Although Lou Jing has repeatedly emphasized the necessity of avoiding conflicts with Chu State, after all, this may trigger a larger-scale war. For them, this is something to avoid, but the problem is that some things can be avoided, but There are things that cannot be avoided. The reason is simple, because it is not something that people can avoid if they want to avoid it.

Little Burma, where the Qi army is stationed, most of the troops of a company are stationed here, because their commander Tian Yuan believes that this move can concentrate their troops to increase their defense. If their defense is weak, their situation It will become very bad. He is afraid of being attacked, in fact, such things happen to local tribes.

"Why did those **** locals come to us? Damn it." Tian Yuan complained to Lieutenant Language as he walked. He thought it was a trouble.

"But sir, they came to our side. Those more people are extremely vicious. Some of them even eat human flesh. I saw them cut off a woman's thigh and ate it. This kind of thing is really barbaric. We must stop, otherwise, it would be inhumane." The ensign looked at his officer with an unbelievable horror. Tian Yuan thinks this is trouble.

Soon, Tian Yuan saw what he didn't want to see. Some of the indigenous people in simple clothes gathered together, surrounded by soldiers from the Qi army. Those indigenous people shivered and looked cold, but the weather here was generally It's hot. Today is no exception, but they look like they have fallen into an ice cellar, which to them. It was a disaster. Obviously, they had just experienced a terrible killing.

"Sir, what should I do?" the second lieutenant asked his sir.

"I want to send them back. This can avoid more trouble. The more people are not easy to deal with. They can do anything to kill. Trust me, throw this trouble out, it's good for everyone." Tian Yuan said so.

"But, sir, this is our own territory. In this case, are we too cowardly." The ensign said dissatisfiedly.

"Damn it, if you can deal with those more people, I won't say anything. In that case, you do it." Captain Tian Yuan said.

"But sir. We can ask for instructions, or make the matter public, so that we can." The ensign looked at his officer and said.

"Damn it, if you know how to do it yourself, do you still need me?" Captain Tian Yuan said annoyedly. In his opinion, such a thing is a big threat to him, because in fact, this matter has exceeded his ability, and he doesn't know how to deal with these people. According to reason, these people have nothing to do with him, but if they are really handed over to Yueren, the above will treat him as timid and fearful, then his promotion. Thinking about this, he felt a headache.

"Okay. Lock it up for now, and leave this matter to the top to deal with." Tian Yuan decided in this way. In this way, he can avoid more trouble.

In Bangla Port, the Bangla First Infantry Division once again assembled. They are going to expedition to love several countries. Usually this is not good news because it is cannon fodder. Although the South Korean government only claimed that they were only going out to maintain local law and order, many soldiers still expressed concern.

"Love, I don't know where that place is?" a recruit said to his sergeant with his backpack on his back. The sergeant is their squad leader, responsible for specific operations. The sergeant himself has not experienced many wars. Fortunately, there are military police and Koreans.

"I don't know, we only know that it takes a long time to take a boat." The sergeant said nervously. However, in order to conceal his own nervousness, he still held half of the pancake, which was left over from his breakfast today. He drank a lot of water and couldn't eat at all, because he was also worried that the Korean government said it was law and order, who knows What is the situation of the law and order meeting?

"Sergeant, will we encounter war? I heard that many things are inevitable. I heard that many people will be killed. I heard before that an infantry division was maimed on the battlefield. One. Thousands of infantry divisions with more than 10,000 people died at once. This is horrible. You said, will we encounter such a thing?" the soldier asked curiously.

"Damn it, shut up. In that case, you better say less, see those guys with white armbands?" The sergeant pointed to those with white hats and white armbands. They are Koreans. The military police sent here. They will enforce battlefield discipline.

"Look, I saw it," the recruit said.

