Golden Beach, not long after the morning sun rises, there is still some mist on the sea that has not dispersed, but when the sun rises to a certain height, the fog will gradually disperse.

"One day has passed, sir." A corporal brought a cup of tea with brown sugar, and the tea was still steaming like a mist in the morning.

"Well. One day has passed. I can finally get a good night's sleep. Nothing happened all night." The second lieutenant is an officer on duty. Although the captain has repeatedly emphasized that there is no accident, the **** veterans have emphasized that something is abnormal these days. The Koreans may land here. They gave examples of many reasons, such as tides, gunboat reconnaissance, and the frequency of Korean activities, etc., all of which are in secret. This shows that Koreans may choose to log in here. But their chief disagreed. They think this is a routine reconnaissance, and they don't need to make a fuss. Such things are already very common.

"Okay. I'll try the bread you made. Have a cup of tea and a cup of bread. It's good. It can warm my stomach." As the ensign said, he picked up the bread made by the corporal and ate it. Long ago all the soldiers were hungry. After all, they stayed there all night. For them, such a thing is still relatively unacceptable. The corporal was a baking master before he became a soldier and had his own shop, but the country recruited him and he could only let his son replace him. Fortunately, there is something he is willing to do in the army. If possible, he might open a shop here. In this way, he can do a lot of things.

"Yeah. Very good. It tastes good." The ensign said while eating the bread. He took a sip of tea, which made his body feel much warmer.

"Okay. Let's take a look again, and then see if the **** Koreans are here." As he said, the ensign committed the teacup in his hand and picked up his binoculars to look. Soon, he put down the telescope in his hand and wiped his eyes. He suspected that his eyes were misreading. Or, I was confused all of a sudden. In short, what he thought was impossible happened.

"Damn it. Alert, alert." The ensign yelled. The corporal didn't know what was going on. At this time, they looked outside and scared them. I don't know when, there were gunboats, it seems that they can see the other party's artillery aiming at them.

"Boom boom boom." There was a dull sound of thunder, which only the veterans knew, it was not a ghost sound of thunder at all, it was shelling.

"Lie down. Hurry up, fall down." A sergeant shouted loudly. Just after shouting, the shells swiftly attacked. This is the real war.

"Boom. Boom. Bang." The artillery shells kept exploding beside them, and the alarm was no longer sounded. Because many Yueshi Barracks have exploded. Many soldiers were killed in their sleep. They are not bad, at least they were not killed by the shells.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Rumble of cannons kept coming. The Marine Corps soldiers continue to get off the merchant ships. They board the small boats, and then slide the small boats to move forward. Landing operations are a professional tactical field, but South Korea still uses small boats to land. There is no special landing. Ships, Marine Corps soldiers need to keep sliding oars to get to the shore, which greatly consumes their physical strength, which is for them. This is definitely not a good thing. Because this will greatly consume the physical strength of the soldiers before landing, not only that, the number of soldiers carried by the boat is very limited, which requires a large number of ships, and a small boat that can hold eight fully armed soldiers is already a very endurable limit. Thing up. If there is more, they really suspect that the boat will collapse. Moreover, the carrying capacity of the boat is very limited, and it can only deliver a very limited force in one shipment. This is extremely detrimental to the tactics and the development of the battle.

It can be said that any professional technology will restrict such things from happening. This puts them in an extremely passive state.

"Everyone, after going ashore, quickly step forward, look for shelter, and then enter the state of battle. Observe the surrounding situation, and then we choose to break through." Captain Song Fei said in his boat. He is carrying a submachine gun, which is their fastest weapon, which is equivalent to strengthening a machine gun, but the range is very limited. Fortunately, the rate of fire is very fast, which is good enough for them. Because such weapons can greatly help them to shoot.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. After going up, follow me closely, the firepower coverage will provide good firepower support, don't worry, don't be nervous. Understand?" Captain Song Fei said. Sergeant Zhu Qing on the side looked at the situation indifferently. Second-class soldier Zhu Er was a little nervous. He kept sweating on his palms, and his rifle was covered with sweat. If sea water came over from time to time, he might be given to him by himself. It's so nervous. Fortunately, this situation will not last too long, but his face is not good, it looks like he has not slept well.

