The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3631: Additional war money

Seth, the king’s headquarters.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, good news, our main force has cut off the supply line of the First Army, and there is still a gap currently being blocked. In this case, we will even completely surround the First Army." The Chief of Staff was excited. Take the telegram and report it to the king. After reading the telegram coldly, the king just nodded. It seems that the king is very calm. In fact, he is very excited in his heart. This is a rare victory. This victory came so suddenly that it was difficult for him to accept such a fact.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we have completely blocked the retreat of the First Army. The three infantry battalions we have mobilized have arrived here. We can launch a small-scale counterattack appropriately and hit the enemy hard." Zhao Rui said Come in and report to the time. They are all holding the telegram they just got. But it's all good news. The king nodded, expressing lightness. This kind of relaxation eased his tight nerves at once, which made him look a little tired, but fortunately he could still accept such things.

"Okay. Great. We have to follow the plan. We must never allow the First Army to react in order to reduce the pressure on our troops." The king continued. The chief of staff nodded and said that he was going to do this. He deliberately left Zhao Rui. He was the king's confidant, and only they could discuss things that would be conducive to the transformation of the Kingdom of Seth.

"However, your majesty, the situation is still unfavorable to us. First, our troops are a little tired and unlikely to attack immediately. Secondly, our ammunition supplies are running low. I thought we could get some from the First Army. Supplement, but the result is that we only found a large number of supplies, that is, food, blankets and other things, only a small part of ammunition, which can not meet our offensive needs. Finally, we need to adjust our troops, otherwise, In the next siege, they will consume all their energy. And our strength is still in a disadvantageous state. It will take some time to consume most of the opponent's strength with a few troops." Zhao Rui Speaking of this.

"Well. What's the next plan?" the king asked at this time.

"Siege, waiting for them to surrender, we occupied their logistics supply center, they lacked a lot of food, waiting for them to run out of the last moment, I think, we can get the victory. But it needs to last longer, and at the same time We must guard against the arrival of the opponent's reinforcements." Zhao Rui said.

"Well, let's do this, but don't worry about other things. I will find a way to mobilize troops for you from other places. There are still parts of the empire that have been liberated." The king said.

"There is one more thing, Your Majesty, I do not recommend killing those prisoners of war. We still need them to do a lot of things. I have seen many officers report that they often pursued the Second Group and encircled the First Army in combat operations. There are activities to kill prisoners of war. I think we should strengthen control in this area. Otherwise, it will aggravate the pessimism of prisoners of war. Under such a mood, they may be contagious. If they continue to resist If we continue, we will continue to increase casualties." Zhao Rui said. Although he is not sure why, Qin’s medical research shows that people who are depressed, Qin has not regarded depression as a kind of mental illness. They just think that depression, pessimism, to a certain extent, will Causes another kind of thing to happen. For example, a person who is severely depressed cannot be depressed all the time. For example, the depressed person will choose to commit suicide to end his life, but this is only part of it, and there is another part, and will choose to kill To vent their dissatisfaction, for example, some depressed people will brutally kill animals. In the same way, they will achieve the same goal through other criminal methods, for the same reason. In a desperate and depressive environment, this potential stimulation may be further stimulated. Zhao Rui does not want to stimulate the other party excessively, and Zhao Guoren has encountered the same situation. The shadow of the Changping War always affects Zhao Guoren's decision-making.

"I understand, I will take care of this matter." The king has received many similar reports. But how to deal with it makes the king feel very embarrassed. Because Seth’s new army needs those officers, especially young officers, but a large number of young officers come from the grassroots. The killing of officers from freedmen is the most serious because they feel that they are very humble, and these officers of the First Army, Most of the non-commissioned officers are wealthy people or people from the slave-owner class. Many of them were their slave owners. Although the other party did not know the existence of the other party, this caused the killing of the freedmen officers because only Kill them to prove that they are free. And these officers will force the free soldiers to execute these prisoners of war. This situation is real. This will happen in almost all infantry battalions.

The report in the hands of the king has fully demonstrated this, and if it is not stopped, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to them.

In Tummer's fifty-two infantry battalion, the soldiers are digging their own trenches, and at the same time their fortifications have to be completely built. This amount of work is still relatively large. But for them, this is understandable.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots were heard in the distance. All the soldiers looked at the gunfire alertly, and then they resumed their work. Tummer opened his canteen. This was captured by an officer of the First Army, but he didn't know the fate of that officer. What he knew was what those gunshots meant, meaning that at least one more person had been shot and killed. There may be two, or there may be many, because he has seen that an officer of the same rank as him madly made a row of prisoners of war stand tightly in a row. Then he took the rifle and shot at the opponent's head. The bullet penetrated the first person, then the bullet entered the next person, and then the next person, until the fourth person stopped. The fifth person's face was full of blood, his eyes were hit by shrapnel and fell down, he covered the blood-filled face and shouted loudly. Then he was bayoneted to end his life. Tummer believed that this was an extremely immoral behavior. The slaughter of unarmed prisoners of war did not prove how brave he was, but such things happened a lot. Just now, when they were digging the trenches, they also dug up a place where a large number of corpses were buried. There were at least a hundred corpses. This must be evidence of a collective massacre of prisoners of war by a certain unit. This happened many times. Tummer is just a junior officer, he still can't control this. The officers of other battalions hope to stimulate the potential of the soldiers through such killings. This makes Tummer very disgusted.

