The Yueshi Western Front is the last fortification. Uninjured soldiers are rarely seen in the fortifications. They seem calm, it seems that they are not participating in the battle, but at their home table. They are enjoying their breakfast peacefully. This should be the most comfortable time for them.

Captain Yankee has finished his breakfast, a cup of honey tea, two pieces of bread, and some honey and cream on it. This kind of thing is very high in calories. Yueshi at the back had already brought everything he could provide. Eggs, honey, milk, this may be their last delicious thing. Behind is the town. Whether they can hold here, Yan Ke is very unsure, because they are facing Karachi people, their number is very large, and their number is already less than one thousand five, facing such an absolute superior force. Yang Kee really didn't know what to say.

"Sir, the opposing position is very peaceful, which makes me very worried." The sergeant put down his telescope and said to Captain Yankee. He is the duty officer today. The sergeant leads a platoon, and there are only eleven personnel in a platoon. The battle attrition is too severe.

"Okay. Hurry up and eat something. The opposite is so calm, I feel that there will be an extremely fierce battle today. Such a battle will make all of us feel very nervous." Captain Yan Kee said.

"Yes. Sir. However, sir, the Karachi people have become very strange. They seem to have assembled their forces since yesterday. They should have launched an attack yesterday, but they did not launch an attack, as if waiting for something?" The sergeant was strange. Speaking of.

"Okay. I see. Hurry up and eat something, maybe we will have a fierce battle today." Captain Yankee said. He didn't know if the Yue people could hold here, their number was already very small. Many companies are all burned out. In the absence of people, sticking to such a place is an extremely heavy blow to them, which is an unacceptable situation for them. This will make them extremely crazy.

The people in Karachi opposite, their breakfast is relatively simple. A cup of tea is the worst kind of tea. This is the tea purchased by the military, and it is black tea. Originally, this kind of tea needs to be added with some sugar, but the price of sugar is very expensive. The military can only buy a small amount of sugar. Such sugar can only be provided to officers, and ordinary soldiers cannot get such things at all. Only some veterans will find a way to steal, because they are not willing to follow the rules at all, because if they follow the rules, they cannot get it. Such things, therefore, only by stealing can they get such good things.

Therefore, Karachi soldiers can only drink the worst tea. This tea is very bitter, and the biscuits distributed to them are too dry and hard. It is not bad with this tea water. People like sergeants can still make it. There were some eggs, and many soldiers couldn't eat such things at all. They could only eat a few poor biscuits in their hands and never had them.

Meng Hao hid far away, because the entire trench was filled with Karachi feces and the smell of urine was very pungent, and Karachi soldiers ate their breakfast in this environment. Many people may not be able to eat anymore. The Karachi army is only suitable for defense. If they are allowed to launch an offensive, the soldiers in the entire barracks may initiate mutiny. It is really not easy for them to persist until now.

"Eat it?" A Karachi lieutenant invited Meng Hao. Their breakfast is quite rich. The black tea with brown sugar is still steaming. It is a pity that he is holding a used tin box. There were also some biscuits with fried eggs on them, which looked very appetizing, but Meng Hao was extremely disgusting.

"No. I'm not hungry, I don't have an appetite." Meng Hao pinched his nose and left here. The soldiers were going to the toilet collectively, and the huge smell was blowing in the wind. In such an environment, the Karachi officer could still eat. Eating a hearty meal under such circumstances will also make him extremely nauseous.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." A dull emission sound came. Meng Hao was a little surprised at first, but soon he calmed down. This is the sound of mortars, which are said to come from the South Korean side, which is a batch of weapons aided by their motherland.

The Karachi people are in great difficulty. The Koreans only need to aid a batch of weapons to dismantle those huge fortresses. The artillery was collectively opposed by the Karachi nobles, because they feared that once the Yue people were killed, they would be unable to defend themselves. . In this regard, they resolutely dismantled such weapons and equipment. The safety they needed. In desperation, they could only ask the Koreans to provide a batch of weapons. The Korean government sent some outdated mortars that were about to be scrapped to the Karachi people. To show their assistance, they also gave some problematic submachine guns, which made the Karachi people feel pretty good, at least they thought it would make their condition better.