"Then you'd better shut up to me, and let the military police hear the words, you don't have to go. Because you will be shot by them." The sergeant frightened. Hearing this, the recruits really shut up. This is because many people are very afraid of the gendarmerie. If the gendarmerie sees that you are not doing the right thing, it will be beaten severely by the lighter, and then may be sent to a military court. In that case, there will be no good results in your life. Soldiers at the pier began to board the ship in a row. Their destination was Suez, a place that many people did not know. The soldiers of Bangla took their rucksacks and weapons and boarded a ship with no future. Left their hometown. This makes many people sad, but there are still a large number of South Koreans accompanying them. Their commander is too clear about the virtues of these Bangladeshi soldiers.

"I really don't understand that there should be more Shazhou cavalry recruited above, and it is much better than this waste." The commander of the Mengla 1st Infantry Division, Major General Zheng Ran said disdainfully, looking at the soldiers on the dock. Although these are his subordinates, he does not have much affection for these subordinates, because in his opinion, the infantry division is a waste division. They need to teach many times before these soldiers can remember what they have in their hands. Combat skills, but when used, no matter what? They will all be beaten and collapsed. When such troops go up, they will only add chaos to their own people, rather than play their due role.

"Sir, these people are much better than none. We are just going to police, not fighting." A lieutenant colonel reminded his chief.

"I know that despite the law and order, I believe that it won't take long for these guys to be of that kind of virtue." Zheng Ran said disdainfully. For these subordinates, he believes that there is no rescue.

In the territory of Aiji, Toller's army occupied a village. They are recruiting staff. At the same time looking for food and drink. They claimed to be the Free Army.

"Sir, we have searched all the places. There is no food, this place is so poor." A little boss said to Toller. Toller forcibly sent him out of the labor camp. Although he was very reluctant, he was sent out by the Koreans. Not only that, he also brought his own subordinates with a total of more than a dozen people. This is the biggest guarantee provided by the Koreans. Fortunately, they have weapons, rifles, and pistols in their hands, which can greatly guarantee their lives. Safety. With guns, they looted the surrounding areas frantically, and then killed the rich, rich, and nobles. Anyway, the Koreans encouraged them to do so.

"Then, are there nobles and rich people here?" Toler asked his men like this.

"Yes, but they have ran away. They moved quickly, which saved us some trouble. However, we didn't find much food. Besides, there are these slaves. They are already hungry." A leader. Say so. Toller came out of the labor camp and began to continuously attack and expand his manpower. In fact, it was to draw a gang of mobs. The ruffians and hooligans became the backbone, and the slaves became their team members. He already had fifteen thousand. With more than a hundred people, the team is not too big, but it is still small and powerful. They killed a lot of rich people and nobles, but these were small nobles. Their wealth was not solid at all. In addition to the barren land here, it is impossible to have more wealth. Therefore, their development is currently falling into the trap. A state of stagnation, but Toller believes that this situation will not last too long.

"Damn it. If this goes on, we will all starve to death. These places are simply not where we can live." Toler scolded, their team getting bigger and bigger, when there were hundreds of people, They still only felt some pressure, but as soon as the number of people exceeded 1,000, Toler clearly felt the pressure. The pressure of eating is great. They worry about one thing almost every day: what to eat in the morning, what to eat in the afternoon, and what to eat the next day. In short, their stomachs always feel hungry. This is not a good phenomenon. But they must change this situation.

"Forget it. That's it. For the time being, if we divide the food we have saved, let's deal with it for one day." Toler said helplessly. In the face of such a situation, he has no good solution. The task of the Koreans is to let him win a team. As for what the team develops, he is not clear about it. This made him feel very confused.

"Head, let's go on like this is not a way." A little boss saw that his boss was very upset, and also felt very upset.

"Yeah, I'm worried too, you say, what should I do?" Toller asked the little boss.

"Head, I think we should do a big vote, for example, kill Debes. That place is rich and there are many people. What I know is that the main Korean army is also there." The little boss used his brains. Speaking of.

"Thebes?" Toller said in surprise.

"Yes, we will be rich if we kill there. Wealth there." The boss gestured.

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