In Port Seth, a cargo ship docked slowly, while on the other side of the dock, a large number of weapons and equipment were being unloaded. And this ship is carrying armored vehicles, which are equipment such as tanks, but they need to be deployed slowly.

"Why is there an army here?" a crew member on the ship looked at the dock and asked strangely. Because he saw that it was not professional unloading workers who unloaded the goods, but soldiers. A group of soldiers were standing there in a neat queue. They seemed to be waiting for new orders. Then he saw that some goods were brought directly over. Open the box, the box is filled with rifles, they directly hold these rifles. The neatly arranged queue left, and then a new queue came in.

"Oh. There's a war here. This kind of thing is normal. This may be another group of new cannon fodder. It is estimated that their weapons will not be used yet. They will be given five bullets at most, some with bayonets, and some without bayonets, and then Desperately holding a rifle. A group of poor guys." said a docker who was in charge of guiding, shaking his head. In his opinion, these are a bunch of unlucky guys, and only unlucky things happen when they come here.

"This. This is too strange," said the sailor.

"What's this? If you see the results of the battle on the battlefield, you will understand. It is said that the two armies launched the offensive, but the recent battle report is very unfavorable. Maybe the two armies have already suffered a large-scale defeat. Anyway. It's definitely not a good thing, it's just a pity. These good equipment. Can their country sustain it?" said the dock worker. Then shook his head and left.

Outside Babylon, the soldiers' panic began to spread, and terrible rumors spread throughout the barracks.

Liang Bahe's sergeant walked with the baggage among these wounded soldiers and the First Army with serious defeat. They wanted to leave here, but as a result, they left too late. Perhaps it means that the opponent's movements are too fast. Before they had time to leave here, they were driven here by the opponent. The encirclement has been formed. They can't leave here. They can only find a solution to the group army command, maybe they can leave here. For example, send some airships to pick them up and leave. Or surrender directly, they should not embarrass them. After all, they are from the Central Plains. Here, the Central Plains is a symbol of noble status. Maybe you can leave here with these. However, they must first find the group army headquarters. Only in this way can they leave here smoothly. Otherwise, they will have a lot of trouble, which is not a good thing for them.

"What else are they talking about?" Liang Ba asked his sergeant. He knew some local languages. Liang Ba can only say some ordinary communication words, and his tone is still rather blunt, which makes people sound very uncomfortable. He seldom actively talks about such a thing to others, because doing so will be very angry.

"They already know the fact that they are surrounded. Moreover, some soldiers also said that the new army soldiers will kill many of them. There will be no good results in surrendering. It is best not to think like this. They will be completely destroyed now. Destroyed. No one came to rescue them. That's the general idea." The sergeant whispered from the side. Indeed, this is what these soldiers discussed. They are very worried about the safety of their lives, and there is nothing more worried than this.

"My God. How is Babylon City now?" Liang Ba asked at this time, perhaps he could get some answers from the soldiers.

"Very bad sir. Seth’s new army launched a new offensive. It is said that they have received more support from the north. They launched a wave of offensive. A palace area occupied yesterday has now been retaken. Not only that, but some areas were deported outside the city wall. They must have failed this time." The sergeant shook his head and said. He also obviously lost hope, because what he saw was that a lot of defeat was flooding here, and they had no hope unless the country could organize a group army again to rescue them, but is this possible? Liang Ba thinks this is unlikely, because this situation is so minimal that it seems unlikely to happen.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Department of War.

"The encirclement really formed." The undersecretary of the army said to the secretary of the army seriously. Although he was ready to accept such a thing, he still felt unacceptable when it really came.

"Okay. I see. Let's think of a way to implement our remedial plan. If they really lose the First Army, the situation will turn into a huge disaster for us and them," the Secretary of War. Speaking of.

"Let them rescue them and leave there immediately, it is a terrible disaster site." The Secretary of the Army said.

"But sir, the situation seems to be very bad for us. Based on the information we have received, they seem to have lost the best chance to counterattack, or that the forces in their hands are too tense. There is not that much. This situation is real. They can only form two infantry divisions at most, and the number of these two infantry divisions will not exceed 7,500. That is to say, we only have less than 20,000. People’s strength to rescue their First Army. Plus the materials to be transported, as well as recruits, the prospects.” The Army Undersecretary said worriedly.

"What do you mean?" the Secretary of the Army asked worriedly.

"We must let them break through as soon as possible, and at the same time, we must provide them with some effective supplies, otherwise, the whole situation will be completely out of control, and that situation will inevitably happen at that time." said the Army Deputy Chief. The Secretary of the Army looked at each other. He knew that this meant the beginning of a lot of consumption, which had to add war money.

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