Hannibal is a very curious person. He likes to ask that, none of the Zhao State navy personnel like him, because in their opinion, such a person is really sick. Moreover, the sailors are concerned about different things, and the other party is an officer, with different natural values. The result of the three different outlooks is that Hannibal still needs a long time to understand Zhao Guo. Understand the performance of those weapons.

In the country of Yan, a large number of mountain soldiers are undergoing training on the training ground of the First Infantry Division of the Foreign Corps. They need to understand a lot of things, and they must also understand some lifestyles. For example, in the afternoon, they have to drink afternoon tea. , Three meals a day, if there is a night shift, they will also get some supper, this is their favorite place.

Training is boring. They run daily, team, physical training, and then operate various rifles, disassemble their rifles, maintain them, and then assemble them. On average, they only have a chance to shoot once every 15 days. There were only ten bullets at a time. This makes them feel uncomfortable. But thinking about the benefits their tribe has received, they no longer worry about anything.

"This kind of training is very boring. These trainings are nothing for us." Private Addo found his old friend A Gu. A Gu's promotion speed is very fast. He has already become a sergeant. This means that A Gu can become a professional soldier, and his salary will be greatly improved. This makes Ado very envious. For example, A Gu can manage some soldiers, and at the same time lead some soldiers to fight, while Ado can Also receive some basic training.

There is no other way. The Yan army lacks a large number of outstanding non-commissioned officers. Basic officers and officers need to be selected slowly, but non-commissioned officers must exist. In desperation, they can only select some tribal leaders and children, or some outstanding performances. As the backbone of non-commissioned officers, the soldiers can do nothing without these. A Gu is such a member, and the people of Yan people value his identity, of course. If he did not have such skills, the people of Yan would naturally not choose him. There are too few such people. Ado has no chance to show it, so he is still just an ordinary soldier.

"Haha, wait patiently and learn more. At the very least, you have to know some words. I am not capable of meeting the requirements of the other party. At least I have to know some words. I heard that I can understand telegrams and understand Yan Guo. There are a lot of things to learn here. This is a battle of tens of thousands of people.” A Gu did not know where he heard the news. His allowance was used to buy some wine, food, and some gadgets. These things were all intelligence obtained by bribing the officers of the State of Yan. Ado didn't know these things. In his opinion, it would be too difficult to understand if he did so.

"A battle of tens of thousands of people? So, when are we going to fight?" Ado asked excitedly. Because soldiers like them now means that they have no allowances. Their military pay has been paid out all at once. This is an important factor in attracting mountain people to serve as soldiers. The mountain people are very disgusted with deserters. This gives the mountain people a good reputation and good beliefs.

"I don't know, but I will seize every opportunity to make suggestions. Anyway, hurry up and train, where our hunting skills are useful, but if we are not familiar with these weapons, the enemy will also treat us. It poses a great threat. So, we have to learn as much as possible. Understand?" A Gu encouraged. Duo nodded. If you don’t look at the outside world, you don’t know how big it is outside. Mountain people like Agudo have finally come out. This gives them an opportunity to get in touch with advanced civilization. With such an opportunity, they must learn more knowledge and skills.

Yan State, Ministry of War.

"In the border area, we have maintained our restraint as much as possible, but this is still not the way to go. The Goguryeo people are building their railways frantically, but the speed of our road construction is really flattering. Until now, we The roads and fortresses are not likely to be built. If time continues to wait, we will become extremely bad." The Army Secretary said to the Secretary of the Army worriedly. The people of Yan are not willing to see such a situation happen, but the fact is, Yan is financially difficult, and the attraction of building such a highway is not very great. For them, this is the most unacceptable place for them. .

"Damn, I know this, and I am also very upset, but before it is, there is no way to proceed. Without money, the Ministry of Finance repeatedly told me one thing, that is, there is no money, and I have no way to do it. Such things have greatly restricted all our actions. This is the worst thing for us. What we can do is too limited." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Sir, or else, we think of ways to get some income, and then buy some advanced equipment, I mean, we increase our aviation force." The Army Deputy Commander suggested.

"Aviation?" The Secretary of the Army looked at each other with a surprised look. For what, he knew that aviation equipment is not so simple to buy, and there is also the possibility of training and use. If they don’t have such equipment, they can’t solve it at all. Such a problem.

"We can use these aviation forces to attack the Goguryeo railway. Their position is dead. In this way, we can achieve the greatest possible success. Of course. This will cost a lot. But we can do it in other ways. Get it." The Army Deputy Chief suggested at this time.

"What other way do we have to solve these problems. I really don't know. You know, we don't have all the equipment in our hands." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Assault, sir, we can encourage those mountain people to launch an attack. In this way, we can destroy the other side's logistics supply line, and at the same time, we can spy on their military situation." said the Army Deputy Commander.

"The most important thing is that we can get a part of the funds through sabotage." The Army Undersecretary suggested this.

