The nobles of the Chu state made very limited contributions to the economy, but they were reluctant to say that they understood the economy, because they knew how to monopolize money and want to change the state of buying the Chu state’s economy, which was very limited.

Chu State is still an agricultural country with slow industrial development and developed agriculture, but on the basis of this kind of agriculture, a relatively developed trade has been established. His sugar cane, tea, and silk support the economic development of the entire Chu State, and his industrial development is relatively slow. In addition to the shipbuilding industry and related industrial development, his industry and even the military industry are very reluctant. When all countries were actively switching to using bolt-action rifles, the great country of Chu was unable to produce its bolt-action rifles, which shows that the ability of this big country is in such a decline. Thinking that his economy is mainly supported by agriculture, not industry, the nobles do not want to change this situation at all, because they monopolize the trade of the three pillar industries, tea, silk, and sugarcane, even though Koreans are also doing this kind of trade. However, it is still Chu people who hold the big head. Chu people grow tea and sugar cane everywhere to expand their silk market. Although silk has been hit by the cotton market, this kind of impact is nothing to them. Because there are still many places where silk is needed. After all, these are two different consumer markets.

Sri Lanka, today’s Sri Lanka, where the Koreans established an important colony base, here is also an important port city, the local economy mainly comes from tea planting, in order to avoid the formation of a large tea market with the Chu people Hedge, Koreans only grow black tea here. Unlike the Chu people, in a region, they will develop a variety of tea. In terms of choice, the Chu people naturally have a lot of tea. However, if the sales of individual varieties are concerned, the sales of black tea in South Korea are faster because they ferment the tea and make bricks at the same time. Packaging is sold on a large scale. Tea has become an important material in the munitions list of various countries. Drinking tea can bring about a great adjustment of human trace elements. Drinking tea is a fashion. Even Seth said the same, the Suez Canal transports a large amount of tea to various countries every day. The island tea base established by South Korea has become one of South Korea's important financial sources.

In addition to tea planting, there is another source of income, but the scale of his industry is relatively small, and that is diamonds. The significance of diamonds lies in industry. This is clearly reflected in Zhao State, and on the other hand, diamonds are reflected. Also focus on another point, that is decoration. But the influence of decorations is too great. First is gold, followed by jade and emerald. Chu has occupied Burma, and there are quite a lot of jade from Burma. This allows Chu people to have a great say in this aspect. In fact, the Central Plains countries still like it. Jade and jade, followed by gold and silver. For diamonds, their ability to accept diamonds is only limited to a small number of people or industrial demand. This market is still very large.

State of Zhao, Handan. In Feiying Company, this is a small and medium-sized aircraft manufacturing company of the State of Zhao, but its scale is relatively small. In fact, the aviation industry of the whole State of Zhao is not too big, there are only a few large enterprises, but their production capacity is also Very limited. More of this kind of small and medium-sized enterprises.

"In order to make our aircraft more advantageous, we must solve the problem of aircraft materials. Otherwise, everything will be neglected." Young aircraft designer Li Bo rushed into the office and said. Zhao’s aviation industry, especially the aircraft manufacturing industry, has a lot of room for development because of the mature technology of airships. In fact, this is also a helpless move. In contrast, the development of aircraft requires a lot of technical reserves. The airship technology is relatively mature. The most important thing is that Zhao State has a lot of steel that can be consumed, the engine requirements are not too high, and his load capacity is also very large. These all meet the needs of Zhao Guo’s aviation forces. In contrast, The development of aircraft is much slower. Unless the aircraft is fast, it seems that the advantages are not very great. In addition to the development of aircraft by the Navy and Naval Aviation, the Army’s demand for aircraft has become very low. This makes aircraft manufacturing only Can face the civilian market, but the development of the civilian market is not smooth, because most of the aircraft at this time are open, and Qin people also have closed aircraft. But the sales situation is not very good, because there are not many groups that can consume. Most importantly, a closed aircraft requires a lot of new materials. aluminum. This kind of material can be manufactured on a large scale by the people of Qin, and the people of Zhao have also mastered this technology, mainly through cooperation.

