Mediterranean. On the sea route to the Jewish countries, this route is extremely stable, but the Jewish ships are equipped with cannons, rifles, and a few machine guns. Most of the goods they carry are silk, munitions, and all kinds of Daily necessities, such as soap, glass, and steel, steel can make more weapons. This is very important for nomads to do.

"This route can steadily bring us more profits. We are currently relying on this route for development. We are going to Jerusalem. Of course. There are two roads to there, one is land and the other is The sea route, the sea route situation is only after you suppressed the Carthaginians, we started to get through, he can bring us more convenience." Maccabee said. He is a family of wealthy Jewish people. I heard that they are a very big family, and the family power is very large, and may control a country. Chen Wei nodded to show that he understood.

Chen Wei is a Marine Corps officer sent by South Korea. He was the first military observer to arrive in the Jewish countries. In addition to observation, his mission is to establish preliminary diplomatic relations. A diplomat has been dispatched in China, and they will establish formal diplomatic relations with the Jewish countries. Because Zhao Guoren is also establishing diplomatic relations with the Carthaginians, and it is necessary to be polite, South Korea is also actively sending diplomats to Canada. Taiji, Aiji and other countries, because according to the armistice agreement and related provisions, these countries must peacefully accept diplomats from these countries, and at the same time they must ensure their lives. Lockheed Martin is also actively liaising, but unfortunately they are a bit far away, and it will take some time to send diplomats. But this does not prevent them from sending military observers to these countries. Chen Wei came to the Jewish countries at this time.

"Is it possible that such an important waterway is not smuggled, or did pirates appear?" Chen Wei asked such a question very sensitively, because this is how the Suez Canal problem occurred, and many things that happened here have proved this. point. The place where the trade profit is very high is usually the place where the right and wrong are very high. Under such circumstances, they usually cause all kinds of troubles.

"Yes, and there is a big problem. The pirates here are still not a climate, because the merchant ships here are the armed merchant ships you mentioned, and their protection is quite strong. Under such circumstances, they simply have no ability to fight back. However, this does not mean that they have no such ability. It's just that their strength is still very weak, so the situation is not very serious." Maccabi explained. Sailing trade is the main business of their family. Their family is very powerful. As long as they can bring high profits, they will not let it go.

"Well, it turned out to be like this." Chen Wei nodded and said.

"However, the smuggling business is very serious. Some Jews are involved. They mainly import some relatively cheap arms and weapons from the Northern Alliance. You know, they have a great demand for arms and weapons, and the supply of arms and weapons is very high. In many cases, it is difficult to sell with money. Under such a situation, smuggling is unavoidable.” Maccabi explained in fluent Central Plains dialect. I have to say that Jews are smart people, because you don’t have to worry about other situations when you talk to them. They can quickly become familiar with the prophecies of other countries. In this way, communication barriers are eliminated. Among the Jewish countries, Mastering the Central Plains dialect is a special skill, which means that you have opened the door to wealth, and many Jews are actively learning such a language, which will actively promote them to a high level. . Zhongyuan dialect is becoming an international language.

"Yeah. That's right." Chen Wei said. It is undeniable that this kind of smuggling can not be eliminated at any time, because many wars are also caused by smuggling, and smuggling exists because it has a reason for existence. His existence naturally has existential value, and no one can ignore such value.

The fleet is advancing fast. Their ships are a mixture of steamships and sailboats. Steamships need coal. They currently cannot provide such a large amount of coal resources, but they can provide wood. And sails can keep them sailing cheaply. Many merchant ships have undergone such modifications to meet their needs. This has led to an increasing load of ships, from a few hundred tons at the beginning to nearly two thousand. Ton. In their opinion, this is already the standard of a big ship.

Su Dingcheng, Meng Fei looked at the telegram with the telegram in his hand. This telegram came from Bangla Bank. He knew some of the senior men of Bangla Bank. Although they were not the management, they were major shareholders and could influence some of the management’s decisions. They expressed their interest in Indy, and they hope to find a new kind of business to solve their current investment difficulties. In other words, Meng Fei needs to come up with a good project, which is not difficult for him.

"Your Excellency General." Just when Meng Fei was thinking about how to organize things here, and found a suitable project. General Sukhha walked in, he looked very tired, maybe he had too many women. Meng Fei is also a veteran of this party. He never rejects the affection of women. After all, they also have this aspect. General Sukhha is also a person in this aspect. They naturally have common hobbies, and Sukhha generously gave it to With Meng Fei’s twenty beauties, women are a worthless resource in this place. And Meng Fei did not refuse, it was a crime to refuse.

"Well, Mr. Meng, please sit down. I have a headache right now. The **** ammunition logistics problem has been bothering me. I don't think about anything now, just want to solve such a problem, but the problem is that this problem is too big. It takes a lot of money, you know, General Sinker can only solve part of the funds for me, and I still need to solve the rest. I am just a general and a soldier. How can I solve such a thing." General Sukhha said. To.