"Your suggestion is very good. I can consider the suggestion of the Army Aviation Corps. However, we are unlikely to agree with the idea of ​​going deep into the territory of Goguryeo and destroying their railways, you know. The above is resolutely not allowed to be too much. Too much friction appears. In that case, we may all be dragged into the quagmire of war. Understand? We should be cautious about war.” The Secretary of the Army said. In desperation, the army secretary nodded his head to express his understanding. If he did this, the contradiction between the two sides might not be enlarged at once, because this kind of thing would never be possible without making the final preparations. Going on.

Yueshi, the new capital, Feng Xing sat on his office chair and looked at Yueshi Street outside the window. It was already under martial law. There were very few people on the street, only a few people, and their walking speed was very fast. Soldiers transferred from various places are stepping up their patrols. They are worried that this kind of thing will happen again. If that happens, it will be bad for them. They worry that something like this will happen again, which is not a good thing for them.

The last bombing shocked Feng Xing, which made him change some of his views on Zoroastrianism. For example, they are no longer pure Puritan religions, and they also have their own political needs, or in other words, this Everything was persecuted by the Yue government. For their preaching, they had to take up arms against the government. Is it just that such a confrontation makes sense?

"Sir, it's dangerous outside." His assistant came in with a cup of tea and saw Feng Xing open the window. This made him feel very worried, so he immediately stepped forward to discourage Feng Xing from leaving the dangerous window, and at the same time he closed the curtains again. Safety is the first priority. If it is not safe, he will never do it.

"I know. There are martial-arts Yue soldiers outside, and they are also responsible for our security work. I believe these will be fine." Feng Xing said.

"No. Sir, I just got some reports. Those Zoroastrians launched various attacks in the new capital. They killed some policemen, soldiers, some government officials, and their families. They were making The atmosphere of terror, I am worried that we Qin people will also be attacked like this. This is an invisible war. We can't see where the enemies are?" the assistant said.

"Is there any such thing happening?" Feng Xing was very surprised. Because doing so means that the other party has shifted the target of the attack to civilians, and they will be under greater pressure, and these are new situations that have never been encountered before.

"Yes, sir, we feel very sympathetic to this incident, but the problem is that our safety has been seriously threatened. We cannot compromise with these Zoroastrians. We must find a way to combat them. "The assistant said.

"What is the Yue government doing?" Feng Xing asked.

"They are in meetings, holding a lot of meetings. What I know is that they have formed two factions. One faction thinks they should compromise, or in other words, they should take some actions and make compromises to make Zoroastrianism legal, and then recognize their The status allows them to enter the parliament. Because the Yue people are bleeding, and such a compromise can prevent the Yue people from creating more bloodshed and sacrifices." The assistant said. Feng Xing shook his head. He believed that blindly compromise would not bring good results, it would only make the situation worse.

"The other side is the opinion of the military. They believe that tough measures should be taken, not compromise, and resolutely dispose of the Zoroastrians. Dispose of cleanly." The assistant emphasized to dispose of it quickly. Feng Xing understands what this clean disposal means, which means that many people will be completely killed.

"Is it too much to do this?" Feng Xing asked.

"But sir, if we don’t do this, we will be under even greater pressure. This pressure is very high. The situation of Zoroastrianism and Holy Fire is very good. We must take some measures to suppress them. Otherwise, our situation. Will be in a very unfavorable state." The assistant persuaded.

"Well, we agree with this approach. If it weren't for Yueshi's environment, we wouldn't do it at all." Feng Xing said.

Indy. The Ganlin area, here is the military station of Prince Alin. They control several surrounding towns, but the scope is not too wide. The area is only two hundred miles away. They can only keep their troops extremely limited.

"Will the Koreans provide us with some weapons and ammunition?" Prince Alin asked the businessman in Bangla opposite. He was a businessman on the surface, but the other party was an intelligence officer. This kind of thing is not surprising. After all, he knew about this kind of thing a long time ago. The Koreans have long sent a large number of spy personnel to carry out activities around them. Such activities have to be said to be very effective, because their understanding of Indy is sometimes very comprehensive.

"Yes, prince, the Koreans expressed their willingness to provide a batch of arms and ammunition to the prince in order to expand the army to deal with the Holy Fire. The Koreans are very worried that a chaotic Indy will bring the Holy Fire to them." The merchant said. .

"Why don't the Koreans come to fight? We can invite them to fight like this. We welcome them." Prince Alin said. It seems that for him, this matter is not very complicated.

"Their army has not yet assembled. I heard that the Koreans will continue to fight in other places," said the businessman.

"Well. We do need a batch of ammunition, but I know that the Koreans will not always provide us with such kindness. They must have other reasons. I want to know what other reasons they don't know. "The other party asked.

"This. The request of the Koreans is very simple, that is, in the next supply of weapons and ammunition, in the form of trade, Indy can provide sufficient resource advantages, for example, those holy fire followers, they are the best prisoners of war. , Is also the best labor force. If India leaves them, it will become the biggest scourge. Koreans are willing to solve this problem." Said the businessman.

"Well. Yes, this is a good choice, but this kind of business is too slow and there are risks. Do you think there is a better business?" Prince Alin asked. The businessman shook his head, saying that he was not too sure about a better business. After all, Indy did not lack the potential for development, but the problem was the lack of specific ideas for development.

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