The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3662: Seven Five Mountain Cannon

State Zhao, Handan, in the staff. Li Mu quickly read the telegram he had just received.

"Our little friend is very anxious." Li Mu said after seeing it. The staff on the side took the telegram. It seemed that the staff needed to analyze every possible piece of information. Because the impact of information is relatively large. They must take this factor into consideration.

"Sir, the burden of establishing a corps is relatively large. If this is the case, the financial pressure on Seth will be very large." A staff officer said worriedly. They need to consider not only military factors, but also economic factors. After all, they have sufficient finances to replenish them with more weapons. Judging from the current situation of the Seth people, their situation is very bad. Because they are unlikely to add too much weaponry and build more troops, for example, the cost of a legion is quite large.

"I am also aware of this. Judging from their current situation, they can only equip one army at most. A tens of thousands of troops can still bear it. One army is too much. In that case, their combat effectiveness will be severe. Decline, and the Seth people have not commanded such a large number of troops to fight. Even if they did, their opponents are slow-reacting troops. Once they fight with a higher opponent, the situation will be very bad." Li Mu shook his head and said. Li Mu opposed Seth's idea of ​​forming a Barry Corps. Not only is the financial impermissible relationship, but also because, doing so will consume more financial power, which is a very difficult thing for them. Once this happens, their situation will be very unfavorable. Therefore, they cannot see the financial situation of the Seth people fall into disaster and ignore it.

"But sir, we can't look at their problems in this way. For example, their situation is really bad, but they don't allow us to do so. For example, they will consider their fighting needs, such as opening up the market in the north. This demand is a plan in the established goal. The people of Northern Alliance Stan, they will not let us go so easily." A staff officer said. Li Mu nodded in agreement.

"What to do?" Li Mu asked. Judging from the current ability of the Seth people, they should not be able to form a larger army group, and at the same time, their commanding ability cannot reach this point, because the larger the military group, the higher the art of command required. The more closely coordinated operations are required, especially the requirements of the quality of the officers. Although the Seth people temporarily set up a lot of officer training courses, a large number of officers will be produced immediately, but that is only an emergency measure. I want to command more of this at once. Obviously this is impossible for a large-scale military group. Because the Seth still lacks such ability.

"Sir, I have a solution, maybe this solution can be solved." Li Zuoche thought about it at this time.

"Oh. Tell me about it." Li Mu asked curiously. Perhaps Li Zuoche can come up with a very good plan. After all, many plans are produced in this way.

"For now, I think that the largest force that the Seth can command systematically should be at the division or brigade level. If it is too large, such as the army, it will cause a lot of confusion in their command. And this probability will become very large, so I suggest that they first establish a division. Or a brigade-level military unit. In this case, their military command problem has been temporarily solved to a certain extent." Li Zuoche Speaking of this.

"However, relying only on a brigade or division to solve the problems in the north is obviously a bit too optimistic. Their abilities still cannot meet such requirements, because it requires the cooperation of various arms, and this kind of cooperation can greatly Improve their combat literacy." Li Zuoche said.

"I understand what you mean. You mean to increase their arms ratio, for example, increase their weapon equipment, give certain machine guns, submachine guns, right?" Li Mu nodded and asked.

"Not only these, I think there are also artillery, because artillery can greatly solve the problem of firepower, and at the same time, it can greatly expand the firepower support. For us, this kind of support will have more Big advantage." Li Zuoche said. After listening, Li Mu nodded and agreed. Agree with this view.

After all, Li Mu noticed in the summary of the war ended earlier. If the Seth army has enough firepower, for example, in addition to being equipped with a certain number of 37 guns, if they are equipped with a certain number of howitzers, even if they are a small-caliber howitzer, the effect is also extraordinary. Unfortunately, The equipment of this artillery requires certain technical support. Judging from the situation at the time, it seems that they could not do this. Because they still can't understand the meaning of howitzers, other than these, even mortars, their shooting methods can't reach this point.

But now, the Seth people seem to have this ability, because they have a stable environment, and then provide such weapons and equipment, they can improve their firepower strike capabilities. With this ability, you can naturally do a lot of these things. Li Mu naturally agreed with this view. After all, this can reduce the difficulty of command of the Seth and at the same time improve the firepower of combat units. This is a balanced solution.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"That's how the situation is resolved?" The Secretary of the Navy looked at his Navy Deputy Commander with a look of disbelief.

"Yes, sir, that's it," the undersecretary of the Navy explained.

"Perhaps the Carthaginians were on the verge of collapse before. They collapsed when they saw the plane drop a bomb. After all, such a collapse is also very difficult for them to bear." The Navy Deputy Chief explained. The South Korean Navy accidentally dispatched a sparrow plane to drop bombs. In fact, they know how much impact they can have. After all, they know how much destructive power they can produce with two one-kilogram bombs. Nevertheless. But unexpectedly, the Carthaginians and the besieging Carthaginians retreated by themselves. This was really an accident, because they didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. Therefore, this is an unexpected relief.