The artillery, regardless of whether the infantry had finished their meal or not, they immediately began the artillery attack. "Boom. Boom. Boom." The artillery gun made a dull sound, and then the offensive battle began.

"Swish." Cannonballs rang from the Yueshi people's position.

"Boom. Boom." The explosions kept coming, and many soldiers were caught off guard.

"Boom." A huge explosion came nearby, and Captain Yankee was lying on the ground, and there was a person in front of him.

"Okay, get up quickly. Let's go to the rear." Captain Yankee slapped the dirt on his body. They must leave here as soon as possible, and then launch a counterattack. They have always maintained their offense like this. If the Karachi people are suddenly charged If you come here, the possibility of being killed here is very high. And unprepared.

But Captain Yankee stopped talking soon. Because the man in front had been blown up, he had closed his eyes. The facial expression still looked very painful, obviously this situation made him feel very uncomfortable. His lower body has been blown up.

"Damn it." After Captain Yankee cursed, he left here quickly. The other party is shelling, and he can't drag the corpse back at all. Otherwise, his situation will be bad.

"I feel that we may lose our ground today." In a quiet little corner. Yan Kee said this to a corporal. The corporal looked at his chief, he didn't know what the chief meant to him.

"Take care." Captain Yankee said. The corporal felt very inexplicable. Sometimes he himself didn't know why his chief did this. What's the point of doing this?

The Karachi shelling soon ceased. They won't have too many shells to spend on this, because these shells will greatly consume their funds, which is definitely an unacceptable thing for them.

"Pay attention, the Karachi attacked." Captain Yankee shouted loudly. Everyone prepared carefully. They set the bayonet carefully. At the same time, their bullets were carefully loaded and the bolt was pulled. They had to counterattack. It is good to be able to kill some people from a long distance, and more people are. Holding a grenade. They are ready to throw. Whenever they see the Karachi people, they will rush over.

"Wow." Karachi soldiers were urged to get out of their trenches, and they lowered their bodies as much as possible to launch an attack. In this way, you can ensure that they will not be killed by those bullets.

"Be careful, don't make any noise, hurry, hurry." The officer urged quietly. The sound is quick and stern, which makes people feel very uncomfortable, but they are still moving forward, with less than two hundred meters of attacking distance. For them, it may have been a long time because they are experiencing The distance between life and death, such a distance, is very uncomfortable for them. This will cause them extremely heavy losses.

Soon, they jumped into the trenches. In the trenches, there was no Yueshi, and the Yueshi soldiers at the last observation post were all withdrawn. They will only appear when they launch a counterattack.

"Damn, there is no Yueshi." A Karachi soldier said with a submachine gun allotted to him. He doesn't know how powerful this thing is, but he knows that he must find those **** Yueshi people.

"Wow." More Karachi soldiers jumped into the trench. The officer carefully arranged the soldiers to defend themselves. The soldiers also looked around nervously. It was quiet, too quiet. There were also the bodies of Yue soldiers who were too late to be dragged away on the ground. They were all killed by bombing.

"Bang." There was a gunshot, and the soldier holding the submachine gun was shot to death. The bullet hit the head directly. Died quickly. Even if it was too late to feel pain, the soldier was killed.

"Boom. Boom." They threw the grenade before they could react. Then there was an explosion. Some soldiers yelled and shrapnel hit them. Many soldiers panicked, and they became panicked.

"Yue, Yue's people." The soldier shouted. They pulled the bolt in a panic. But the best weapon at this time is the bayonet.

"Puff puff." The bayonet had already penetrated into their bodies, and many people fell to the ground before feeling pain. The butts of the rifle, the bayonet, and the soldiers on both sides quickly fought together, and there was fighting everywhere in the trench. Officers and soldiers were killed before they could react. The entire battlefield looks so crazy, crazy to make everyone feel that they are in the slaughterhouse, the smell of blood is quite strong, because the two sides have launched extremely bloody, fierce hand-to-hand combat, many corpses fell in the trenches, fighting on the corpses Carried on.

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