The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3691: Qiaozhuang attack

South Korea, Xinzheng. Department of War.

"This madman is simply a madman." The Secretary of the Army yelled. Regarding the decision of Major General Chen Li, he believes that his prestige has been challenged. In fact, he has been severely challenged.

"Sir. We shouldn't be so excited at the moment. We need to solve this problem. A troop with less than two thousand men will attack Thebes. If this is the case, it will be too weak." A lieutenant colonel said.

"Yeah. We should solve this problem, this **** guy, idiot, he should be killed on the battlefield, so that it won't cause us trouble." The Secretary of the Army said.

"For troops with less than two thousand people, they thought that this amount of troops would be able to take down the capital of a country at once, and this country has a long history. Those troops are not paper-cut." said the Secretary of War.

"Okay. Take a look at nearby. Are there any troops that can be mobilized?" The Secretary of the Army shook his head helplessly. He knew that putting such a guy on such a battlefield would do something unbearable. Things come.

"Sir, there is only the 3rd Cavalry Brigade in Shazhou. They have more than 1,000 cavalry. In addition, there will be a group of Meng infantry divisions in five days. We can send them to the front through the Suez Canal. Go, but what I worry about is time, because it is calculated based on time. They may have already beaten Debes, and their supplies are only five days. Within five days, we can get very few reinforcements." The school officer looked at his chief helplessly and said this.

"The **** guy, it really caused us a lot of trouble. We told the Supreme Command and hoped that they could deploy some aviation troops to support the operation. Otherwise, let them conduct such operations. Sooner or later, they will die in battle. On the battlefield." said the Secretary of the Army.

In Baba, many Shazhou cavalry are cheering, and they cheer as if they have received a huge trophy.

"Hi, my old buddy, what the **** happened?" The Shazhou Cavalry Corporal Ali, who had just returned from patrol, asked his companion Abba. They come from the same Shazhou tribe, they joined the mercenary selection and then entered here.

"We are going to fight." Abba said to Ali. Abba has been promoted to sergeant. Because he is brave and kills a lot of people, the Korean officer decided to promote him to sergeant. If he continues to be promoted, he may become sergeant and then sergeant chief. If he passes the exam organized by the Koreans , He can become an officer. The prospects are very good.

"It's a good thing to fight a war. In this way, we can accumulate military exploits. Our salary can increase a lot. This is really good news." The other party said.

"Yes, of course it is good news." Aba said to Ali. The Shazhou cavalry are mercenaries and their salaries are very low. Such income is difficult for them to survive. However, there is a unique source of income that allows them to continue doing this, and that is the spoils of war. As long as the war continues. If they go down, they will get more trophies by robbery. Women, men, gold and silver are what they want most. Therefore, they long for war and hope that the war will go on more and more well. After all, such expansion is very attractive to them. And killing can also bring income, which makes the Shazhou cavalry become eager for war, hope for war, and then continue to promote war.

"The attacker is Thebes this time. Do you know what this means?" Aba said to Ali with a smile.

"Wait, what did you say, you said Thebes. Oh my god. There is a place for rich people, we are sure, we must go to Thebes." Ali asked in an unbelievable tone. He could hardly believe that they actually wanted to go to Thebes, which was great news for them.

"Yes, Thebes is Thebes. This time we have made a fortune. There are a lot of people there, and there are many, many wealth. Women, men, women will become our fertility tools, men are slaves, and there are A lot of wealth, we have made a fortune. We must have made a fortune this time. I want to take a hundred women, no. Two hundred." Abba exclaimed excitedly. Others have also fallen into a crazy situation. The desire for war makes them even more excited. In fact, Shazhou is really poor. Because of the bad environment, there is a sparse population. Many men spend their entire lives in poverty. Can't see women, but now, they got women, and naturally took a huge advantage to redeem this advantage. For them, it is simply a huge wealth. Robbery makes them long for war. The whole air became extremely crazy.

