Qin State, Xianyang. In Li Wen's office, his assistants are quickly packing up all kinds of materials and all kinds of tools they need. His assistant is very busy, but for him, these are all kinds of experience, because everyone knows that this is what a speculator should do, and he can keenly spot speculative things from the market.

"Sir, are we going to South Korea?" Li Wen's assistant asked.

"Yes. We are going to South Korea. We are too far away from the market. I know what you want to say. We also have good stocks in Qin's market. For example, the recently listed new stocks, United Petroleum Corporation. The stocks of this company are very good. And they also got an interest-free loan from the Qin government. This is good news for them, but the problem is that the current situation is not something that our situation can change. I think you should understand this situation. The environment of Qin has not changed. Qin is only appropriately carrying out a loose monetary policy. In fact, the supply of money is not provided too much. The people of Qin are still only buying from various places. In this way, Qin’s economy can effectively and smoothly become excessive. Only when they rise up can their economy develop. South Korea and Zhao are in a period of rapid economic development. During such a period, they need to carry out monetary expansion. As for other things, I don’t quite understand. This may be some economics. But I know that Qin’s general environment is not a good phenomenon for speculation. You have also noticed. There is no such opportunity in the market. This is simply the most painful for us. At that time, such an opportunity is a disaster for us. We can't let such a disaster continue, understand?" Li Wen said. Although the assistant was puzzled by many things, he still believed what Li Wen said. And Li Wen himself can only explain up to this point.

After all, Li Wen is just an active speculator in the market. Everything about him comes from speculation, and his source is keen on his reaction to the market. Only when there are large-scale fluctuations in the market can he make a lot of money, but he doesn’t want to. To make money, it is very simple. Qin’s market is currently not making money, and his fluctuations are small. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to earn enough funds to solve the problem. For them, this is an extremely dismal operation. Therefore, Qin can only develop to this point.

And Li Wen can't bear such a state of being unable to fluctuate. What he needs is a kind of fluctuation up and down. Only in this way can he completely solve all problems. If not, it will put his situation in a state. In a very bad state, this will make his loss even greater. Therefore, under such circumstances, he can only choose places with high volatility, such as the South Korean market or the Zhao State market. Compared with Zhao State, South Korea is more rich, exciting, and more likely to be speculative, while Zhao State’s The market is not mature, and there are many things that are not so good. For example, the suspension of trading, and the right to terminate the trading is actually in the company, which makes it easy for the shareholders of the company to kill the speculators. Li Wen doesn't like Zhao Guo's harmful gameplay, or Koreans are better, they are actively approaching the market.

A large number of speculators in Qin are leaving from Qin. Their destination is Xinzheng, South Korea. Their arrival has brought prosperity to South Korea’s stock market. Behind this prosperity is active speculation. This is a risk, a very bad signal.

In Aiji and Baba stronghold, most of the supplies are used for landing operations here. Although the atmosphere of Carthage pirates has been suppressed a lot, the South Korean navy still does not fully control the sea power because they only maintain a small amount of navy. The speedboat force is here, and the transportation capacity of the Suez Canal severely limits the possibility of the Korean Navy to further expand the scale of their war.

Mengla 7th Infantry Battalion, they were the first infantry battalion to arrive. According to the original plan, they came here only to maintain law and order, but the Koreans dragged them to the battlefield. This makes many mengla soldiers feel very uncomfortable.

For example, when they just transferred from the Suez Canal to Baba, there were more than 800 people in the camp. There are even more than two hundred people claiming to be sick. Not only that, they also deliberately drink some unclean water and deliberately infect all kinds of germs, and the purpose of doing so is not to go to the battlefield. The South Korean Supreme Command has agreed to the local Suez Canal Command to do so, and they have forcibly transported all these people to the battlefield. If they dare to declare that they are ill, they will be executed on the spot by the military police. This is an order personally issued by the Supreme Command. In this way, the Mengla 7th Infantry Battalion was sent to the front.