"Such an explanation is reluctant, but we should be more careful. We should never happen again. We should launch an attack on pirates as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will cause us more troubles. This time they surrounded us. Speedboat Squadron, next time, I don’t know what will happen. This is very bad for us.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"We can put pressure on the Aiji government." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"Oh. Don't mention those **** loves. They and the Carthaginians wear a pair of pants. They don't care about the pressure on us. We must give them some substantial measures before they realize their mistakes. Exist. But our attack is too limited. The navy can't afford it at all. This is really too bad for us." Said the Secretary of the Navy. The Suez Canal Company has planned to expand the width of the Suez Canal again. Because their stock prices have fallen sharply, it will be very detrimental to them if this continues, so they hope that after the expansion, they can attract more investment and let their stock prices rise. But this cannot solve another problem at all, and that is security. Because this requires the help of the Navy to solve this difficult problem, otherwise, it is of no use at all. This is the situation they are currently facing.

"We need to form a rapid strike, but from this speed, we seem to be unable to do this at all. I think you understand our current situation, and our situation is very unfavorable." said the Secretary of the Navy. To.

"Sir, maybe we can only use naval aviation. Through the use of naval aviation this time, I think this is the only way we can do it. Moreover, they are fast and can effectively discover some of the opponent's targets and form strikes. This It is very beneficial to us. At the same time, we should step up the control of ships and increase the suppression of the Irish government. In this way, we can be in a more favorable state." Speaking of. In the face of complicated situations, the undersecretary of the Navy can only recommend the use of naval aviation. Because the number of ships is still very limited, a large number of warships need to be mobilized, which takes time, and in this case, the only way is to use fast-strike aircraft. At the same time, they can provide good intelligence support, and their speed and response speed are relatively fast.

"Well. Can they do it?" The Secretary of the Navy doubted. The Undersecretary of the Navy did not think this was a problem. They should try it under this type of accommodation. After all, this is not a big loss for them.

"Okay. Let's try." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and agreed.

Zhao Guo, Handan, in the workshop office of the No. 1 Artillery Factory, the factory director rudely rejected an engineer's design plan.

"I know that your ideas are good, and your design drawings have been carefully examined and investigated." The director of the factory said to the young engineer. Zhao Guo has too many such engineers. After they returned from studying abroad, they couldn't wait to show off their talents, because the knowledge they mastered could bring them great benefits, so some people acted rashly. But after all, this is only a small number of people, and most of them are still very practical.

"Director, I don’t know how I’m doing, but I think the market for this type of artillery must be very promising. In comparison, one hundred twenty and one hundred and fifty millimeter calibre artillery, despite their technological maturity. , These artillery are all naval naval gun technology and can be used directly. However, this technology requires more synthesis and requires more technical reserves to use. I know this very well, but, after all, there is an infantryman. The firepower is equipped with neutral gear, and the 75mm artillery is light and suitable for infantry use. The most important thing is that it can fire ballistically and can also take direct fire under certain circumstances. This artillery has many advantages. Why not It can be produced." The young engineer asked incomprehensibly. He designed a 75mm mountain cannon with a recoil machine. This type of artillery is light and suitable for infantry support. It can fire directly or in a curved direction, of course. . Direct shooting against some bunkers can cope, but against armored targets, his situation is a bit difficult. Because the basis of this artillery shooting is for infantry support.

This young engineer from Zhao Guo did a lot of research work. He found that in the infantry firepower, there is still a lack of such a gap for the 75mm artillery. For example, at a distance of 300 to 400 meters, It is the firing range of a rifle. At a distance of more than 500 meters, a machine gun, especially at a distance of 800 meters, a heavy machine gun can be deployed well. Then there are mortars at a distance of 1,200 meters. Weapons like bullet barrels completely overlap with mortars, so there is no need to equip bullet barrels at all. Then within the distance of 2,000 meters to 5,000 meters, a firepower gap suddenly appeared, because Zhao Jun was equipped with a relatively mature 120mm artillery, and a special artillery unit equipped with 100 50mm artillery, so there is a firepower gap between the mortar and the 120mm artillery, which should have been compensated by the 75mm artillery. However, most of the army’s artillery comes from the navy, because the navy has rarely equipped 75mm artillery. At most they have carried out research on anti-aircraft guns, but their research on supporting firepower is insufficient.

After all, most of the mature 120mm and 150mm artillery comes from research at this stage, but the Navy’s research results will not match the Army’s research results. The Secretary of the Army is aware of this. . Therefore, the 75mm mountain cannon was launched under such circumstances. Unfortunately, the manufacturer believes that the profit of the artillery is too low, because this type of artillery requires a new recoil machine, a hydraulic recoil machine. In this case, the cost is It has deepened a lot. In addition to this, the worst thing is that his power is not very large. Although it is light, the army's willingness to purchase is not very large. The price is also very restrictive and the profit margin is very small. Therefore, the artillery factory refused to continue production because it is impossible for them to continue to produce a loss-making artillery. It is extremely unfavorable. This kind of thing must not happen. In this way, the 75mm mountain artillery was rejected.

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