Many recruits kept paddling the oars and the boat kept moving forward as they approached the coast. The sound of the cannon has stopped. In order to avoid being hit by their own artillery, they can only stop shooting, but this is already their maximum ability to provide firepower. They shot for half an hour, which should clear the firepower of the Yueshi people.

On the Yueshi position, the ensign slowly got up. His head hurts a bit. It may be caused by shelling. Fortunately, the caliber of the artillery is small, but the shooting time is long, many times. This will make them unbearable.

"Get up, get up." The second lieutenant pushed the corporal next to him. The corporal gave him tea and bread. He was a good baker, but he didn't respond for a long time. The sergeant also got up. He found his weapon, and some people got up, but the situation in the trench was not very good. Two corpses with broken bodies were in the trench. Unfortunately, the shells hit there, a poor one. The hapless guy became the best target.

"Damn it." The second lieutenant pushed the corporal, his body turned, and he saw his face. A larger single chip directly hit the opponent's face, and the entire face was sunk. The soil is mixed with blood, making him look terrible. The second lieutenant could only curse such a sentence, but what else could he do? Nothing can be done. This is the most **** thing.

"Damn it." The second lieutenant stood up helplessly and entered his combat position. The situation of the reinforcements coming from the rear was not very good. The original strength of a platoon was only a little more than a squad. Many people were caught in their sleep It was blown to death.

"Sir, we have few people. Korean shelling hit our fortifications. Many of the fortifications were filled with people. On the **** second squad position, there were people who took a shower in the morning. As a result, the entire squad was gone. There is a shortage of people. There are less than forty people. The situation is very bad for us.” The sergeant quickly counted the number of people. The bad situation made him feel very helpless, because many places were short of people, and many people were killed. . At this time, the Koreans are leaning over.

"Damn it, go to the back, go to the sergeant behind, let him think of a way. Hurry up." The ensign didn't know what to do at this time. He can only go to his commander, let him think of a way, maybe he can get some reinforcements, which is very important to them. They need so many reinforcements, without these, they would be unable to do anything. This is really a **** war.

"Bang. Bang." Just then. Gunshots were heard from the Yueshi position, and some soldiers opened fire without authorization because they saw the Koreans coming. They were so nervous that they were able to fire their rifles in this situation. This was really an amazing move.

"Damn it, who fired the gun." The ensign scolded. They should let the Koreans get as close as possible. At the same time, they are now in a state of preparation, but the situation is that his men fired without authorization. This gave the Koreans time to react. The bullet did not hit them. In many cases, they did not have the possibility of hitting each other.

"Run. Hurry, hurry forward." On the beach, Captain Seinfeld was holding Private Zhu Er, his body stiff and unable to move. Sergeant Zhu Qing went up to the other side's buttocks. Zhu Er's condition was better at this time, but he was dragged a long distance by Captain Seinfeld. They found a stone as their temporary shelter.

"How is the situation?" Captain Seinfeld checked the condition of his guns and ammunition. Moreover, everything worked. They jumped off when their ship didn't dock. The condition of the privates is not very good. His rifle got water. Unfortunately, his backpack was also lost. Maybe when he jumped off the boat, he was gone.

"The Yueshi people are in very bad condition. Their shooting is very sporadic. It seems that our shelling is very effective. At least they have become very chaotic. Look at the sir, their gunshots are not many. This shows that , Our situation is very favorable." The sergeant said.

"Very good. Taking advantage of their sporadic shooting, break through from the flank. Go, follow me. We must occupy the beachhead." The captain said and took the sergeant and left. The second class reluctantly followed behind, he put a bayonet on his rifle, and his rifle stopped firing. The sand blocked his barrel, it was difficult for him to get it out, and the bullets in the magazine couldn't get out. This was the most **** thing. His rifle could only be used with a bayonet.

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