The northern section of the Suez Canal, in the headquarters of the 3rd Speedboat Squadron of the Korean Navy.

"Sir, there is still no relevant news so far. We suspect that they may have lost such an opportunity. This is very bad news for us." The lieutenant came in anxiously and reported. And Li Shuang just shook his head, and then silently handed the other party a note with some crooked words on it. The most important thing is that the grammar is not clear, but the general meaning can be understood through a few key vocabulary. The above is to the effect that they have captured the unnamed South Korean navy personnel, and the speedboat has been sunk by them. If you want five South Korean navy personnel, the best way is to pay the ransom and they will release each other.

"This, this is a provocation. They are insulting the South Korean Navy." The lieutenant said after seeing it.

"Well, I know." Li Shuang said helplessly with his hands behind his back. The note was delivered by a local boy this morning. He said he would hand it over to their highest officer personally, so they knew such a thing. For them, everything had a result, and they finally knew why their speedboat had disappeared. They were ambushed, and five people were also caught, so their situation was completely passive. This is definitely not good news, it is the worst news for them.

"The problem is that now our strength is not enough to solve such a thing. We only rely on our squadron, or rely on the speedboats owned by the squadron. The worst thing is that we don’t even know our opponents, and we don’t know where to pay the ransom. We don’t know where, who, or where the attack was encountered. We don’t know at all. They are in the dark, but we don’t know anything. We have no way of starting," Li Shuang said helplessly.

"This." The lieutenant couldn't say anything. After all, there is nothing they can do about such a thing. They can beat each other, but first you must know where. Only in this way can you solve more problems. But now, they don’t know where the other party is. This For them, it is simply the worst thing.

"You see, that's the way things are, and there is nothing we can do. It seems that the only way is to report it to the top. We don't have to pay these ransoms at all." Li Shuang said. The occurrence of such a thing will definitely be detrimental to their third squadron, but they can only report it because it is beyond their ability. Trouble, a big trouble.

South Korea, Xinzheng and Han Shu are discussing matters related to the Seth negotiations with several cabinet members.

"My lord, you can't worry about negotiations. According to our observations, Seth seems to have retreated. They seem to have accepted our plan. In this way, the alliance's favorable conditions will be even more advanced." Said. Both the Alliance and Seth gathered in Port Seth for negotiations. As the intermediaries, Zhao Guoren and the Koreans attended the meeting, and the two sides continued to make some concessions. Under Zhao Guoren’s pressure, Seth had no intention to provoke For larger-scale operations, they have already begun military reforms. At this moment. They were unable to launch an offensive. Their staff gave a new strategic direction. North, where there may be sufficient oil resources, and a broader market. This is what Zhao people need, and it is also important for Seth people to solve the financial crisis. One way, in this case, they will solve all the problems more beneficially. For example, they have given up some land, but the bottom line is near the original border. If they are allowed to withdraw too much land, they will lose their sense of security.

"Well, I also think that those people in the alliance are too greedy, they can't fight, and they will make big shots at the negotiating table. This is really promising." Han Shu said disdainfully. The approach of the alliance makes Koreans feel shameless. In fact, the help of the negotiation comes from the alliance. Because the alliance is very greedy and hopes to occupy more land. Although they have already defeated the war, they have the support of Koreans and they can get more funding. In this way, they can regain their fighting capacity. This seems to be an easy task for them. They see On the weak side of Seth’s new army, they could not cope with the frenzied offensive of the two provinces, and the longer the delay, the more disadvantaged Seth’s side was, even though they had already failed. But they will also encounter the same threat, and this is the new situation they face.

"Master King." At this moment, Han Shu's assistant carefully stepped forward and handed in a new telegram. The assistant would only do this in an emergency, otherwise she would be severely reprimanded.

"Damn Carthaginians." The telegram came from the Admiralty. What happened in the Suez Canal suddenly changed all their plans. In this case, any of their actions would be a challenge to the South Korean Navy. They suffered heavy losses and made them feel very dissatisfied. What they have to do now is to change this situation and make a big change in their situation. Because Carthage has actually declared war.

Han Shu immediately handed the telegram in his hand to the surrounding ministers.

"The Carthaginians are too presumptuous. If we do not continue to control, our situation will be in a very unfavorable state, and we cannot let this kind of thing develop. This is extremely unfavorable to us. We must not watch this happen. The only solution is to defeat him and give them some severe punishment." Han Shu decided. It seems that she is angry, but the decisions made in an angry situation are usually very retaliatory.

"For the negotiations between the Seth people, immediately put pressure on the alliance and let them send troops to help us solve the Suez Canal Company. At the same time, we must actively defeat them. Otherwise, our situation will be extremely unfavorable, no matter what. , We must defeat them." Han Shu said. Now the Koreans have been completely angered by the Carthaginians. This makes their South Korean queen very angry, and the price of anger is very angry. That is revenge, crazy revenge for everything they did.

Zhao Guo, Handan, and Guo Kai looked helplessly at the negotiation report.

"These **** alliances, if they knew it a long time ago, should have killed them on the battlefield. They are more annoying than these nasty flies, a group of hateful people, a group of disgusting people." Guo Kai threw away the telegram in his hand in disgust. It seemed to him that he was holding a pile of **** in his hand, which seemed to him. Is the most disgusting thing.

Guo Kai is also greedy. He is also a greedy person. He likes smart people. Although he is greedy, he absolutely does not allow others to be greedy. This is the case in the world. Some greedy people are like this. They like to be greedy by themselves but others cannot. The alliance is obviously the person Guo Kai hates.

"However, Prime Minister, if we do not make concessions, the construction of Seth will not be able to start. We must make such a concession. Although we have made concessions today, we will get more land and more in the future. They will pay the price for today’s greed.” The Foreign Minister said. He knows that what Zhao Guo needs is the market and the transfer of old industrial industries. This is the most important thing. Profit is more important than anything else.

"No, these **** alliance people, they are simply a group of greedy pigs. You indulge them, the more greedy they become, I know them too well. They are just a group of guys who never get enough to eat." Guo Kai cursed. He knows more about greed than anyone, because he is more greedy than anyone, so at this time, he should take the tough side, such as resolutely not giving in. This may be one of the best ways to stop greed, nothing else.

"This." The Minister of Foreign Affairs believes that the overall situation should be the most important at this time, and it must not be caused by some small temperament to cause such unfavorable developments. This is an extremely unfavorable situation. If this situation occurs, it means that they will lose. Too much money. This is not a good thing for investment, but Guo Kai doesn't care about this. What he cares about is his own opinion, and he thinks those in the alliance are too greedy.

"No, that's it, stop talking. If we continue to give in, they will be more greedy. Did we win the battle? Finally, we have to give Babylon to them, and they will be greedy. Greed will make them pay. At a heavy price, I can guarantee that they will definitely pay the price." Guo Kai said. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is not in a further dispute. Things have happened like this. There is no point in arguing any more.

"Okay. Prime Minister, I will do this," the other party said.

South Korea, Xinzheng, today’s newspapers are very plain, but the sales volume of a tabloid has increased a lot, because they specialize in gossip, most of the news is not too true, but they are good at figuring out, so they can Let them say the same. A piece of news that attracted the attention of many people was that their navy had suffered a certain loss, and this loss came from Carthage, which made many people feel very angry, because the navy of that country has never caused such a big damage to the South Korean navy. Loss, this is simply impossible, but the problem is that it has already happened. This makes many Koreans feel very unacceptable. After all, this kind of thing is not a good sign, so newspapers are bought very quickly because some people care about it.

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