, and with the squeeze of their forces, their forces will become more concentrated, perhaps they may become thicker. This is what Zhao Xi is most worried about right now. But the order was so, he could only obey and execute it. This is no way.

Ministry of National Defense of Qin State. Wei Liao's office.

"This is a very troublesome thing." Wei Liao looked at the report of the Prime Minister's Mansion and said, shaking his head.

"Yes, sir, it’s extremely troublesome. We don’t even know how to fight. The military strength of the Yue people is also quite good. Their military system is imitated by us, and their combat quality is relatively high. In addition, we have exported a large number of weapons, and there are also quite a lot of military equipment, these equipment has brought them a great military technology basis, they have established a considerable number of military factories, although some key parts and components still need Imported from us, but they still have a way to make their own weapons." A security official said.

"Yeah." Wei Liao agreed with this view. The Yueshi people established three large military factories, and there are also some small and medium-sized factories that can process a variety of rifle parts. The Yueshi people rely on three things to maintain their trade balance.

The first is their military armament. The Yue people still have a great record. At least in Karachi and India, the Yue people are still a relatively large threat. If the Karachi people hadn't had Koreans to protect them, they wouldn't be able to resist the full force of the Yueshi people. Therefore, the Yueshi people are still the regional hegemons of that area. They send a large number of military personnel to take up posts abroad, and they act as military advisers or directly become members of the mercenary group. For example, there are a large number of military advisers in Indy and Military mercenaries appeared. In Karachi, the Yueshi people acted as bodyguards, which is still very easy for them, and they can easily handle things.

The second is the arms industry. Buying weapons with good performance from Qin is not the only option. Of course, you have special requirements for performance, so let’s say otherwise. But most countries cannot accept such orders, and their only way is to find ways to buy some cheap weapons. For example, ordering guns and ammunition. The consumption of ammunition is very huge. If a country’s economy is not very strong, it cannot withstand such a big consumption. For example, rest in peace. This is a poor country. They have just been established. The country has no money to solve such problems. , The only way is to collect more discarded cartridges and refill them for the second time. Qin people will not do such a thing. They will only tell you that if you do this, the bullets may not be fired. You'd better use new ones. Ammunition, but the budget will immediately exceed a lot, you simply can't do that. The only way is to let Yueshi people do such a thing, they will do this kind of service, they will carry out the second filling. At the same time they will also suggest that you buy some cheap weapons, they will imitate Qin's weapons, from submachine guns to pistols. From grenades to rifles, they will make all kinds of imitation products for you to use, even though these weapons are not very good? But it's better than nothing. Some rifles cannot be opened because of their rough workmanship. The most funny thing is that the bullets are loaded. But he couldn't pull the trigger and could only fight the bayonet. In the process of fighting the bayonet, he fired a bullet. It can be seen that their quality is still relatively poor. But not all of them cannot be used.

The Parthians purchased such a batch of weapons mixed with weapons imported from the Qin State and sent them to the independent troops in the north. They are all marginal forces, and it is not very difficult for them to consume a large amount of them.

The last is Yapian, but now they are banned. And Wei Liao was worried about such a thing.

"It is unlikely that the ban on the opposing party's planting of elegant films can be resolved through diplomatic channels. The final solution is still our army to fight." Wei Liao said.

"Yes, sir." The security officer nodded and said. The prime minister’s solution is that it is best to prepare for military struggle, but the scale of the military must be strictly controlled. They do not want the scale of the war to expand beyond control. This is definitely not the result they hoped for. In other words, The prime minister's office hopes to be able to use military means, but the scale of the military can reach a certain controllable state. They handed over the task to the Ministry of National Defense, and they believed that the Ministry of National Defense could do this, but it is not easy to say. How to solve such a thing is the most difficult problem.

"Do you have any good solutions?" Wei Liao asked.

"Sir, if ground troops are dispatched, this is very unrealistic. It takes at least three infantry divisions to occupy the northern area of ​​Yueshi, but it is definitely impossible to continue." The security official said.

"Of course. And the logistical supply is very poor. There are still some mountainous areas in the northern part of Yueshi, and the border area between the two countries is also mountainous. The terrain there is complicated. We can hardly guarantee that when we attack the Yueshi people The people of the Yue family will attack our logistics supply depots through other channels. In that case, our troubles will become even greater." Wei Liao shook his head and rejected this plan. In fact, the border area between the two countries is just right. The location of a section of the mountain. Such a position is for them. Is a very bad thing. Because there are a lot of smuggling activities here, although Qin’s tax revenue is very low, there are still a lot of Yueshi. Qin people smuggle, nothing else, because the goods they trade are illegal, and smuggling is the only way to solve this For the way.

And Wei Liao clearly understands this. Those smugglers can gather a large amount of illegal goods here, and naturally the opponent's forces can also gather here. Moreover, if the two countries go to war, if the people of Qin cannot plug this gap in time. , The result will become very passive, this is what Wei Liao is most worried about.

"This is natural, but the question is, how do we solve it?" Wei Liao said. This problem should be solved by the Army, after all, they should know the difficulty of defense.

"Sir, the only way is to bomb. We use a lot of incendiary bombs to bomb the other side's Yapian plantation. In this way, we can achieve our goal, but the cost may be higher." The security consultant said.

"I think we'd better find a solution that can completely solve the problem, so that the Yue government can completely accept our plan. This method is best to reduce further costs. My idea is to attack the other party's core goal. "Wei Liao did this to the other party.

"What do you mean by the sir?" the security officer asked.

"Their factory. The military factory. Perhaps they should have noticed this happening. If we attack their arsenal, they will know that we are powerful. In that case, as long as we continue to bomb their military factory, then You can stop them from operating, as well as their important railway hubs, etc. As long as the bombing continues, they will definitely continue to talk to us, but there is one problem. It is necessary to support such a large-scale bombing. Expenses, and time. These are all we need to re-estimate." Wei Liao thought for a while and wanted to say. This matter is very difficult. It is very difficult for the Qin State Army and the Army Aviation Corps. The consumption of oil reserves and what kind of aircraft Qin uses to carry out the bombing, Qin State is eliminating a large number of them. The combat performance of such weapons has already been greatly restricted, and Wei Liao is very worried that he will not be able to play a big role.

Zhao Guo, the Army Aviation Experimental Site. They are experimenting with a kind of aircraft they just made. The aircraft looks very simple. The wooden boards and skins are all linen sheets, and the engine looks a little big, and it doesn’t stop. There was a billowing smoke. If it weren’t for the plane to be flying steadily, they thought the plane was on fire.

"The most important feature of this aircraft is that the engine is manufactured by ourselves. We finally manufactured our own engine after full-scale imitation. We have mastered the core technology." A technician was very excited. Speaking of. The army officers next to them looked at the plane flying in the sky and nodded. They were quite satisfied. However, most army officers still tended to come up with stable airships with large ammunition carrying capacity and outstanding combat capabilities. For the aircraft, they Think that the cost of investment is too great. Except for the fast flight speed, the airplane seems to have no advantage at all. This is the result of their own thinking.

"Katata." Just after the engineer announced the news excitedly, there was an immediate problem with the plane flying in the sky, and the billowing smoke continued to rise, and it was expanding further, which shocked them.

"Ouuuuuu" and then the plane dived down directly, it seemed that the plane was out of control.

"This. This is." The officers exclaimed excitedly. "Wow!" The sound of hitting the ground came, and the plane was broken into pieces on the spot. The pilot is unlikely to survive. The engineer's face twitched, and he himself didn't know how to explain such a thing.

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