But the problem is that there are no large-scale bauxite mines in the country of Zhao, which requires the people of Zhao to import on a large scale, and the people of Qin restrict such materials, which makes the price of aluminum become very high. As far as the aviation industry is concerned, this is a huge limitation. Because there is no aluminum, their aircraft materials are greatly restricted. They can only use wood panels and canvas for such simple aircraft manufacturing. The development space for this aircraft is extremely large. limited.

At the same time, aluminum is also an important material for engine manufacturing. Because the new engine has used aluminum alloy instead. This kind of engine is lighter and more powerful at the same time, because in some key parts, aluminum is more suitable for the needs of engine structure. Therefore, the only way to make the aviation industry have a qualitative development is to have a large amount of aluminum. It can be said that without aluminum, it would be difficult for Zhao's aviation industry to develop.

"I also need to solve this problem. If we can solve this problem, our aircraft manufacturing industry will develop greatly. However, I can't do this for you." His general manager, Zhao Tu, shook his head helplessly. Speaking of. He also saw it. The importance of aluminum. But the problem is that there are not so many aluminum resources in the country of Zhao, their only way is to import, and more. Aluminum smelting still needs more electricity. This kind of electricity consumption is very large. Zhao's largest electricity consumer is Qin. More than half of Zhao's power generation is consumed by Qin people. It can be said that the power consumption of Qin people is very large.

"Damn Qin," Li Bo said helplessly. This prevented many of their work from being carried out due to the limitations of aluminum.

While Zhao Guo’s engineers and technicians were worried about aluminum, new resources were discovered in Qi. aluminum.

Laizhou, Lou Jing's prime minister's office.

"The development of this kind of resource requires a lot of technology. We currently lack such a lot of technology. Just like our oil smelting, we can only extract heavy oil. At present, this type of heavy oil can only be sold to the Zhao people’s navy. Their merchant ships, because their merchant ships can use oil-fired boilers, and our boilers are not up to such a standard. As for aluminum, more electricity is needed, but our electrical equipment." The Minister of Economy shook his head and said helplessly. . The construction of Qi State is relatively very backward. There are only two railways in their territory, one trunk railway, Zhao Guo’s Handan directly leads to Laizhou, and one branch railway, which leads to Jiaozhou, because Jiaozhou’s influence on Qi State is still relatively large. A large number of materials and personnel are coming and going here.

In terms of roads, most of their roads are dirt roads or rammed gravel roads. When it is not raining, the dust is very heavy, and when it rains, it becomes potholes and it is difficult for motor vehicles to walk. , The speed is not fast, the people of Qi also know the meaning of building highways, but the problem is that their financial funds are difficult to take care of. Therefore, Qi State is intentional but powerless.

"Well, I see. It seems that we have another development project, but how to develop it well is difficult." Lou Jing said while looking at the report in his hand. In the territory of Qi, they discovered a large amount of bauxite resources. This benefited from the strengthening of Qi’s resources exploration. Qi’s advantages are not many. First of all, they have less technical reserves. If it were not for cooperation with Zhao Guoren However, it is generally difficult for them to develop in this way. In addition to these, they are resources. Their oil resources are one of them. Unfortunately, they cannot extract qualified light gasoline, diesel, and diesel by relying on indigenous methods. For kerosene, their standards are far below the minimum requirements of various countries. This is mainly because they do not have the technology and they plan to seek technical cooperation. However, the other party’s conditions are too harsh, which will greatly suppress the whole country. The development of petroleum smelting. Qi Guo did not agree.

In addition to these, it is the new aluminum resource. But one problem lies in front of them, that is, technology, they lack the mining and smelting of aluminum technology, and this requires a lot of electricity. The power facilities of Qi are extremely weak. At this point, Lou Jing is very clear about their situation. At present, there are only a few limited towns that can provide electricity, and the electricity supply in such towns is also very limited. For example, in the civilian areas of Laizhou, they have to stop for three days. A power outage sometimes occurs after three days for the needs of industrial production. It can be said that power outages have become commonplace after power is available. Behind the blackout, it shows that Qi’s infrastructure is extremely weak and backward, because it is difficult for them to even supply electricity normally. This situation has to be said to be very sad. This is also what Lou Jing is most worried about. For countries that cannot normally guarantee, what resources are used to generate electricity, this is simply a joke. Faced with such a situation. Lou Jing was also very helpless, because their situation was like this.

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