When the Shazhou cavalry learned that they were going to attack Thebes, and their commander gave them permission to rob and take all their spoils, everyone was excited. Especially the Shazhou cavalry, they know that this is a lot of income, with such an income, they can live the life of a rich man. This is what they need most. They are very grateful for the benefits that their chiefs have brought them. Without these benefits, it would be really difficult for them to live on.

Qiao Zhuang, Myanmar. This place is not called Qiao Zhuang because of the migration of the surname Qiao. In fact, the original ground here was called Qiao Hui Suo Shi Ba. The name is very long, and even Chu people themselves don't understand what kind of name it is, because they naively thought that the local language could be used to name the name here, but they turned out to be wrong. Because they can't copy each other's language at all, so they can accurately call out such place names. The people of Chu who first arrived here, everyone could call out a different name, and they would not repeat it. Obviously, it was impossible to continue using such a name. They could only change a very simple name, Qiao Zhuang.

It is located at the junction of Burma and Little Burma. There are plains and mountains. There are a lot of tea plantations in the mountains. The tea plantations have brought them a lot of income. Rice and sugar cane are grown in the plains. The country of Chu is also stationed here. An infantry company is responsible for the safety of more than 1,500 Chu people here, but the number of slaves here exceeds more than 10,000. They will come out to work every day under the lessons of whips and sticks.

"Sir. Something has happened." A second lieutenant hurried to the headquarters of their company to report. They have no horses, because horses are too precious to them. Just barely equip them with bicycles, but the roads here are not very good.

"What's the big deal?" Captain Liu Gong asked angrily. It's boring here, and the garrison mission makes them feel very uncomfortable. Far from being comparable to the prosperity of the country.

"It's the more people, the more people have an accident. Their checkpoint was attacked. A sentinel had his neck cut off. Me, sir, I think this is the work of the Burmese tribe, and they are launching a larger attack. Specifically for us." The second lieutenant thought for a while and said.

"Damn it. Go and have a look." Captain Liu Gong took the ensign to check the situation. Such a thing is very unpleasant and a very bad signal, which means that the local Burmese tribe has inspired unprecedented resistance.

Soon Captain Liu Gong arrived at the scene of the incident. He saw that a Vietnamese sentry had his neck severed. The sentry's weapon was lost. Including his cold weapons. Bayonet, dagger, because the locals do not have such weapons, their weapons look very crude, and some are bronze. All copper.

What happened was that after the sentry who was performing the mission at night was killed, another sentry came to take over his mission. That time happened to be the time when the two parties were handed over, and the natives of Burma who attacked were obviously unclear. At this point, the attack they launched was obviously not at the right time. Seeing something abnormal, the Vietnamese soldier immediately fired because he smelled some blood in his nose. Coupled with the disappearance of the sentry, this made him even more suspicious of the problem, so he shot decisively. The gunfire awakened everyone and interrupted further attacks by the indigenous people in Burma. In fact, the sentry had already Was targeted. If he hadn't shot decisively, he might be the next step. Therefore, things happened accidentally, but it also avoided greater losses. Think about it, if the sentry hadn't fired decisively, their colony would have suffered a lot.

"Damn it, this is definitely not accidental, we need to adjust our line of defense." Captain Liu Gong said.

"Yes, sir, the local indigenous people are good at sneak attacks. If they continue like this, our situation may become very bad. Therefore, sir, I think it is necessary for us to carry out some comparisons. Major defensive changes." The second lieutenant also agreed with his leader. The sentry was attacked and made them feel that a crisis is coming, which made them feel uneasy. They must do something to eliminate such hidden dangers.

"But our strength is not enough. We add the Vietnamese troops. Our manpower is still lacking. The only way is to gather everyone together and organize the militia to strengthen the care. We can't do anything else." Captain Liu Gong Speaking of this. He knew those **** Burmese tribes would come again, next time, who knows how much harm it will cause.

"But sir, in this case, it's too passive." The ensign said badly.

"Yes, but we can't help it." Liu Gong said.

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