The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3473: Reduce oil costs

"Such an assault class destroyer does seem to be very powerful, but in terms of speed, I don't think this advantage is great. We must find a way to make up for such shortcomings." A navy lieutenant colonel said worriedly. They are very clear that the Navy's technical requirements, if there are not so many technologies, it would be a huge disaster for them.

"We understand this, but such a destroyer is only temporary. After all, we still have a new warship to be launched. It must be a cruiser." An engineer assistant explained. For naval personnel, no matter how you change the destroyer, the tonnage is always lower than the opponent. This is the gap in the weight class, and this gap cannot be completely changed by changing the performance of one or two weapons.

"We understand this. However, the threat of cruisers still exists. We can't see the major role of a mine and ignore this. We must face such a situation." A navy colonel said.

They also know that destroyers alone are not enough. They also need some large surface ships such as cruisers to ensure their safety, but such things can't be done so easily. In fact, there are still many things they need to change by themselves. The idea of ​​engineers is to change tactical changes through technical equivalence, while the idea of ​​military officers is that they hope that changes in the technical side can change this tactical change. This is a kind of differentiated dependence, but Very effective.

After all, a small technological weapon change can indeed bring about a big tactical accident. If this kind of accident can continue to develop, it is bound to be very beneficial to them. This is a result they thought of. They are in an extremely advantageous state, and this state is what they hope most.

The Qingcheng Weapons Research Institute, the submarine team, and more and more technical backbones began to join in. They solved some specific technical problems. These technical problems allowed them to let the submarine enter the actual combat more, but it is not currently possible.

"The submarine cannot use a steam engine because it is too big. This obviously does not meet the space requirements of the submarine, because the current space of the submarine is very narrow, if a large amount of coal is stored. In that case, everyone will be burned to death. Moreover, the steam engine needs a lot of oxygen. It may be good to sail out of the water, but if you think about it, if you let them dive, it's a deadly rhythm." said a young engineer. He is an international student returning from the State of Qin. He has a great advantage in technology. Everyone knows this.

"Of course. What kind of technology do we have to use to make the submarine sail?" a middle-aged man asked. He also knew that the use of steam engines in submarines is simply unrealistic. They have done experiments like this. After diving, the high temperature will put everyone in an extremely dangerous state. In addition, the oxygen itself is not enough. Steam engine, that is the rhythm of suicide. Therefore, they quickly gave up the steam engine, but the use of diesel engines, and gasoline engines are also not acceptable, the reason is very simple. Because they also consume oxygen underwater, without oxygen, submarine personnel are extremely dangerous. This is for them. It is simply the most terrible rhythm, which will make everyone feel very broken.

"It's also not possible to use diesel engines. We have done relevant experiments. This will make us hypoxic and commit suicide." The middle-aged man said.

"Using electricity, using electric motors, in this way, we can sail underwater. My suggestion is to use diesel and electric hybrid mode to sail, diesel engine drive, charge at the same time, and then dive and sail using electric drive. In this case, we You can maintain the submarine's sailing state underwater. This may be the only way for us." The young engineer put forward his own idea.

"Hybrid?" the middle-aged man looked at the young man and asked.

"Yes. This is a kind of complementary power. Simply relying on electric drive, it is impossible to sail far. Once there is not enough electric power, the condition of our submarine will be very bad, but the same problem is for us. It is also very important. We need to solve this problem ourselves." The young man said.

"This requires some charging technology to solve it. Such technology is still difficult for South Korea. I heard that it seems that the people of Qin have such technology." The middle-aged man said. The reason why they did not think of such a hybrid model is that they lack a certain technical understanding. If they know these technologies, they can do it. But the premise is that they must do this themselves. Now that they know this, they need to solve this problem.

"This is not difficult. We can only import such technology from Qin. I know that there is a technology company that can do this. We can buy their technology, or capitalize on shares. They lack capital, but they have technology , We can complete such complementarity through financial and technical transactions, which is very beneficial to us." The young man said.

"Okay. Just follow your idea, we need such bold technicians to do this kind of thing." The middle-aged man nodded and said. He just accepts this. After all, such technology is a very important point for them.

Inside the Qin State Staff Headquarters.

Wang Ben is watching the strategic posture on the Yueshi sand table. Yang Duanhe is commanding personnel to make final adjustments. They changed some changes on the battlefield based on the telegrams of all parties.

"The situation of the Karachi people has become extremely dangerous." Wang Ben said, looking at the situation of the sand table.

"Yes. But the Karachi people don't even retreat. I really don't know why they are so persistent. Do they think they can hold on there? I don't think it's possible." Yang Duanhe also had the same view.

"The significance of the volunteers in the north is not great. They were dismantled and dispersed by the Yueshi. Part of the force was used for frontal resistance and part for flank harassment. This can only temporarily halt the Karachi offensive, but The Karachi people still haven't suffered a great threat. For them, the situation has not changed much, and the meaning is still the same." Yang Duanhe said.