"Damn it. These Mengla soldiers are just a bunch of bastards. They should all be shot." A captain came in angrily and said to Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Ling. He was temporarily in charge of two Mengla infantry battalions and the command of a Mengla machine gun company. Because if you don't look at these Mengla people, they might bring more and different troubles.

"It is true that I should be shot, they will bother me to death. They will only keep looking for various excuses to avoid such problems." Zhang Ling also said helplessly. The soldiers of Bangla are generally unwilling to fight. It seems that a war has caused them heavy losses. They are unlikely to encounter more wars. Under such circumstances, the possibility of them being able to fight has become very low. Most of the attacks were launched under the compulsion of the Korean military police, and their enthusiasm was not very high.

"But there is no way. They are soldiers from Bangla, peace-loving guys." Zhang Ling was also helpless for such soldiers. But his superiors can only increase his strength like this, and no other soldiers can be transported over. They can only use such soldiers to fight.

"How is the situation on the front line?" Zhang Ling was unwilling to struggle with this issue. They just don't want to go, they must go. Because they have military police to manage them.

"The situation on the front line is very good. We can hear some news through the radio. We have already occupied Thebes, and the couple has collapsed. They are not as good as the Menglais. I personally feel this. Really, I have always been like this. I think, we must know that their situation is like this. They are not willing to fight with us at all. Therefore, under such circumstances, they will inevitably have some unnecessary collisions with us." The captain said.

"Report. Sir. Sergeant Toba wants to talk to the sergeant." At this moment, a Sergeant Mengla reported from outside the tent. He is Sergeant Toba, the only good brave soldier in Bangla, who was born a good soldier. Unfortunately, the soldiers in Bangla are generally not strong and their enthusiasm for fighting is too poor.

"Come in." Zhang Ling said. The captain shook his head helplessly. He thought that this might be another group of **** Mengla soldiers asking this combatable sergeant to intercede and not let them go to the battlefield. This kind of thing has happened many times, and they have repeatedly asked not to do this. They may request that they be sent for more other tasks, such as maintaining the operation of the Baba base, or the need for the transfer of some materials. They think this is the case. The work is fairly safe.

"Sir, sir, in fact, I don't want to come." Sergeant Doba said embarrassingly when he came in.

"I know what they want to do this time. They plan to stay in the base. Is it safe here? This is impossible." Zhang Ling said impatiently. He didn't hate Doba, a very good sergeant, and the group of Bangla soldiers.

"No. Sir, they are not asking me to ask them to stay, but they want to follow you on the battlefield, because there is more need for us to do this, they always think so." Sergeant Toba said. To.

"What? I heard it right, in this case, how could it be their request." Zhang Ling looked at Sergeant Doba strangely.

"Sir, I think, I understand what they think. They think that victory is already in hand. They heard the frontline broadcast, right?" the captain on the side asked Sergeant Doba.

"Yes, sir, they already know that we have occupied Thebes. They think they can go there and grab more spoils. Sir, I think this is a shameful behavior, but they all asked me to ask. Sir, let us attack as soon as possible. I am unwilling to do this, but the problem is, they all seem to want me to do this." Doba said embarrassingly. He is an honest person. He is unwilling to participate in such things. He believes that a soldier should look like a soldier. Instead of picking things that he doesn't like, this is what he dislikes the most.

"Yeah. I know. I will agree to your request, but I hope they can do these things in a real sense." Zhang Ling waved his arm to signal Doba to go out. He already knew what was going on.

"These hateful Mengla people, they are more annoying than flies." The captain scolded. Before they asked the Mengla soldiers to fight resolutely. Their attitude was not very positive, but now they are actively asking to fight. The reason for the change turned out to be that the Koreans were about to end all wars. And they even figured out a way to pick peaches.

"Okay. These **** Mengla people should make them pay some price, otherwise, they will not fight with us at all, they will only find ways to get benefits." Zhang Ling also said annoyingly.

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