The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3493: Akka's work

"Do you want to work in leather processing?" A professional agency asked Aka loudly. His voice was loud and it sounded very uncomfortable. But Aka needs such a job because he feels it. This is what you need to do to live in a big city.

"Fuck. I do." Aka said. Then he was taken away by a man who looked fat. In contrast, he looks very thin. Akka is a retired soldier in Champus. In fact, in addition to maintaining the two necessary border infantry regiments, most of the troops of the Champa Army have been disbanded. At the beginning, the Koreans also arranged work for them, repairing roads, strengthening railways, and building railways and other projects. Among them, they were also responsible for building some fortifications. They built a lot of field fortifications along the old border between Indi and Champa. But soon, some of them were released from active service, and then they stopped taking care of their work. Up. Just like that, after working for a while. Batches of people began to be relieved. Finally arrived at Akka.

In desperation, Akka had no choice but to come to Bangla to see if there was a suitable job. The city looked very good, but in the suburbs of the city, life there was very bad. A large number of shanty towns appear there. It is the area where all the poor and the laborers who provide cheap labor live. There is no sewage equipment and no tap water. To drink a glass of water, you need to travel a long way to get water. , The air is filled with a pungent toilet smell. And under this kind of taste, they still have to eat and sleep, and some people may live there all their lives, and their lives are extremely miserable. Even the trenches they dug were not as good as the trenches they dug, because he saw that the whole family lived with mice.

But the city is like heaven. The roads are clean, people come to clean it every day, and there are people who are constantly cleaning up. Those people are people from slums, and their homes have no clean roads. This is such a life.

There are still many people like him, but they look hopeless, or that they have lost their passion for life, they have become extremely numb, it looks like a group of people who can’t do anything. Of the dead.

Before arriving at the leather factory, the pungent smell came over all of a sudden. The foul smell, sulfur smell, and acid smell made Aka's nose feel very uncomfortable. He wanted to leave here, but there were overseers behind. Obviously, since you chose Come here, there is no reason to leave. Several people with the same idea wanted to leave here, but soon they came in again. The overseer beat them severely, and they came here with their injuries. Aka knew that he could not beat them, so he could only come here to work, even though he was reluctant. But you have to do it. Because you want to live.

The leather factory mainly produces some primary processed products, leather. These leathers are mainly sold to South Korea. South Korea sends them to other countries, such as Qin. Of course, the quantity is only a small number, because Qin Guohui inspects the quality of leather and uses a large amount of poisonous leather. Chemical manufacturing, such as chromium salts, strong acids, these things have large residues. Then there are other countries, such as countries like Zhao, Yan, and Goguryeo. Many of them love weakness. Women need some bags, and men need more wallets, leather bags, and so on. This is market demand. These chemicals are also very harmful to the workers here, but they don't have any anti-virus measures. Aka saw that some people's hands have been severely burned, but they are still working. The factory owner will crush everyone here to death. Because this is the only way. They can get more labor compensation.

In addition to these, the pollution here is very problematic. There is a small river nearby. The river used to have fish and shrimps. Of course, people can bathe in the river, but now that river has become a pumping river. There are no signs of living creatures. The pollution is extremely serious. There are no people living nearby. It seems that the environment here is even more polluted than the slums.

"Pollution. Just kidding, if we control pollution, how many people will not have enough to eat, they have no jobs, and a large number of people will enter here every day. They rely on the work of those polluting factories to support themselves. If we close them, It is not how much we lost, but how many people starved to death. They should thank us instead of accusing us of pollution." A Meng La member said to a South Korean reporter without shame. Such reports are strictly prohibited by the South Korean authorities from being published in newspapers. Of course, reporters can ask some MPs, and when faced with reporters' questions, MPs use these words to silence the other party. Members are right. Many people still hope to make a fortune from working in factories, but they don't know that those factories will crush them to death.

But workers need to live, and they need money to survive. If they have money, they can buy more goods, food, clothing, and use. Only in this way can they live on. Otherwise, everything is negligible.

