The Mediterranean Sea, the northern coast of Ireland, is less than 20 kilometers away from the exit of the Suez Canal, but the piracy activities here are extremely rampant. The second speedboat squadron, they took over the task of the third speedboat squadron. Because the third squadron has no speedboats to fight. Faced with such a situation. They can only take over and fight each other.

"What is our mission? Sir." Sergeant Zhang Min asked his sergeant curiously. They were on a speedboat. They have a platoon of combat power, which doesn't sound like much, but in fact, they have more than seventy people. And they also got the firepower of two machine guns. This gives them the confidence to persevere and fight.

"Stick to the ground, Sergeant," said Guo Suo, the second lieutenant platoon leader. He is just a young officer who has graduated from military academy for less than a year, but he has a sense of arrogance. However, he can serve as a platoon leader because he has this ability to achieve this. After all, his command level is not bad. . They are soldiers of the second company, fourth battalion, third regiment of the South Korean Marine Corps. The second lieutenant was ordered to strengthen the defense of the northern section of the Suez Canal, because they had been surrounded for a while, but now they have received an order from the Admiralty to unite the army and conduct a jump operation. The second lieutenant knows that the plan is not very good. In detail, but he knows what his mission is, to occupy a beach, then hold it there and establish a defensive position. The Second Speedboat Squadron will provide them with more supplies, and there will be planes in the sky to monitor them. If necessary, Provide more contact, a large number of supplies will continue to gather here, personnel, preparations, munitions, materials, etc., but they will get help from the army cavalry units. The specific situation depends on their specific combat conditions. To proceed. This is a bold attempt. Combat operations conducted by the Department of the Navy and the Department of War.

The Department of the Navy approved this kind of jump operation, because if the army launches an offensive from the land, their supplies will become extremely blocked and costly, especially the fast-moving cavalry units, once they leave their supply lines. , Their situation will immediately fall into disaster. In order to solve this problem and launch the attack as soon as possible, the Admiralty proposed a bold jump operation plan, that is, to launch an offensive operation along the Suez Canal and the coastline. However, they did not occupy all the coastal areas, but only occupied a few important points, and then relying on these points, they can start the supply mission, because the army cavalry units will quickly arrive here, and they will carry out support operations. The advantage of this is that a small amount of troops can be used to achieve the task of logistical supply, which saves combat expenses and can also provide the efficiency of supply. Of course. The prerequisite is that the South Korean Navy must obtain sea dominance, otherwise, the situation will become very bad, because their supply ships will not be able to get there. For this mission, Guo Suo also felt that it was a good thing.

"Sir, I think we are a platoon, it feels a bit difficult to defend such an area, there is a coastal area, if the navy guys can't provide timely support, our situation will be very passive. For example, those pirates, They will attack from land and sea. Our machine gun has a very limited range. If the ammunition runs out, the situation will be very unfavorable to us." Sergeant Zhang Min said worriedly.

"Okay. Sergeant, don't worry about these problems. We will be rescued. I feel very confident about this military operation. Don't worry too much. Your worry will only make you demoralized and slow. Nervous, understand?" said the ensign. The sergeant nodded, this is what the chief said, and second lieutenant Guo Suo, he still needs to consider the issue of morale. Then the second lieutenant gave the other party a good breakfast, which may be their last good breakfast. There are meat pancakes, beef flavor, but there are other meats in it, the sergeant ate it. It's **** camel meat, they didn't eat such meat less. There are also some canned vegetables, which is to add vitamins to them, but he prefers to eat canned peaches or canned pears with rock sugar, which tastes good and also has pineapple. That feels very delicious. They also have tea, sugar-added tea, and some small snacks, which are all high-calorie honey cakes. The sweetness is too strong. Sergeant Zhang Min didn't like it. He liked to add some salt, but that tasted easily. They drank some cold boiled water. Then fill up their kettle. The water source is very important to them, because they are equipped with **** water-cooled machine guns. This machine gun consumes a lot of water. If no water is found, their machine guns will stop working.