"Well. The general's concern is reasonable, but just now, I thought of some solutions, that is, land. If the situation near Suding City can be stabilized, I think this problem will be solved easily. Get up." Meng Fei said with a smile at this time.

"You, what you mean is that Mr. has solved my financial problems, oh. God, thank you so much. Thank you so much, brother." Sukhha immediately hailed him as his brother.

"Brother, please tell me, I am very anxious now." General Sukhha asked very anxiously.

"The thing is very simple, it is land. You know, I can borrow a lot of money from Bangla Bank. However, they need some projects, so I looked at the surrounding situation and thought the plantation was a good project. , The current prices are soaring, and a lot of raw materials are needed, such as tea, sugar cane, rice, and more other material resources. We can build more plantation economies. In addition, we need some other things. Supplement, for example, railway projects, labor, etc., these can bring us more good profits, I think, Bangla Bank will invest money, in this case, your general situation will get a lot Ease." Meng Fei said.

"Thank you so much. Great. I have been wondering how to solve these problems, but I didn't expect you to solve them. This is great. By the way. Is there any other way?" Sukhha asked .

"No. I mean, I mean, what can we do?" General Sukhha asked anxiously. Hearing that he could get more funds from the Koreans, he expressed his willingness to help, and he finally solved his financial problems.

"This. A lot. First of all, we need to get a lot of land. I know that the nearby land has been occupied by the Holy Fire. First of all, we have to recapture those lands. Secondly, there is a lot of labor. I think those Holy Fire believers are very good. Labor, we cannot kill too many prisoners. In that case, it would be too inhumane, of course. For the first evil, I personally suggest to deal with it in time. They are too dangerous." Meng Fei said.

"I understand this, but the problem is that I can't do both of these points." General Sukhha said embarrassingly. Before Meng Fei finished speaking, he complained that he couldn't do this. First, occupying the land, the area he can control is very small, and secondly, it is impossible to capture the prisoners. Those Holy Fire followers are lunatics, and they simply cannot do this.

"So, the third point is very important, that is, reorganizing your armaments and improving your combat methods and tactics. Only in this way can you solve more problems. Otherwise, I won't be able to solve such problems. "Meng Fei said about the third point. This is the most critical point. To get funds from the bank, we must make changes, because only after changes can we solve all problems. But these seem to be areas that the Indian army cannot solve by itself. This kind of thing is absolutely possible.

Daqingshan area. The severe cold has continued to invade here. It has already fallen for four consecutive heavy snowfalls. Mountain people cannot withstand the cold winter in such an environment, and more and more people have been frozen to death.

"How is your company's situation?" A Gu said, hiding his feet. His feet were wrapped in animal skins. This was the prey he had hunted. The meat had been eaten by them. But fur is very important to them, and what they lack is such materials.

"A lot of people have frozen to death. The situation is very bad. According to the statistics of the officers of the State of Yan, our company has already exceeded 40% of the non-combat attrition. Everyone will be sent to death. If this is the case, our situation will be very bad." Ado said.

"We can't watch them die like this." A Gu said anxiously.

"But we can't do it, and the people of Yan people can't do it either. They have supplies now and they can't transport them in. This is a deep mountain area. We only have food, we lack clothing to protect against the cold, and fuel is only wood. It's hard to get through this. In winter, unless all the woods here are lit, in this case, all our situations are resolved." Addo said.

"I know a place that will solve our problems, and there are more coal resources, clothing, or communications to the outside world, everything is there." A Gu suddenly thought.

"Where?" Addo asked curiously.

"It's the edge of our patrol. It's 50 kilometers south of here, where Goguryeo lives, there is a coal mine, and there are many people living there. There are a lot of supplies there, and their conditions are very good. , I think, these people can be rescued." A Gu said.

"But if you do this, it is equivalent to starting a war, do you know what this means?" Ado asked worriedly. He also knows that they will go to war with the Goguryeo people in the future, but it is not time to go to war.

"We can't take care of so much. We have a lot of people waiting for help, and they need to live, regardless of this. If this continues, when the war starts, the Goguryeo people can come over and collect our bodies directly. We don't have to at all. If we go to war, if we attack their coal mines and where we live, we may still have a chance to survive. Otherwise, everyone will have to die. For us, this is the worst place, but this is the best. It's a way out." A Gu had to say so, and he had to do so. Because he needed a lot of mountain people to unite, he always felt that their mountain people should build their own country, and he always had such a dream in his heart. The attitude of the Yan people in this incident regarded them as a kind of cannon fodder. The Yan people didn't care about them, or in other words, they didn't care about their life or death at all. What they care about is that the people of Yan are selfish in their own interests. Under such circumstances, A Gu is desperate to count on the people of Yan. He decided that regardless of the Yan people, he must attack the coal mines and settlements of the Goguryeos. He always tried to find a way. In his opinion, there is no difference between fighting early and fighting late.

"If we do this, are we a little too risky. Or, if we do this, we are completely betrayed." Ado said worriedly.

"Leave it alone. We must plan for ourselves. No matter what, we must do good things and choose our own path for ourselves." A Gu said.

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