In order to develop the local economy, they can only sacrifice the interests of some people to achieve this goal. For the economy, they will sacrifice some of the physical and mental health of the workers because they will be squeezed to the extreme. At the same time, for the economy, they will sacrifice some of the environment, such as , Pollution, and some boiler factories. In order to obtain greater economic benefits, they use cheap coal that contains sulfides. There are coughing people everywhere, and there are many respiratory patients, but they can survive very well. This is what they are going to do. They care about how much economic benefits they can, not how long these people can live. This is a very **** logic, but this logic has the upper hand. Mengla and Zhanpu are developing in this way. Their speed becomes faster and faster, and the faster, the greater the harm.

The Koguryo naval cruiser, Changbaishan, and two frigates were escorting a twelve-ship merchant fleet. Koguryo was accidentally sunk. The investigation report of the Koguryo Navy showed that they had not noticed the existence of mines, of course. It is impossible for them to find a mine. Goguryeo was very annoyed. They could only end the investigation with the word "unlucky", but their navy personnel needed to quickly add more personnel. Because the Qi state promised to add a lot of cruisers to them in a short time. They don't know exactly what kind of cruiser he is, but it is a good thing to have warships to add. Therefore, many Goguryeo navies still want this to happen. After all, it is a cruiser.

In order to train more manpower, the cruiser Changbaishan was divided into five groups of naval combat personnel for training. They had 15 days of combat time to familiarize themselves with the cruiser's operations. However, the Qi State Navy is extremely opposed to this, because for 15 days, even a genius cannot be familiar with all the equipment at such a fast speed. Doing so will only put all personnel at a lower level, but Goguryeo thinks , They can make up for everything if they have a quantitative advantage.

"Pay attention to the surrounding situation. If we accidentally fail to notice the target, we will be dead." Captain Li Ding said. He is an officer of the Goguryeo navy. His task is to observe the target and find the target. Of course, he has a group of subordinates who are also responsible for this kind of thing. When fighting, they also mark the target and provide the artillery command platform on it. They calculate the distance, the bearing, the density of the artillery, and shoot. In short, they are all very complicated things, but they have to cooperate to complete such things.

"Yes, sir, I see." Li Fang took a telescope to check the surroundings. There was nothing on the sea. The Koguryo cruiser was not equipped with seaplanes, and there were no other ships involved in related reconnaissance missions. The range of artillery can reach ten kilometers, but the real combat distance is mostly within five kilometers, and some strike within two kilometers. In fact, such operations still cannot widen the combat distance of ships. Navy personnel of all countries are paying attention to the power of artillery, but they have ignored the role of reconnaissance.

"Six o'clock direction. Two unknown ships. Six o'clock direction." Sergeant Li Fang shouted loudly. Li Ding quickly noticed, and then picked up the binoculars to check the situation. The binoculars still couldn't see what kind of ship the opponent was. It might be a battleship or just a merchant ship. In short, the situation was all. In order to be safe, they sounded the battle alarm. All personnel enter the combat position, all personnel enter the battle. This is very important to them.

At six o'clock, the four assault-class destroyers that were added to Jeju Island from South Korea were sailing. They also spotted the Goguryeo cruiser in their twelve o'clock direction. Because the cruiser had a large target, they quickly spotted it. The existence of the other party.

"Battle formation, close up." The Jeju pirates and South Korean naval advisers quickly chose the offensive formation because they didn't need to be afraid. According to their understanding, the opponent had only one cruiser, and they had four. Although they differ a lot in tonnage, the overall tonnage is more than that of the opponent. Not only that, but the number of artillery is also more than that of the opponent. An encounter battle broke out like this.

Jeju pirates are never afraid of fighting, and they are not afraid of other ideas from the other side. In short, they are not afraid of fighting, which has caused great damage to them, because the Goguryeo Navy has only one cruiser, and the combat power of the frigate is too weak. You don't need to think about it at all. This is a fierce battle.

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