An hour after breakfast, they arrived at their destination, a place called Baba. The name is very native. They don't know what is the meaning of such a place in the local language. They don't know much about it.

Soon, the speedboat landed directly, and the navy personnel carefully operated their artillery. They did not carry out bombing. This could prevent the opponent from being attracted here, but if the opponent were to ambush on the shore, the situation would be bad. Second Lieutenant Guo Suo jumped out of the speedboat and moved forward quickly. Sergeant Zhang Min took his weapon and one of his squad forward quickly. About twenty people moved forward quickly. Their mission was very tense. .

"Wow." The sound of the water kept ringing, and this situation is not a difficult thing for them.

"Be careful, pay attention to your surroundings to see if there are any enemies." Second Lieutenant Guo Suo rushed up first, and then he squatted on the beach, carefully observing the surrounding situation, his tactical movements were very skillful. The sergeant felt that it was more than his standard.

"Sergeant, go forward. Hurry up. I'll cover you." The lieutenant shouted. The sergeant moved forward quickly, and then they squadled toward the shore quickly, and soon they relaxed, because there was no one on the shore, they chose The area is originally a no-man's land, so it can prevent the other side from being stationed and causing great trouble. However, the second lieutenant still carefully asked the sergeant to strengthen his guard, because next they transported more personnel and materials. And to establish a beachhead position.

"Hurry up, sergeant, our movements are going to be slow." The ensign shouted loudly at this time. He looked a little anxious, looking at the watch on his wrist from time to time, and their guard sent out.

Immediately, one squad and one squad arrived. They established a preliminary defensive position. A large amount of materials were still piled up on the beach. This made the ensign dissatisfied. He immediately organized two squads to evacuate the materials.

"Damn it. If the pirates are killed at this time, they can destroy all the combat supplies with a single shot. This is too great a loss for us." The ensign said to his soldiers. Immediately more people participated. After the navy personnel unloaded the cargo, they left. After all, this is an area for pirate activities. If they are allowed to notice that this situation continues to happen, their condition will be very bad, which is extremely unfavorable for them.

"Sir, we met the cavalry unit. Sir." A sentinel quickly found the ensign. The ensign was carrying their supplies. There were a lot of supplies. Their main task was to stand here and provide weapons to the cavalry unit.

"Cavalry unit? They are coming soon." The ensign said, putting down the supplies in his hands.

"They have more than 300 people, all of them are camels. They will eat a lot." The sentry said.

"Damn it," the second lieutenant cursed, and then followed the sentry to see the cavalry units.

"Lieutenant Liang Shan. They are all Shazhou cavalry." Liang Shan said with a Shazhou cavalry. They were wearing white robes with bullet belts slung on their backs, carrying carbines, and sabers. Their boots were so dirty that flies would fly around them, either stepping on feces or having heavy blood stains on them. Second Lieutenant Guo Suo looked at the other party.

"Marines, second lieutenant, Guo Suo. You are coming soon." Guo Suo said.

"Hehe, we have been here for two days. We killed all the people nearby. It is safe here. Ensign." The other party said.

"Yeah. Okay, I admit that it is safe." When Lieutenant Guo Suo heard this, he nodded naturally, agreeing with this view, and they all killed everyone. What else can they say, the offensive on land seems to be temporarily lifted.

"We hope to have a cup of tea, our tea bags are all used up. Also, we like to have more canned food for replenishment, our rifle ammunition is running out. Recently we have been using sabers." Lieutenant Liang Shan said .

"No problem, we are waiting for you. This is our mission." Guo Suo nodded, casually, the Shazhou cavalry appeared. And Guo Suo gave them supplements according to their needs. They first added ammunition, and at the same time there were more cans. Their camels were full of supplies, but Guo Suo discovered that they had more belts inside. It seems bulging, this will seriously affect their march. But he knows. That is the old problem of Shazhou, a large number of trophies, if they do not have these trophies, they will be killed. Guo Suo knew these problems and couldn't say, this was an important way to motivate them to fight bravely. The Shazhou cavalry ate their own food, beef, and camel meat. For canned food, they still just put it away.

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