"I agree with this point, but the current situation does not seem to be able to change much." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yes, but the change lies in the south. I heard that the Zhao people gave their armored vehicles to the Yueshi people, and the Koreans and Chu people also savvyly sold their weapons to the Yueshi people, the equipment of the Yueshi people. Suddenly rose to a new level. The most important thing was the Zhao Guoren’s mobile unit. They became a Yueshi assault group. They would come on behind the Karachi people. In that case, the Karachi people The collapse will not be far away. This is a huge disaster for the Karachi people." Wang Jian saw this very veteran, because from the perspective of technology, military strength, and strategic situation, there is undoubtedly the most beneficial point for the other party. . He also agreed with this point. After all, such a thing is still very clear to them.

"But we still need some time. Only in this way can they make a big change." Yang Duanhe said. Wang Jian nodded in agreement. Time, only time can tell.

Port Seth. The United Petroleum Corporation not only controls the nearby, and most of the surrounding oilfields, but they also go deep into port construction and oil output.

"We not only need a large number of cruise ships, but also a large number of pipelines. Have you heard? Oil should be transported through pipelines to achieve this goal. The largest oil consumer is Qin, and our attention should be satisfied as much as possible. Because of the needs of the Qin State, a large number of merchant ships must be quickly loaded and unloaded here. The use of pipeline transportation and professional tanker transportation will speed up the production and transportation of oil, so that everyone can use oil." Zhang You looked at Said his own directors. A large part of them came from the Qin State Bank. Without the support of these Qin State Bank and consortium, he could not do this at all. First of all, it would be difficult to complete the financial support.

"We very much agree with this." A representative of the Qin financial group said first. Everyone understands Zhang You's ambitions. This guy is a very ambitious guy. And it has the means, they have all heard of it. This guy may have a close relationship with a criminal group. It can be said that all oil-related murders, threats, intimidation, and kidnappings are almost all related to him. His shadow is evil, and this is just a human Invisible shortcomings.

For these bankers and consortia, they can bring enough profits. This is what they most hope to see. As long as this can be guaranteed, it is enough.

"But the problem is that it requires a lot of funds to do this. We don't know exactly what kind of solution the chairman will have to solve this problem." said the representative. He did not doubt, but felt that he should reveal something.

"It's very simple. Participating in it, we saw the situation of the Yue's civil war. The Yue people are suffering a great deal. Karachi people, Yue people, from us, arrived in Karachi, less than a thousand nautical miles away, ships Fast sailing, seven days and seven nights can always be reached, if there, a series of pipeline transportation to the north of Qin State, and then a huge pipeline transportation is built again. If the oil refinery, the situation will be very beneficial to us." Zhang Oil said so.

This is an extremely crazy plan, and the directors present will be afraid of such a crazy plan, and they find it difficult to complete.

"As we all know, we have controlled a large area that is easy to produce. Our refining technology is not very developed. But our quantity is very large. At the beginning, we still need to sell our crude oil in exchange for a large amount of capital. For future development, It is the development of oil refineries, because the future is inseparable from oil. Everyone has seen this." Zhang You said excitedly. He has come out of the first stage of monopoly. Controls a large number of oil producing areas, but his advantage is still very unobvious.

"Our oil extraction cost is very low, but the oil transportation cost is high. We need to ship, leave Seth Bay, arrive at Karachi, and then transport it to Qin through the pipeline. After two years of development, we have a large number of After the accumulation of funds, we will enter the oil refining industry again." Zhang You said of his plan.

The directors present are quite supportive, but the question is, Yueshi and Karachi are fighting, can such a thing be accomplished? If the war continues, their investment may take up a larger sum of funds.

"I think from a cautious point of view, we should unite the government to do such a thing. After all, it is difficult for us to get strong support without them. We are just businessmen. It is for us to do such a thing. It seems to have exceeded our expectations." Some directors said.

"Yes, your opinions are very precious. I accept this, but we should be supported by such a determination," the other party said. Many people agree. They feel that such a thing should indeed be supported.

United Petroleum's situation is still not very optimistic. The main pressure comes from the oil on Zhang Yidao. In contrast, Zhang Yidao's oil development is very simple, but very scattered. Not only that, they have their own advantages. They are closer to oil producing areas and oil consuming areas. Not far away is Zhang Xiong Island, where there are a large number of transshipment ships, and ship transportation is not a problem. Then a large number of ships loaded quite a lot of petroleum products and transported them to the north, and an oil pipeline has been laid. They can greatly meet Qin's oil demand, which allows them to make a lot of profit in oil costs. In contrast, Port Seth has a lot of oil production, but they do not have the advantage of transportation conditions. In contrast, their large expenditures are concentrated on oil transportation, which makes their costs invisibly higher. Many, this is extremely unfavorable to them. What they have to do is to change this unfavorable situation, because only by changing the shortcomings in oil transportation can their oil production rise steadily, and at the same time , Let them reduce costs and increase profits, only in this way can they compete with their opponents. This is a consensus reached by everyone.

Therefore, Zhang You will put the next goal on Yueshi and Karachi, because there is the shortest distance of the oil pipeline, and there will speed up to enter the Qin State, which is the best place for them. This requires them to implement such a plan as soon as possible.

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